


An economic analysis of open border policy


An economic analysis of open border policy

An article in The Hill states,

Despite its proclamations, laws and official statements to the contrary, America has an open border policy, albeit a de facto one.

Most agree that the open border policy is a de facto one, not a de jure one. Open border policy increases the supply and decreases the cost of manual labor. This is welcomed by many upper class people, to a degree, and resented by most lower class people. The open border policy is a de facto one because it is supported by many upper class people.  The open border policy is not a de jure one because it is resented by most lower class people, the majority of people. The open border policy is not a de jure one so the governments can control the level of illegal immigration easily. They don’t take any blame for the loosing of border control and take all the credit for tightening border control.

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