


Porto, the 2nd Largest of Portugal(葡萄牙第二大城波尔图“海港”)


2024-06-14 National Movie Night


I'm beginning to know myself (Come?o a conhecer-me)

Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935)

I'm beginning to know myself. I don't exist. 

I'm the space between what I'd like to be and what others have made me, 

Or half of this space, since there's also life… 

That's me, after all… 

Turn off the light, shut the door, and get rid of the slipper noise in the hallway. 

Just let me be at ease and all by myself in my room. 

It's a shoddy universe.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——











【注】日落时分,葡萄牙第二大城市波尔图“海港”城就像一本从杜罗“金”河(Rio Douro)上翻开的书本,朴素古老而又富丽堂皇,其杂乱无章的中世纪遗迹中心、鲜美可口的珍馐佳酿以及独具一格的风土人情无不令我这样的匆匆过客赏心悦目。


悠闲早午餐的复古咖啡馆,创意开胃点心(Petisco)的酷炫小酒馆,大西洋鲜鱼价格亲民的家庭酒吧(Tasca),金河谷畔加度葡萄酒——本地特产波特“港口”酒(Vinho do Porto),将葡萄酒储存在海港木桶的酒窖中进行陈酿,不仅叫生猛海鲜佐以最佳搭档,而且使吃喝玩乐从未如此充满刺激。不得不说,美食时代离不开两家引领葡萄牙新潮流的本帮烧:磐石·榆树(Pedro Lemos)餐厅和守门员酒店餐厅(The Yeatman),进而让海港城继续留守在米其林“神赐”地图上。再有,美食之旅、烹饪授课、橄榄油工作坊、品酒宴会和大地之神(Gaia)巨型港口酒窖等配套服务不遗余力,共同把海港城打造成欧洲最美味的城市之一。

如同里斯本“附魔港”人被昵称小莴苣(Alfacinhas),“古老、至尊、永远忠诚不败”的海港城人外号叫“吃牛肚者”(Tripeiros),而海港式牛肚杂烩(Tripas à Moda do Oorto)确实是当地最有名的传统美食!


Ancient, Most Noble, Always Loyal and Undefeated.

Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Braga, the Religious Ctr of Portugal(葡萄牙宗教中心·马裤城)

2024: Sé de Braga, Portugal(葡萄牙最古老的布拉加“马裤”城大教堂)

2024: Bom Jesus do Monte in Braga, Portugal(葡萄牙山上仁慈耶稣)

2024: Guimaraes, the Birthplace of Portugal(葡萄牙诞生地·名望城)

2015: Archaeological Site of Pompeii, Italy(意大利庞贝古城)

2015: Lemons in Capri, Italy(意大利卡普里“山羊”岛的柠檬)

2012: Descriptive─Fables(想象文─童话故事)

2024-06-14_02_Ribeira, a Historical District of Porto-10001.JPGRibeira, a Historical District of Porto

(河畔·海港历史中心 06-14-2024)

2024-06-14_03_Ribeira Area along the River Douro_ Part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site0001.JPGRibeira Area along the River Douro, Part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site


2024-06-14_04_Ribeira Quarter Built along the Hillsides Overlooking the Mouth of the River Douro_ Forming an Exceptional Urban Landscape0001.JPGRibeira Quarter Built along the Hillside Overlooking the Mouth of the River Douro, Forming an Exceptional Urban Landscape


2024-06-14_05_Vila Nova de Gaia Carries the Rich Heritage of Wine-Making-10001.JPGVila Nova de Gaia Carries the Rich Heritage of Wine-Making


2024-06-14_06_Dom Luís I Bridge in 2-Hinged Double-Deck Arch  Completed in 18860001.JPGDom Luís I Bridge in 2-Hinged Double-Deck Arch  Completed in 1886


2024-06-14_07_View of Liberdade Square w Monument to King Peter IV Inauguration in the 16th century0001.JPGView of Liberdade Square w/ Monument to King Peter IV Inauguration in the 16th Century


2024-06-14_08_Cathedral of the Assumption of Our Lady in Romanesque_ Gothic_ & Baroque Completed in 17370001.JPGSé do Porto, Cathedral of the Assumption of Our Lady in Romanesque, Gothic,& Baroque Completed in 1737


2024-06-14_09_Porto Cathedral_Altar0001.JPGAltar of Porto Cathedral (海港大教堂·圣坛)

2024-06-14_10_Porto Cathedral_Cloister0001.JPGCloister of Porto Cathedral (海港大教堂·回廊)

2024-06-14_11_Church of S?o Francisco in Gothic w Baroque Main Portal & Gothic Rose Window of the Main Fa?ade Completed in the 15th Century0001.JPG

Church of S?o Francisco in Gothic w/ Baroque Main Portal & Gothic Rose Window of the Main Fa?ade Completed in the 15th Century


2024-06-14_12_Inner View of the Church of S?o Francisco Showing the Gilt Woodwork of Altarpieces, Ceiling & Columns & the Moulding Decorated w an Arca.JPGInner View of the Church of S?o Francisco Showing the Gilt Woodwork of Altarpieces, Ceiling & Columns & the Moulding Decorated w/ an Arca


2024-06-14_13_Church of Saint Ildefonso0001.JPGChurch of Saint Ildefonso in Proto-Baroque Completed in the 18th Century


