


China is re-humanizing the west dehumanized world


  China is re-humanizing the west dehumanized world 

          Frank (Hongde) Li, Nov. 9, 2024

Today; as that British historian Dr. Arnold Toynbee wished in half century ago; by updating Silk Road as the Belt and Road initiative with the BRICS Alliance; China has been merging the west inhumanly feud fragmentized world that has been looting & killing since ancient times.

With the names of making people a better life by promoting free world, values and human rights; the west endlessly provokes wars. Now it is in hot ongoing in Ukraine and Middle East.

By such an  inhuman plays, the democracy has been in granting power to the hands of inhuman individuals and then they drive the power of State Apparatus to destruct the world towards the graveyard of the vast suicided civilizations in the Milky Way Galaxy.

I confidently infer that after 35 years of failure of the Socialist-Bloc; now the democratic play has killed Capitalist-Bloc. The failure of democracy in governance has made the death sentence to Western civilization.

The US federation will dismember within 2050; due to that human rights trained labor lazy has uprooted labor productivity; the global de-dollarization and the monetary independence of the US’ 40 States has started the trend. We must strive for the world not being ruined in this period.

             Contents as summaries

      The motivation of topic

1... For centuries China have helped to shape world civilization .

2... How did China has helped to shape the world civilization

2.1... China is Collectivistic Civilization, the West is Individualistic Civilization  

2.2... China’s civilization enlightened west out of Dark Ages

2.3... Enlightenment leader Voltaire admired Confucius very much

2.4... Confucianism is a collective product of generations’ efforts

2.5... French Montesquieu dehumanized China humanized west

2.6... China’s civilization enlightened the birth of modern economics 

3... The players of democracy ruin world to WWIII & Atomic Cremation  

4... Prof. John Mearsheimer said that in China he is among my people

5... British historian Arnold Toynbee wished to be reborn in China

6... The failure of democracy knocked the death knell of Western civilization  

7... China is merging feud fragmentized world as Arnold Toynbee wished  

The motivation of topic

American Professor John Mearsheimer said that when I've gone to China I've often started my Talks by saying it's good to be back among my people. I love the Chinese people and in fact I'm more at home intellectually in China than I am in the west, because the Chinese are basically realists, whereas in the west people are instinctively liberal and they instinctively don't like realism, because it's such a pessimistic way of thinking about the world in past years.

Professor revealed reason that people in the West are Keen on promoting the free world, democracy, values and human rights; which are not for a better life but for showing their noble character. For which they fabricate rumors to instigate color revolutions, military coups, overthrow other governments to create refugee waves that pour into their own country, and then they force their own citizens to freely feed them. Then the refugees are like police patrolling the streets, while their own citizens live like fugitives hiding carefully, but still get robbed, raped, and killed without human rights and human dignity.

Oct. 28, 2024, in Spain, the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs & Security Policy, Dr. Josep Borrell, who warns that: world is “on the brink of a major fire” ,“we have lost our humanity.”

Due to that the democracy grants power to reckless people to push human world faced with multi-destructions: Atomic Cremation, WWIII; Neoliberalism Makes Depression; and Life Threat Home Yards to ruin the world towards the graveyard of the vast suicided civilizations in the Milky Way Galaxy.

In 1973, British historian Dr. Arnold Toynbee said that “I am willing to be born in China. Because I felt that China will play a very important role in the future for all mankind. If I was born as a Chinese, I think I can do something worthwhile." As a Chinese, “If the world has not merged, I will work hard to integrate it. If the world has merged, then I will try to shift the world from material-centered to spiritual-centered.”

Now China is merging the west feud fragmentized world as Dr. Arnold Toynbee wished by updating 2000 years of old Silk Road as Belt and Road initiative to help those long feud countries mutually understanding to melt down the feuds and integrate billions of marginalized people into the world economy and help them going from making $2 a day which is misery and degradation to 10 or 15 a day which is the beginning of dignity.

1...For centuries China have helped to shape world civilization

April 18, 2023, the President of European Commission Ms. von der Leyen, in the speech at the European Parliament Plenary on the need for a coherent strategy for EU-China relations, who soberly indicates that: “for centuries China have helped to shape world civilization; and in the last decades, they have really transformed the economy of their country, lifting more than 800 million people out of poverty in the last 45 years and transformed into a modern-day economic powerhouse, key global player and a leader in many of the cutting-edge technologies that will certainly shape the next decades of global civilization and progress.”

Please remember that the achievements of China of Ms. von der Leyen indicated; were made based on the destroyed ruins with huge war reparations from a century long killing and looting of Western allies and US black ships tamed Japan; which started since 1840 British armed selling opium after government of China banned opium trade in 1839. The opium trade started in 1773, where British forced Indians growing opium, and then selling it to China.

