


Celine Dion recovered from heartbreaking moan


Celine Dion recovered from heartbreaking moan

Humanizing West dehumanized world make people live in the way as human. 

  Frank (Hongde) Li   Oct 18 - 23, 2024


For decades, for many people, perhaps only at the concert of Celine Dion can forget the worries from increasingly difficult life and enjoy a moment of the joy of being a human being. The life of Celine Dion is born for creating happy joy to people; however the fatal disease made her nearly saying goodbye forever. Now with own extraordinary perseverance, Celine Dion recovered from incurable illness, and created hope for the people who also suffer Western medicine death sentence as incurable.

Google AI Overview indicates that Celine Dion first experienced vocal spasms in 2008; then made her difficult to walk and use her vocal cords; but until 2022, she was diagnosed as Stiff Person Syndrome after years of testing and treatment; there is no cure for the disease.

Though the diagnose cost 14 years long; but the so called diagnose was not the cause nor the treatment for the disease; but it just made the list of the incurable diseases much longer; by simply according to the disease damages caused symptoms on her physical condition.

Aug 16, 2024, article Antibiotics are failing, the US has a plan to launch a research renaissance disappointedly indicated that World health Organization WHO has identified antimicrobial resistance as one of the century’s top global health threats. In the United States, drug-resistant caused 35,000 deaths yearly. Globally, the death toll is estimated to be over 1 million.

It has been a convincing fact; the reports of AI Overview and Antibiotics have sentenced that people trust addicted western medicine as a childish joke. It can neither diagnose out the cause nor provide effective cure for the disease.

The fact convinced me that I suggested cure with vinegar + honey + melatonin to Celine Dion played hoped role.

1... Aug 03, 2023Celine Dion's sister Claudette reportedly spoke about Celine “We can’t find any medicine that works.”

2... Aug 29, 2023, I emailed Celine Dion with the suggestion in the treatment by vinegar + Honey + Melatonin.

3... Nov 15, 2023a closer reported that Celine “feels stronger now, She doesn’t want to hide out at home any longer."

From the time I sent email to the time that Celine Dion feels stronger was only a month and half.

The recovery of Celine Dion told us that Western medicine sentenced incurable diseases were nonsense and enlightened us that there nothing is impossible in the world; and therefore we must make every effort to create a life as human being should be lived, rather than passively seeing that social diseases ruin our life and the world towards the graveyard of suicided civilizations in the Milky Way Galaxy.

The social diseases caused by wrongful philosophies; due to that it is the philosophies in determining the way of people’s thinking; therefore deciding the outcomes of people’s behaving is good or bad. In this regard, the philosophies from western civilization have been harming human life.

The philosophies of the civilization of China are able to cure the incurable diseases making by the philosophies of Western civilization in both people and society at once.

Thanks for Celine Dion and please cheer up.

      Contents as summaries

General Introduction

The cure of Celine Dion.

1... Traditional Chinese medicine

2... Western medicine

3... TCM integrates Western medicine to enjoy complementary advantages

3.1... Drug concept revolution: The synergistic interactions of medicinals will be god medicine  

3.2... Drug concept revolution: The electronegativities of atoms will be god medicine

3.3... Drug concept revolution: Melatonin will be the god medicine

3.4... Drug concept revolution: The Orthomolecular Medicine is best drugs

3.5... The optimal use of cheaper remedies

4... Humanized Western civilization dehumanized world

4.1... The mechanism of human intelligence

4.2... The origin of Civilization decided China human the West inhuman

4.3... The civilization of China increases IQ scores the West decreases

4.4... Democracies are being political correctness witch hunt coerced

4.5... Learn China by entrepreneurs, professors as lawmaker in self-reliance

5... The countries that are feasible for practicing civil legislature

General Introduction    

Today, the abundance of material wealth can be called as Affluent Society; but please look at the world; even if in rich democracies; people even work harder, but there are still increasingly people, who are unable to make their ends meet. In underdeveloped countries, some people even sell their organs to support their families. Now human beings faced with multi-destructions: Atomic Cremation, WWIII; Neoliberalism Makes Depression; Life Threat Home Yards. More worse is that made people suffer increasingly unaffordable drugs and overcrowded hospitals with increasingly more incurable diseases.

