


Fort Médoc Bolting the Estuary, FRA(法国梅多克堡·河口关卡)


2024-06-17 National Eat Your Vegetables Day

Fort Médoc.jpg

【Tomorrow at Dawn (Demain, dès l'aube)】

Victor Hugo (1802-1885)

    Tomorrow, at dawn, when the countryside brightens,

    I will depart. You see, I know that you wait for me.

    I will go through the woods, I will go past the mountains.

    I cannot remain far from you any longer.


    I will walk, eyes set upon my thoughts,

    Seeing nothing around me and hearing no sound,

    Alone, unknown, back bent, hands crossed,

    Sorrowful, and for me, day will be as night.


    I will not watch the evening gold fall,

    Nor the distant sails going down to Harfleur,

    And, when I arrive, I will put on your grave

    A bouquet of green holly and heather in bloom.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——


















〖注〗《明天破晓(Demain d'aube)》也许是雨果最著名的诗作,这是写给已去世四年的时为19岁新婚女儿“勇敢者”(Léopoldine)。1843年,Léopoldine及其丈夫在塞纳河划船中不幸溺水身亡。

【注】法国17世纪梅多克“中原”堡地处西欧最大河口——吉伦特“圆润”河口(Gironde Estuary)的左岸,是路易“名将”十四的可靠顾问——“尊者·神父·沃邦”(Sébastien le Prestre de Vauban)设计构建的,旨在保护圆润河口免受英国入侵,防止敌船继续沿河向位于上游的地区首府波尔多“水边”(Bordeaux)进发,毕竟河道的长宽度足以成为内陆海军突袭的目标。由于当时大炮的射程无法覆盖整个河流(3公里/1.9英里),沃邦又设计了其它两座堡垒:右岸1.4公里/0.9英里外的布莱“咽喉”堡(Citadel of Blaye)和1.9公里/1.2英里外的佩特“磐石”堡(Fort-Paté),三座堡垒联成一线,通过建立交叉火力来共同保护河口,阻止敌人抵达水边城,以此产生极具威慑力的防御系统。


Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Bordeaux, Camino Francés in France(法国朝圣之路·波尔多“水边”)

2024: Bordeaux, La Belle Endormie of FRA(法国的睡美人·波尔多“水边”)

2024: Bordeaux, the Wine Capital of FRA(法国葡萄酒首府·波尔多“水边”)

2024: Chateau Lanessan & Wineries, FRA(法国阑珊“圣洁”酒庄及葡萄酒厂)

2023: Juneteenth Weekend Dined @ Nectar, PA(宾州丹露轩六月节晚餐)

2022: Home Remediation—Stucco Replacement(灰泥外墙更新修复工程)

2015: Rhodes—Acropolis of Lindos, Greece(希腊罗得“玫瑰”岛—美都卫城)

2015: Rhodes—Grand Master of the Knights, GRC(希腊罗得“玫瑰”岛大教长宫)

2015: Rhodes—Island of the Knights, Greece(希腊罗得“玫瑰”岛—骑士之岛)

2012: 摘草莓(Shady Brook Farm)

2024-06-17_00_17th-Century Fort_ the 3rd Component in the Estuary’s Defensive System & Designed by Vauban0001.JPG17th-Century Fort, the 3rd Component in the Estuary's Defensive System & Designed by Vauban


2024-06-17_01_Moat0001.JPGMoat (护堡河)

2024-06-17_02_Defense of a Strategic Point of Passage on the Left Bank of the Gironde Built by Vauban0001.JPGDefense of a Strategic Point of Passage on the Left Bank of the Gironde


2024-06-17_03_A Half-Moon & a Magnificent Porte Royale w Beautiful Decoration Paid Homage to King Louis XIV-10001.JPGA Half-Moon & a Magnificent Porte Royale w Beautiful Decoration Paid Homage to King Louis XIV

(半月形建筑和装饰精美、向路易十四国王致敬的宏伟皇家门廊 06-17-2024)

2024-06-17_03_Fronton of the Porte Royale_ Featuring a Homage to Louis XIV the Sun King0001.JPGFronton of the Porte Royale, Featuring a Homage to Louis XIV the Sun King


2024-06-17_04_A Heavy Oak Door Opening on to a Vaulted Passageway Formerly Blocked by a Portcullis Flanked by Loopholes0001.JPG