2...How did China has helped to shape the world civilization

2.1...China is Collectivistic Civilization, the West is Individualistic Civilization  

China is Collectivistic Civilization cultured by outlawed schools of thought to respect Confucian only in 2000 years ago; to have cultured people in human quality with collective self-disciplined and don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you; in the collectivist values and peace seeking genes; which have solidified China in humanized state of Collectivistic Civilization in 2000 years ago explored the Silk Road to provide west in life necessaries until this moment.

The West is Individualistic Civilization cultured by adopting various Gods brainwashing people torn humanity and culture hatred apart and made society feud fragmentized in cultural killing; in individualistic values and war seeking genes in regarding looting and killing others as a matter of course; and by people competing for power in tragic life in the individualistic values and war seeking genes; which solidified the west in the antihuman state of Individualistic Civilization and has been in killing wars until this moment.

It was just the doctrine of “don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you”, big Zheng He's fleet (1405-1433) sailed to the world seven times, besides fair trade, no colonial occupation and plunder; but presenting books to Italy triggered the end of Dark Ages. However, when Columbus (1492-1502) sailed to discover the New World, European countries were rushed to the world from killing at home to colonize, sell slaves and opium, and do every evil thing.

2.2...China’s civilization enlightened west out of Dark Ages

British submarine captain Gavin Menzies traveled around the world due to his profession and was shocked by the remains of Zheng He's fleet all over the world. After retiring, he spent 14 years at his own expense, visited historical sites in 120 countries and more than 900 libraries, museums and archives, and wrote 1421: The Year China Discovered the World and 1434: The Year a Magnificent Chinese Fleet Sailed to Italy and Ignited the Renaissance.

He wrote that in 1434, a Chinese fleet arrived in Tuscany, Italy, and presented the Pope with a large number of books covering various fields: geography, astronomy, mathematics, art, printing, architecture, steel manufacturing, civil engineering, military affairs, weapons, surveying, cartography, etc. From then on, Europeans accepted Chinese ideas, discoveries, and inventions. The understanding and learning of China inspired the creativity of the Renaissance and formed the foundation of European civilization.

The amazon.com introduced that in book, Gavin Menzies revealed that it was the Chinese that discovered America, not Columbus. It was also Chinese advances in science, art, and technology that formed the basis of the European Renaissance and our modern world. Until now, scholars have considered that the Italian Renaissance - the basis of our modern Western world - came about as a result of a re-examining the ideas of classical Greece and Rome.

Also since 1400s, European missionaries continuously enter China and they translate the culture of China back home to have triggered great response and discussion throughout the Europe and enlightened the development of modern economics; also triggered Renaissance, Enlightenment and French Revolution by a genetic hobby of bloody killing to push Europe entered the new Dark Ages with new type of beast play. 

2.3...Enlightenment leader Voltaire admired Confucius very much   

Enlightenment leader Voltaire admired Confucius very much and says that Confucius completed the moral science, in Philosophical Dictionary, he wrote that: I knew a philosopher who had no other portrait than that of Confucius in his study. At the bottom of it were written the following lines:

Without assumption he explored the mind,

Unveiled the light of reason to mankind;

Spoke as a sage, and never as a seer,

Yet, strange to say, his country held him dear.

2.4...Confucianism is a collective product of generations’ efforts

Confucius (?551– 479 BC), who was a philosopher in vassal state Chu, he lifelong strives to establish social order by restoring the war destroyed rituals and music system; his followers edited its sermons as The Analects of Confucius to be respected as Confucian or Confucianism since then, there were people making improvement on Confucianism by integrating own thoughts in lasting for hundred years long, which showed that there great many rational people were caring about improving life by improving social governance.

In which process; the contributed the most was Dong Zhongshu (179–104BC) in Han Dynasty. He systematized, simplified and summarized scattered recorded Confucianism as simple as easy to understand, remember and implement – the son obeys the father, the wife obeys the husband; the minister obeys the monarch, the young people should respect and take care for elderly, everyone must abide by law; respect social morality and keep own promise in the social activities, and do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you, and so on.

Confucius was not limited in empty preaching, but killed people with potential for evil. Confucius was not a dogmatist in just simply kindness preaching, but also flexibly put own thoughts into social governance personally; even kills the man with crime potential as prevention for bad results.

According to historical record, Confucius once worked as judicial officer of the State Lu, only 7 days after he took the position, he killed a man named Shao Zhengmao who has not committed any crime at all, but was just in a possibility of committing crime according to his speeches and potential mentality. Confucius believed that people have five evils, as long as a person has one of them, it cannot escape from the killing by the gentleman; but the theft is not included.