The cause is that European looting, killing budded inhuman Western civilization has never humanized.

Because of that in human society, the inborn brain defects and the brainwash of toxic ideologies made more than 50% of population in the non-human quality in taking stupid as smart and promoting inhuman for human; while the social elements of European based Western civilization sound perfect humanized with irresistibly deceptive magic; but their social effects were extremely inhuman; due to they make disasters by favoring the people who are in non-human quality.

The way out is at humanizing Western civilization by the civilization of China medicinally & politically.

By China’s Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) integrates Western medicine to view patients as emotional human from viewed as unemotional lifeless assembly; then treat diseases by natural therapies and medicinals restore physical balance from killing and genes patching; then cheaper handily diets and diet supplements will be best medications.

By China’s Technocratic Democracy integrates liberal democracy to set certain qualification by qualified entrepreneurs, professors, scientists, etc., as lawmaker in part time self-reliant naturally produce a civil legislature as assistant to democracy by taking 30% of vote rights parallel run with Gov-legislature to humanize democracy in acceptable no unrest.

Since ancient to present; the West has been in wars; due to that political power as rewards induce wars, democracy is doing the same. Also; the world always repeating historical disasters were due to that there is no permanent political system in all countries; the power is endlessly replacing, then reckless politicians misuse the Gov-power to make disasters.

Nowadays social governance has evolved as legislating policies as orbit and society runs accordingly, which is that the legislature controls power. Under qualification natural produced civil legislature will play a role as political stabilizer.

The civil legislature is composed of people respected entrepreneurs, professors, scientists, etc., so that there is no one will be dared to oppose its formation and also there is no one will be dared to oppose it made decisions.

Human body is complex organic system in dynamic developing under the impact of unknown or known but uncontrollable factors; so that it must be regarded as Chaotic System to deal with by Chaos Theory, in this concern, the macro dialectic seeking philosophy Daoism guided TCM is suitable for human life; while the micro precision seeking philosophy Reductionism guided Western medicine is opposite; this is the reason that western medicine coins incurable diseases.

As the basic part of Western civilization, Western medicine also sounds perfect humanized, but in actual, it is not only ineffective for saving the life of people; but also facilitates human animal instinct of greedy as tools to kick away the effective remedies to keep Covid-19 ongoing for profiting expensive antibody drugs and vaccines to have killed 20 million of innocent people; empted government finance and destroyed world economy to have totally ruined the life of global people.

The commonly used antibiotics have been in killing people, Aug 16, 2024, Antibiotics are failing, the US has a plan to launch a research renaissance: WHO has identified antimicrobial resistance as one of the century’s top global health threats. In the United States, drug-resistant caused 35,000 deaths yearly. Globally, the death toll is estimated to be over 1 million.

Actually; diet Vinegar is the best antibiotic to kill virus and bacteria to end Covid-19 and all of infectious diseases. Actual cases have proved that high concentration of vinegar caused burnt injury do not require any treatment and will quickly self recover painlessly. Great many facts have proved that, for human, vinegar only has good effect without side effect.

The examination by Electron Microscopy found that vinegar can kill Covid-19 virus by de-structuring its structure. I infer that the virus de-structuring effect is derived from the electronegativities of two oxygen atoms in vinegar molecular. The atomic electronegativities are able to kill organic Viruses, Bacteria, Ringworm and Fungi by damaging their covalent bond in bonding their structure. While vinegar is able to increase the output of vegetables and grains, and increase the output of eggs and meat from poultry and livestock, also Vinegar has wide-ranging benefits for humans.   

Any disease is a syndrome in multi-lesions or multi-symptoms mutually inter-influenced developing; it is impossible to make clear the cause of each symptom to develop targeted drugs by Western medicine. It is necessary to follow the holistic way of TCM in treating diseases by compound medication restoring Yin-Yang balance. The multiple medicinals are able to cure the multiple lesions as that shotgun hit multiple targets in a blind shot by the multi-projectiles.

