


Sé de Braga, Portugal(葡萄牙最古老的布拉加“马裤”城大教堂)


2024-06-14 National Cucumber Day

Braga Cathedral.jpg

Odes, Book I - 02 (1924)

Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935)

        Of the gardens of Adonis, Lydia, I love

        Most of all those fugitive roses

        That on the day they are born,

        That very day, must also die.

        Eternal, for them, the light of day:

        They're born when the sun is already high

        And die before Apollo's course

        Across the visible sky is run.


        We too, of our lives, must make one day:

        We never know, my Lydia, nor want

        To know of nights before or after

        The little while that we may last.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——


















Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Porto, the 2nd Largest of Portugal(葡萄牙第二大城波尔图“海港”)

2024: Braga, the Religious Ctr of Portugal(葡萄牙宗教中心·马裤城)

2024: Bom Jesus do Monte in Braga, Portugal(葡萄牙山上仁慈耶稣)

2024: Guimaraes, the Birthplace of Portugal(葡萄牙诞生地·名望城)

2015: Archaeological Site of Pompeii, Italy(意大利庞贝古城)

2015: Lemons in Capri, Italy(意大利卡普里“山羊”岛的柠檬)

2012: Descriptive─Fables(想象文─童话故事)

2024-06-14_124_Main Fa?ade w 3 Arches in Gothic @ the End of 15th Century_ the Towers & Upper Storeys in Early Baroque Built in 17th Century-10001.JPG

The Main Fa?ade Sculpted in Black Rock w/ 3 Gothic Arches Constructed @ the End of the 15th Century, & the Towers/Upper Storeys in Early Baroque Built in the 17th Century

(黑岩雕刻的正面观·带有15世纪末的哥特式三拱门,早期巴洛克式塔楼及顶层建于17世纪 06-14-2024)

2024-06-14_145_Nave_ Main Chapel_ & Altar_ the Oldest Cathedral in Portugal Built in 11th Century in Romanesque w Gothic & Baroque0001.JPG

The Seat of the Archbishop of Braga and Primate of Portugal & the Hispanias


2024-06-14_146_Main Chapel Stood out w a Altar_ the Vault_ & a Huge Stained Glass Window0001.JPG

The Main Nave Stood out w/an Altar, the Vault, & a Huge Stained Glass Window



Manuelino Main Chapel w/ Ornate Stone Carved Altar


2024-06-14_147_Manuelino Gothic Main Chapel_ Ornate Stone Carved Altar_ the Oldest Cathedral in Portugal back to 11th Century in  Romanesque w Gothic Baroque0001.JPG

Chancel, the Oldest Cathedral in Portugal back to the 11th Century in Romanesque w/ Gothic Baroque


2024-06-14_155_Painting @ the Wooden Ceiling0001.JPGFresco Painting on the Wooden Ceiling (木制天花板上的壁画)


Wooden Ceiling (木制天花板)

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Choir Stalls & High Altar (唱诗班席与高祭坛)

2024-06-14_157_Square Dome0001.JPGSquare Dome (方形穹顶)


Pulpit (讲道坛)

2024-06-14_133_Altarpiece @ Chapel of Our Lady of Piety-20001.JPG

Altarpiece @ Chapel of Our Lady of Piety


2024-06-14_133_Altarpiece @ Chapel of Our Lady of Piety-10001.JPG

Close-up of Altarpiece @ Chapel of Our Lady of Piety


2024-06-14_134_Altarpiece @ Chapel of Our Lady of the Rosary or Roses0001.JPG

Altarpiece @ Chapel of the Madonna and Infant Jesus


2024-06-14_135_Altarpiece @ Sanctuary of Our Lady of Sameiro0001.JPG

Altarpiece @ Sanctuary of Our Lady of Sameiro


2024-06-14_136_Altarpiece of the Black Beard God0001.JPG

Altarpiece of the Black Beard God


2024-06-14_137_Altarpiece @ Chapel of Our Lady of Sameiro (Formerly of S. Pedro de Rates)0001.JPG

Altarpiece @ Chapel of S. Pedro de Rates)


2024-06-14_138_Altarpiece @ Side Alta0001.JPG

Altarpiece @ Chapel of Our Lady of the Rosary


2024-06-14_141_Altarpiece @ Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament0001.JPG

Altarpiece @ Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament


2024-06-14_142_Altarpiece @ Side Altar-10001.JPG

Medieval Architectural Arches (中世纪建筑拱门)

2024-06-14_144_Altarpiece @ Chapel of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Formerly of the Holy Trinity)0001.JPG

