


La Coruna, the Glass City of Spain(西班牙拉科鲁亚“王冠”玻璃城)


2024-06-15 World Martini Day

A Coruna.jpg

Half Moon (Media luna)

Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)

            The moon goes across the water.

            How calm the sky is!

            It slowly mows down

            the old tremor of the river

            while a young branch

            takes it for a mirror.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——













王冠城建在伸向大西洋的狭长地带,其战略位置堪属游览基督教三大朝圣地之一——圣地亚哥·孔波斯特拉“星野的后继圣徒”(Santiago de Compostela)最佳基地,我因此走进了这座“没有人是局外者”的玻璃城。

A Coru?a, the city where no one is an outsider.

Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Hostal dos Reis Católicos, ESP(西班牙欧洲最美的酒店·天主教皇旅馆)

2024: Archcathedral Basilica of Santiago, ESP(西班牙大主教区圣殿)

2024: Santiago de Compostela, Spain(西班牙“星野的后继使徒”城)

2018: A Thankful Note to English Writing Class(感谢便笺)

2014: Jim Thorpe, PA(宾州吉姆索普“明路”镇)

2012: Descriptive─Commentary Speech(应用文─解说辞)

2024-06-15_01_San Antón Castle against Port Control Tower_ a 16th-Century Renaissance Fort0001.JPGSan Antón Castle against Port Control Tower, a 16th-Century Renaissance Fort


2024-06-15_03_Cruise Dock_ Transatlantic Pier0001.JPGTransatlantic Pier of Cruise Dock


2024-06-15_171_Mera Lighthouse on a Cliff over the Atlantic Coast0001.JPGMera Lighthouse on a Cliff over the Atlantic Coast


2024-06-15_02_Abente and Lago Hospital0001.JPGAbente and Lago Hospital (欢迎湖医院)

2024-06-15_04_View of La Coru?a w Old City Wall @ at the Waterfront0001.JPGView of Old City Wall @ the Waterfront


2024-06-15_09_Telefónica0001.JPGTelefónica (西班牙电信公司)

2024-06-15_15_Church of San Lázaro as the Patron Saint of the Sick & Lepers Built in 19240001.JPGChurch of San Lázaro, the Patron Saint of the Sick & Lepers Built in 1924


2024-06-15_06_La Terraza Bldg near the Marina_ the City Known as Glass City Due to Its Glassed-in-Balconies-10001.JPGLa Terraza Bldg near the Marina, the City Known as Glass City Due to Its Glassed-in-Balconies

(靠近游艇码头的露台建筑·因玻璃阳台而被称为玻璃城的城市 06-15-2024)

2024-06-15_05_Marina of A Coru?a0001.JPGMarina @ Marina & Glazed Window Balconies or Galerías behind


2024-06-15_Glass Galleries-10001.JPG

Glass Galleries (玻璃画廊 06-15-2024)

2024-06-15_A-Coru?a-Town-Hall Imposing Neoclassical Bldg_ Built in 19170001.JPGTown Hall Imposing Neoclassical Bldg Built in 1917


2024-06-15_10_Casa Barrié in 1926 vs Linares Rivas Bldg0001.JPG

Casa Barrié in 1926 vs Linares Rivas Bldg


2024-06-15_169_Church of St. John the Baptist of Eiris in Neo-Gothic Built in 19260001.JPGChurch of St. John the Baptist of Eiris in Neo-Gothic Built in 1926


2024-06-15_170_Santa Cristina Beach0001.JPGSanta Cristina Beach (圣基督信徒海滩)

2024-06-15_Celtic King Breogan in A Coru?a0001.JPG

Sculpture of Celtic King Breogan in La Coru?a


2024-06-15_00_Tower of Hercules or Farum Brigantium, the Oldest Known Extant Roman Lighthouse Built in the 1st Century & a UNESCO World Heritage S.JPGTower of Hercules or Farum Brigantium, the Oldest Known Extant Greco-Roman Lighthouse Built in the 1st Century & a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2009


2024-06-15_00_Tower of Hercules or Farum Brigantium, the Oldest Known Extant Roman Lighthouse Built in the 1st Century & a UNESCO World Heritage Si.JPGTower of Hercules, Reconstruction & Modernization

(大力士神石灯塔·重建与现代化 06-15-2024)

2024-06-15_Compass Rose Representing the Different Celtic Peoples0001.JPGCompass Rose Representing the Different Celtic Peoples


2024-06-15_Maritime Control Tower0001.JPG

Maritime Control Tower (海事控制塔)

2024-06-15_Menhirs for Peace-10001_1.JPGSculpture of Menhirs for Peace


2024-06-15_Surfers Fountain0001.JPGSurfers Fountain (冲浪者喷泉)

2024-06-15_16_Road to Abente and Lago Hospital0001.JPGNeighborhood around Abente & Lago Hospital


2024-06-15_168_Roundabout0001.JPGRoundabout w/ City-wide Light Traffic


2024-06-15_11_El Velero or Sailboat Bridge0001.JPGEl Velero or Sailboat Bridge (帆船天桥)

2024-06-15_12_La Rosa Cable-Stayed Footbridge Built in 2003-10001.JPGLa Rosa Cable-Stayed Footbridge Built in 2003


2024-06-15_12_La Rosa Cable-Stayed Footbridge Built in 2003-20001.JPGLa Rosa Cable-Stayed Footbridge (玫瑰斜拉桥)

2024-06-15_14_Alfonso Molina Footbridge0001.JPGAlfonso Molina Footbridge (高雅磨坊人行天桥)

2024-06-15_07_Cements of Cantabrian0001.JPGCements of Cantabrian (高地人水泥厂)

2024-06-15_08_Cements of Cantabrian Storage Facility @ the Port0001.JPGCement of Cantabrian Storage Facility @ the Port


2024-06-15_Red Ginger0001.JPG

Red Ginger of Oceania Marina

(“大洋·滨海”号游轮红姜餐厅 06-15-2024)


Connoisseur (美食)




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