


Bruges, Venice of the North Belgium(比利时布鲁日·北方的威尼斯)


2024-06-23 National Typewriter Day

Bruges Canal Boat Ride.jpg

【Song: II】

Maurice Maeterlinck (1862-1949)

〖Nobel Prize in Literature 1911〗

            And if he should come again, 

                 What am I to say?

            – Tell him some one looked for him,

                 Till she passed away…


            And if he keeps questioning,

                 Without knowing me?

            – As a sister speaks to him,

                 He will grieve, may be…


            And if he asks where you are,

                 What am I to answer?

            – Give him then my golden ring,

                 Without any answer…


            And if he should wonder why

                 The hall is glad no more?

            – Show him the extinguished lamp,

                 And the open door…


            And if he should question then

                 How you fell asleep?

            –Tell him I smiled at the last

                 Lest it make him weep…

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——






























Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Bruges Church of Our Lady, Belgium(比利时布鲁日·圣母教堂)

2024: Historic Center of Bruges, Belgium(比利时布鲁日·历史中心)

2016: Tower of London, Royal Palace & Fortress(英格兰伦敦塔)

2016: River Thames in London, England(英格兰伦敦·泰晤士河)

2015: Constanta, the Oldest City ROU(罗马尼亚坚定城·最古老的城市)

2015: Bucharest, La Belle Epoque of Romania(罗马尼亚布加勒斯特·美好时光)

2015: Bucharest, Balkan Paris in Romania(罗马尼亚布加勒斯特·巴尔干的巴黎)

2015: Dimitrie Gusti Natl Village Museum, ROU(罗马尼亚国家乡村馆)

2015: Ceausescu's Dictatorship, Romania(罗马尼亚齐奥塞斯库独裁)

2014: YMCA Camp—Outdoor Pool-1(基督教青年会营户外戏水池之一)

2024-06-23_129_Bruges offers visitors a journey into Europe's past, w its well-preserved bldgs & cobblestone streets reflecting.JPGBruges offers visitors a journey into Europe's past w/ its well-preserved bldgs & cobblestone streets reflecting the city's rich history.


2024-06-23_128_Sashuis or Lockhouse_ Canal_ & Old Town0001.JPGSashuis or Lockhouse, Canal, & Old Town


2024-06-23_137_Medieval Architecture along Serene Canals Shaping the Cityscape_ Often Referred to as Venice of the North0001.JPGMedieval Architecture along Serene Canals Shaped the Cityscape, Often Referred to as Venice of the North


2024-06-23_00_St Salvator Cathedral_ the Seat of the Bishop of Bruges Built in the 9th Century as a Small Romanesque Chapel-10001.JPGSt Salvator Cathedral, the Seat of the Bishop of Bruges Built in the 9th Century as a Small Romanesque Chapel

(圣救世主大教堂·布鲁日主教的所在地,建于9世纪,属于小型罗马式教堂 06-23-2024)

2024-06-23_02_Minnewaterpark_Lockhouse0001.JPGLockhouse of Minnewaterpark


2024-06-23_04_Minnewater  a Reservoir & Joined to the Famous Canal System of Bruges0001.JPGMinnewater  a Reservoir & Joined to the Famous Canal System of Bruges


2024-06-23_05_Minnewaterpark_ the Love Lake Park-10001.JPGMinnewaterpark, the Love Lake Park

(爱湖公园 06-23-2024)

2024-06-23_08_Castle della Faille in Neo-Gothic Built in 18930001.JPGCastle della Faille in Neo-Gothic Built in 1893


2024-06-23_127_Begijnhofbrug to Béguinage of Bruges, the Only Preserved in Belgium, Dating back to XIII Century Built to Give Ho.JPGBegijnhofbrug to Béguinage of Bruges, the Only Preserved in Belgium, Dating back to XIII Century Built to Give Home to Pious women Widowed or Never Married, Called the Beguines


2024-06-23_17_Beguinage_ Gated Communities & a Unique Place of Silence in the City Ctr that met their spiritual & material needs0001.JPGBeguinage, Gated Communities & a Unique Place of Silence in the City Ctr that met their spiritual & material needs


2024-06-23_22_Groenerei Canal_ Part of the Natural Course of the River Reie & an Element of Bruges' Defence System from 1127 onwards0001.JPGGroenerei Canal, Part of the Natural Course of the River Reie & an Element of Bruges' Defence System from 1127 onwards


