


U.S.likes to change others'systems,China does not


The U.S. likes to change others's systems, China does not

   Frank Li  Dec 10, 2024


In the spring of 1845, Karl Marx wrote Theses On Feuerbach to have indicated that "the philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point is to change it." The bloody disaster made by the greed of capital in the early days of the British Industrial Revolution prompted Marx and Engels taking action to propose communism to curb the harm of human inborn greedy instinct. But it was just failed by human inborn greedy instinct.

The communist nationalization movement swept across capitalist countries and almost wiped out capitalism. Many capitalist countries established communist-style welfare systems, most of which remain to this day. However, the trade unions and its culture promoted by communism inculcate and protect laziness, has destroyed the foundation of human survival.

Now, by perfectly faculitating the plays of human inborn greedy instinct in social elements design of capitalist society, the antihuamn capitalism has successfully corrupted the life of human beings and has been pushing human world towards the vast graveyards of the suicided civilizations in the Milky Way Galaxy. But people still curse truly humanized communism.

This topic tries to dig the cause of the world being finished based on the excerpted translation of Mandarin articles regarding the rational deeds of Lee Kuan Yew, the founding father of Singapore.

Rational people should explore ways to save our families and the world, rather than passively waiting to be finished by democracy granting power to be shared by too many mentally retarded ones.

The legalization of political contributions inhumanly turns democracy as plutocracy, in which the power is to be shared by too many low quality individuals dictatorship and drive the power of State Apparatus for greedy at personal will from their flawed mind to destruct world unlivable.

The widely acceptable way is at humanizing Western civilization by the civilization of China medicinally and politically.

By China’s Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) integrates Western medicine; and views patients as emotional human from viewed as nonhuman lifeless assembly; then treat diseases by natural therapies and multi-combined medicinals restore harmonious physical balance from killing and genes patching; then cheaper diet supplements will be magic medications.

Please see my article Celine Dion recovered from heartbreaking moan.

By China’s Technocratic Democracy unites liberal democracy to set qualification by qualified entrepreneurs, professors, scientists, etc., as lawmaker in part time self-reliance naturally produce a civil legislature by taking 30% of vote rights parallel run with the Government legislature to humanize the inhuman flaw of liberal democracy in widely acceptable without unrest.

Please see my article Humanizes legislature and medication to save world.

The translations of Mandarin articles regarding Lee Kuan Yew

On March 16, 2015, when answering questions from the audience about Sino-US relations at a lecture at Tsinghua University Bejing China, Professor Graham Allison at Harvard University, the author of Lee Kuan Yew on China and the World, who read the book aloudly: 

"Will China challenge the United States as an Asian power? Will it become a world power in the future? Most decision-makers and experts are vague and ambiguous when answering this important question, but only the answer of Lee Kuan Yew was firmly: Of course. Why not?"

Lee Kuan Yew believes that the Chinese people's sense of mission for national rejuvenation is a powerful force. China has the strength to become a world power. China hopes that the world will accept it as it is, rather than being accepted by the world as a vassal of Western society. 

Regarding the future Sino-US relations, Lee Kuan Yew believes that "the two countries will compete for influence, and their competition is inevitable." But contrary to the pessimistic realist view, he believes that if the leaders of China and the United States make reasonable judgments, competition will not evolve into conflict. "The United States cannot prevent China's rise, but it must tolerate China as a great power... In the end, the United States will have to share its dominant position with China," this is Lee Kuan Yew's judgment.

Lee Kuan Yew believes that China's foreign policy approach is more sensible. They don't think it's their business to change other people's systems. They deal with the system as it is and try to get the best out of it without getting themselves locked in.

Lee Kuan Yew believes that the problem with the Americans is that they intervene with the idea that they can change the system, but they are proven wrong again and again, and they don't change the world. They may be able to change new and less civilized societies such as Fiji and Vanuatu, and they can conquer them through Christianity, for example. But can they change China or India? They are countries with ancient traditions.

Professor Graham Allison who wrote in the book with great appreciation for Lee Kuan Yew's personality: "Lee Kuan Yew is the most popular person in international affairs. Leaders of the United States, China and other countries eagerly seek his advice, often consult him, and listen carefully to his insights. 

