




有朋友问到我们的理论和主流理论有什么区别,我们来和最新得到诺贝尔经济奖的工作比较一下。他们最有代表性的工作是《为什么国家会失败》这本书。在这本书里,他们用北韩和南韩的对比,证明北韩是失败国家,南韩是成功国家。从我们的角度,北韩固然是失败国家,而南韩的人口出生率为 0.8, 大大低于替代率 (replacement rate)。也是失败国家。





Why nations fail: The origins of power, prosperity, and poverty

This is probably the most prominent work by Acemoglu and Robinson. In this book, they elaborate on a popular theme: Inclusive institutions lead to prosperity; extractive institutions lead to poverty. There is a problem with the terminology. Do inclusive institutions engage in extractive activities?

All organisms need to extract external resources to survive and prosper. Humans, being organisms, need to extract external resources to survive and prosper. All institutions, including the so called inclusive institutions, are extractive institutions.

All people are fighting for resources. No institutions are truly all inclusive. From the definition provided by the book, inclusive institutions uphold property right. But property right is exclusive. We often notice No Trespassing sign on various properties.

The basic idea of the book is laid out in Chapter Three, The making of prosperity and poverty. The authors use the stark contrast between North and South Korea to illustrate their point. North Korea is indeed living hell. But the authors seemed not to notice that the fertility rate of South Korea was far below the replacement rate at the time of their writing. Today, its fertility rate, below 0.8 per woman, is the lowest in the world. The people of South Korea are not on the road to prosperity. They are on the road to extinction.

Inclusive institutions, being more internally cohesive, are more powerful in fighting for the control of resources. Hence an inclusive institution is more prosperous than an exclusive institution in general. An inclusive institution, whose resources are more widely shared, consumes more resources. Hence dominant inclusive institutions will suppress extractive institutions, as defined in their book, from emerging into inclusive institutions, which aspire to consume more resources and will have to compete with dominant inclusive institutions for resources.

In the book, Latin America is often used as an example of extractive institutions. That is why Latin America is mired in poverty. But according to the Monroe Doctrine, Latin America is the backyard of the US. The institutional structures of Latin America are largely shaped by US and US interests. Some countries in Latin America are called banana republics. These banana republics are institutions molded by the US to extract resources at low cost.

When resources are shared by less people, the powerful people who control the most resources are better off. This is why there is always a strong tendency for a system to become less inclusive over time during peace time. This tendency is mostly interrupted only during war time, when the need to include more people in fighting is the strongest.

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  • 俞先生 回复 jingchen


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  • jingchen 回复 俞先生


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  • 俞先生

    简单看了一下你的介绍。感觉你的研究跟托马斯马尔萨斯的《人口论》走了同一条道路了。固然,经济增长与人口增长有相关关系,但是,其中的变量太多,超出了经济学家的认识范围。例如,Douglass North指出,人具有创造的能力。人能创造技术,能无限量地或持续地提高生产率。你的研究或许能够给决策者提供一些政策建议,但是,就理论创造而言,似乎没有革命性的意义,跟林毅夫的那个结构主义经济学类似,就是尚无法构成一个真正意义上的新理论。

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