Walled Town of Concarneau, France(法国孔卡尔诺“角岬”围城)
2024-06-19 National Garfield the Cat Day
【To A Woman (A une femme)】
Victor Hugo (1802-1885)
Child! if I were king, I would give the empire,
And my chariot, and my scepter, and my people on their knees
And my crown of gold, and my baths of porphyry,
And my fleets, for which the sea cannot suffice,
For a look of you!
If I were God, the earth and the air with the waves,
Angels, demons bowed before my law,
And the deep chaos with fertile entrails,
Eternity, space, and the heavens, and the worlds,
For a kiss from you!
—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——
【注】孔卡尔诺“角岬”围城是法国西北部中世纪的军事要塞,始建于14世纪,由国王路易“名将”十四的忠实顾问——“尊者·神父·沃邦”(Sébastien le Prestre de Vauban)设计构建,藉以扼守大西洋,英法两国为争夺这座防御小岛曾多次武力交手,如今已稳居法国第三大鲜鱼港口,除了沙丁鱼生产和罐头加工业的悠久历史引以为傲而外,它还是欧洲领先的金枪鱼码头。
Today in History(历史上的今天):
2024: Lorient, the Town of 5 Ports in France(法国洛里昂·五港之城)
2022: Industrial Satellite Places in NE, PA(宾州东北部工业区后家园)
2015: Santorini's Circle of Life, GR(希腊圣托里尼“和平女神”岛·生命轮回)
2014: Ocean City, MD(马里兰州海洋城)
Inner Harbor (内港)
Fishing Port (渔港)
Old Walled Town Seen from the Fishing Harbour
Oostende M940, the 1st Ship in the City-Class Mine Countermeasures Vessels Constructed in France for the Belgian Navy
New Tower w/ Musée de la Pêche or Museum of Fishing, the Secrets of Brittany’s Seafaring Folk
Musée de la Pêche, the Secrets of Brittany's Seafaring Folk
Major's Tower Named in 1691 as the Garrison Stored Gunpowder Barrels
Pont Aven or Fair Radiance (灿烂桥)
La Ville-close (围城)
Main Ravelin w/ the View of the Redan Belfry, Sundial, Clock, & Anchor
(半月堡·可欣赏堤坝钟楼、日晷、钟表和船锚的景色 06-19-2024)
Pont Aven toward Governor's Tower (经灿烂桥前往总督塔)
Governor's Ch?teau (总督堡)
Heritage House (遗产之家)
Heritage House, Governor's House then and Museum now
Internal View of Governor's House (总督府·内景)
Small Decorative Well in Various Materials Columns in Pink Granite from Ploumanach, Base in Diorite, & Sculpture in Dark Kersantite
Rue Vauban (沃邦街)
Rue Vauban, the Main Street Lined w/ Charming houses along Signs in Keeping w/ the Town
Trinity Hospital Chapel (三一医院教堂)
Half-Timbered Houses (半木结构房屋)
Colourful Restaurants in the Fortified Core
(防御核心区多彩的餐厅 06-19-2024)
Fa?ade of Le Penfret Seafood Restaurant
Dining Interior of Le Penfret (疏浚船海鲜餐厅·大堂)
Square of Thieves, now the Aven-Belon Jazz Festival or Jazz'Y Krampouezh Famous for Combining Jazz Music & Breton Gastronomy
Saint-Guénolé Church w/ the View of Amphitheater
Saint-Guénolé's Church Built in 1830 on the Ruins of a Previous One Dating from the 12th Century
Wine Gate (酒门)
West Main Portal (西门)
Ferry Crossing Point, Gate & Fortification from Inside
West Gateway to the Ville Close (围城西门户)
Dock of Passage Ferry (渡轮码头)
Thieves Tower (盗贼塔)
Dog Tower (狗塔)
Horseshoe Tower (马蹄塔)
Yachting Harbor (游艇港)
Racing Sailboat (竞赛帆船)
View of the New Saint-Guenole Church
Ramparts of the Ville Close (围城城墙)
Ramparts Dating from the 14th Century (14世纪建造的城墙)
The Battlements Walkway of Ville Close (围城城垛走道)
Fishing Boats against the Ville Close (围城前渔船)
Concarneau, a Town of Many Faces a Medieval Fortress, a Fishing Port, & a Beach Resort All Rolled into One
Port de Plaisance in the Background of the Rampart Walls Built only One Year before Christopher Columbus Sailing the Ocean Blue
Av de la Gare (火车站大道)
Concarneau Downtown (角岬镇·城中心)
Les Halles Market w/ Regional Breton Cuisine & Local Delicacies
Gallery Gloux in Norwegian Style Built in 1880
Fisherman's Houses by Sea (海边渔民之家)
L'Abri du Marin, the Recreation Ctr
Fish Market (鱼市)
Quai Carnot (卡诺码头)
Statue of Abraham Duquesne