


St. George's Fortifications, Bermuda(百慕大圣乔治岛·防御工事)


2024-08-08 National Happiness Happens Day

St George's.jpg

【Pink Tangle Teezer】

    Nancy Anne Miller

        Like a rose sun coral, nodules waft a watery aqua sky,

        Deep down in the semitropical ocean of her youth.


        A pink floral Octocorallia with tentacles swaying

        In the waves of her breezy hair. A cow's udders


        Dropping the doze of the mother country's

        Milk into her body as it exfoliates her scalp.


        Placed on the side of her daily bath, like

        A set of extra teeth, ones sluggish on a slug's


        Tongue, words emitted slowly, rubbery and

        Bent. The slush, slur of an infant's speech, not


        Enunciated but dissolving in her mouth, a lozenge

        Sucked for the taste of the island's sweetness.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——























Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Hamilton, Costly Capital of Bermuda(百慕大哈密尔顿·最贵首府)

2024: UK-Crowned Bermuda w/ Quo Fata Ferunt(英属百慕大·命运之所在)

2020 Film Criticism—Webs of Intricacy(高三·影评—复杂网络)

2014: Punchliner on Carnival(嘉年华·妙语连珠)

2024-08-08_29_Bierman Astor Estate_ Orignially Built by Multi-Millionaire & American Spy_ Vincent Astor & His Whife Helen in 19330001.JPGBierman Astor Estate, Originally Built by Multi-Millionaire & American Spy_ Vincent Astor & His Wife Helen in 1933

(“酿酒师·雷神”庄园·最初由千万富翁和美国间谍“征服·雷神”及其妻子“火炬”于 1933年建造)

2024-08-08_29_Bierman Astor Estate0001.JPGClose-up of Bierman Astor Estate (“酿酒师·雷神”庄园近景)

2024-08-08_31_Settlement of Bermuda_ Admiral Sir George Somers Obelisk0001.JPG

Admiral Sir George Somers Obelisk of Settlement of Bermuda


2024-08-08_32_Tobacco Bay_ a Popular Activity of Snorkeling w  Impressive Underwater Coral Reefs0001.JPGTobacco Bay, a Popular Activity of Snorkeling w/ Impressive Underwater Coral Reefs 


2024-08-08_33_Tobacco Bay w Coast Rock Pools0001.JPGTobacco Bay w/ Coast Rock Pools


2024-08-08_34_Tobacco Bay a Slice of Paradise & Natural Wonders in St. George’s0001.JPGTobacco Bay, a Slice of Paradise & Natural Wonders in St. George's


2024-08-08_35_St Regis Bermuda Resort_ a Ritz Like Marriott Property_ Located at the Tip of the island_ Next to Fort St. Catherine-10001.JPGSt Regis Bermuda Resort, a Ritz Like Marriott Property Located at the Tip of the island, Next to Fort St. Catherine

(百慕大瑞吉“王者风范”度假村·类似丽兹“奢华 ”酒店的万豪“慈爱”酒店,位于岛屿顶端,毗邻圣凯瑟琳“纯洁”堡)

2024-08-08_35_St Regis Bermuda Resort_ a Ritz Like Marriott Property_ Located at the Tip of the island_ Next to Fort St. Catherine-20001.JPGThe History Behind the Bermuda Beach 

After the Sea Venture wrecked on the reefs in 1609, a group of castaways started exploring the area. On one of the many beaches they came across something unusual — tobacco growing wild. In honor of this discovery, they named the spot Tobacco Bay Beach. Four hundred years later, you won’t find wild tobacco at Tobacco Bay, just a fun day at one of Bermuda’s National Parks.

The beach later became the backdrop to the 1775 Gunpowder Plot, where locals helped  American revolutionaries steal a supply of British gunpowder from the Town of St. George. 

America's Revolutionary War might have turned out very differently if it hadn’t been for a group of Bermudians sympathetic to the cause of the American Continental CongresOn the night of August 14, 1775, they stole more than 100 barrels of gunpowder from the Royal Arsenal in the Town of St. George, rolled them across the island to Tobacco Bay, and shipped each and everyone to Philadelphia.