Altarpiece @ Chapel of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Formerly of the Holy Trinity


2024-06-14_143_Altarpiece @ Side Altar-20001.JPG

Golden Altarpiece @ Transept Side of the Gospel


2024-06-14_131_Altarpiece Depicting the Blessed Virgin & St. John the Baptist along w St. Michael Delivering Souls out of Purgatory0001.JPG

Altarpiece Depicting the Blessed Virgin & St. John the Baptist along w/ St. Michael Delivering Souls out of Purgatory


2024-06-14_158_Crucified Jesus @ Transept Side of the Gospel0001.JPG

Crucified Jesus @ Transept Side of the Gospel


2024-06-14_149_Enormous Columns & Pillars0001.JPG

Enormous Columns & Pillars (巨大的排柱和立柱)

2024-06-14_150_Ceilings Decorated w Bright Colors_ Columns Surrounded by Gilded Carvings_ & Organs blended w the Decoration of the High Choir through 2 Balconies0001.JPG

Ceilings Decorated w/ Bright Colors, Columns Surrounded by Gilded Carvings & Organs Blended w/ the Decoration of the High Choir through 2 Balconies


2024-06-14_151_Organ & Ceiling of the High Choir w a Depiction of the Marriage of the Virgin Mary & St Joseph in the Middle0001.JPGOrgan & Ceiling of the High Choir w/ a Depiction of the Marriage of the Virgin Mary & St Joseph in the Middle


2024-06-14_152_Choir Beautifully Decorated w a Painted Ceiling & Sculptured Gilt Wood Choir Stalls Executed around 17370001.JPGChoir Beautifully Decorated w/ a Painted Ceiling & Sculptured Gilt Wood Choir Stalls Executed around 1737


2024-06-14_153_2 Gilt Wood Organs Heavily Decorated w Baroque & Fantastic Motifs0001.JPG2 Gilt Wood Organs Heavily Decorated w/ Baroque & Fantastic Motifs


2024-06-14_164_Holy Water Sink0001.JPG

Holy Water Sink (圣水槽)

2024-06-14_166_Figure of Saint Sebastiao0001.JPG

The Figure of Saint Sebastiao (真福圣者雕像)

2024-06-14_167_Figure of Saint Jo?o0001.JPG

The Figure of Saint Jo?o (神慈圣徒雕像)

2024-06-14_169_Tomb of Infante D. Afonso_ son of King D. Jo?o I & Filipa de Lencastre w Canopy Made of Wood Covered w Pieces of Golden & Silver Copper-10001.JPG

Tomb of Infante D. Afonso, Son of King D. Jo?o I & Queen Filipa de Lencastre w/ Canopy Made of Wood Covered w/ Pieces of Golden & Silver Copper


2024-06-14_172_Tomb of D. Eurico Dias Nogueira0001.jpg

Tomb of D. Eurico Dias Nogueira, a Portuguese Prelate of Catholic Church


2024-06-14_168_Monument to the Archbishops0001.JPGMonument to the Archbishops (大主教纪念碑)

2024-06-14_170_View of the South Side & the Portal in the Lateral Fa?ade in Original Romanesque-10001.JPG

View of the South Side & the Portal in the Lateral Fa?ade in Original Romanesque

(教堂的南侧景观和原始的古罗马式侧门 06-14-2024)

2024-06-14_171_Bell Towers0001.JPGBell Towers (钟楼)

2024-06-14_125_Tower & Chapel of Our Lady of Glory0001.JPGChapel of Our Lady of Glory (荣耀圣母礼拜堂)

2024-06-14_127_Cloister of Saint Amaro_1st Portuguese Cathedral Erected Several Decades before the Founding of the Country as Part of the Kingdom of León0001.JPG

Cloister of Saint Amaro, the 1st Portuguese Cathedral Erected Several Decades before the Founding of the Country as Part of the Kingdom of León


2024-06-14_128_Romanesque Apse w a Painting Representing Our Lady of Loreto on the Vault0001.JPG

Romanesque Apse w/ a Painting Representing Our Lady of Loreto on the Vault


2024-06-14_129_Pelourinho & Porta0001.JPGPelourinho & Porta (鞭笞柱和大门)

2024-06-14_130_Chapel of S?o Geraldo0001.JPGChapel of S?o Geraldo (勇敢圣者礼拜堂)

2024-06-14_132_St Ovidius the 3rd Bishop of Braga & a Portuguese Saint0001.JPG

St Ovidius the 3rd Bishop of Braga & a Portuguese Saint





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