Modern studies proved that the multi-combined medicinals can produce synergistic effects to enhance the cure effect and reduce the side effect; the more medicinals combined the stronger cure effects the lower side effects. Please Google Vinegar, Honey, Melatonin and Vitamins, individually all has multi-cure effects, if combine them together, their synergistic effects produced cure effect will be amazing as cure for all as magic to cure the most of diseases.

Especially, Studies prove that melatonin can rescue kidney failure stem cell, promote nerve regeneration, repair aging nerve and immune system; and cure neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and cognitive impairment.

According to my years of experiences; I infer that water dilutes 20 ml 5% vinegar or 2 x 500mg Vinegar capsules /60kg + honey at will, + 3-5 mg melatonin + 3 g vitamin C + some remedies; by people self-help will be able to prevent and cure diseases; and to erase the idiotic concept of incurable disease; such as Stiff Person Syndrome, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, HIV/AIDS, Psychosis, etc., and reduce the occurrence of illnesses to repair aging lesions to disease free 120 years.

2 x 500mg Vinegar capsules /60kg + 3 – 5 mg melatonin will get a sober mind & concentration.

COVID-19 is still in killing people, actually daily inhaling Vinegar or/and HOCl mixed air is able to prevent airborne infectious diseases to uproot pandemic COVID-19; by spraying vinegar or/and HOCl in feedlots is able to avoid massive slaughterer of poultry and livestock. Also vinegar and HOCl can increase the outputs of the eggs and the meets.

Only lean from TCM, by cheaper diets and diet supplements home self help is able to uproot the medical dilemma of growing incurable diseases, unaffordable drugs, overcrowded hospitals; that Western medicine is making.  

Only learn from China, by outstanding entrepreneurs, scientists, engineers, professors and so on as lawmakers in part time self-reliance produce legislature; we can get rid of being finished by democracy attracting social garbage to eagerly make livings by gambling democratic casino to live as blood sucker to be fed by people, but ruin the life of people.

Terribly; After the left of quality generation of WWII, the democratic players advocating human rights for cheating voters have corrupted the social system of democracies; the labors quality and governance have lost function for survival.

For survival, we also have to cure inhuman Western civilization made social diseases by humanizing legislature.

The cure of Celine Dion

Today, I found YouTube videos that made me surprising happy; which showed that star singer Celine Dion has recovered from the heartbreaking moan. 

It was that her strong willpower led to overwork and extremely damaged to her health. But also, it was just her strong willpower that helped her recovered.

Thank you for Celine Dion, strong willpower recovery made hope to many people, who are suffering from this incurable disease of the stiff-person syndrome.


1... Celine Dion's Heartbreaking Confession: The Battle you didn't know about?!

Your Safe Chat  Oct 5, 2024


Below is the screenshot of the video in heartbreaking moans. Stiff Person Syndrome seems like epilepsy paroxysmal seizures unbearable.

Jun 25 2024 video, Celine Dion moans in pain as she's carried away by paramedics


The 15 years long suffering of Stiff Person Syndrome has tortured Celine Dion in the situation of saying goodbye forever.

2... Céline Dion: I Will Sing Again

CBC News: The National  June 13, 2024 


Below is the screenshot of the video in recovered for Singing Again confidently.

Please compare the situation of Celine Dion in two videos, no one would believe that Celine Dion actually recovered in a short period.

I found other video of Celine Dion

August 5, 2024,Celine Dion: The Heart Goes On | Full Documentary

This documentary follows the life, love and career of French-Canadian pop icon Celine Dion. Her story is one of strength, resilience and love.


I am sure that it was the ancient philosophy of Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that helped Celine Dion; which was not the killing and gene patching as Western medicine, but it was that the TCM all-round restores health by repairing disease-caused lesions.

In many cases, for many diseases, Western medicine doctors do not cure the disease completely, but instead kill the patient by accurately calculating the patient's remaining life span that is mostly in months.

Please read my article

A cure for Céline Dion and a solution for curing social diseases

--- What civilization is human one and how to humanize inhuman one

 Frank Li,  Aug 19 – Sept 9, 2023


Aug 29, 2023 Emailed to 

Denise Labelle, the Administrative Assistant honorable Jean Chrétien, the 20th prime minister of Canada

Céline Dion and sisters Claudette Dion and Linda Dion via Editors of Le Journal de Montréal;  thanks a lot.

vjdm.transmission@quebecormedia.commfortier@journalmtl.com  jdm-scoop@quebecormedia.com

Thanks Google Team for reediting the seaching result that can reach the topic core.

