


Historic Center of Bruges, Belgium(比利时布鲁日·历史中心)


2024-06-23 National Porridge Day


【Song: I】

Maurice Maeterlinck (1862-1949)

Nobel Prize in Literature 1911

             She has chained her within a grot,

             Upon the gate a sign put she;

             The maiden has the light forgot,

             The key has fall'n into the sea.


             She waited the days of summer,

             She waited more than seven years,

             Each year a passerby passed near.


             She waited the days of winter,

             And while she waited there, her hair

             Recalled the light forgot by her.


             It wrought and sought, crept on and on,

             A passage won through riven stone

             Until it shone the rock upon.


             One night, a passerby passes again,

             He does not comprehend the glow,

             And does not dare nearer to go.


             He thinks it is of strange import,

             He thinks it is a golden vein,

             He thinks it is an angel sport,

             He turns aside to pass again…

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——































  • 拥有世界第二高砖砌塔楼(379英尺/116米)的圣母教堂

  • 米开朗基罗生前唯一离开意大利的雕塑《圣母与圣子》

  • 内有48口钟琴的布鲁日钟楼;

  • 贝居安女修道院

Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Bruges Church of Our Lady, Belgium(比利时布鲁日·圣母教堂)

2024: Bruges, Venice of the North Belgium(比利时布鲁日·北方的威尼斯)

2016: Tower of London, Royal Palace & Fortress(英格兰伦敦塔)

2016: River Thames in London, England(英格兰伦敦·泰晤士河)

2015: Constanta, the Oldest City ROU(罗马尼亚坚定城·最古老的城市)

2015: Bucharest, La Belle Epoque of Romania(罗马尼亚布加勒斯特·美好时光)

2015: Bucharest, Balkan Paris in Romania(罗马尼亚布加勒斯特·巴尔干的巴黎)

2015: Dimitrie Gusti Natl Village Museum, ROU(罗马尼亚国家乡村馆)

2015: Ceausescu's Dictatorship, Romania(罗马尼亚齐奥塞斯库独裁)

2014: YMCA Camp—Outdoor Pool-1(基督教青年会营户外戏水池之一)

2024-06-23_01_Bruges Triennial 2024_Grains of Paradise @ Sumayya Vally0001.JPGBruges Triennial 2024, Grains of Paradise @ Sumayya Vally


2024-06-23_03_Minnewaterpark_15th-Century Poertoren (Ammunition) Tower over Lovers Bridge0001.JPGMinnewaterpark, 15th-Century Poertoren (Ammunition) Tower over Lovers Bridge


2024-06-23_09_Minnewaterpark_Vereniging `t Sas a 17th Century Gothic Style Estate Serving as a Social Services Organization0001.JPG

Sashuis or Lock Keeper's House, a 17th Century Gothic Style Estate Serving as a Social Services Organization @ Minnewaterpark


2024-06-23_19_House of the Lock Keeper or Sashuis0001.JPGRear House of the Lock Keeper or Sashuis


2024-06-23_10_Old St. John's Hospital Founded in the Mid-12th Century & Cared for Sick Pilgrims & Travellers0001.JPGOld St. John's Hospital Founded in the Mid-12th Century & Cared for Sick Pilgrims & Travellers


2024-06-23_11_Begijnhof_ or Beguinage Created in 1245 by the Countess of Flanders_ Margaret of Constantinople_ & Currently Inhabited by Benedictine Nuns0001.JPG

Begijnhof or Beguinage Created in 1245 by the Countess of Flanders, Margaret of Constantinople, & Currently Inhabited by Benedictine Nuns

(贝居安会院·由佛兰德斯“低洼”省伯爵夫人君士坦丁堡“坚定城”的玛格丽特“珍珠”于1245 年创建,目前由本笃会修女居住)

2024-06-23_12_House Minnewater_ the  Detached House0001.JPG

House Minnewater, the Detached House (爱之家·独立式住宅)

2024-06-23_13_Princely Beguinage 10 Wijngaarde Emancipated Women who dedicated their lives to God w-o withdrawing from the world0001.JPGPrincely Beguinage 10 Wijngaarde Emancipated Women who dedicated their lives to God w/o withdrawing from the world


