


Rouen Cathedral, Monet's Favorite(法国鲁昂大教堂·莫奈的最爱)


2024-06-21 Wagyu Day

Rouen Cathedral.jpg


Victor Hugo (1802-1885)

             Si vous n'avez rien à me dire,

             Pourquoi venir auprès de moi ?

             Pourquoi me faire ce sourire

             Qui tournerait la tête au roi ?

             Si vous n'avez rien à me dire,

             Pourquoi venir auprès de moi ?


             Si vous n'avez rien à m'apprendre,

             Pourquoi me pressez-vous la main ?

             Sur le rêve angélique et tendre,

             Auquel vous songez en chemin,

             Si vous n'avez rien à m'apprendre,

             Pourquoi me pressez-vous la main ?


             Si vous voulez que je m'en aille,

             Pourquoi passez-vous par ici ?

             Lorsque je vous vois, je tressaille :

             C'est ma joie et mon souci.

             Si vous voulez que je m'en aille,

             Pourquoi passez-vous par ici ?

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——
























【注】鲁昂“绿头鸭”圣母大教堂之所以名扬天下,不得不承认应归功于印象派祖师意志坚强·莫奈“钱币”(Claude Monet)1892—1893年间绘制的30多幅大教堂景观画。

当然,鲁昂大教堂还兼有三座风格迥异的塔楼:灯笼塔、罗马圣人塔和黄油塔,英格兰狮心王理查德“勇敢”(Richard the Lionheart)的心脏也安息于此。

Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Le Havre, the Beautiful Concrete(法国勒阿弗尔·美丽的混凝土)

2024: Rouen, City of One Hundred Bells France(法国鲁昂·百钟之城)

2019: The WNBA Controversy(浅评美国女职篮争议)

2015: A life of Religion in Meteora, Greeck(希腊曼代奥拉的宗教生活)

2014: Baltimore Natl Aquarium, MD(马里兰州巴尔的摩国家水族馆)

2012: Descriptive─Memoir(应用文─回忆录)

2010: 甜言蜜语(Sweet Nothings)

2009: 童声合唱(Children Choir)

2024-06-21_01_Primatial Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Rouen in Gothic Completed in 18800001.JPG

The Fa?ade of the Primatial Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Rouen Completed in 1880


2024-06-21_02_St Ouen, St Maclou, & Notre Dame Famous for Its 3 Towers, Each in a Different Style Built & Rebuilt over a P.JPGTowers of St-Romain, the Latern, & Butter from L to R, Each in a Different Style Built & Rebuilt over More Than 8 Hundred Years


2024-06-21_03_Saint-Romain Tower0001.JPG

Tower of St-Romain, the Oldest Part of the Gothic Construction along Its Last Storey, in Flamboyant Style, Clashes w/ the Rest of the More Sober Bldg Started in 1145


2024-06-21_14_Notre Dame Cathedral_Towers & Spires in Intricate_ Ornate Gothic Style (1876)0001.JPG

Saint Romaine Tower on June 1, 1944, Hit by an Allied Bomb Just before D-Day


2024-06-21_07_Portail des Librairies Sculpted Medallions in the Embrasures (North Side)0001.JPG

Portail des Librairies Sculpted Medallions in the Embrasures (North Side)


2024-06-21_09_Portail des Librairies w Column-statue of Saint Romain0001.JPGPortail des Librairies w/ Column-statue of Saint Romain


2024-06-21_04_Lantern Tower & Spire w Top of the Flèche in Renovation_ the Highest Spire in France_ Erected in 18760001.JPG

Lantern Tower & Spire w/ Top of the Flèche in Renovation, the Highest Spire in France in Intricate & Ornate Gothic Style, Erected in 1876


2024-06-21_05_Portals & Archbishop & Apostle Galleries on the West Front0001.JPGPortals, Archbishop & Apostle Galleries on the West Front


2024-06-21_06_Tympanum of the Portal of Notre-Dame0001.JPG

Tympanum of the Portal of Notre-Dame (圣母院正门上的门楣)

2024-06-21_08_Details of the Sculpture in the Voussures over the Portal of Notre-Dame0001.JPG

Details of the Sculpture in the Voussures over the Portal of Notre-Dame


2024-06-21_10_Sculpture of Apostles on the North Buttress0001.JPGSculpture of Apostles on the North Buttress


2024-06-21_11_Saint Romaine Tower on June 1_ 1944_ Hit by an Allied Bomb Just before D-Day0001.JPG

Top of the Butter Tower w/ Sculpture & Gargoyles


2024-06-21_13_Featuring from Early Gothic to Late Flamboyant & Renaissance Architecture0001.JPG

Butter Tower Featuring from Early Gothic to Late Flamboyant & Renaissance Architecture


2024-06-21_15_St George Rampant on Top of the Cathedral0001.JPGSt George Rampant on Top of the Cathedral


2024-06-21_16_Revestiaire or Dressing Rm0001.JPG

Revestiaire (圣器室)

2024-06-21_17_Archepiscopal Complex-10001.JPGArchiepiscopal Complex (大主教区 06-21-2024)

2024-06-21_18_Court of Officiality w Sculpture of In the Darkness Representing Joan of Arc among Her Judges-10001.JPG

Court of Officiality w/ Sculpture of In the Darkness Representing Joan of Arc among Her Judges


2024-06-21_19_Nave_Looking toward the East Front0001.JPG

Nave, Looking toward the East Front (面朝东面的中殿)