Please look at the amazing recovery of Celine Dion 2024


August 3, 2023, Celine Dion's sister Claudette reportedly spoke about Celine “We can’t find any medicine that works.”


August 29, 2023, I emailed Celine Dion with the suggestion in the treatment by vinegar + Honey + Melatonin.

Nov 15,2023, closer reported that Celine 'feels stronger now, She doesn’t want to hide out at home any longer."


1... Traditional Chinese medicine                 

Human body is complex organic system in dynamic developing under the impact of unknown or known but uncontrollable factors; so that it must be regarded as Chaotic System to deal with by Chaos Theory, in this concern, the macro dialectic philosophy Daoism guided TCM is suitable for human life; while the micro precision seeking philosophy Reductionism guided Western medicine is opposite; this is the reason that western medicine coined chronic diseases or incurable diseases.

Philosophy Daoism (in Mandarin, Taoism in Cantonese, emerged 400BC China) dialectically views the universe as a system of the unity of opposites that composed of many components - subsystem with own feature of unity of opposites. Human beings viewed as a part of the universe as unity of opposites with own characteristics. The components are all in the state of dynamic balance through continuous self-regulation. The two sides of unity of opposites are interdependent as the part of each other’s existence. Dao embodies the harmony of the unity of opposites by regulating the natural processes and nourishing the balance.

Daoism is symbolized by the Tai-Ji Diagram

  The Yin and Yang were coined to represent the two opposites. Yin often represents the negative, the female, dark, cloudy, cold and the Earth, etc.. Yang represents the positive, the male, bright, sunny, hot, and the Heaven, etc. They are in accompanying coexistence; there would be no male without female, no bright without dark and so on.

Traditional Chinese medicine developed by taking the principle and terminology of Daoism, it views human body as an emotional whole of all parts are inter-influenced; by natural therapies and compound medication of natural medicinals restore Yin-Yang balance as treatment. In thousands years ago; it found that psychological factors in decisively affecting diseases development and the disease treatment is seven-tenths in psychotherapy, only three-tenths in medication with sayings of that a clown in town is worth a dozen doctors.

Modern studies proved the correctness of TCM in restoring Yin-Yang balance

2019, article Disinfect the Natural Way indicates that human immunity is by releasing Hypochlorous acid - HOCl kills viruses. So the since the birth of mammals, it is HOCl in functioning immunity.

2020, article Breadth of concomitant immune responses prior to patient recovery: a case report of non-severe COVID-19 reports that a COVID-19 sufferer self-recovered after the increase of immune cells in blood.

The recovered cases in Covid-19 show that the curative effects were not from the virus killing, but were from the physical restoration; which is perfect matching the practice of TCM by focusing on the restoration of the physical  of Yin-Yang balanceas disease treatment.

Modern studies proved correctness of TCM in psychotherapy 

2008, a research crossing the disciplines of psychology, medicine, neuroscience, and genetics reports that stress causes deterioration in everything, susceptible to everything from your gums to your heart and can make you more susceptible to everything from the common cold to cancer.

1955 found placebo effect in 50-60% cure rate; Western medicine has to use double-blind clinical trial test in single ingredient to prove the drug effective than that placebo did; in this process, it has been in kicking away the most effective drugs in multiple ingredients.

The fact that placebo effect achieved 50-60% cure rate has proved the correctness of TCM in psychotherapy; the disease treatment is seven-tenths in psychotherapy, only three-tenths in medication.

2... Western medicine

Philosophy Reductionism was introduced by French philosopher and the founder of analytic geometry Descartes (1596–1650); which is referring to subdivide complex system into simple units to understand the complex whole.

Western medicine develops by taking Reductionism as guidance, it views human body as the inanimate assembly of lifeless parts by infinitely subdividing body as independent basic micro unit as genes or proteins to study the development of diseases and by looking for killing and genetic patching as treatment; without sense of psychotherapy.

