


KV9: The Tomb of Ramesses V & VI



位於 Tutankhamun 墓穴的的後面的 Ramesses VI 墳穴(KV 9) 是帝王谷中最有趣的墓穴墓之一。





它的壁飾是帝王谷中最複雜也是最完整的作品之一,基本元素是太陽及其每日在黑暗世界的旅程,大體上,提供了天堂、地球的起源、太陽的創造、光及生命本身的故事。在各個不同的門廳和艙室中的壁飾,構成一個埃及最重要的碑文圖書館,照 Alberto Siliotti 的說法:已經像徵了一種神學上的專書。其中包括了:the Book of the Gates, the Book of the Caverns, the Book of Amduat, the Book of the Earth, the Book of the Day, the Book of the Night, the Book of the Dead


The Major Egyptian Books of the Underworld


然而,Ramesses VI 並不是這墓穴的建立者,因為墓穴的第一個部份 Ramesses V 的題字並沒有被更改過,所以知道墳墓本來是 Ramesses V 建造的,它只被 Ramesses VI 擴大。為什麼 Ramesses VI 不建造他的自己的墓穴?


事實上,Ramesses V 只在位四年(西元前1160~1156),拉美西斯五世繼續修建父主在西底比斯達爾巴赫裡開始興修為他自己的喪葬紀念物的大神廟。由目前保存在開羅博物館的木乃伊顯示,Ramesses V 是在35歲時死於天花,有一傳說是因為 Ramesses VI 廢黜後,患天花去世的     。然而,拉美西斯五世的木乃伊是到繼位人即位兩年以後才得以埋葬    。埃及的葬禮一般需要70天。因此,這位國王不是在廢黜後死去,就是死時陵墓尚未建成,也許就是被 Ramesses VI 給完成得太滿意了,只好............嘍! 而到目前仍不確定那位只統治埃及四年左右的 Ramesses V是否真的曾入主此處  。Rameses V VI 也是與 Ramesses Ⅱ和其他的王室木乃伊 一起在1898   Amenophis II KV35墓穴中找到)  


Ramesses V is thought to have reigned no more than four years. He was the son of Ramesses IV and Queen Ta-Opet. The mummy was found in the tomb of Amenophis II and is now located in the Cairo Museum. The mummy shows that he died of smallpox at about the age of 35.




拉美西斯六世 (西元前1156~1148在位)


可能是在宮廷政變中登位的,他即位後對於屬於王室另一支的兩個前代國王顯示出敵意,他僭取他們的紀念碑及雕像等,將原先壁飾上書寫統治者或神明的名字長方形或橢圓形圖案中將原本的 Ramesses V 更改成他名字的名字,甚至還霸佔前王拉美西斯五世的陵墓。也許是盛世過了王室陵墓的工人人數減少了,拉美西斯六世至少在位7年,沒有修建什麼建築物。









墓穴本身的結構還是有某些程度的單純化 基本上直直的走廊直接進入地底,沒有真正的樓梯,除此外還是類似第 20王朝其他的墓穴,先三個走廊達通風井(ritual shaft),然後通到一四柱的門廳。連接著另外的兩個走廊,一個玄關,然後就是法老的陵寢,有一個附屬的土窖在陵寢後頭。雖然墓穴的壁飾故事是這麼的豐富、繪畫色彩是這麼的華麗,壁畫的主題則是既複雜又精緻,但由於雕刻是陰刻(是較容易的刻法,直接將圖畫線條凹刻下去),藝術風格大不如  19 王朝的墓穴(留下線條為突出部份將其他部份刻掉的陽刻)。




入口處是傳統的Isis Nephthys 跪在太陽盤兩側的傳統景象,走廊寬而逐漸向下傾斜,沒有早期墓穴的樓梯和斜坡。在這墓穴中,每個通道的天花板都裝飾有天文學的圖案。值得注意的是這兒不再有早期墓穴都出現的對 Re 冗長的連祷文(Litany of Re),第一走廊左側取代 "陰間書(Amduat" 的是 Rameses V 膜拜 Re-Horakhty Osiris,這是來自 'Book of Gates' 景象。右手邊是類似的肖像則是描述來自 'Book of Caverns' 的景象。第二和第三走廊同樣地有描述 'Book of Gates' 'Book of Caverns'的壁畫景像,然而在第三個走廊中的左邊牆壁上已開始添加了  'Book of the Divine Cow' (部份的 'Books of the Heavens'),這主題一直繼續到玄關。




走廊左側的 Book of Gates


In the second corridor are scenes depicting the Book of Gates.  This is the fifth gate, showing the Judgment Hall of Osiris, which has been defaced by Greek graffiti.




