


2024 Church of St. Mary the Virgin, NYC(纽约慈悲圣母教堂)


2024-12-14 Halcyon Days

Church of St.jpg

【Carnet de Voyage II·One More Sunset (1914)】

Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)

        The green goes from the corn,

        The blue from all the lakes,

        And the shadows of the mountains mingle in the sky.


        Far off, the still bamboo

        Grows green; the desert pool

        Turns gaudy turquoise for the chanting caravan.


        The changing green and blue

        Flow round the changing earth;

        And all the rest is empty wondering and sleeping.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——















【注】纽约圣母玛丽“慈悲”教堂以烟熏慈悲(Smoky Mary's)著称,每次弥撒都使用大量香火,可惜今天我去的时候还没到祷告时间,因此只能敬拜圣殿。


Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024 3-Michelin Le Bernardin, NYC(大四·纽约米其林三星—伯纳丁)

2024 SUMMIT One Vanderbilt, NYC(纽约范德堡“山岗人”·顶峰一号大厦)

2024 Yuletide Merriment @ Mid-Town, NYC(纽约中城·圣诞喜乐)

2021 Hand-Crafted Mercer Museum, PA(宾州美世博物馆·手工艺品)

2015: Compare─Bold Actions vs. Being a He(对比─大无畏精神与英雄好汉)

2013: Potpourris in Mumbai, India(印度孟买拾遗)

2010: 小学二年级·等价交换(2010 Equivalent Exchange)

2024-12-14_01_Fa?ade w Statue of the Blessed Virgin at the Entrance in French Gothic Built in 1894-95-10001.JPG

Fa?ade w/ Statue of the Blessed Virgin at the Entrance in French Gothic Built in 1894-95

(教堂正立面·入口处有圣母像,法国哥特式,建于1894-95年 12-14-2024)


Nave (中殿 12-14-2024)

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High Altar (主祭坛)

2024-12-14_04_Saint Mary Organ慈悲圣母管风琴0001.JPGSaint Mary Organ (慈悲圣母管风琴)

2024-12-14_05_Lady Chapel圣母礼拜堂0001.JPG

Lady Chapel (圣母礼拜堂)

2024-12-14_18_The Infant Jesus Held by His Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary圣母恩慈怀抱圣婴耶稣0001.JPGThe Infant Jesus Held by His Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary


2024-12-14_19_Saint Joseph's Chapel圣约瑟夫上帝必加添教堂0001.JPGSaint Joseph's Chapel (约瑟夫上帝必加添“礼拜堂)

2024-12-14_20_Marble Statue of Our Lady of Mercy 1924 @ Saint Elizabeth's Chapel,the Parish's Mortuary Chapel0001.JPG

Marble Statue of Our Lady of Mercy 1924 @ Saint Elizabeth's Chapel, the Parish's Mortuary Chapel



2024: Festal Eucharist @ St. Patrick NYC(纽约圣帕特里克·欢喜主日圣事)

2024: St Thomas Church, Episcopal Parish NYC(纽约圣托马斯·圣公会)

2024: Church of Our Savior, Latin Rite NYC(纽约救世主教堂·拉丁礼仪)

2024: St Mark's Church in-the-Bowery, NYC(纽约圣马可堂·农场街圣公会)

2023: A Beacon for the Catholic Faithful, NYC(纽约天主教·灯塔)

2023: Synagogue @ Eldridge St, NYC(纽约圣王街·犹太教堂)

2023: Biggest Chinese Catholic Church in US(全美最大的华人天主教堂)

2023: Mahayana Temple in the Great Vehicle NYC(纽约大乘·佛教寺)

2023: St. Bartholomew's Church, NYC(纽约圣巴塞洛缪教堂·圣公会)

2023: St. Patrick's Cathedral, Largest in US(纽约圣帕特里克大教堂)

2022: Trinity Church Wall Street, NYC(纽约华尔街·三一教堂)

USA·New York(美国·纽约州)


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