Western medicine can accurately diagnose the causes of diseases, but it cannot produce accurate bullets. For example, according to statistics, there are 200 symptoms of COVID-19. Although individual patients have only limited symptoms, these symptoms continue to develop and worsen.

Also many diseases have no pathogenic agents for killing, such as, degenerative diseases. This is the reason that Western medicine smartly coined incurable chronic diseases. The Stiff Person Syndrome is the thorniest one among the incurable chronic diseases.

Easily containable Epidemic Covid-19 lost control is a typical manmade disaster that Western medicine provides tools for greedy people kicking away the cheaper, handily, safer remedies, for marketing antibody drugs and vaccines by unreasonably high price to promote epidemic sustained ongoing for profiting; which has emptied government finance and destroyed world economy to destroyed very foundation for human survival, but the Covid-19 was not be contained by Western medicine; but it is the suicidal mutation of the virus to have saved humanity.

Since 1950s, Western medicine has been batch training killers         Back to Top

1955; Western medicine found that placebo effect can achieve 50 – 60% cure rate; and found that many synthetic drugs were ineffective than that of placebo did with side effect killing people; then randomized double blind clinic trial used to prove drug effective than that of placebo did; due to the compositions of natural medicinals of TCM are too complex to meet double blind clinic trial and to be yelled as unscientific and unproven.

People would never think of that scientific regulation of randomized double blind clinic trial created new crime pattern since it was born; by training people as killers to kick away the effective medicinals that used in combo by testing in single; the terrible is at its undeniable deceptive to poison people addicted in the state as scientific psychosis to act as global supervisor to yell this medicine was pseudoscience; that one was unscientific or unproven.

Easily containable Epidemic Covid-19 is a typical manmade disaster that Western medicine provides tools for greedy people kicking away the cheaper, handily, safer remedies, for marketing antibody drugs and vaccines by unreasonably high price to promote epidemic sustained ongoing for profiting; which has emptied government finance and destroyed world economy to destroyed very foundation for human survival, but the Covid-19 was not be contained by Western medicine; but it is the suicidal mutation of the virus.

Feb. 23, 2020, I once wrote article Some medical experts are in acting as the Killer aid of SARS-CoV-2, due to that they persuade people not use of experience base medications on the pretext of unscientific; which was same in China.

Since Western medicine was introduced into China, some people have been trying to kill TCM by the name of unscientific. But in the practice TCM showed unique advantage. In the treatment of 2003 SARS, Western medicine doctors use large doses of hormones to treat patients, resulting in a large number of deaths and lifelong paralysis due to femoral head necrosis. TCM treatments have neither deaths nor sequelae.

But’ when treating Covid-19, the Western medicine doctors was still rejecting the use of TCM.

On Jan. 19, a Western medicine expert was appointed as the team leader to conduct the treatment of COVID-19 patients; he resisted the participation of TCM experts for the treatment of Covid-19. On Jan. 25, the top leaders of China held a meeting and forced the use of TCM in treating COVID-19 patients. On Feb. 8, the team leader was replaced.

Thus, the TCM experts were able to treat Covid-19 patients and quickly cured patients to have contained the epidemic. The test shows that the immune cells increased in the blood of recovered Covid-19 patients.

3... TCM integrates Western medicine to enjoy complementary advantages    

We must rationalize medical philosophy by Reductionism integrating Daoism to enjoy complementary advantages of each others; then from viewing human life as lifeless assembly to view human as human as emotional organic whole; then the concept of disease treatment will be rationalized from killing and genetic patching to make restoration of Yin-Yang balance; and the concept of drugs will be rationalized from developing synthetic one with side effect to combination of existing medicinals in regardless of the synthetic drugs or natural medicinals; then it will trigger brand new drug concept of drug concept revolution; which is that any substance that is able to provide therapeutic effect will be god medicine.

Based on integrated medical philosophy; we may explore safe, effective and cheaper medicinals that are able to make breakthrough in disease treatment and help people home self-help in disease treatment and prevention; thereby reducing the reliance on public healthcare; by which solve the dilemma of healthcare of that drugs are expensive unaffordable; while more and more incurable patients overwhelming hospitals.