2024-08-08_02_Fort St Catherine_ a Coastal Artillery Fort @ the North-East Tip of St. George's Is_ in the Imperial Fortress Colony of Bermuda Built in the 17th Century0001.JPGFort St Catherine, a Coastal Artillery Fort @ the North-East Tip of St. George's Is, in the Imperial Fortress Colony of Bermuda Built in the 17th Century


2024-08-08_37_Fort St Catherine_ the Biggest Fortress in Bermuda Built in 16140001.JPGFort St Catherine, the Biggest Fortress in Bermuda Built in 1614


2024-08-08_38_Fort St Catherine w Rear View of Rapid-Fire Gun0001.JPG

Fort St Catherine w/ Rear View of Rapid-Fire Gun


2024-08-08_39_Fort St. Catherine's Museum Defending Gates Bay Constructed in 16140001.JPGFort St. Catherine's Museum Defending Gates Bay Constructed in 1614


2024-08-08_41_Fort St. Catherine's Museum_ One of Early Bermuda's Fortifications against the Spanish_ French - and_ Much Later_ the Americans0001.JPGFort St. Catherine's Museum, One of Early Bermuda's Fortifications against the Spanish, French, and Much Later, the Americans


2024-08-08_42_Bermuda Lagoon_ Turquoise Colored Water of Achilles Bay0001.JPGBermuda Lagoon, Turquoise Colored Water of Achilles Bay


2024-08-08_43_St. George_St. Peter’s Church Folly of St. George’s in Gothic Revival in 1874 & Damaged by a Tornado in 1925 & Supsequent Hurricanes-10001.JPGSt. Peter's Church Folly of St. George's in Gothic Revival in 1874 & Damaged by a Tornado in 1925 & Subsequent Hurricanes


2024-08-08_43_St. George_St. Peter’s Church Folly of St. George’s in Gothic Revival in 1874 & Damaged by a Tornado in 1925 & Supsequent Hurricanes-20001.JPGDilapidated St. George's Church 


2024-08-08_45_Statue of Sir George Somers by Cruise Ship Terminal0001.JPGCruise Ship Terminal (游轮码头 08-08-2024)

2024-08-08_44_Monument to Admiral George Somers_ 1st Settled_ Explored_ & Mapped Bermuda after the Chance wrecking of the Sea Venture in 16090001.JPGMonument to Admiral George Somers, the 1st Settled, Explored, & Mapped Bermuda after the Chance wrecking of the Sea Venture in 1609


2024-08-08_45_Bermuda National Trust's Globe Museum and Trustworthy Gift Shop0001.JPGBermuda National Trust's Globe Museum and Trustworthy Gift Shop


2024-08-08_45_St George's Town Hall (1782)_ Founded in 1612_ an Outstanding Example of the Earliest English Urban Settlement in the New World0001.JPGSt George's Town Hall (1782), Founded in 1612, an Outstanding Example of the Earliest English Urban Settlement in the New World


2024-08-08_45_St Peter’s Church_ the Oldest Anglican Church Outside the British Isles & the Oldest Protestant Church in Continuous Use in the New World0001.JPGSt Peter's Church, the Oldest Anglican Church Outside the British Isles & the Oldest Protestant Church in Continuous Use in the New World


2024-08-08_31_Old State House_ the Home of Bermuda's Parliament in St George's from 1620 until the Capital's Relocation to Hamilton in 18150001.JPGOld State House, the Home of Bermuda's Parliament in St George's from 1620 until the Capital's Relocation to Hamilton in 1815


2024-08-08_46_Ordnance Island & St. George's Town0001.JPGOrdnance Island & St. George's Town


2024-08-08_47_St. George's Harbor_ Once Storage Space for the British Army_ Now the Site of the Deliverance0001.JPGSt. George's Harbor, Once Storage Space for the British Army, Now the Site of the Deliverance



St. George's Fortifications, Bermuda(百慕大圣乔治岛·防御工事)

Hamilton, Costly Capital of Bermuda(百慕大哈密尔顿·最贵首府)

UK-Crowned Bermuda w/ Quo Fata Ferunt(英属百慕大·命运之所在)

En Route to Bermuda via the Atlantic(经大西洋前往百慕大)

Retreat on Board @ Cape Liberty, NJ(新州自由海角港·退修会登船)



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