1... It is sober in introspection, but, is sinister in actual.

2... It is sinful in action but stubborn in unrepentant.

3... It is in hypocritical and is also in good at sophistry.

4... It is memorized something in weird, messy and numerous.

5... It is a clear mistake but still beautifies it.

2.5...French Montesquieu dehumanized China humanized west

According to the practice of Fran?ois Quesnay, Voltaire, Leibniz and other enlightenment thinkers of Europe; the Europe was nearly successfully following the political practice of China in Technocratic Democracy through Examination selecting learned people as officials; then Human society would avoid the catastrophe of the First World Wars. However, the good was turned bad by French political philosopher Montesquieu (1689 – 1755).

In the "Spirit of Law", Montesquieu ignored the humanized approach of China choosing talents through the Imperial Examination in Technocratic Democracy, but defined China as autocracy and imperial dictatorship; by which he provided confidence for people condemning China as dictatorship until this day.

Also Montesquieu fabricated over humanized idea of the democracy with separation of powers became beast demon that has been ruining world by favoring the inhuman people, who have no basic human intelligence for reasoning the bad consequence on what they are doing and driving Gov-power to recklessly ruin world.

2.6...China’s civilization enlightened the birth of modern economics

Tao Te Ching (China, around 400BC) discusses the principles of self-cultivation, governing a country, employing military force, and maintaining health in a philosophical sense, with politics as its main purpose. It has had a profound impact on thought, science, politics, literature, and art, etc., TCM was developed with its principles and terminology.

As my view that Tao Te Ching was mainly the summaries of historical experience and coined political and economical idea wu wei, wu means none, and wei means ability, capability or the accomplishment from action; so that the term wu wei means that government must reduce the excessive harassment on the livelihood of people, for example, reduce excessive taxation, avoid arbitrary assignment of labors; which was a government could do in the agricultural economy. 

This was not as complicated as the West clamoring in today - Human beings are born free and should not be interfered with, the world must be a free one, in all kinds of freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of belief, etc..

In 1700s, French Physiocrat Fran?ois Quesnay (1694–1774), who coined the economic idea Laissez-Faire according to the term wu wei of Tao Te Ching of ancient China. Then the laissez-faire inspired British Adam Smith wrote economic bible the Wealth of Nations in 1776; in which he proposed the term of Invisible Hand, and then the Invisible Hand was advocated as inhuman lawless Neoliberalism that advocates cutting off all of the supervisions of Government. The manmade financial and economic disasters were derived from the Neoliberalism supported demons play of greedy people.

Then the the laissez-faire caused financial and economic disasters inspired British John Keynes written The end of laissez-faire in 1926; and The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money in 1936, by which Keynes advocates that government must be intervention in market or economy by regulating interest rates and investments stimulate economic development. Then the idea went popular world widely; the state invests in infrastructure to create jobs, controls currency issuance, and adjusts interest rates to 2%, becoming a common economic means for all countries.

The humanized governing thoughts wu wei was being evil used until this day and gave the birth of the lawless idea of individual is the basic unit in society with a natural right to freedom; no one has right to interfere anyone in the enjoyment of freedom. The coins liberty or freedom, free world; freedom of expression, freedom of religion, freedom of association, all kinds of freedom; but all of them favors the bad one free play due to too many people no human nature.

3...The players of democracy ruin world to WWIII & Atomic Cremation

Today, the abundance of material wealth can be called Affluent Society; but please look at the world; even in rich democracies; people even work harder, but there are still increasingly people, who are unable to make their ends meet. In underdeveloped countries, some people even sell their organs to support their families.

Oct. 28, 2024, in Spain, the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs & Security Policy, Dr. Josep Borrell, who warns that: world is “on the brink of a major fire” ,“we have lost our humanity.” Now human beings faced with multi-destructions: Atomic Cremation, WWIII; Neoliberalism Makes Depression; and Life Threat Home Yards.

4...Prof. John Mearsheimer said that in China he is among my people

British media Unherd interviews with American Professor John Mearsheimer: How the ‘realists' won. In which Professor John Mearsheimer said the “I've been to China many times, I love going to China, I love the Chinese people and in fact I'm more at home intellectually in China than I am in the west, because the Chinese are basically realists, whereas in the west people are instinctively liberal and they instinctively don't like realism, because it's such a pessimistic way of thinking about the world in past years.”