3.1... Drug concept revolution: The synergistic interactions of medicinals will be god medicine  Back to Top

Modern studies proved the correctness of TCM in compound medication 

By trial and error clinically, TCM have developed many natural therapies, and identified about 11,146 plants, 1581 animals and 80 minerals as medicinal use and accumulated about 100 thousands of experience-based formulas in covering almost all known diseases. Now with modern technologies, those formulas updated produce many OCT tablets and injections by extracts, and labeled with the instructions, precautions and dosage; and available in Chinese pharmacies globally. 

Modern studies found some of those natural medicinals have therapeutic effect similar to synthetic ones in killing the pathogens directly, and some of them have nutritional effect similar to orthomolecular medicine. Some can boost human immunity, such as, boosting the weight gains of immune organs, increasing the number and activity of the immune cells, such as, phagocytes, NK cells and so on. Some can improve sleep, some can reduce anxiety, and some can improve appetite, etc.

The biggest advantages of TCM medicinals are its efficacy, fewer side effects, never produces drug resistance due to multiple components. Moreover, OTC tablets are easy to use at home and inexpensive affordable; the OTC tablets medicines are helping us easy medicinal-selection for treating certain diseases according to the pharmaceutical functions.

1980s, Germany once carried out about 300 clinical studies with standardized phytopharmaceuticals. Accordingly published report Phytomedicine Research in Germany. The studies show that “these phytopharmaceuticals had full therapeutic equivalence with chemotherapeutics and had the simultaneous advantage of being devoid of any adverse effects.” “The mechanism of action of herbal drugs and their extract preparations, which differ in many respects from that of synthetic drugs or mono substances, can be characterized as a polyvalent action and interpreted as additive or, in some cases, potentiating.”

Also many modern studies have proved that the multi-combined medicinals can produce synergistic effects of each other to enhance the curative effect and reduce the side effect; the more medicinals combined the stronger cure effects the lower side effects.

Nov. 2013, article Plant Nutrient 'Cocktail' Kills Breast Cancer Cells reports that “turmeric, soybeans, broccoli, grapes and tea. Individually, they were ineffective against cancer. But combined, they suppressed breast cancer cell growth in the lab by more than 80 percent, and eventually triggered the process leading to cell death.”

Sep. 2019, article Fruit flies live longer with combination drug treatment reports that if it is used individually, lithium, trametinib and rapamycin are able to extend the lifespan of the fruit flies by an average of 11%, but if by any two combined use can increase the lifespan around 30%, and all three combined can reach 48%.

The 13 TCM natural medicinals combining made Lianhua Qingwen Capsule with 160 active components to care COVID-19 by 57 target proteins, 35 signaling pathways in cure rate over 90%.

Feb 7, 2022; University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine posts study New Antiviral Drug Combination Is Highly Effective Against SARS-CoV-2 to report that Researchers have identified a powerful combination of antivirals to treat COVID-19 by combining the drug brequniar with remdesivir or molnupiravir — both approved by FDA of the U.S. The findings suggest that these drugs are more potent when used in combination than individually; which also reduce drug resistance.

Any disease is a syndrome in multi-lesions or multi-symptoms mutually inter-influenced developing; it is impossible to make clear the cause of each symptom to develop targeted drugs. It is necessary to follow the holistic way of TCM in treating diseases by compound medication restoring Yin-Yang balance. The multiple medicinals are able to cure the multiple lesions as that shotgun that is able to hit multiple targets in a blind shot by the multi-projectiles.

The findings proved the existence of the basis in both physiology and pharmacology for the compound medication; which indirectly proved rationality of the theory of ancient philosophy Daoism guided TCM. According to above findings, I would like to infer that, the best medication will come from the unlimited combination of medicinals.

The medicinal ingredient of all of herbs is a multiple complex in multiple therapeutic effects. Diet vinegar, melatonin and diet supplements all have multi-therapeutic effect; if we combine them as a combo, their synergistic effects produced therapeutic effects will be amazing to cure most of diseases.

This is the reason that Western medicine believed the Stiff Person Syndrome is an incurable disease.