2024-06-23_14_Beguines_ Home to Women_ Mostly Elderly Ones_ who spend time in self-reflection without being disturbed by the outside world0001.JPGBeguines, Home to Women, Mostly Elderly Ones who spend time in self-reflection w/o being disturbed by the outside world


2024-06-23_21_School of Beguinage Monastery, an Antique Traditional Medieval Belgian House, w Brick Walls, Benches along the Sidewalk, & Paving Stone.JPGSchool of Beguinage Monastery, an Antique Traditional Medieval Belgian House w/ Brick Walls, Benches along the Sidewalk, & Paving Stones in the Shade of the Tree


2024-06-23_23_Wijngaardplein or Vineyard Sq_Bust of Maurits Sabbe_ a Flemish Man of Letters and Educator0001.JPGWijngaardplein or Vineyard Sq w/ Bust of Maurits Sabbe, a Flemish Man of Letters and Educator


2024-06-23_25_Wijngaardplein in Front of Beguinage Bridge Led into Another_ Mysterious World0001.JPGWijngaardplein in Front of Beguinage Bridge Led into Another, Mysterious World


2024-06-23_220_Sculpture of Horse Head Drinking Fountain0001.JPGSculpture of Horse Head Drinking Fountain @ @ Walplein


2024-06-23_26_Horse Head Drinking Fountain0001.JPGHorse Head Drinking Fountain (马头饮水器)

2024-06-23_212_Walplein_Sculpture of Zeus_ Leda_ Prometheus and Pegasus visit Bruges Referred to the 1st City Walls Built nearby in 1127-11280001.JPGSculpture of Zeus, Leda, Prometheus, & Pegasus Visiting Bruges Referred to the 1st City Walls Built nearby in 1127-1128


2024-06-23_27_Brewery De Halve Maan or The Half Moon_ the Oldest Family-Run Business for a Long Time0001.JPG

Brewery De Halve Maan or The Half Moon, the Oldest Family-Run Business for a Long Time


2024-06-23_29_Brewery De Halve Maan Founded in 1856 by Leon ‘Henri’ Maes & Occupied by the 6th Generation of Brewers Today0001.JPG

Brewery De Halve Maan,Founded in 1856 by Leon ‘Henri’ Maes & Occupied by the 6th Generation of Brewers Today


2024-06-23_30_Brewery De Halve Maan_Craft Brewery Led the Way w Its Brugse Zot_ the Home Beer of Bruges_ & Straffe Hendrik Loved Both at Home & Abroad0001.JPGBrewery De Halve Maan, a Craft Brewery Led the Way w/ Its Brugse Zot, the Home Beer of Bruges, & Straffe Hendrik Loved Both at Home & Abroad


2024-06-23_30_Brewery De Halve Maan_Gift Shop0001.JPGGift Shop of Brewery De Halve Maan


2024-06-23_32_Zonnekemeers Viaduct & Gatehouse in a Late Gothic Revival Style Built in 19360001.JPGZonnekemeers Viaduct & Gatehouse in a Late Gothic Revival Style Built in 1936

(太阳神拱桥门楼·1936年建造,晚期哥特复兴风格 )

2024-06-23_34__ an Original Warehouse Converted into a Place of Worship in 1910-19110001.JPG

Godshuis Le Maire, an Original Warehouse Converted into a Place of Worship in 1910-1911


2024-06-23_35_Accolade Arched Niche0001.JPGAccolade Arched Niche (荣誉拱形壁龛)

2024-06-23_37_Facade of Old Historic Bldg in the Medieval City0001.JPG

Facade of Old Historic Bldg in the Medieval City


2024-06-23_38_Composition of 2 Deep Houses w Crow-Stepped Gables0001.JPGComposition of 2 Deep Houses w/ Crow-Stepped Gables


2024-06-23_39_Upper Floor of a Historic Town House in Baroque Style Built of Red Brick, the Roof Built in the Typical Stepped Gable w Facade Richly D.JPG

Upper Floor of a Historic Town House in Baroque Style Built of Red Brick, the Roof Built in the Typical Stepped Gable w/ Facade Richly Decorated & Framed by Green Branche


