


Bilbao, the NW Capital of Spain(西班牙西北部都会·毕尔巴鄂“河坊”)


2024-06-16 National Fudge Day


【Little Song of Seville (Cancioncilla sevillana)】

Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)

            Dawn is awakening

            In the orange grove.

            The little golden bees

            Are looking for honey.


            Where will they find the honey?  


            It's in the blue flower,


            In the flower  

            Of that rosemary yonder. 


            (A little chair of gold 

            For the Moor.  

            A chair of brass 

            For his wife.)  


            Dawn is awakening

            In the orange grove.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——

























Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Guggenheim Effect on Bilbao, Spain(西班牙毕尔巴鄂·古根海姆效用)

2024: Getxo, Basque Refinement in Spain(西班牙格乔“馊葡萄酒”镇)

2024: Vizcaya Bridge over Portugalete, ESP(西班牙港边镇山脊悬索桥)

2015: Olives in Crete, Greece(希腊克里特“朦胧”岛的橄榄)

2014: Hospital Visit(医院探访)

2012: Persuasive─Sell(劝说文─推销)

2011: 二年级结业典礼(Second Grade Ceremony)

2010届宾州光华中文学校毕业典礼(2010 GHCS Commencement, PA)

2024-06-16_01_Artxanda Lookout-30001.JPGArtxanda Lookout (橡林峰观景台)

2024-06-16_16_Artxanda Outlook_Sculpture of Fingerprint near the Fountain in Minuscule Hermitage0001.JPGArtxanda Outlook, Sculpture of Fingerprint near the Fountain in Minuscule Hermitage


2024-06-16_17_Artxanda Outlook_Event Performers0001.JPG

Event Performers @ Artxanda Outlook(橡林峰观景台·活动表演者)

2024-06-16_18_Bilbao Policemen0001.JPG

Bilbao Policemen (河坊警察)

2024-06-16_02_Arriaga Theater in Medieval Neighborhood over River Nervion Viewed from Mount Artxanda0001.JPGArriaga Theater in Medieval Neighborhood over River Nervion Viewed from Mount Artxanda


2024-06-16_19_Arriaga Theatre-10001.JPGArriaga Theatre (多石剧院 06-16-2024)

2024-06-16_03_A Dynamic City w a Dedication to Isozaki Atea,  the Tallest Residential Twin Bldgs in the City Completed in 20190001.JPGA Dynamic City w/ a Dedication to Isozaki Atea,  the Tallest Residential Twin Bldgs in the City Completed in 2019


2024-06-16_04_Bridge of Miraflores Built w a Cantilever Design & Provisional Cables0001.JPGBridge of Miraflores Built w/ a Cantilever Design & Provisional Cables


2024-06-16_07_Old & New Met in the City Ctr w Modern Bldgs Standing alongside Medieval Remnants_ Art & Museum0001.JPGIberdrola Tower, the Local Power Company Offices Viewed from Above


2024-06-16_06_Euskalduna Bridge Built w a Solid Metal Structure & Curved w a Wide Canopy in Protecting the Pedestrian Area & the Bicycle Lane0001.JPGEuskalduna Bridge Built w/ a Solid Metal Structure & Curved w/ a Wide Canopy to Protect the Pedestrian Area & the Bicycle Lane


2024-06-16_08_Cityscape of Bilbao_Capital City of Basque Country0001.JPGCityscape of Bilbao, the Capital City of the Basque Country


2024-06-16_09_Casco Viejo or the Old Quarter _Narrow & Picturesque w Remnants of the Medieval Wall Served as Protection Built in 1334-10001.JPGCasco Viejo or the Old Quarter, Narrow & Picturesque w/ Remnants of the Medieval Wall Served as Protection Built in 1334

(老城区·街道狭窄而景色如画,保留了1334年修建、旨在保护此城的中世纪城墙遗迹 06-16-2024)

2024-06-16_10_Aerial View of Residential Brick Bldgs0001.JPGAerial View of Residential Brick Bldgs


2024-06-16_11_View of  Football San Mames Stadium-10001.JPGView of  Football San Mames Stadium


2024-06-16_12_San Mames Stadium_ Home of Athletic Bilbao Football Club0001.JPGSan Mames Stadium, Home of Athletic Bilbao Football Club


2024-06-16_13_Santurtzi_ a Port Town in the Bilbao Abra Bay_ near the Mouth of the Nervión River_ on Its Left Bank0001.JPGSanturtzi, a Port Town in the Bilbao Abra Bay near the Mouth of the Nervión River on Its Left Bank


2024-06-16_14_Mural of So?ar or Dream by SpY_ an Intl Artist based in Madrid0001.JPGMural of So?ar or Dream by SpY, an Intl. Artist based in Madrid


2024-06-16_20_Azkuna Zentroa_ a Cultural Ctr Housed in a Former Municipal Wine Warehouse0001.JPGAzkuna Zentroa, a Cultural Ctr Housed in a Former Municipal Wine Warehouse


2024-06-16_21_James Bond Balcony from The World Is Not Enough where James Bond jumps to escape across La Salve Bridge0001.JPGJames Bond Balcony from The World Is Not Enough where James Bond jumps to escape across La Salve Bridge


2024-06-16_22_Founding Residence of the Servants of Jesus of Charity0001.JPGFounding Residence of the Servants of Jesus of Charity


2024-06-16_23_Church of Santa María0001.JPGChurch of Santa María (圣母教堂)

2024-06-16_24_Fatima Enekuri Parish0001.JPG

Fatima Enekuri Parish (亲爱的先知之女教区教堂)

