


Dinard, Cannes of the North in France(法国迪纳尔·北方的戛纳)


2024-06-20 World Tapas Day


【Yesterday Evening (Hier Au Soir)】

Victor Hugo (1802-1885)

         Yesterday, the evening wind, whose breath caresses,

         Brought us the scent of flowers that open late;

         Night was falling; the bird slept in the thick shadow.

         Spring was fragrant, less than your youth;

         The stars were shining, less than your gaze.


         I was speaking quietly. It is the solemn hour

         Where the soul loves to sing its sweetest hymn.

         Seeing the night so pure and seeing you so beautiful,

         I said to the golden stars: Pour the sky over her!

         And I said to your eyes: Pour out love on us!

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——
















欲求挖掘迪纳尔的魅力,就得陶醉在峭崖边海关步道(Chemin des Douaniers);对岸著名的海盗城——圣马洛“光明誓言圣徒”(Saint-Malo)慷慨加持,毫无保留地将石船般巍峨的城墙景致呈现在面前,让迪纳尔的风光愈发秀美。

Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Saint-Malo, the Corsair City in France(法国圣马洛·海盗城)

2024: Mont St-Michel, Wonder of the West(法国圣米歇尔山·西方奇迹)

2015: Mythology in Athens, Greece(希腊雅典“智慧女神”的神话故事)

2015: Cape Sounion, Temple of Poseidon GR(希腊苏尼翁岬·海神庙)

2014: Boardwalk in Ocean City, Maryland(心爱州大洋城海滨浮桥栈道)

2013: 四年级夏令营(Fourth Grade Summer Camp)

2012: Descriptive─Poster(应用文—壁报)

2010: 阳光精神(Be Positive)

2024-06-20_01_Chic Seaside Villas别致的海滨别墅0001.JPGChic Seaside Villas w/ Luxury Beachfront Houses


2024-06-20_02_Villas w Mesmerizing Beach Sea Views-1M0001.JPGVillas w/ Mesmerizing Beach Sea Views

(拥有迷人沙滩海景的别墅 06-20-2024)

2024-06-20_02_Coastal Scenery along the Coast of Brittany0001.JPGCannes of the North in France (北方的戛纳)

2024-06-20_04_Coastal Scenery along the Coast of Brittany0001.JPGCoastal Scenery along the Coast of Brittany


2024-06-20_05_Villa Greystones0001.JPGVilla Greystones (灰石别墅)

2024-06-20_06_Villa Roches Brunes0001.JPGVilla Roches Brunes (棕石别墅)

2024-06-20_13_Les Roches Brunes Built in 1893_ the Only Louis XIII Style Bldg0001.JPG

Les Roches Brunes Constructed in 1893, the Only Louis XIII-style Bldg


2024-06-20_07_Cove of Bec de la Vallée0001.JPGCove of Bec de la Vallée (谷口海湾)

2024-06-20_08_Malouine Promenade0001.JPGChemin des Douaniers (海关步道)

2024-06-20_09_Villa La Garde_ Neo-Gothic English House Built on the Tip of the Moulinet for Jacques Hennessy in 1897-18980001.JPGVilla La Garde, a Neo-Gothic English House Built on the Tip of the Moulinet for Jacques Hennessy in 1897-1898


2024-06-20_10_Villas Seen from the Malouine Beach-20001.JPGVillas Seen from the Malouine Beach


2024-06-20_11_Villas Seen from the Malouine Beach-10001.JPGApt Bldgs Seen from the Malouine Beach


2024-06-20_12_Church of Notre-Dame d'Emeraude Consecrated in 18580001.JPGChurch of Notre-Dame d'Emeraude Consecrated in 1858


2024-06-20_14_M?le des Noires or Mole of the Blacks_ a 500-Meter Long Pier Served as a Breakwater & a Docking place for Boats0001.JPGM?le des Noires in Saint-Malo Facing Dinard, a 500-meter Long Pier Served as a Breakwater & a Docking place for Boats





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