


Bordeaux, the Wine Capital of FRA(法国葡萄酒首府·波尔多“水边”)


2024-06-17 National Stewart's Root Beer Day


【June Nights (Nuits de juin)】

Victor Hugo (1802-1885)

    In summer, when the day has fled, the plain covered with flowers

    Pours out far away an intoxicating scent;

    Eyes shut, ears half open to noises,

    We only half sleep in a transparent slumber.


    The stars are purer, the shade seems pleasanter;

    A hazy half-day colors the eternal dome;

    And the sweet pale dawn awaiting its hour

    Seems to wander all night at the bottom of the sky.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——













【注】以前早有听闻,波尔多“水边”既是法国葡萄酒首府,又是世界著名葡萄酒产区的中心,如今亲临现场我才对其2,000多年的悠久文化有所了解。历史上,启蒙时代(Age of Enlightenment)将物质空间布局带入城市开发模式,让这座名城在规划和建筑方面保持了统一性及连贯性,并顺应了17世纪古典主义导向18世纪新古典主义;现实中,这种表现风格在过去两个多世纪繁荣发展史上从未间断,理性的城市形态归功于哲学家们的睿智思维,引领葡萄酒市场新潮流的波尔多顺时而变成人文性、普遍性和文化性的大熔炉。除巴黎以外,波尔多还是法国建筑古迹最多的城市。


Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Bordeaux, Camino Francés in France(法国朝圣之路·波尔多“水边”)

2024: Bordeaux, La Belle Endormie of FRA(法国的睡美人·波尔多“水边”)

2024: Chateau Lanessan & Wineries, FRA(法国阑珊“圣洁”酒庄及葡萄酒厂)

2024: Fort Médoc Bolting the Estuary, FRA(法国梅多克堡·河口关卡)

2023: Juneteenth Weekend Dined @ Nectar, PA(宾州丹露轩六月节晚餐)

2022: Home Remediation—Stucco Replacement(灰泥外墙更新修复工程)

2015: Rhodes—Acropolis of Lindos, Greece(希腊罗得“玫瑰”岛—美都卫城)

2015: Rhodes—Grand Master of the Knights, GRC(希腊罗得“玫瑰”岛大教长宫)

2015: Rhodes—Island of the Knights, Greece(希腊罗得“玫瑰”岛—骑士之岛)

2012: 摘草莓(Shady Brook Farm)

2024-06-17_00_Place de la Bourse_Traffic and trams on the Quai de la Douane or Customs Quay-1M0001.JPGPlace de la Bourse, Traffic and Trams on the Quai de la Douane or Customs Quay

(交易所广场·海关码头的交通和有轨电车 06-17-2024)

2024-06-17_01_Port of the Moon_ an Outstanding Example of the Exchange of Human Values over More Than 2000 Years0001.JPGPort of the Moon, an Outstanding Example of the Exchange of Human Values over More Than 2,000 Years


2024-06-17_02_H?tel Fenwick_ a Private Mansion Hosted the 1st US Consulate in the World Built Between 1793 and 18000001.JPGH?tel Fenwick, a Private Mansion Hosted the 1st US Consulate in the World Built Between 1793 and 1800


2024-06-17_03_Place de la Bourse or Stock Exchange Sq Built from 1730 to 1775 along the Garonne as an Outstanding Urban & Architectural Ensemble of.JPGPlace de la Bourse or Stock Exchange Sq Built from 1730 to 1775 along the Garonne as an Outstanding Urban & Architectural Ensemble of the 18th Century


2024-06-17_04_Place de la Bourse w Palais de la Bourse (North), Hotel des Fermes (South), & Sculptures of Minerve for Art & Mercury for City in 18t.JPGPlace de la Bourse w/ Palais de la Bourse (North), Hotel des Fermes (South), & Sculptures of Minerve for Art & Mercury for City in 18th-Century Neoclassical French Architecture


2024-06-17_05_Scheduled Facades of Richelieu Quay_ One of the Central Parts of the Shore of the Garonne River0001.JPGScheduled Facades of Richelieu Quay, One of the Central Parts of the Shore of the Garonne River


2024-06-17_06_Historic Catholic Church w Gothic Architecture_ Adjacent to a City Gate w a Grand Bell Tower0001.JPGHistoric Catholic Church w/ Gothic Architecture, Adjacent to a City Gate w/ a Grand Bell Tower


2024-06-17_07_Ring of 6 Times a Year for Major Celebrations_ Bastille Day_ VE Day_ & Remembrance Day & the 1st Sunday of Ea Month at Noon0001.JPG

Bell Tower w/ Ring of 6 Times a Year for Major Celebrations, Bastille Day, VE Day, & Remembrance Day & the 1st Sunday of Ea Month at Noon