3.2... Drug concept revolution: The electronegativities of atoms will be god medicine     Back to Top

The electronegativities of atoms is the most effective medicine    

People can't stop breathing, because the physiological activities of human body need the divalent electronegativity of oxygen atoms. The chemical effect of atomic electronegativities are able to kill viruses and bacteria by damaging their covalent bonded structure; while the atomic electronegativities are able to stimulate the physiological activities of covalent bonded human body; thereby producing therapeutic effects without the formation of drug resistance.

My wife and my son were both Covid-19 infected, in the state of fever, cough, lethargy, short of breath sleeping, did not eat or drink for a day long; after take vinegar slept 3 hours got up asking for drinking and eating, and then took another dose of vinegar sleeping hours recovered quickly.

I infer that the therapeutic effects come from the electronegativity of its two oxygen atoms in vinegar molecular. The thousands of years use as diet and medicine; vinegar has been proven safe intake. And modern studies reveal that the therapeutic effects of vinegar almost cover all of the diseases.

As my long experience for curing flu of fever and cough, oral 1g vinegar/60kg in once can achieve immediate effect; which is far-far to the amount of 165g/50kg of LD50.

Suppose that we inhale Hypochlorous acid produced inhalable antiviral air in daily once, it will be not only able to prevent any type of virus caused airborne infectious diseases; but also it will be able to cure diseases.

I infer that 500mg Vinegar capsule x 2/50kg alone can cure the most of airborne infectious diseases (Covid-19) + melatonin 3mg + vitamin C 3g (or + some remedies) will cure the most non-infectious diseases and chronic degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Schizophrenia, stiff-person syndrome, and so on.

I infer that the electronegativities of oxygen atoms made vinegar alone able to cure 50% of human diseases.

The medicinal use of atomic electronegativity is the potential hope for curing chronic degenerative diseases. Thus the atoms and chemicals that can produce electronegativity will be able to medicinally used as the carrier of atomic electronegativities, such as, according to Periodic Table of Elements, the electronegativity values are F (4.0) > O (3.5) > Cl (3.0) = N (3.0) > Br (2.8) > C (2.5) = I (2.5) = S (2.5) , etc.; the hydroxide radicals, carbonate radicals, sulfate radicals, and so on.

The LD50 of Sodium hypochlorite is 5800 mg/kg or 290g/50kg in nearly double than that of vinegar; which meant that the use of hypochlorite will be safer than that of vinegar.

The HOCl and its derivatives are not only safe in use; but also are more effective due to there are two atoms O (3.5) and Cl (3.0) in higher electronegativity values. Studies show that it is able to anti-aging by facilitating to unfold the mis-folded proteins that caused by potentially pathogenic; such as, in the Alzheimer’s disease, atherosclerosis, and arthritis.

2019, article Disinfect the Natural Way indicates that human immunity is by releasing Hypochlorous acid - HOCl kills viruses. So the since the birth of mammals, it is HOCl in functioning immunity.

2020, article Breadth of concomitant immune responses prior to patient recovery: a case report of non-severe COVID-19 reports that a COVID-19 sufferer self-recovered after the increase of immune cells in blood.

The recovered cases reveal the fact that the recovery of Covid-19 was from the natural restoration. That giving patient’s oxygen or drugs are for maintaining their lives to wait for boosted immune cells releasing HOCl to kill virus; but the process is slow; some patients may be too weak to boost immunity, luckily we can help by giving cheaper remedies.

Chlorine dioxide will be stronger in cure effects. According to post A word from Jim Humble, the chlorine dioxide can eradicate a wide range of disease, including cancer, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, HIV/AIDS, malaria, autism, infections of all kinds, arthritis, high cholesterol, acid reflux, kidney or liver diseases, aches and pains, allergies, urinary tract infections, digestive problems, high blood pressure, obesity, parasites, tumors, cysts, and much more.

Now we learnt that from the perspective of therapeutic effects, diet vinegar is not the best option, but it used as diet and medicine for thousands of years world widely, and people globally are easily to accept it to be popularized.

Cheaper safer diet vinegar, melatonin & diet supplements home self help will be able to cure the most of diseases to bury the concept of incurable chronic degenerative diseases to uproot the dilemma in medication that Western medicine fuels greedy one made drugs unaffordable.