“When I've gone to China I've often started my Talks by saying it's good to be back among my people, I don't speak a word of Chinese and I feel like I'm a fish out of water culturally, when I'm in China. But intellectually the Chinese are my kind of people, they're realists very interested in theory, I've never gone to any country where people are more interested in international relations theory and talking about the big issues.”

It was just because of the west people are instinctively liberal and they instinctively don't like realism, they recklessly promote liberal world by stationing troops and spy agencies everywhere, instigate color revolutions, military coups, create social unrests, and prevent people from making a living in their homes to enter the waves of refugees to roam around the world to make the people in other country cannot live as human.

5...British historian Arnold Toynbee wished to be reborn in China   

No one dared say oneself as best historian when facing with the outstanding works - 12-volume A Study of History (1934–1961) of Arnold Joseph Toynbee  (1889 –1975), the greatest British historian, a philosopher of history.

In 1973, Dr. Arnold Toynbee held dialogue with the famous Japanese social activist Daisaku Ikeda on human society and the contemporary world; which spanned two years in totaling 10 days and up to 40 hours. Then published as Looking forward to the 21st century - Toynbee and Daisaku Ikeda dialogue, and was translated and published in many languages. Below were the excerpt-translated from a Mandarin article of Chinese Civilization Will Unify the World - Prophecy of British Historian Toynbee in Feb. 26, 2018.

When replying “If you reborn as a human, what country are you willing to be born in and what kind of work wants to do?” Dr. Toynbee replied without any hesitation: “I am willing to be born in China. Because I felt that China will play a very important role in the future for all mankind. If I was born as a Chinese, I think I can do something worthwhile." As a Chinese, “If the world has not merged, I will work hard to integrate it. If the world has merged, then I will try to shift the world from material-centered to spiritual-centered.”

Daisaku Ikeda said that the peaceful integration of mankind and the rejuvenation of spiritual culture are also the subjects entrusted to him by Doctor. The method proposed by the Doctor for this is “conversation”.

For the comments of Dr. Toynbee "as a possibility of the future, China may rule the world and colonize it," Daisaku Ikeda argued (in book, not in face to face) with that, my idea is that China is not so much a nation that promotes the conviction of conquest, but rather a conservative who wants peace and safe in nature. In fact, as long as someone does not invade China at first, China will never preempt. In modern times, the Opium War, the Sino-Japanese War, the Korean War, and the wars related to China so far can be called self-defense wars, which were the normal reaction that has to be done.

Please remember that the dialogue was held in 1973, at that time, China did not make economic reform yet, the economic situation was in the most difficult period without any hope can be seen.

Obviously, the judgment of the famous historian Dr. Arnold Toynbee about China was according the civilization historically. It said that Dr. Arnold Toynbee was unwilling to talk about the civilization of the West and said that “Of the twenty-two civilizations that have appeared in history, nineteen of them collapsed when they reached the moral state as the United States is in now.”

As great historian, obviously, the Dr. Arnold Toynbee was well understood human civilization globally than that of any others; he was most understanding which civilization was properly humanized and was unwilling to waste time on those inhuman one.

Here I have to indicate that though Dr. Arnold Toynbee was rational; but could not get rid of the European looting and killing bloody fed mentality of China may rule and colonize the world as that of inhuman deeds of the West; which is the leading view of the West on China in today.

But as you see, the view of Daisaku Ikeda was radical difference; because of he has the genes mostly from Confucian culture of China; historically, Japan was a country that was influenced the most by the culture of China and long in pursuing for peace; even right now it is still in use of Chinese characters; but, after being tamed by the black ships of the United States, it also began to endlessly plunder and kill, until killed about 30 millions of Asians by provoking world war II.

The view that China may rule and colonize world shows that even if the greatest historian Dr. Arnold Toynbee could not get rid of the limitation of intelligence that trapped by own acquired knowledge.

6...The failure of democracy knocked the death knell of Western civilization  

Democracies playing human rights culture people laziness of striking for more by doing less, and have destroyed the quality of labors without sense and ability for work, after the left of quality generation of WWII, the labor productivity lost forever and the manufacturing of the foundation for people survival in the democracies to be uprooted.

Please look at those human rights playing democracies, the poor labor productivity is in corrupting manufacturing to be completely disappearing. Germany, once the manufacturing star, is in quickly de-industrializing. Please look at that people once trusted reliable good Boeing passenger airliners; now the simple accidents happen arbitrarily.

People would never forget that it was the strong manufacturing ability of the US that supported global victory in WWII, and made US gained reputation as trusted global leader, but today; the manufacturing has destroyed by the political correctness witch hunt imposed stuff – idiotic freedom, valueless values and questionable human rights.