From Nixon's consideration of adjusting China policy from 1971 to 1972 to every subsequent US president, including Obama, they have visited Lee Kuan Yew's office in Singapore. There are also leaders of dozens of countries who, when they face severe challenges, can always find some strategic coordinates from Lee Kuan Yew to guide them to deal with international challenges with ease."

Graham Allison said to the scholars and young students in the audience: "Lee Kuan Yew's words are worth reading carefully."

Here I hav to put notes, I once saw the reports that every time Lee Kuan Yew visited the United States; he stayed at home of Henry Kissinger. Kissinger personally attended funeral of Lee Kuan Yew. Those showed the highly respect that the rare rational Kissinger had for Lee Kuan Yew.

On Oct 24, 2023, the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations held its annual awards dinner in New York to present an award to former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger for his outstanding contributions to the development of U.S.-China relations.

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100-year-old Kissinger gave a speech. I have spent half my life on U.S.-China relations. I like Chinese people and am deeply impressed by Chinese culture. But due to the limitations of my position, I must consider the interests of the United States.

Thanks to Kissinger for helping China integrate into the world economy and has been supporting the lives of the world's people with Made in China. Please look at the world; without Made in China, no one in any country can live well.

Due to the anti-intellectualism, the West regards labor strikes for more by doing less work and idleness unearned gains as in line with social justice and human rights; while the laborer working hard to create social wealth is the slaving labor, which violates social justice and human rights. By such an anti-intellectual suicidal value; the west has been in destroying the foundation for human survival.

Successive American politicians doing wrong make disasters

In 2006, Prof. Niall Ferguson who wrote The War of the World: Twentieth-Century Conflict and the Descent of the West and sighed why the 20th century history was bloodiest by far? Why did unprecedented material progress go hand in hand with total war and genocide? The rise of democracy during the 20th century should have reduced the incidence of war, however, the waves of democratization were followed by increases in the number of civil wars and wars of secession with around 19 or 20 million people were killed in around 100 military conflicts. 

Also; today, in terms of material wealth; it can be called Affluent Society and people should live a prosperous life as ever before; but please look at the world; even if in those developed rich countries; evil if people much hard work than ever before, but still increasingly people cannot make ends meet anymore; some people are even in starving. There people are selling own organs for survival with families in the life threats of Depression; WWIII and atomic cremation.

Please look at media, everywhere is in talking about stock volatility; talking about dollar and talking about investing grabbing money; but no one talks about to increase the production of life necessaries. In 2014, in the The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of The World, Prof. Niall Ferguson said that: in 2006, the world total economic output was worth around $47 trillion, but financial derivatives was $473 trillion in 10 times larger; which shows fact that there are ten people living by plundering the wealth that produced by one people.

Democracy grants power to idiots ruining American life

Dec 10, 2024 YouTube Homeless Population Growing: Why American Middle-Class Losing Homes


The number of homeless individuals in the United States is steadily rising, and a significant portion of this population is comprised of former middle-class citizens; which can be attributed to several factors, including job loss, stagnant wages, rising housing costs, and the increasing burden of student loan debt. As the cost of living continues to outpace income growth; many middle-class families are struggling to make ends meet and are forced to seek shelter on the streets or in temporary housing. This crisis highlights the growing economic inequality in America and the urgent need for policies that support struggling families and individuals.   

Sorry, but I can't help myself, I have to say that a man from China said that when you get to know the people on the land of the United States deeply, you will find that their thoughts are worthy of the suffering they have suffered. 

I believe that the philosophy of people’s thinking, the consciousness of people’s thoughts of a civilization or a society, determine the way of the social governance, and therefore determine the state or the quality of people's lives.

The level of thoughts determines that they cannot recognize that it is democracy awarding power to people of low quality and destroys their lives. They still hope that democracy will become more democratic for a good president.

It said that Elon Musk sounds alarm that humanity is facing the risk of self-extinction in those developed rch countries, due to that the rising living costs, career pressures, and changing social norms have caused fertility rates crashing below the replacement levels in the demographic collapse. 

In my opinion, humans is being replaced by the low-quality species of those whose country inherit inferior customs, religions evilly reckless play, led to poor life and in which the population is being bred out of control.

