


Flight Adventures in Amsterdam NLD(荷兰阿姆斯特丹·返程航班奇遇)


2024-06-24 International Fairy Day


【Memories Of Holland (Herinnering aan Holland)】

Hendrik Marsman (1899–1940)

            Thinking about Holland,

            I see broad rivers

            Moving slowly through

            Endless lowlands.


            Rows of unthinkably

            Thin poplars

            Standing as high plumes

            One above the other;


            And sunken within

            Wonderful space,

            Farm houses

            Scattered throughout the land,


            Clusters of trees, villages,

            Cropped towers,

            Churches and elms

            In one great association.


            The air hangs low

            And the sun is slowly

            Muffled in a gray

            Mottled fog,


            And in the many provinces

            The voice of the water

            With its eternal calamities

            Is feared and heard.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——

































【注】今早,我的欧洲—北非之旅终于在荷兰首都阿姆斯特丹落下帷幕,近一个月的旅居生活就这样按原计划如期完成,包括所有的景地出行,门对门、点对点、人对人、全方位无缝对接,算作完美收官。当我上午九点许兴冲冲来到爱尔兰航空公司办理登机手续时才获知,费城原驻机场停摆,回家的两段航班(阿姆斯特丹—都柏林—费城)全部取消,这消息宛若晴天霹雳,感觉一下子从人间仙境打入了十八层地狱,我急得像热锅上的蚂蚁,要知道我的往返机票可是全权交付“大洋·滨海”号游轮(Oceania Marina)代办的,照理说一旦出现这类状况,游轮应在接到航空公司通知后第一时间通知客户本人。莫非事发突然,爱尔兰航空公司毫不知情费城机场变故,而游轮完全蒙在鼓里,留给我的只有措手不及的无奈?





Today in History(历史上的今天):

2016: London, Metropolis of the Empire ENG(英格兰伦敦·帝国大都会)

2016: Changing Guards @ Buckingham Palace(伦敦白金汉宫·换岗)

2015: Constanta, the Oldest City ROU(罗马尼亚坚定城·最古老的城市)

2015: Bucharest, La Belle Epoque Romania(罗马尼亚布加勒斯特·美好时光)

2015: Bucharest, Balkan Paris in Romania(罗马尼亚布加勒斯特·巴尔干的巴黎)

2015: Dimitrie Gusti, Natl Village Museum ROU(罗马尼亚国家乡村馆)

2015: Ceausescu's Dictatorship, Romania(罗马尼亚齐奥塞斯库独裁)

2014: YMCA Camp—Outdoor Pool-1(小学五年级·基督教青年会营户外戏水池之一)

2012: 小学三年级·妹子亚洲餐厅(Mei's Asian Diner)

2024-06-24_00_NEMO (Network of European Museum Organisations) Science Museum-10001.JPGNEMO (Network of European Museum Organisations) Science Museum

(欧洲博物馆联合会科学博物馆 06-24-2024)

2024-06-24_01_Oosterkerk Concert Hall_ a 17th-Century Dutch Reformed Church in Amsterdam0001.JPG

Oosterkerk Concert Hall, a 17th-Century Dutch Reformed Church in Amsterdam


2024-06-24_02_Port of Amsterdam0001.JPGPort of Amsterdam (阿姆斯特丹港)

2024-06-24_03_Cityscape Narrow Old Houses_ Canals_ Boats Bird's Eye View0001.JPGCityscape Narrow Old Houses, Canals, Boats Bird's Eye View


2024-06-24_04_Kikkerbilsluis (Frog Bottom Lock)_ Montelbaanstoren (White Tower)_ and Munttoren (Coin Tower) from NEMO-10001.JPGKikkerbilsluis (Frog Bottom Lock), Montelbaanstoren (White Tower), and Munttoren (Coin Tower) by NEMO


2024-06-24_05_Amsterdam_ the Venice of the North0001.JPGAmsterdam, Venice of the North


2024-06-24_06_ IJ-Dock_ an Artificial Peninsula into the River IJ Developed in 20110001.JPGIJ-Dock, an Artificial Peninsula into the River IJ Developed in 2011


2024-06-24_07_View from Amsterdam Central Station Waterfront Over the River Ij0001.JPGWaterfront Over the River Ij (爱河河畔)

2024-06-24_08_Oceania Marina Berthed against Viking Revercruises @ Westerdoksdijk or Western Dock Dike-10001.JPGOceania Marina Berthed against Viking Revercruises @ Westerdoksdijk or Western Dock Dike

(“大洋·滨海”号游轮停靠在海盗河流游轮的西码头堤坝处 06-24-2024)

2024-06-24_09_Westerdoksdijk or Western Dock Dike0001.JPGWesterdoksdijk or Western Dock Dike (西码头堤坝)

2024-06-24_10_Amsterdam Central Station_ the Largest Railway Station in Amsterdam0001.JPGAmsterdam Central Station, the Largest Railway Station in the capital


2024-06-24_11_ IJ Dock Development, West of Amsterdam's City Ctr, Sitting on a Narrow Spit of Land w 2 Rows of Bldg Separated by a Ca.JPG IJ Dock Development, West of Amsterdam's City Ctr, Sitting on a Narrow Spit of Land w/ 2 Rows of Bldg Separated by a Canyon-Like Central Street


2024-06-24_12_A'Dam Tower_ North District0001.JPGA'Dam Tower, North District


2024-06-24_13_Silodam_ a Housing Development & Mixing Use Complex Located in Oude Houthaven in the Netherlands0001.JPGSilodam, a Housing Development & Mixing-use Complex Located in Oude Houthaven in the Netherlands


2024-06-24_14_Pontsteigergebouw or Pontoon Bldg-10001.JPGPontsteigergebouw or Pontoon Bldg (浮桥大厦)

2024-06-24_15_Residential Building Pontsteiger, the New Iconic Amsterdam Landmark in the Houthaven-District (the Former Timber Port,.JPGResidential Building Pontsteiger, the New Iconic Amsterdam Landmark in the Houthaven-District (the Former Timber Port, Representing the New Gate to Amsterdam)


2024-06-24_16_Amsterdam Airport Schiphol0001.JPGAmsterdam Airport Schiphol


2024-06-24_17_Aer Lingus from AMS to DUB-10001.JPGAer Lingus from AMS to DUB

(爱尔兰航空·从阿姆斯特丹飞往都柏林登机处 06-24-2024)

2024-06-24_18_Whiskey Bread Kitchen & Bar @ DUB-10001.JPGWhiskey Bread Kitchen & Bar @ DUB

(都柏林机场·威士忌面包厨房酒吧 06-24-2024)

2024-06-24_19_Buttermild Chicken, Bacon, & Cheese Burger0001.JPG

Dinner w/ Buttermilk Chicken, Bacon, & Cheeseburger @ DUB w/ a Voucher of €8 Provided by Aer Lingus due to the Flight Delay to JFK



The Night Watch @ Rijksmuseum, NLD(荷兰国家博物馆《夜巡》)

Amsterdam, Jerusalem of the North(荷兰阿姆斯特丹·北方的耶路撒冷)

Amsterdam, Venice of the North NLD(荷兰阿姆斯特丹·北方的威尼斯)

Amsterdam, the Mokum in Netherlands(荷兰阿姆斯特丹·避风港)



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