2024-06-23_40_Hans Memling Museum w a Number of Works Like Triptychs are Displayed_ Hospital Records_ Medical Instruments_ & Other Works of Art0001.JPG

Hans Memling Museum w/ Several Works Like Triptychs are Displayed, Hospital Records, Medical Instruments, & Other Works of Art


2024-06-23_42_Museum Sint-Janshospitaal_ Home to an Array of Architectural Marvels0001.JPG

Museum Sint-Janshospitaal, Home to an Array of Architectural Marvels


2024-06-23_45_Eleonora Verbeke Square on the Old Saint John Site & Named after the nun who ran the Saint John's Hospital pharmacy in the mid-18th century0001.JPGEleonora Verbeke Square or Courtyard of Old Saint John's Hospital & Pharmacy, named after the nun who ran the Saint John's Hospital pharmacy in the mid-18th century


2024-06-23_46_Memling Museum_ a Museum of the Old Hospital & Its Pharmacy0001.JPGMemling Museum, a Museum of the Old Hospital & Its Pharmacy


2024-06-23_48_Museum for One of the Oldest Preserved hospital0001.JPGMemling Museum, One of the Oldest Preserved Hospital


2024-06-23_50_Sculpture of 2 Monks0001.JPG

Sculpture of 2 Monks (雕塑《两位僧侣》)

2024-06-23_51_Old Saint John's Hospital & Pharmacy_Bell0001.JPGBell of Old Saint John's Hospital & Pharmacy


2024-06-23_52_Fresco_Christian Sheep or Lamb of God0001.JPGFresco, Christian Sheep or Lamb of God @ Old Saint John's Hospital & Pharmacy


2024-06-23_53_Statue of Our Lady Guarding the Baby Jesus0001.JPG

Statue of Our Lady Guarding the Baby Jesus @ Old Saint John's Hospital & Pharmacy


2024-06-23_54_Statue of the Crucifixion of Christ Adorning the Church of Our Lady0001.JPG

Statue of the Crucifixion of Christ Adorning Old Saint John's Hospital & Pharmacy


2024-06-23_55_Bust of Juan Luis Vives_ the Father of Modern Pychology Withdrew to Bruges after Lost Royal Favour0001.JPG

Bust of Juan Luis Vives, the Father of Modern Psychology Withdrew to Bruges after Lost Royal Favour


2024-06-23_60_Arendshof or Eagle Court w Southern Gate Gloriette, Possibly the Original 18th-Century Bldg between the 2 Pillars of the Former Waterha.JPGArendshof or Eagle Court w/ Southern Gate Gloriette, Possibly the Original 18th-Century Bldg between the 2 Pillars of the Former Waterhalle on the Markt


2024-06-23_61_Gruuthusemuseum_ a Museum of Applied Arts from 15th-19th-Century Located in the Medieval House of Louis de Gruuthuse0001.JPGGruuthusemuseum, a Museum of Applied Arts from the 15th to 19th Centuries Located in the Medieval House of Louis de Gruuthuse, a Flemish Courtier


2024-06-23_67_Bronze Sculpture Depicting a Knight of the Apocalypse w Flemish Hof Arents in the Background0001.JPG

Bronze Sculpture Depicting a Knight of the Apocalypse w/ Flemish Hof Arents in the Background


2024-06-23_63_4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse_Conquest the 1st Horseman Riding a White Horse & Carring a Bow0001.JPG

4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Conquest the 1st Horseman Riding a White Horse & Carrying a Bow


2024-06-23_64_4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse_War the 2nd Horseman Riding a Red Horse & Carring a Sword0001.JPG

4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse, War the 2nd Horseman Riding a Red Horse & Carrying a Sword


2024-06-23_65_4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse_Famine the 3rd Horseman Riding a Black Horse & Carring a Set of Balances0001.JPG

4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Famine the 3rd Horseman Riding a Black Horse & Carrying a Set of Balances


2024-06-23_66_4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse_Death the 4th Horseman Rides a Pale Horse & Unleashes Hell in Front of Arents House Museum0001.JPG

4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Death the 4th Horseman Rides a Pale Horse & Unleashes Hell in Front of Arents House Museum


