


Santiago de Compostela, Spain(西班牙“星野的后继使徒”城)


2024-06-15 Nature Photography Day

Santiago de Compostela.jpg

Song (Canción)

Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)

            The girl with the lovely face,

            Goes, gathering olives.

            The wind, that towering lover,

            Takes her by the waist.


            Four riders go by 

            On Andalusian ponies,

            In azure and emerald suits,

            On long cloaks of shadow.

            ‘Come to Cordoba, sweetheart!’

            The girl does not listen.


            Three young bullfighters go by,

            Slim-waisted in suits of orange,

            With swords of antique silver.

            'Come to Sevilla, sweetheart!'

            The girl does not listen.


            When the twilight purples,

            With the daylight's dying,

            A young man goes by, holding

            Roses, and myrtle of moonlight.

            'Come to Granada, my sweetheart!'

            But the girl does not listen.


            The girl, with the lovely face,

            Goes on gathering olives,

            While the wind's grey arms

            Go circling her waist.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——




































Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: La Coruna, the Glass City of Spain(西班牙拉科鲁亚“王冠”玻璃城)

2024: Hostal dos Reis Católicos, ESP(西班牙欧洲最美的酒店·天主教皇旅馆)

2024: Archcathedral Basilica of Santiago, ESP(西班牙大主教区圣殿)

2018: A Thankful Note to English Writing Class(感谢便笺)

2014: Jim Thorpe, PA(宾州吉姆索普“明路”镇)

2012: Descriptive─Commentary Speech(应用文─解说辞)

2024-06-15_Santiago-de-Compostela-Aeriel Overview0001.JPGAeriel Overview of Santiago de Compostela


2024-06-15_17_Sculpture of Cardinal Encounter Sculpture0001.JPGSculpture of Cardinal Meeting (雕塑《相遇红衣主教》)

2024-06-15_18_Convent and Church of San Francisco Eminently Baroque Dated from the 17th Century0001.JPGConvent and Church of San Francisco Eminently Baroque Dated from the 17th Century


2024-06-15_20_Church of San Fiz de Solovio in a Baroque Style Dated back to the 18th Century0001.JPG

Church of San Fiz de Solovio in a Baroque Style Dated back to the 18th Century


2024-06-15_22_Monastery of San Francisco w Monument0001.JPGMonastery of San Francisco w/ Monument


2024-06-15_24_Rua de San Francisco0001.JPG

Rua de San Francisco (自由使徒路)

2024-06-15_25_Founded by the Catholic Monarchs as a Hostel for Pilgrims who had completed the Way of Saint James-10001.JPGHostel of the Catholic Kings Founded by the Catholic Monarchs as a Hostel for Pilgrims who had completed the Way of Saint James


2024-06-15_25_Portico of Glory0001.JPG

The Tunnel Running beneath the Archbishop's Palace


2024-06-15_29_Stone Pillars0001.JPGStone Pillars (石柱)

2024-06-15_34_Basilica of Santiago de Compostela_Western Fa?ade in Romanesque_ Gothic_ Baroque Completed in 1211-20001.JPG

Basilica of Santiago de Compostela w/ Western Fa?ade in Romanesque, Gothic, Baroque Completed in 1211


2024-06-15_32_College of San Xerome Founded in 1501_ the Seat of the Rectorate of the University of Santiago0001.JPGCollege of San Xerome Founded in 1501, the Seat of the Rectorate of the University of Santiago


2024-06-15_33_Palace of Fonseca Built in the 18th Century & Originally Served as the Residence of the Fonseca Family & Today Housing.JPG

Palace of Fonseca Built in the 18th Century & Originally Served as the Residence of the Fonseca Family & Housing the Faculty of Geography & History of the Univ Today


2024-06-15_34_Palace of Fonseca_Courtyard Surrounded by an Epigraphic Legend0001.JPGPalace of Fonseca, Courtyard Surrounded by an Epigraphic Legend


2024-06-15_36_Fountain @ Plaza Fonseca0001.JPG

Fonseca Fountain  (干井喷泉)

2024-06-15_38_Palace of Raxoi in Neoclassical Completed in 1766_  the Seat of the City Council & Regional Government0001.JPGPalace of Raxoi in Neoclassical Completed in 1766, the Seat of the City Council & Regional Government


2024-06-15_38_Pazo de Raxoi_Santiago Matamoros_ by José Ferreiro_ on Top of the Central Pediment0001.JPGSantiago Matamoros "the Moor Slayer" on Top of the Central Pediment of Pazo de Raxoi


2024-06-15_41_4 Emblematic Bldg of Obradoiro Square upon the 4 Pillars of the Galician Capital Religion, Attention to the Pilgrim, Pu.JPG4 Emblematic Bldg of Obradoiro Square upon the 4 Pillars of the Galician Capital Religion, Attention to the Pilgrim, Public Administration, & University Education