2024-06-17_08_Porte Cailhau w a Castle-Like Exterior Once the Main Gate to the City Built in 14950001.JPG

Porte Cailhau w/ a Castle-Like Exterior Once the Main Gate to the City Built in 1495


2024-06-17_09_H? Castle & Palais de Justice0001.JPGH? Castle & Palais de Justice (河流城堡与司法宫)

2024-06-17_10_Palais de Justice0001.JPGPalais de Justice (司法宫)

2024-06-17_11_Main Entrance of the Courtyard, the Place de l'H?tel de Ville (then Place de Grève) was the setting of the very first execution w the.JPGMain Entrance of the Courtyard, the Place de l'H?tel de Ville (then Place de Grève) was the setting of the very first execution w/ the guillotine on 25-Apr-1792


2024-06-17_12_Palais Rohan, the Name of the H?tel de Ville, or City Hall Constructed from 1771 to 1784, Originally Serving as the Archbishop's Pala.JPGPalais Rohan, the Name of the H?tel de Ville, or City Hall Constructed from 1771 to 1784, Originally Served as the Archbishop's Palace of Bordeaux


2024-06-17_13_Rue Remparts Spotlight on Independent Boutique Joy & Jewelry0001.JPG

Rue Remparts Spotlight on Independent Boutique Joy & Jewelry


2024-06-17_14_CINEMA CGR Bordeaux The French Built in 1800-10001.JPGCINEMA CGR Bordeaux The French Built in 1800

(建于1800年的“农夫·睿智保护者”电影院 06-17-2024)

2024-06-17_15_Cours de l'Intendance_ a Center of City Life & Luxury Boutiques Forming One of the 3 Edges of the Bordeaux Golden Triangle0001.JPGCours de l'Intendance, a Center of City Life & Luxury Boutiques Forming One of the 3 Edges of the Bordeaux Golden Triangle


2024-06-17_16_Rue de la Republique Lined w Some Quite Exquisite & Exclusive Stores0001.JPGRue de la Republique Lined w/ Some Quite Exquisite & Exclusive Stores


2024-06-17_17_Hotel Pichon w Marble Columns Adorned the Windows of the 3rd & 4th Levels0001.JPGH?tel Pichon w/ Marble Columns Adorned the Windows of the 3rd & 4th Levels


2024-06-17_18_Hotel Pichon_ the Stone Fa?ade Decorated w Caryatids & Sculptures of Busts & Fruits (2nd and 3rd Levels)0001.JPG

H?tel Pichon, the Stone Fa?ade Decorated w/ Caryatids & Sculptures of Busts & Fruits on the 2nd and 3rd Levels


2024-06-17_19_Passage Sarget Named after a Famouse Trader of the 1700s & Housing a Fancy Tea Shop & Crystal-Maker0001.JPG

Passage Sarget Named after a Famous Trader of the 1700s & Housed a Fancy Tea Shop & Crystal-Maker


2024-06-17_20_Le Triangle d'or or  Golden Triangle as the Nickname to a Chic District of Bordeaux between the Allées de Tourny, the cours de l'Inte.JPGLe Triangle d'Or or Golden Triangle Nicknamed for a Chic District of Bordeaux between the Allées de Tourny, the Cours de l'Intendance, and the Cours Georges-Clemenceau


2024-06-17_21_Cour Mably the Former Chapter House Transformed into a Cultural Venue  @ Place du Chapelet0001.JPGCour Mably the Former Chapter House Transformed into a Cultural Venue  @ Place du Chapelet


2024-06-17_22_UNESCO World Heritage Site for ?glise Notre-Dame @ Rue Mably0001.JPGUNESCO World Heritage Site for ?glise Notre-Dame @ Rue Mably


2024-06-17_23_La Galerie des Grands Hommes_ Carrefour Market0001.JPGLa Galerie des Grands Hommes, Carrefour Market


2024-06-17_24_Galerie Bordelaise of High-End Stores0001.JPGGalerie Bordelaise of High-End Stores


2024-06-17_25_An Iron-and-Glass Shopping Arcade Inaugurated in 1834 by wealthy Refugees from the Mexican Revolution_ Headed by the Marqués de la Torre0001.JPGAn Iron-and-Glass Shopping Arcade Inaugurated in 1834 by Wealthy Refugees from the Mexican Revolution, Headed by the Marqués de la Torre


2024-06-17_26_CIVB Headquarters w  Balcony & Balustrades of the House of Thibault-Joseph de Gobineau_ Parliamentary Councillor0001.JPGHeadquarters of CIVB - Conseil Interprofessionnel du Vin de Bordeaux


2024-06-17_27_Cr Saint-Louis0001.JPGCr Saint-Louis (圣名将大道)

2024-06-17_28_Hotel Regent Featuring Luxury Fabrics_ Opulent 19th-Century French Furnishings0001.JPGHotel Regent Featuring Luxury Fabrics, Opulent 19th-century French Furnishings