Under such ideologies, the legal system, populist hijacked politicians, Unions, layers, etc., all supervising protecting laziness. Sept 3, 2024, a report that US Navy’s vessel enters Hanwha Ocean’s shipyard in Korea for maintenance, repair and overhaul MRO services; which shows that in the US, the ability in simply ship repairing lost already.

November 8, 2024, article Qantas Airline Boeing 737 engine explosion forces emergency return to Sydney reports that the Boeing 737, operating flight QF520 with 174 individuals onboard, was forced to return to Sydney after the explosion reportedly ignited a grassfire in the vicinity.

Today; without made in China, no one is able to live well.

Europe and the US Politicians hope to use high tariffs to prevent the import of products from other countries and protect their own manufacturing industry. They have not even realized that they mindlessly advocate human rights to please voters has completely shattered the essential quality of labors and lost their ability for proper work.

April 13, 2021.YouTube video in Mandarin The United States is investing heavily in infrastructure to catch up with China in 10 years. Is it a gimmick or real work, the comments of Chinese people who live in the US indicated many cases that Americans purposefully keeping infrastructure in dilapidated state, for example, when using federal funds to repair roads and railways; they deliberately leave them in the dilapidated state for continuing to receive investment.

A citizen bought materials to repair road in the middle of the night. Then he was caught after a long time and was sued by the state government for damaging the road without permission. In fact, everyone knows that only bad roads can be funded, politicians can get kickbacks, company can make incomes, and workers can have jobs.

Obviously, inhuman western civilization has distorted the cognitive function of populism coerced democratic politicians; who regarded the behavior of making a living by means of unearned income as an act in line with them touted human rights, while the workers of China work efficiently are the crime of forcing to work in antihuman rights.

This is the one of reasons; I confidently predicate that the US federal will be inevitably dismembered within 2050 and this is the why, nowadays; without Made in China; no people in any country are able to live well.

It is precisely because of this inhuman distortion of cognitive function socially and which inhumanly distorted democratic social governance; I confidently predicate the failure of European evil based western civilization.

Now, on the Earth, the conflicts are mainly from the two major civilizations; in which European looting, killing bloodily soiled Western Individualistic Civilization boldly destroys China Confucian Collectivistic Civilization.  

The failure in manufacturing proved failure of democratic governance and which uprooted the root of Western civilization; due to the fatal harm of it touted toxic ideologies and it has never chosen quality people in power.

Therefore I confidently said that after 35 years of Socialist-Bloc fails; now the democratic play has killed Capitalist-Bloc. As political system of the West, the failure in social governance of democracy has made the death sentence to Western civilization.

The US federal will be dismembered within 2050; due to that political correctness witch hunting by human rights training lazy has uprooted labor quality and productivity; while the global de-dollarization and the monetary independence of the US’ 40 States have started this trend. So we must strive for the world not being ruined in this period.

7... China is merging feud fragmentized world as Arnold Toynbee wished

The Middle East became a "powder keg" after the discovery of a large amount of oil resources, coupled with religious and ethnic conflicts and foreign forces, triggered the Arab Spring, and Turkey and Egypt's diplomatic relations were downgraded, Syria was expelled from the Arab League, Saudi Arabia and Iran broke off diplomatic relations, many countries broke off diplomatic relations with Qatar, and civil unrest broke out in Yemen, etc.

As China mediated the restoration of diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran at the ambassadorial level, a wave of "great reconciliation" appeared in the hostile countries in the Middle East.


Either they contacted and reconciled themselves, or they sought mediation from China, achieving a larger range of reconciliation and pursuing peace. The reconciled enemy countries checked their accounts and reflected on the history of hostile events. As a result, they found that many events that caused hatred and conflict between each other were deliberately created by others.

As Dr. Arnold Toynbee wished, now China by Belt and Road Initiative helps other countries build infrastructure, develop economies, integrate the cultures and economies of long hostile feuds countries that have long been hatred fragmented by the West, promote mutual understanding, eliminate and avoid conflicts, and develop a world of peace and common prosperity. This is the only way to avoid wars and make people make livings in home places.

But the rational practice of China is treated as threat with all kinds of rumors, such as debt trap. The US strategist David Goldman sighed:”the United States have tended to look at these places (global south) as baggage; so we don't take them seriously. The Chinese take them seriously and the longest the biggest challenge to American influence in the world long term is China's ability to integrate billions of marginalized people into the world economy. You're talking about people going from making $2 a day which is misery and degradation to 10 or 15 a day which is the beginning of dignity. 

Obviously, the practice of China is the rational humanized manner as human beings should be. It is beneficial to the people all over the world in peace without wars. The approach of the West is destroying themselves and world.

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