2024-06-23_71_Monument to Saint Johannes van Nepomuk0001.JPG

Monument to Saint Johannes van Nepomuks, a Patron Saint of Bridges

(桥梁守护神《圣神慈·内波穆克》纪念碑  )

2024-06-23_75_Perez de Malvenda House  Hiding the Holy Blood Relic During the Religious Unrest of the 16th Century0001.JPGA Guardian of the Relic of the Holy Blood, Juan Perez de Malvenda House Hiding the Holy Blood Relic During the Religious Unrest of the 16th Century


2024-06-23_82_Huidenvettersplein or Tanners Square Tucked away between the Fish Market & the Rosary Quay0001.JPGHuidenvettersplein or Tanners Square Tucked away between the Fish Market & the Rosary Quay


2024-06-23_84_Restaurant Duc de Bougeogne_ the Best Restaurant in Bruges0001.JPGDuc de Bougeogne, the Best Restaurant in Bruges


2024-06-23_85_Hotel Restaurant Duc de Bougeogne Dating back to 16480001.JPG

Hotel Restaurant Duc de Bougeogne Dating back to 1648


2024-06-23_88_Brickwall Houses along Groenerei Canal in the Venice of the North0001.JPGBrickwall Houses along Groenerei Canal in the Venice of the North


2024-06-23_90_Statue of Frank Van Acker_ the Former Minister of State & Brugges Mayor_ in Front of Blinde-Ezelbrug or Blind Donkey Bridge-10001.JPGStatue of Frank Van Acker, the Former Minister of State & Brugges Mayor, in Front of Blinde-Ezelbrug or Blind Donkey Bridge

(盲驴桥前国务部长兼布鲁日市长《自由人·阿克“田野》雕像 06-23-2024)

2024-06-23_91_Blind Donkey Street from the 15th Century0001.JPG

Blind Donkey Street from the 15th Century (15世纪的盲驴街)

2024-06-23_93_2 Blind Donkey Street0001.JPG

2 Blind Donkey Street (盲驴街2号)

2024-06-23_94_Bruges Police Zone Public Prosecution Service0001.JPGBruges Police Zone Public Prosecution Service


2024-06-23_95_Brasserie Tompouce @ Burg Square_ the Soul of Bruges0001.JPGBrasserie Tompouce @ Burg Square, the Soul of Bruges


2024-06-23_96_Basilica of the Holy Blood in Romanesque & City Hall Built in a Late-Gothic Monumental Style between 1376 & 1421 Seen from the Burg Square0001.JPGBasilica of the Holy Blood in Romanesque & City Hall Built in a Late-Gothic Monumental Style between 1376 & 1421 Seen from the Burg Square


2024-06-23_98_Basilica of the Holy Blood in Romanesque & Gothic Revival Completed in 11570001.JPG

Basilica of the Holy Blood in Romanesque & Gothic Revival Completed in 1157


2024-06-23_98_Basilica of_the Holy Blood_Main Altar0001.JPG

Main Altar of Basilica of the Holy Blood


2024-06-23_99_City Hall_Media Gallery0001.JPGMedia Gallery of City Hall (市政厅·媒体画廊)

2024-06-23_100_City Hall_Reception0001.JPGReception of City Hall (市政厅·接待厅)

2024-06-23_101_City Hall_Museum0001.JPGCity Hall Museum (市政厅·博物馆)

2024-06-23_103_Markt_Historium Brugge Facade_ a Museum Dedicated to the History of the Medieval City of Bruges w People around in Belgium0001.JPG

Historium Brugge Facade, a Museum Dedicated to the History of the Medieval City of Bruges w/ People around Belgium


2024-06-23_103_Markt_Historium_ the Bruges' Most Visited Attraction0001.JPG

Historium, the Bruges' Most Visited Attraction


2024-06-23_104_Markt or Market Square_ the Beating Heart of Bruges0001.JPGMarkt or Market Square, the Beating Heart of Bruges


2024-06-23_113_Markt Overrun by Tourists in Summer-10001.JPGMarkt Overrun by Tourists in Summer

(夏季游客蜂拥而至的集市广场 06-23-2024)

2024-06-23_105_Markt_Beer Museum0001.JPG

Beer Museum @ Markt (集市广场·啤酒博物馆)