A Heavy Oak Door Opened onto a Vaulted Passageway Formerly Blocked by a Portcullis Flanked by Loopholes


2024-06-17_05_An Isolated Fort & Integral Park of the Bolt's 3-Point Defence System0001.JPGAn Isolated Fort & Integral Park of the Bolt's 3-Point Defence System


2024-06-17_06_Artillery Barrage Facing the River on Top of This Embankment Dated from Improvements Made between 1899 and 19010001.JPGArtillery Barrage Facing the River on Top of This Embankment Dated from Improvements Made between 1899 and 1901


2024-06-17_07_Garrison of Fort in an Element of the Lock Intended to Protect Bordeaux against the Risk of Invasion from the River.JPGGarrison of Fort in an Element of the Lock Intended to Protect Bordeaux against the Risk of Invasion from the River

(驻扎在河闸某处的堡垒·旨在保护波尔多“水边”城河流免受入侵的风险 06-17-2024)

2024-06-17_08_Battery0001.JPGBattery (炮台)

2024-06-17_09_Chapel0001.JPGChapel (小教堂)

2024-06-17_10_Cistern Used to Stock Rainwater_ alongside One of the Barracks0001.JPGCistern Used to Stock Rainwater alongside One of the Barracks


2024-06-17_11_Boulangerie or Bakery0001.JPGBoulangerie or Bakery (面包房)

2024-06-17_12_Fortification Vauban0001.JPGFortification Vauban (沃邦风格的防御工事)

2024-06-17_13_Bldg Comprised around 20 Dormitory Rooms0001.JPGBldg Comprised around 20 Dormitory Rooms


2024-06-17_14_Fort-Medoc Built on a Large Sandy Meadow Open to the River_ on Loose Soil Surrounded by Wetlands Regularly Flooded During High Tide.JPGFort-Medoc Built on a Large Sandy Meadow Open to the River, on Loose Soil Surrounded by Wetlands Regularly Flooded During High Tide


2024-06-17_15_Gunpowder Magazine0001.JPG

Gunpowder Magazine (火药库)

2024-06-17_16_Gironde Estuary_ a Navigable Estuary w Strong Tidal Currents &  the Largest Estuary in Western Europe0001.JPGGironde Estuary, a Navigable Delta w/ Strong Tidal Currents &  the Largest Water Mouth in Western Europe


2024-06-17_17_Most of the Fish in the Estuary Migrating Between Ocean and Rivers Like Eel_ Lamprey_ Shad_ & Sturgeon0001.JPGMost of the Fish in the Estuary Migrating Between the Ocean and Rivers Like Eel, Lamprey, Shad, & Sturgeon


2024-06-17_18_Carrelets, Fishing Huts on Stilts0001.jpgCarrelets or Fishing Huts on Stilts (高架渔村小屋)

2024-06-17_19_Catherine Lacroix Tabouret or Stool0001.JPG

Catherine Lacroix Tabouret or Stool

(当地雕刻家“纯洁· 十字架”《新枝》)

2024-06-17_20_Catherine Lacroix_La bouche or the Mouth Remarked as Clean Lines & Shapes in Harmony0001.JPGCatherine Lacroix's La Bouche or the Mouth Remarked as Clean Lines & Shapes in Harmony

(“纯洁· 十字架”《嘴巴》——简洁的线条与和谐的形状)

2024-06-17_21_Catherine Lacroix Gironde Seaweed & the Conus Bench0001.JPGCatherine Lacroix Gironde Seaweed & the Conus Bench

(“纯洁· 十字架”位于圆润河口的《海藻》和《芋螺长凳》)

2024-06-17_22_Postsigns0001.JPGPostsigns (路标)

2024-06-17_23_69ADH0001.JPG69ADH over the Gironde Estuary (圆润河口上模型飞机)

2024-06-17_24_Churra or Coarse-Woolled_ an Iberian Type0001.JPG

Churra or Coarse-Woolled, an Iberian Type


2024-06-17_25_Gulf Coast Native Sheep0001.JPGGulf Coast Native Sheep (海湾沿岸本地绵羊)

2024-06-17_26_UNESCO World Heritage Site as Part of the Fortifications of Vauban Group in 20080001.JPG

Fort Médoc, the UNESCO World Heritage Site as Part of the Fortifications of Vauban Group Inscripted in 2008





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