2024-06-21_20_Choir w the Altar in the Foreground0001.JPG

Choir w/ the Altar in the Foreground


2024-06-21_21_South Collateral Aisle0001.JPG

South Collateral Aisle (南侧通道)

2024-06-21_22_Gothic Arches0001.JPG

Gothic Arches (哥特式拱廊)

2024-06-21_23_Interior of the Lantern Tower over the Transept0001.JPGInterior of the Lantern Tower over the Transept


2024-06-21_24_Grand Organ_ inside the West Front0001.JPGGrand Organ inside the West Front


2024-06-21_25_15th-Century Stairway to the Medieval Library_ in the Northwest Corner of the Transept-10001.JPG

The 15th-Century Stairway to the Medieval Library in the Northwest Corner of the Transept

(位于耳堂西北角、通往中世纪图书馆的15世纪楼梯 06-21-2024)

2024-06-21_26_Behold the Man_ the Statues of Saints0001.JPGBehold the Man, a phrase from the Bible, John 19:5, where Pilate says it to a hostile crowd after scourging Jesus Christ


2024-06-21_27_Fa?ade Statues Destroyed in the WWII Bombing on May 30_ 1944_ but Restored & Displayed inside the Ambulatory0001.JPGStatues of Saints Destroyed in the WWII Bombing on May 30, 1944, but Restored & Displayed inside the Ambulatory


2024-06-21_28_Tomb of Rollo_ 1st Duke of Normandy Died in  9300001.JPGTomb of Rollo, 1st Duke of Normandy Died in 930


2024-06-21_29_Grave of Rollo of Normandy0001.JPG

Grave of Rollo of Normandy (北方人第一公爵名狼)

2024-06-21_34_A Scroll of Rests in the Sink of the Temple0001.JPGA Scroll of Rests in the Sink of the Temple


2024-06-21_30_Tomb w the Heart of Richard the Lionheart Died in 11990001.JPGTomb w/ the Heart of Richard the Lionheart Died in 1199


2024-06-21_31_Lion @ the Foot of the Recumbent Statue on the Tomb Holding the Heart of King Richard I of England Called Richard the Lionhear.JPG

Lion @ the Foot of the Recumbent Statue on the Tomb Holding the Heart of King Richard I of England Called Richard the Lionhearted (1157-1199)


2024-06-21_35_Heart of Richard the Anglo-King of the King of the Lion0001.JPGHeart of Richard the Anglo-King of the King of the Lion


2024-06-21_32_Effigy of Henry the Young King0001.JPGEffigy of Henry the Young King


2024-06-21_33_This brother_ w the heart of the lion_ commanded Henry to take his seat in the arms of Normandy_ and denied him0001.JPGThis brother w/ the heart of the lion, commanded Henry to take his seat in the arms of Normandy and denied him.


2024-06-21_36_Chapel Dedicated to Joan of Arc0001.JPG

Chapel Dedicated to Joan of Arc (纪念圣女贞德的礼拜堂)

2024-06-21_37_Stature of Jesus Christ w a Crown of Thorns0001.JPG

The Stature of Jesus Christ w/ a Crown of Thorns


2024-06-21_38_Chapel of the Virgin0001.JPG

Chapel of the Virgin (圣母礼拜堂)

2024-06-21_39_St. Ouen Abbey Church_Altar0001.JPGAltar of St. Ouen Abbey Chapel


2024-06-21_40_Detail of a Misericord on a Choir Stall_ Showing a Money-Changer0001.JPGDetail of a Misericord on a Choir Stall, Showing a Money-Changer


2024-06-21_41_Stained-Glass Window of Our Lady Cathedral0001.JPG

Stained-Glass Window (彩窗)

2024-06-21_42_Chapel of Saint-Joseph_16th-Century Renaissance Window0001.JPG

The 16th-Century Renaissance Window @ Chapel of Saint-Joseph


2024-06-21_43_Saint Joseph Chapel_Renaissance Stained-Glass in South Transept0001.JPG

Renaissance Stained Glass in South Transept of Saint-Joseph Chapel


2024-06-21_44_Archbishop Saint-Romain of Rouen Slays the Gargoyle (Bay 28)0001.JPG

Archbishop Saint-Romain of Rouen Slays the Gargoyle


2024-06-21_45_Jesus on the Cross Created More Than 500 Years0001.JPGJesus on the Cross Created More Than 500 Years


2024-06-21_46_Rouen Cathedral Square0001.JPGField Trip @ Rouen Cathedral Square


2024-06-21_47_Rouen Cathedral, a Cast-Iron Tour-de-Force Rising 490 ft above the Notre-Dame de Rouen Claude Monet Immortal.JPGRouen Cathedral, a Cast-Iron Tour-de-Force Rising 490 Ft/149 Meters above the Notre-Dame de Rouen Claude Monet Immortalized the Facade in His Paintings


2024-06-21_48_Rouen Cathedral at Sunset by Claude Monet_ 18930001.JPG

Rouen Cathedral @ Sunset by Claude Monet


2024-06-21_48_Rouen Cathedral_ the Fa?ade in Sunlight by Claude Monet_ c. 1892–940001.JPG

Rouen Cathedral, the Fa?ade in Sunlight by Claude Monet


2024-06-21_50_Ships Riding on the Seine at Rouen_ 18720001.JPGShips Riding on the Seine @ Rouen by Claude Monet





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