(工坊广场4栋标志性建筑·山丘省府宗教、朝圣者护理、公共管理和大学教育的四大支柱 06-15-2024)

2024-06-15_41_Obradoiro or Workshop Square Fusing Different Baroque, Gothic, Renaissance, or Neoclassical, Collecting the Cultural Le.JPGObradoiro or Workshop Square Fusing Different Baroque, Gothic, Renaissance, or Neoclassical, Collecting the Cultural Legacy of More Than 700 Years of History


2024-06-15_41_Obradoiro Square_Large Groups of Pilgrims Clapping & Celebrating Their Completion of the Camino de Santigo upon Enterin.JPGLarge Groups of Pilgrims Clapping & Celebrating Their Completion of the Camino de Santigo upon Entering the Plaza & Congregate in the Obradoiro Square


2024-06-15_43_3 Great Pilgrimages of Christendom w Camino de Santiago_ Jerusalem_ & the Via Francigena or Foreigner to Rome0001.JPG3 Great Pilgrimages of Christendom w/ Camino de Santiago, Jerusalem, & the Via Romea Francigena


2024-06-15_44_St James's Scallop Shell_ a Symbol of the Route on the Ground Embleming of St James_ Worn by pilgrims0001.JPGSt James's Scallop Shell, a Symbol of the Route on the Ground Embleming of St James, Worn by Pilgrims


2024-06-15_61_Pilgrimage Symbols w a Staff_ a Gourd_ & a Scallop Shell Depicted to St James_ the Patron Saint of Spain0001.JPG

Pilgrimage Symbols of a Staff, a Gourd, & a Scallop Shell Depicted to St James, the Patron Saint of Spain


2024-06-15_42_Church of San Fructuoso0001.JPG

Church of San Fructuoso (多产圣徒教堂)

2024-06-15_45_Casa Barbantes_ Galician or Peace Restaurant0001.JPGCasa Barbantes, Galician Restaurant


2024-06-15_49_Destroyed by the Muslims @ the End of the 10th Century, Completely Rebuilt in the Following Century w Its Romanesque, G.JPGDestroyed by the Muslims @ the End of the 10th Century, Completely Rebuilt in the Following Century w/ Its Romanesque, Gothic, Its Baroque Bldgs


2024-06-15_51_Rúa do Villar_Set of 6 Semicircular Arches Supported by Cylindrical Columns & a Square Base0001.JPG

Rúa do Villar, Set of 6 Semicircular Arches Supported by Cylindrical Columns & a Square Base


2024-06-15_53_Rúa do Villar w Passage under Arcade Inside0001.JPG

Rúa do Villar w/ Passage under Arcade Inside


2024-06-15_55_ Torre da Berenguela Clock Tower from Rua do Villar-20001.JPG

Torre da Berenguela Clock Tower from Rua do Villar


2024-06-15_57_Porticoed Street0001.JPG

Porticoed Street (门廊街道)

2024-06-15_59_0001.JPGPlaza de las Pratarias, Tribute Plaque to Jose Martin de Herrera (1835-1922), Cardinal & Archbishop @ the Origin of the Birth of Regular & Organized Pilgrimages


2024-06-15_60_Casa do Cabido or Chapter House w Fountain of the Horses_ a Sculpture of 4 Horses w Webbed Feet0001.JPGCasa do Cabido or Chapter House w/ Fountain of the Horses, a Sculpture of 4 Horses w/ Webbed Feet


2024-06-15_62_Praza de Praterías-10001.JPGPraza de Praterías (银器广场 06-15-2024)

2024-06-15_81_Popes Benedict XVI and John Paul II Romanesque Cathedral World Heritage Jacobean Way0001.JPGPopes Benedict XVI and John Paul II Romanesque Cathedral World Heritage Jacobean Way


2024-06-15_83_Parish of Our Lady the Ancient of Corticela in Romanesque Built in 9th Century0001.JPG

Parish of Our Lady the Ancient of Corticela in Romanesque Built in the 9th Century


2024-06-15_84_Parish of Our Lady the Ancient of Corticela_Prayers for the Growth of The Church0001.JPGParish of Our Lady the Ancient of Corticela, Prayers for the Growth of The Church


2024-06-15_106_Monastery of San Marti?o Pinario in Renaissance_ Baroque_ Neoclassical Rebuilt in 16th Century0001.JPGMonastery of San Marti?o Pinario in Renaissance, Baroque, & Neoclassical Rebuilt in the 16th Century


2024-06-15_109_Praza de Cervantes w Bust of Cervant, City Market Held during Middle Ages & the Place where the official pregoeiro iss.JPGPraza de Cervantes w Bust of Cervant, City Market Held during Middle Ages & the Place where the official pregoeiro issued the archbishop's ordinances and the council