2024-06-23_41_Old St John's Hospital & Now Home to an Impressive Collection of Paintings by the Flemish Painter Hans Memling0001.JPGOld St John's Hospital & Now Home to an Impressive Collection of Paintings by the Flemish Painter Hans Memling


2024-06-23_56_Gruuthusemuseum_ Ancient Palace Museum Housing Historic Furniture_ Sculpture & Tapestries_ by Boniface Bridge_0001.JPGGruuthusemuseum, Ancient Palace Museum Housing Historic Furniture, Sculpture & Tapestries, by Boniface Bridge


2024-06-23_57_Bonifacius Gueshouse Dating from the 16th Century-10001.JPGBonifacius Guesthouse Dating from the 16th Century


2024-06-23_57_Bonifacius Gueshouse Dating from the 16th Century-20001.JPGDelightfully Ramshackle Bonifacius Gueshouse


2024-06-23_59_Romantic Views from St Bonifacius Bridge_ the Quaint_ Early-20th-Century Pedestrian Bridge0001.JPGRomantic Views from St Bonifacius Bridge, the Quaint, Early-20th-Century Pedestrian Bridge


2024-06-23_68_Gruuthusestraat or Spicehouse Street_ a Street Located Next to the River Dijver0001.JPGGruuthusestraat or Spicehouse Street, a Street Located Next to the River Dijver


2024-06-23_69_Church of Our Lady over Mary's Bridge0001.JPG

Church of Our Lady over Mary's Bridge


2024-06-23_70_Nepomucenusbrug or Saint John of Nepomuk_ a Patron Saint of Bohemia & Protector of Bridges0001.JPGNepomucenusbrug or Saint John of Nepomuk, a Patron Saint of Bohemia & Protector of Bridges


2024-06-23_72_Dijver Canal & the Church of Our Lady0001.JPGDijver Canal & Church of Our Lady


2024-06-23_74_Rosenhoedkaai or Rosary Quay0001.JPGRosenhoedkaai or Rosary Quay (玫瑰码头)

2024-06-23_134_Rozenhoedkaai or Rosary Quay0001.JPGClose-up of Rozenhoedkaai (玫瑰码头·近景)

2024-06-23_76_Tanners Guild House by the Dijver Canal0001.JPGHistoric Guildhall of Tanners along Dijver Canal


2024-06-23_77_Monumental Houses ('t Huidevettershuis, the 15th-Century Tanners' Guild House & Duc de Bourgogne or Duke of Burgun.JPGMonumental Houses ('t Huidevettershuis, the 15th-Century Tanners' Guild House & Duc de Bourgogne or Duke of Burgundy) over the Dijver Canal


2024-06-23_78_Quay of the Rosary between the Dijver & Groenerei Canals_  the Most Photographed Point0001.JPGQuay of the Rosary between the Dijver & Groenerei Canals, the Most Photographed Point


2024-06-23_80_Medieval Bldgs on the Dijver Canal w the Belfry Bell Tower Seen from Rozenhoedkaai0001.JPG

Medieval Bldgs on the Dijver Canal w/ the Belfry Bell Tower Seen from Rozenhoedkaai


2024-06-23_85_Hotel Restaurant Duc de Bougeogne by Groenerei Canal0001.JPGHotel Restaurant Duc de Bougeogne, the Best Restaurant in Bruges, by Groenerei Canal


2024-06-23_126_Old St John Site, the 19th-Century St John's Hospital w Its Central Circular Corridor, & @ Right Angles to It, 8.JPGOld St John Site, the 19th-Century St John's Hospital w/ Its Central Circular Corridor, & @ Right Angles to It, 8 Large, Communal Wards


2024-06-23_130_View Southwards on the Reien from the St John's Hospital, w Mountain Hill @ L & a Shed @ R, an Annex to the St Jo.JPGView Southwards on the Reien from the St John's Hospital, w/ Mountain Hill @ L & a Shed @ R, an Annex to the St John's Hospital, Built in 1863, in Solar Lakes


2024-06-23_133_Gothic Style Brick Stepped Gable0001.JPGGothic Style Brick Stepped Gable


2024-06-23_135_Bruges Nicknamed the Venice of the North, the Capital & Largest City of the Province of West Flanders in the Flem.JPGBruges Nicknamed the Venice of the North, the Capital & Largest City of the Province of West Flanders in the Flemish Region of Belgium


2024-06-23_136_Jan van Eyck Square0001.JPGJan van Eyck Square





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