2024-06-17_29_Immeuble_ 58 allées de Tourny0001.JPGImmeuble, 58 Allées de Tourny


2024-06-17_30_Silo of the Grands Moulins de Paris & Restaurant on Stilts along the Garonne River0001.JPGSilo of the Grands Moulins de Paris & Restaurant on Stilts along the Garonne River


2024-06-17_31_Bastide Niel Mixed Development Zone _ Melting Pots of Humanism_ Universality_ and Culture0001.JPGBastide Niel Mixed Development Zone, Melting Pots of Humanism, Universality, and Culture


2024-06-17_32_Burgundy Gate Landmarking Roman-Style Stone Arch Built in the 1750s as a Symbolic Gateway to the City0001.JPGBurgundy Gate Landmarking Roman-style Stone Arch Built in the 1750s as a Symbolic Gateway to the City


2024-06-17_33_Porte Dijeaux Built During the Mid-1700s in the Neoclassical Style0001.JPG

Porte Dijeaux Built During the Mid-1700s in the Neoclassical Style in Honoring the French Dauphin, the Future King Louis XVI


2024-06-17_34_Place des Quinconces_Trees-10001.JPGTrees @ Place des Quinconces (梅花广场树林 06-17-2024)

2024-06-17_35_Garonne River Flowing from the Central Spanish Pyrenees to the Gironde Estuary of Bordeaux0001.JPGGaronne River Flowing from the Central Spanish Pyrenees to the Gironde Estuary of Bordeaux


2024-06-17_36_Cruise over Garona River0001.JPGCruise over Garona River (多石河上的游轮)

2024-06-17_37_Vertical-Lift Bridge Inaugurated in 2013 Spanning the Garonne & a Stone’s Throw from the Rapidly Gentrifying Bassins à Flot (Wet Dock.JPG

Vertical-Lift Bridge Inaugurated in 2013 Spanning the Garonne & a Stone’s Throw from the Rapidly Gentrifying Bassins à Flot (Wet Docks) North of the City Ctr


2024-06-17_38_Pont Jacques Chaban-Delmas w the 4 Upright Columns @ Both Ends of the Bridge0001.JPG

Pont Jacques Chaban-Delmas w/ the 4 Upright Columns @ Both Ends of the Bridge


2024-06-17_39_Quai des Marques under Cité du Vin or City of Wine in 20160001.JPGQuai des Marques under Cité du Vin or City of Wine in 2016


2024-06-17_71_View of the Cité du Vin_ a Futuristic Bldg Famous for Its Fine Wines-10001.JPGView of the Cité du Vin, a Futuristic Bldg Famous for Its Fine Wines


2024-06-17_40_Pont d'Aquitaine a Large Suspension Bridge over the Garonne0001.JPGPont d'Aquitaine a Large Suspension Bridge over the Garonne


2024-06-17_41_Quai des Marques by Pont Jacques Chaban Delmas0001.JPGQuai des Marques by Pont Jacques Chaban Delmas


2024-06-17_42_Stone Bridge over the Garonne Completed in 18220001.JPGPont de Pierre over the Garonne Completed in 1822


2024-06-17_43_Night View of Pont de Pierre0001.JPGNight View of Pont de Pierre (石桥夜景)

2024-06-17_44_Pont de Pierre or Stone Bridge behind Stalingrad (Parlier) Paying Homage to the Russian City of Stalingrad Clinched a Pivotal Victor.JPGPont de Pierre or Stone Bridge behind Stalingrad (Parlier) Paying Homage to the Russian City of Stalingrad Clinched a Pivotal Victor


2024-06-17_45_Ilot Queyries_ a Courtyard Apt Bldg-20001.JPGIlot Queyries, a Courtyard Apt Bldg


2024-06-17_46_Shipwreck of a World War II Barge after Allied Bombing on by Germany Occupied Bordeaux in 1944 & Only Visible at Low Tide0001.JPGShipwreck of a World War II Barge after Allied Bombing by Germany Occupied Bordeaux in 1944 & Only Visible at Low Tide


2024-06-17_47_Matmut Atlantique_ a Football Stadium Opened in 2015-20001.JPGMatmut Atlantique, a Football Stadium Opened in 2015


2024-06-17_48_Canelés de Bordeaux, a Pastry Unique to the City in a Small, Soft, Caramelized Cake, Flavored w Vanilla & Rum, the Signature Pastry o.JPGCanelés de Bordeaux, a Pastry Unique to the City in a Small, Soft, Caramelized Cake, Flavored w/ Vanilla & Rum, the Signature Pastry of the Company Bearing His Name


2024-06-18_48_Rush Hours0001.JPGRush Hours (通勤高峰期)




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