2024-06-23_106_Markt w the Statue of Jan Breydel & Pieter De Coninck in Front of Old Guild Houses0001.JPGMarkt w/ the Statue of Jan Breydel & Pieter De Coninck in Front of Old Guild Houses 

(古老行会大厦前的集市广场·矗立着布鲁日晨祷领袖“神慈·火炬”和织布工行会负责人 “磐石·国王”的纪念碑)

2024-06-23_109_Markt_Provinciaal Hof (Provincial Court) in the Gothic Revival Style0001.JPGProvinciaal Hof (Provincial Court) in the Gothic Revival Style


2024-06-23_112_Markt_Fountain Mask0001.JPGFountain Mask (喷泉外貌)

2024-06-23_114_Cranenburg House (Right) & House Bouchoute w Compass on Its Front, a Handy Tool for 17th-Century Merchants who needed to know the dire.JPGCranenburg House (Right) & House Bouchoute w/ Compass on Its Front, a Handy Tool for 17th-Century Merchants who needed to know the direction of the wind


2024-06-23_107_Markt_Belfry of Bruges w the 46 Bell Carillon Built in the 12th-Century Seen from the Markt0001.JPG

Belfort of Bruges w/ the 48 Bell Carillon Built & a Belfry in the 12th Century Seen from the Markt


2024-06-23_116_Entrance to the Belfry of Bruges0001.JPG

Entrance to the Belfry of Bruges (布鲁日钟楼入口)

2024-06-23_115_Markt_Statue of the Madonna & Child on the Outside of the Belfry0001.JPG

Statue of the Madonna & Child on the Outside of the Belfry


2024-06-23_117_Wollestraat_ One of the Main Arterial Roads0001.JPGWollestraat, One of the Main Arterial Roads


2024-06-23_73_Carriage Riding down Wollestraat0001.JPG

Carriage Riding down Wollestraat (乘坐马车沿羊毛街行驶)

2024-06-23_118_Former Market Hall_ Now Cloth Hall0001.JPG

Former Market Hall & Now Cloth Hall


2024-06-23_119_Oude Burg_ a Stone's Throw from the Famous Market Square0001.JPGOude Burg, a Stone's Throw from the Famous Market Square


2024-06-23_120_Oude Burg_ the Oldest Street in Bruges0001.JPGOude Burg, the Oldest Street in Bruges


2024-06-23_121_Stone Arch Entrance to Gatehouse of the Bishop's Palace0001.JPGStone Arch Entrance to Gatehouse of the Bishop's Palace


2024-06-23_138_Arcades on the Rear Side of the Belfry of Bruges0001.JPGArcades on the Rear Side of the Belfry of Bruges


2024-06-23_139_Vismarkt_ Fish Market_ a Classical Colonnade & the Oldest Preserved Fish Market in Belgium0001.JPGVismarkt or Fish Market, a Classical Colonnade & the Oldest Preserved Fish Market in Belgium


2024-06-23_217_Chocolate Factory Brugge-10001.JPGChocolate Factory Brugge where I took home w/ $70 of Yammy Chocolates


2024-06-23_00_Church of Our Lady & St Salvator's Cathedral w Captivating Cityscape Renowned for Its Picturesque Canals, Cobbled Streets, & Medieval A.JPGThe Skyline of Bruges by Church of Our Lady & St Salvator's Cathedral to Captivate Cityscape Renowned for Its Picturesque Canals, Cobbled Streets, & Medieval Architecture


2024-06-23_00_St Salvator's Cathedral_Belfry in Romanesque Style0001.JPG

Belfry of St Salvator's Cathedral in Romanesque Style


2024-06-23_221_Bell Bower of Church of Our Lady of the Visitation (13th Century)_ a Textbook Example of Coastal Gothic’0001.JPGBell Bower of Church of Our Lady of the Visitation (13th Century), a Textbook Example of Coastal Gothic


2024-06-23_222_Oceania Marina Berthed @ Zeebrugge0001.JPGOceania Marina Berthed @ Zeebrugge


2024-06-23_219_Zeebrugge Windmills0001.JPGZeebrugge Windmills (海边布鲁日风车)

Dinner.jpgDinner (晚餐)




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