This is a French Army drawing from 1812 showing the 4th hour of the Book of Gates.  In this scene, hour deities are shown with a serpent who swallows the hours.




This photo shows Aker, from the Book of Gates, depicted as a double sphinx.



走廊側的 Book of Caverns



The Book of Caverns third division continues.  Here catfish-headed gods are shown under the serpent Neheb-kau.


In the Book of Caverns 4th division, Nephthys and Isis are shown raising Osiris.  Once again, this has been defaced by Greek graffiti.




The 1st hour of the Amduat shows a number of baboons and goddesses.

Amduat, second hour.


The Journey through the Night,  Tomb of Rameses VI.

Picture represents scenes of the underworld in some of the divisions of the night. In the second row is the solar barque crossing one division with Khnem, who is often found in conjunction with Amen. He is standing within a shrine with a cobra frieze, surrounded by several gods and one goddess - his guardians as well as his crew. Again he is seated on the sacred snake. Three birds behind him represent some of the solar gods. The enemies of light are shown smitten to the ground with their heads cut off or arms bound, a deity in each section resisting them with various torments. To the right, the sun god is seated, wearing the double crown, guarded by the sacred snake, the cobra behind him is breathing into him the breath of life. In the whole scene we see the enemies of darkness and the lovers of light. To the right are texts from the "Book of the Gates of the Solar Disc", and the last scene depicts the sun god lying on the ground and guarded by the five-headed snake, named "Asha Heru".




在第四個和第五個走廊中也裝飾以 the Book of Amduat,而玄關通道的壁畫則是來自則是 the Book of the Dead。最後一個走廊 (5 ) 相當獨特,地板傾斜而屋頂是水平的,這樣做是為了避開 KV12 墓穴。














The left (south) wall shows scenes from the Amduat, with the upper part containing the fourth hour and the lower part showing the fifth hour. The eighth to eleventh hours of the Amduat appear on the right (north) wall.



棺室有一個已經損壞了的石棺,還有墓穴中很多的塗鴉證明這兒粉古早就被開挖了,它是羅馬人所知道的 Memnon 墓穴,也是隨著拿破崙遠征的學者所稱的 La Tombe de la Metempsychose。前面提到 Ramesses VI 的木乃伊是與其他1920王朝法老的木乃伊一起在 Amenophis II 的墓穴被找到...........這墓穴也是著名的 Papyrus Mayer B 記錄的 "事主" 之一............Papyrus Mayer B 是古老的盜墓記錄,這古老可能古早到 Ramesses IX 時代。在他的墳墓被任意破壞後,這些木乃伊原來的華麗服飾當然大多已經遭竊,因此,大祭司們(公元前1050-950年間)便將第181920王朝諸位法老王的木乃伊,偷偷地集中藏匿在隱密的 Amenophis II 墓穴,再度下葬時還得重新包裹,好留個像樣的葬禮,不曉得算是藏得好還是藏得不好,這些木乃伊直到3000年後,也就是19世紀末才再度曝光。







棺室的壁畫來自 the Book of the Earth,而天花板天文學圖畫的故事則取材自日之書和夜之書。棺室的天花板圖畫描述來自 the Book of the Day and the Book of the Night 的景象,Nut 女神在晚上吞下太陽而在早晨再把太陽生出來,像徵重生的力量而且預知死去 pharaoh 的再生。




Magical Texts for Well-Being, Tomb of Pharoah Rameses VI.

The Burial Chamber. The walls are painted with texts and scenes from the "Book of that which is in the Underworld". A knowledge of these magical texts was considered necessary for the well-being of the deceased after death. The ceiling is decorated with a series of astronomical calendars.



Tomb of Ramses VI: Book of Night with two goddess Nut on the ceiling.

Night and day journey of the sun.  These depictions are in the inner burial chamber, and still have intense colors. The size of this ceiling is large, estimated at 40 feet long and 20 feet wide.


The goddess Nut swallowed the sun at night and gave birth to it again each morning.




Book of the Earth

Looking left (south) in the chamber. The Book of the Earth is depicted on the wall.


The Tomb of Ramesses V & VI










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