2024-06-16_25_Zuberoa Street in the Neighbourhood of Irala w a Colourful Tribute to an Affinity for the UK0001.JPGZuberoa Street in the Neighbourhood of Irala w a Colourful Tribute to an Affinity for the UK


2024-06-16_26_Rows of Houses_ w Their Mansard Roofs & Bright Hues0001.JPGRows of Houses w/ Their Mansard Roofs & Bright Hues


2024-06-16_27_Basque House_ a Traditional Half-Timbered or Stone-Built Type of Housebarn Farmhouse0001.JPGBasque House or Baserri, a Traditional Half-Timbered or Stone-Built Type of Housebarn Farmhouse


2024-06-16_28_Cathedral Basilica of Saint James  Built in the Late 14th & Early 15th Centuries in a Gothic Style w Neo-Gothic Tower & Facade, a Transit.JPG

Cathedral Basilica of Saint James  Built in the Late 14th & Early 15th Centuries in a Gothic Style w/ a Neo-Gothic Tower & Facade, a Transit Point for Pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago of the UNESCO Heritage Site in 2015


2024-06-16_29_Ribera Food Market_M0001.JPGRibera Food Market (河岸食品市场)

2024-06-16_30_Church of Saint Anthony the Great in Gothic_ Renaissance_ Baroque Built in 1510-10001.JPGChurch of Saint Anthony the Great in Gothic, Renaissance, & Baroque Built in 1510

(无价圣徒大教堂·建于1510年,拥有哥特式、文艺复兴式和巴洛克式建筑风格 06-16-2024)

2024-06-16_31_Road Side Wall of Murals0001.JPGRoad Side Wall of Murals (路边壁画)

2024-06-16_32_Padre Arrupe Bridge_ an U-Shaped Girder Bridge_ Pedestrian Bridge & Stainless Steel Bridge Completed in 20030001.JPGPadre Arrupe Bridge, a U-shaped Girder Bridge, Pedestrian Bridge, & Stainless Steel Bridge Completed in 2003


2024-06-16_33_Guggenheim Tower w Its 62m Aiming @ Integrating La Salve Bridge into the Museum Complex0001.JPGGuggenheim Tower w/ Its 62m Aiming @ Integrating La Salve Bridge into the Museum Complex


2024-06-16_33_Red Arches on La Salve Bridge0001.JPGRed Arches on La Salve Bridge by the Statue of Maman outside the Guggenheim Museum


2024-06-16_34_Bridge over a Hwy0001.JPGBridge over an Inter-City Hwy (城际高速公路上的桥梁)

2024-06-16_35_Frank Gehry Bridge_ a Tribute to Canadian-born American Architect of Guggenheim Museum0001.JPGFrank Gehry Bridge, a Tribute to the Canadian-born American Architect of the Guggenheim Museum


2024-06-16_36_Zubizuri Bridge_ a Tied Arch Footbridge0001.JPGZubizuri Bridge, a Tied Arch Footbridge


2024-06-16_37_Arriluze Pier Lighthouse0001.JPGArriluze Pier Lighthouse (休闲码头灯塔)

2024-06-16_38_Maritime Museum0001.JPGMaritime Museum Pl (海事博物馆广场)

2024-06-16_39_Port_Metal Recycling & Piles of Scrap0001.JPGMetal Recycling & Piles of Scrap @ Bilbao Port


2024-06-16_40_Abando Railway Station0001.JPGAbando Railway Station (离别火车站)

2024-06-16_41_Monument of Sacred Heart of Jesus-10001.JPG

Jesusen Bihotza Plaza (耶稣圣心广场)

2024-06-16_42_Monument of Sacred Heart of Jesus-20001.JPG

Monument of Sacred Heart of Jesus (《耶稣圣心》纪念碑)

2024-06-16_43_Monument of Sacred Heart of Jesus_Pedestal0001.JPGPedestal Monument of Sacred Heart of Jesus


2024-06-16_44_Sculpture of Dodecathlos0001.JPGSculpture of Dodecathlos (雕塑《十项全能》)

2024-06-16_45_Sculpture of Mutilado by Krier Leioa0001.JPG

Sculpture of Mutilado (雕塑《残疾人》)

2024-06-16_46_Sculpture A Wave of Iron0001.JPGSculpture w/ A Wave of Iron (雕塑《铁浪》)

2024-06-16_47_Sculpture_Aggression0001.JPGSculpture of Aggression (雕塑《好斗情绪》)

2024-06-16_48_Sculpture of Sites and Places0001.JPGSculpture of Sites and Places (雕塑《场所和地点》)

2024-06-16_49_Crane in the Estuary of Bilbao0001.JPG

Crane in the Estuary of Bilbao (河坊河口的起重机)

2024-06-16_50_Street Hippy0001.JPG

Street Hippy (街头嬉皮士)

2024-06-16_51_About ArcelorMittal Sestao_ a Steel Plant0001.JPGArcelorMittal Sestao, the World's Largest Steel Producer in Terms of Turnover & the Second Largest in Terms of Steel Output but Only 60 Employees Worked @ the Sestao Site


2024-06-16_54_WeylChem Bilbao0001.JPGWeylChem Bilbao, a Global German Company


2024-06-16_52_Windmill Park near the Bilbao Harbor-10001.JPGWindmill Park near the Bilbao Harbor



2016: Pittsburgh the Steel City, PA(宾州钢铁之都·匹兹堡“坚固城”)



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