Human rights coerce rich democracies over inflowing of such people who cannot train as quality labors or as law-abiding citizens; but capable ruins the migrated countries by poor culture; the locals lived like the fugitives in hiding, but still being robbed, raped, killed no human rights no dignity.

From the appreciation of Professor Graham for the intelligence of Lee Kuan Yew, we can also understand the difference in the way of people’s thinking derived from two completely different civilizations. China is a collectivist civilization with collectivist values by Confucian cultivates people collective self-discipline in peace seeking genes and seeking coexistence. The West is an individualist civilization with individualist values from European bloody killing cultivates people selfishness in war seeking genes without sense of coexistence.

The way of China is the only way for saving world

Since 1400, European missionaries have entered China one after another. They were shocked by China's peaceful and prosperous life and saw China more clearly from a foreign perspective. They admired China's imperial examination system, calling it an elite constitutionalism that granted political power to scholars based on merit rather than birth. They brought Chinese culture back to Europe, which caused a sensation throughout Europe, triggered the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, and ended the dark reality.

In 1912, in the middle time of the 100 years of Humiliation of Western courtiers looting and killing; China once tried liberal democracy; but unexpectedly found that democracy was an attractor of social garbage; which ganged about 300 parties to play as dogs biting dogs and made China caught in endless proxy wars as that of Ukraine.

Today China governs in Technocratic Democracy by engineers; entrepreneurs; economists and quality social elites as lawmakers as part time in self-reliance. The top leadership is a politburo of 7 members promoted according to personal quality and political achievements from grassroots gradually; without consensus from meeting; no one allowed talk at will; thus ensure the collective wisdoms in social governance and avoided personal dictatorship.

In 2019, article China's Overrated Technocrats indicates that “Many Western parliaments are dominated by people with law degrees, but China’s leaders are mostly trained as engineers and scientists - or so goes conventional wisdom. Advocates for this supposed Chinese approach, such as the entrepreneur Elon Musk, argue that it produces leaders who adopt a pragmatic and technocratic framework to solving problems. And those scientist-politicians, the theory goes, are more likely to govern efficiently, in part because they are unburdened by ideology.”

China is creating a world of peace and prosperity

Now, by Belt and Road Initiative, China helps other countries build infrastructure, develop economies, integrate the cultures and economies of long hostile feuds countries that have long been hatred fragmented by the West, promote mutual understanding, eliminate and avoid conflicts, and develop a world of peace and common prosperity. This is the only way to avoid wars and make people make livings in home places.

The US strategist David Goldman sighed:”the United States have tended to look at these places (global south) as baggage; so we don't take them seriously. The Chinese take them seriously and the longest the biggest challenge to American influence in the world long term is China's ability to integrate billions of marginalized people into the world economy. You're talking about people going from making $2 a day which is misery and degradation to 10 or 15 a day which is the beginning of dignity. 

The west still makes China to be slaved plunder

Obviously, the practice of China is the rational humanized manner as human beings should be. It is beneficial to the people all over the world in peace without wars. The approach of the West is destroying themselves and world.

But the rational practice of China is treated as threat with bad rumors from U.S. coerced West, such as debt trap. Why? 

May 6, 2021, article Rich countries drained $152tn from the global South since 1960 indicates that the imperialism never ended, it just changed form. The study affirms that drain from the South remains a significant feature of the world economy in the post-colonial era; rich countries continue to rely on imperial forms of appropriation to sustain their high levels of income and consumption.

Rational American politicians helped the world won the WWII and gained trust as a world leader. However, everything afterwards has turned to evil. Such as, the dollar plunder, the mere fluctuation of interest rates can wipe out the savings of other countries, and even endlessly creating financial crisis. 

Western civilization died, US federal disbands within 2050

I confidently infer that after 35 years of failure of the Socialist-Bloc; now the democratic play has killed Capitalist-Bloc. The failure of democracy in governance has made the death sentence to Western civilization.

Now the countries around the world are scrambled fleeing from the US dollar, which is just like that of fleeing from the evil Covid-19 virus.

The US federation will dismember within 2050; due to that human rights trained labor lazy has uprooted labor productivity; the global de-dollarization and the monetary independence of the US’ 40 States has started the trend. We must strive for the world not being ruined in this period.

Now China's Confucian collectivist civilization is merging and reshaping the world that has been evilized by European bloodily soiled Western individualist civilization.

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