


Getxo, Basque Refinement in Spain(西班牙格乔“馊葡萄酒”镇)


2024-06-16 International Day of Family Remittances


【Landscape (Paisaje)】

Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)

To Rita, Concha, Pepe and Carmencica

            The mistaken afternoon

            Dressed in cold.


            Behind the windows,

            Cloudy, all the children,

            See a yellow tree 

            Turn into birds.


            The afternoon is stretched

            Along the river.

            And a blush of the apple

            Trembles on the roofs.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——

















【注】格乔“馊葡萄酒”镇英式豪华庄园林立栉比,标致的海岸线、惊艳的山脊复理石(Bizkaia Flysch)、独特的巴斯克“灵魂”(Basque)自治区地域文化,似乎从未让Getxo缺少大都会的精致。

2006年列入联合国教科文组织《世界遗产名录》的山脊悬索桥(Vizcaya Bridge)让更多的游客见识到这个继马德里、巴塞罗那之后西班牙生活质量排行最三的风水宝地,虽说方圆不大,但自廿世纪初以来,这里一直是实业资本家趋之若鹜的聚居地。


He who makes evil, the beard at his back.

Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Guggenheim Effect on Bilbao, Spain(西班牙毕尔巴鄂·古根海姆效用)

2024: Bilbao, the NW Capital of Spain(西班牙西北部都会·毕尔巴鄂“河坊”)

2024: Vizcaya Bridge over Portugalete, ESP(西班牙港边镇山脊悬索桥)

2015: Olives in Crete, Greece(希腊克里特“朦胧”岛的橄榄)

2014: Hospital Visit(医院探访)

2012: Persuasive─Sell(劝说文─推销)

2011: 二年级结业典礼(Second Grade Ceremony)

2010届宾州光华中文学校毕业典礼(2010 GHCS Commencement, PA)

2024-06-16_00_Oldest Transport w a Perfect Combination of Beauty & Functionality  Linking the Towns of Portugalete (Poor) & Las Arena (Rich) from the.JPGVizcaya Bridge, the Oldest Transport w/ a Perfect Combination of Beauty & Functionality Linking the Towns of Portugalete (Poor) & Getxo (Rich) from the Mouth of the Cantabrian Sea

[山脊悬索桥·最老的集美观与功能完美于一体的运输吊缆,从坎塔布连“高地”海口连接贫富两镇——港边(穷)和馊葡萄酒(富) 06-16-2024]

2024-06-16_01_Port Getxo0001.JPGPort Getxo (馊葡萄酒镇港口)

2024-06-16_02_the 3rd Highest Real Estate Prices & Personal Income Levels after Barcelona& Madrid in Spain.0001.JPG

Getxo, the 3rd Highest Real Estate Prices & Personal Income Levels after Barcelona& Madrid in Spain


2024-06-16_03_La Casa de Náufragos or House of Castaways0001.JPGLa Casa de Náufragos or House of Castaways


2024-06-16_04_Neguri冬城_Arriluce Lighthouse-10001.JPGNeguri, Arriluce Lighthouse (冬城区·明亮航标灯)

2024-06-16_05_Superport & Estuary of Bilbao0001.JPGSuperport & Estuary of Bilbao


2024-06-16_06_Monument to Evaristo Churruca for His Contribution to the Exterior Port of Bilbao & Canalization of the Nervion River0001.JPG

Monument to Evaristo Churruca for His Contribution to the Exterior Port of Bilbao & Canalization of the Nervion River


2024-06-16_07_Ferry Transporting People & Vehicles Between the Towns of Portugalete and Getxo-30001.JPGFerry Transporting People & Vehicles Between the Towns of Portugalete and Getxo, One of the Most Outstanding Constructions of the European Industrial Revolution & Iron Architecture in the 19th Century


2024-06-16_10_Mayor Street0001.JPGMayor Street (优越街)

2024-06-16_09_Las Arenas_Waterfront Apt by Vizcaya Bridge0001.JPGLas Arenas, Waterfront Apt by Vizcaya Bridge


2024-06-16_14_Palacio Eguzkialde or House of the Mayor in Neomonta?es Style Designed in 1918-20001.JPGPalacio Eguzkialde or House of the Mayor in Neomonta?es Style Designed in 1918


2024-06-16_11_Palacio Eguzkialde or House of the Mayor in Neomonta?es Style Designed in 1918-10001.JPGFa?ade of Palacio Eguzkialde or House of the Mayor


2024-06-16_12_Cisco II House in Las Arenas沙城0001.JPGCisco II House in Las Arenas (沙滩区·自由二世之家)