2024-06-15_111_Sacred Heart Church (San Agustin) in Baroque Style Built in 17th Century0001.JPG

Sacred Heart Church or San Agustin in Baroque Style Built in the 17th Century


2024-06-15_113_Sacred Heart Church (San Agustin)_Altarpiece0001.JPG

Altarpiece of Sacred Heart Church (圣心教堂·祭坛画)

2024-06-15_114_Mercado de Abastos Fresh Food Market Reminiscent of the Fa?ades of Romanesque Chapels Built in 19410001.JPG

Mercado de Abastos, Fresh Food Market Reminiscent of the Fa?ades of Romanesque Chapels Built in 1941


2024-06-15_115_Mercado de Abastos w Water Fountain w a Scene of Grazing Cattle0001.JPG

Mercado de Abastos w/ Water Fountain w/ a Scene of Grazing Cattle


2024-06-15_116_Mercado de Abastos Fish Market Stalls Greeted w an Awe-Inspiring Assortment of the Finest Galician Produce0001.JPGMercado de Abastos Fish Market Stalls Greeted w/ an Awe-Inspiring Assortment of the Finest Galician Produce


2024-06-15_117_Rúa das Ameas0001.JPGRúa das Ameas (友街)

2024-06-15_119_Church of Santa Comba de Carnota in Classical Baroque Style from the 18th Century0001.JPG

Church of Santa Comba de Carnota in Classical Baroque Style from the 18th Century


2024-06-15_120_View of St. James Pilgrimage Way to Convent de Santa Maria de Belvis0001.JPGView of St. James Pilgrimage Way to Convent de Santa Maria de Belvis


2024-06-15_122_Rua do Castro_Statue of King Alfonso II of Asturias a Tribute to the 1st Dignitary Made the 1st Pilgrimage to Santiago0001.JPG

Rua do Castro, Statue of King Alfonso II of Asturias a Tribute to the 1st Dignitary Made the 1st Pilgrimage to Santiago


2024-06-15_125_Church of the Society of Jesus w Its Ornamental Nakedness on the Outside Finished in 17670001.JPG

Church of the Society of Jesus w/ Its Ornamental Nakedness on the Outside Finished in 1767


2024-06-15_127_Plaze of Mazareios_0001.JPGPlaza de Mazareios by the Library of the University


2024-06-15_129_Convent of the Mercedarian Mothers Founded in the 2nd Half of the 17th Century Opposite to the Iconic Mazarelos Gate,.JPGConvent of the Mercedarian Mothers Founded in the 2nd Half of the 17th Century Opposite to the Iconic Mazarelos Gate, the Only Remained One from the Old City Wall


2024-06-15_130_Igrexa das Orfas or Church of the Orphans w Coffered Ceilings0001.JPG

Igrexa das Orfas or Church of the Orphans w/ Coffered Ceilings


2024-06-15_131_Rua das Orfas_Postsign0001.JPGThe Postsign of Rua das Orfas (孤儿街路牌)

2024-06-15_132_Galician Performance0001.JPGGalician Performance (山丘地区街头艺术表演)

2024-06-15_136_Monastery of St Pelagius of Antealtares @ Quintana Square-10001.JPGMonastery of St Pelagius of Antealtares @ Quintana Square


2024-06-15_136_Monastery of St Pelagius of Antealtares Founded in the 11th Century w Fa?ade @ Quintana Square0001.JPGThe Monastery of St Pelagius of Antealtares Founded in the 11th Century


2024-06-15_63_Literary Battalion_Plaque_The Compostelean Schoolchildren of 1896 and The Munici.JPG Plaque of Literary Battalion in Memory of a Military Company Composed of Students from the Univ of Santiago de Compostela Fought in the Spanish War of Independence


2024-06-15_136_Monastery of St Pelagius of Antealtares_Bell Towers0001.JPG

Bell Towers of Monastery of St Pelagius of Antealtares


2024-06-15_138_Paradise Cafetería0001.JPG

Paradise Cafetería, the Most Famous Caféin the Old Town


2024-06-15_139_Paradise Cafetería-10001.JPGParadise Cafetería w/ Churros Dipped in Hot Chocolate

(天堂咖啡馆·西班牙油条佐以热巧克力 06-15-2024)

2024-06-15_166_High-angle View of the Street amidst Red-Roofs in town0001.JPGHigh-angle View of the Street amidst Red-Roofs in Town


2024-06-15_167_Museum of the Galician People_ Former Santo Domingo Monastery0001.JPGMuseum of the Galician People, Former Convent of Santo Domingo de Bonaval


2024-06-15_168_Convent of St Dominic w Triple Helical Staircase of the 17th & 18th Centuries0001.JPGThe Old Convent of St Dominic w/ Triple Helical Staircase of the 17th & 18th Centuries





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