2024-06-14_14_Clérigos Tower in 75m, a Landmark for Sailors & the Tallest in Portugal0001.JPG

Clérigos Tower @ 75-m/246-tt, a Landmark for Sailors & the Tallest in Portugal


2024-06-14_15_Monasterio da Serra do Pilar in Renaissance_ Mannerist Built in 16720001.JPGMonasterio da Serra do Pilar in Renaissance & Mannerist Built in 1672


2024-06-14_16_Igreja do Carmo in the Rococo Style Built in the Mid-18th Century, Exteriorly Boasted w a Tile Mosaic & Connected w the Baroque Igreja dos.JPGIgreja do Carmo in the Rococo Style Built in the Mid-18th Century, Exteriorly Boasted w/ a Tile Mosaic & Connected to the Baroque Igreja dos Carmelitas Descal?os Constructed in 1628 by Casa Escondida, the Narrowest Bldg in the World


2024-06-14_17_Igreja dos Carmelitas Descal?os_Main Altar0001.JPGMain Altar of Igreja dos Carmelitas Descal?os


2024-06-14_18_Palácio da Bolsa_ Now the Porto Chamber of Commerce_ Formerly Stock Exchange in Neoclassical Style Built in the 19th Century0001.JPGFormerly Palácio da Bolsa or Stock Exchange & Now the Porto Chamber of Commerce in Neoclassical Style Built in the 19th Century


2024-06-14_19_Palácio da Bolsa_ Moorish Revival Arab Room w 2 Inscriptions of With the divine support of God & Glory to the Late Mary II0001.JPGPalácio da Bolsa, Moorish Revival Arab Room w/ 2 Inscriptions of With the Divine Support of God & Glory to the Late Mary II


2024-06-14_20_Casa da Musica_ the Distinct Polygon of the Concert Hall Inaugurated in 20050001.JPGCasa da Musica, the Distinct Polygon of the Concert Hall Inaugurated in 2005


2024-06-14_21_Casa de Serralves_ the Museum of Contemporary Art  Combining Neoclassical_ Romantic & Art Deco Dlements Completed in 19440001.JPGCasa de Serralves, the Museum of Contemporary Art  Combining Neoclassical, Romantic & Art Deco Elements Completed in 1944


2024-06-14_22_Livraria Lello_ the Lello Bookshop in Neo-Manueline Opened in 18810001.JPG

Livraria Lello, the Lello Bookshop in Neo-Manueline Opened in 1881


2024-06-14_23_Sao Bento Train Station w ca 20,000 Azulejo Tiles, Dating from 1905–19160001.JPGSao Bento Train Station w/ ca 20,000 Azulejo Tiles, Dating from 1905 to 1916


2024-06-14_24_McDonald's0001.JPGMcDonald's, a Former Emblematic Historic Bldg in the 1930s w/ the Amazing Art Deco Stained Glass Windows & Chandeliers Inaugurated in 1995


2024-06-14_25_Majestic Cafe Porto_ Belle Epoque-Era Cafe w an Ornate Interior Featuring Carved Wood_ Mirrors & Chandeliers0001.JPGMajestic Cafe Porto, Belle Epoque-Era Cafe w/ an Ornate Interior Featuring Carved Wood, Mirrors & Chandeliers


2024-06-14_26_Gaia's Grand Port Cellars-10001.JPGGaia's Grand Port Cellars

(大地之神巨型港口酒窖 06-14-2024)

2024-06-14_28_Bombarda Street Art Murals @ Rua de Miguel Bombarda0001.JPGBombarda Street Art Murals @ Rua de Miguel Bombarda


2024-06-14_01_Matosinhos_Cruise Terminal at the Port of Leix?es-10001.JPGMatosinhos, Cruise Terminal @ the Port of Leix?es on the Estuary of the Le?a River North of Oporto


2024-06-14_27_Matosinhos_Breakwater Lighthouse0001.JPGBreakwater Lighthouse @ Matosinhos (渔盐港·防波堤灯塔)

2024-06-14_29_Matosinhos_Sculpture Tragedy of the Sea in the Honor of Sail Men Who Died in a Terrible Storm0001.JPGSculpture Tragedy of the Sea in the Honor of Sail Men Who Died in a Terrible Storm @ Matosinhos


2024-06-14_30_Matosinhos_Statue of Passos Manuel_ Minister & Secretary of State of the Affairs0001.JPG

Statue of Passos Manuel, Minister & Secretary of State of the Affairs @ Matosinhos


2024-06-14_X00_AquaMar Kitchen Breakfast_Scallion Omelet_ Salmon Toast_ & Banana Pancakes0001.JPGBreakfast @ Oceania Marina (“大洋·滨海”号游轮——早餐)

2024-06-14_X01_Lunch @ Sameiro Maia.jpgLunch @ Sameiro Maia, Braga (马裤城名望乳母餐厅·午餐)


Dinner @ Oceania Marina (“大洋·滨海”号游轮——晚餐)

2024-06-14_X04_Tripas or Tripes0001.JPG

Tripas or Tripes (牛肚)

2024-06-14_X05_Plant_Bird of Paradise鹤望兰0001.JPGBird of Paradise (鹤望兰)

2024-06-14_X06_Plant_Solitude Rose灌木月季0001.JPGSolitude Rose (灌木月季)

2024-06-14_X07_Plant_Winter Begonia冬秋海棠0001.JPG

Winter Begonia (冬秋海棠)




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