2024-06-16_13_Las Arenas_House of Luis Arana_ a Spainish Footballer0001.JPG

House of Luis Arana, a Spanish Footballer @ Las Arenas


2024-06-16_15_Palace of the Marquis of Olaso0001.JPGPalace of the Marquis of Olaso (波浪侯爵宫殿)

2024-06-16_18_Hotel Embarcadero0001.JPGHotel Embarcadero (内河码头酒店)

2024-06-16_16_ Neguri_Lezama-Leguizamón's Palace0001.JPGLezama-Leguizamón's Palace @ Neguri


2024-06-16_19_Neguri_Casa Aizgoyen in Eclecticism & Neo-Basque Style0001.JPGCasa Aizgoyen in Eclecticism & Neo-Basque Style @ Neguri


2024-06-16_20_Ampuero Palace in Regionalist Architecture Constructed in 19280001.JPGAmpuero Palace in Regionalist Architecture Constructed in 1928


2024-06-16_20_Palacio Arriluce Hotel0001.JPGPalacio Arriluce Hotel (明亮宫酒店)

2024-06-16_21_Las Arenas_Andrés Isasi Music School0001.JPG

Andrés Isasi Music School @ Las Arenas


2024-06-16_23_Las Arenas _Bust of Alberto de Palacio_ Architect of the Suspension Bridge in Front of His Creation0001.JPG

Bust of Alberto de Palacio, Architect of the Vizcaya Suspension Bridge in Front of His Creation @ Las Arenas


2024-06-16_08_Right Bank of the Estuary of the Nervión in Biscay, Affluent Neighbourhoods, Traditionally the Residential Areas of the Industrial Bourg.JPGRight Bank of the Estuary of the Nervión in Biscay, Affluent Neighbourhoods, Traditionally the Residential Areas of the Industrial Bourgeoisie

(比斯开“山脊”岛宽河口右岸·富裕街区,传统上实业资产阶级的居住区 06-16-2024)

2024-06-16_26_Gobela River0001.JPGGobela River, a River of Vizcaya (山脊河支流)

2024-06-16_27_Marina of Getxo0001.JPGMarina of Getxo (馊葡萄酒镇游艇码头)

2024-06-16_28_Arrigunaga Beach0001.JPGArrigunaga Beach (傲娇海滩)

2024-06-16_29_Getxo_ Mostly an Affluent Residential Area_ & Being the 3rd-Largest Municipality of Biscay0001.JPGMostly an Affluent Residential Area & the 3rd-Largest Municipality of Biscay


2024-06-16_24_Las Arenas_Church of Our Lady of Mercy_Bell Tower-10001.JPGChurch of Our Lady of Mercy @ Las Arenas


2024-06-16_25_Las Arenas_Church of Our Lady of Mercy_Bell Tower-20001.JPGChurch Bells of Our Lady of Mercy @ Las Arenas


2024-06-16_22_Las Arenas_Church of Our Lady of Mercy0001.JPG

Church Dome of Our Lady of Mercy @ Las Arenas


2024-06-16_30_Galerias de Punta Begona Built in 1919 as a Continuation Defensive Wal l & a Blend of Masonry, Ashlars & Concrete on a High Sloping Mas.JPGGalerias de Punta Begona (1919) as a Continuation of Defensive Wall & a Blend of Masonry, Ashlars & Concrete on a High Sloping Masonry Base 


2024-06-16_31_Algorta_Old Port0001.JPGOld Port @ Algorta (岩石区·老城堡)

2024-06-16_32_Punta Galea or Promontory Cliffs_  a Cape in Biscay0001.JPGPunta Galea or Promontory Cliffs, a Cape in Biscay


2024-06-16_33_Ereaga Beach w Unique Rhythm Spain comes alive as the Sun descends0001.JPGEreaga Beach w/ Unique Rhythm Spain comes alive as the Sun descends


2024-06-16_34_Bizkaia Flysch @ Punta Galea-10001.JPGBizkaia Flysch @ Punta Galea

(海角悬崖·山脊复理石 06-16-2024)

2024-06-16_35_Abra Bay_ a Bay of the Bay of Biscay0001.JPGAbra Bay, a Sound of the Bay of Biscay


2024-06-16_36_Man-Made Island outside Port of Santurtzi_ Basque Coast0001.JPGMan-Made Island for Fishing outside Port of Santurtzi along the Basque Coast


2024-06-16_37_Yamaha Waverunner VX Cruiser HO0001.JPGYamaha Waverunner VX Cruiser HO





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