张戎的历史小说三部曲中,2019年才出版的《宋氏三姐妹》(Big Sister, Little Sister,Red Sister)是其中写得最不上心的一部。为什么这样说呢?因为有关宋氏三姐妹的资料汗牛充栋,百无禁忌,老百姓也耳详能熟,多少都知道那么一点,又是三个人,顾此失彼,勉为其难,除非是像罗贯中施耐庵那样一等一的高手,写好了不容易。
Ching-ling did cherish and show an uncommon fondness for her chief bodyguard, Sui Xue-fang. Sui was a handsome young man, a good shot, a skilled driver, a talented photographer and a gifted dancer. At Ching-ling's parties, when she occasionally danced, he was her partner. More often they played chess and billiards together. Ching-ling, who was generally kind and considerate to her staff, perhaps treated Sui like the son she could never have. Also, she was also affectionate to Sui's deputy, Jin Shan-wang, who she fondly nicknamed him Cannon. She taught Jin how to play the piano, and even deputised him to make informal speeches on her behalf. The two young men competed for her affection, sometimes in a petulant and wilful way. And she would act vivaciously and mischievously like a young woman. The atmosphere in Ching-ling's household took on the semblance of a family, with affection and laughter, as well as sulks and rows. Gossip was inevitable, but in this case, most unusually, it spread to the general public.