Optimal use of electronegativity carrier vinegar, melatonin, diet supplements, etc., we are able to erase the concept of incurable disease; such as Stiff Person Syndrome, Diabetes, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, HIV/AIDS, Autism, Arthritis, etc..

The key is at the study of how to medicinally use them safely, rather than simply rejection as western medicine harmed people. Then, the diet vinegar, melatonin, orthomolecular medicine, TCM medicinals, HOCl derivatives, chemical radicals will be good drugs, due to that individually, they all possess wide range of therapeutic effects, Google, you will be shocked.

American nutrition expert says that vinegar is a cure for all

Modern studies show that vinegar can kill all viruses and bacteria, shrink cancer cells, increase immune cell, and regulate physiological indicators back to normal. It has a therapeutic effect on various diseases.

Vinegar can decreased small intestine muscular thickness and abdominal fat 

Jan. 3, 2018, study report Effect of probiotic and vinegar on growth performance, meat yields, immune responses, and small intestine morphology of broiler chickens: 30 day-old broiler chicks drinking water diluted vinegar significantly decreased small intestine muscular thickness (MT) and abdominal fat.

Vinegar has anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory effects 

Jul. 27, 2017, study report Anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory effects of synthetic acetic acid vinegar and Nipa vinegar on high-fat-diet-induced obese mice: vinegar reduced lipid deposition, improved the serum lipid profile, increased adipokine expression and suppressed inflammation in the obese mice.

Vinegar may be as an adjunct treatment modality for Diabetes 

May 6, 2015, study report Vinegar Consumption Increases Insulin-Stimulated Glucose Uptake by the Forearm Muscle in Humans with Type 2 Diabetes: vinegar reduces postprandial hyperglycaemia, hyperinsulinaemia, and hypertriglyceridaemia without affecting lipolysis. Vinegar's effect on carbohydrate metabolism may be partly accounted for by an increase in glucose uptake, demonstrating an improvement in insulin action in skeletal muscle.

Apple Cider Vinegar can thin sticky mucus and clears stuffy noses

Sept 10, 2017, on the website; Lung Health Institute posts article Apple Cider Vinegar and COPD: Clears Stuffy Noses – Apple cider vinegar contains potassium that thins mucus. Also, the acidic PH prevents bacteria growth. Directions: Mix a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water and drink.

Apple Cider Vinegar can increases oxygen in blood stream 

Jan 15, 2021, article Nine Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar; it said that Apple Cider Vinegar can increases oxygen as it releases iron from the food you eat into your blood stream supplying more oxygen throughout the body.

Apple Cider Vinegar promotes oxygen to cells by promoting hemoglobin and myoglobin

Dec. 6, 2013, articel The Surprising Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar said that apple cider vinegar helps release iron from the food you eat, so it can be used throughout the body. This is important because iron is a key component of hemoglobin and myoglobin. Both hemoglobin and myoglobin are responsible for carrying oxygen to cells throughout the body.

Vinegar molecule is able to disorganize virion structure.

2023, article Effect of acetic acid inactivation of SARS-CoV-2 reports that vinegar inactivated SARS-CoV-2; by transmission electron microscope observe the morphology of SARS-CoV-2 virus virions treated with 6% acetic acid (vinegar); the  SARS-CoV-2 viral particles shows the presence of abnormal viral morpho-diagnostic features with misshapen structures, fewer viral particles in number, and disorganized virion structure.

A vinegar molecule is a bullet that kills viruses and bacteria

I infer that the virus killing effect of vinegar is from the divalent electronegativity of two oxygen atoms in vinegar molecular. The chemical effect of atomic electronegativities is able to kill viruses and bacteria by damaging their covalent bond that is in bonding their structure.

The study by 6% acetic acid is for getting a quicker result; but we can infer that single vinegar molecular will be able to act as a dead bullet to kill virus in a little while to destruct any of viruses. Also modern studies show that vinegar along has multi-therapeutic effect on all of studied diseases.

Honey is medicine 

Modern studies show that honey is medicine that can cure many diseases to keep healthy. Modern studies show that Melatonin can optimize intestinal flora, eliminate constipation, and optimize nutrient supply; stimulate cell regeneration, revive renal failure stem cells, repair aging nerves and immune systems, cure Covid-19, and regulate physiological indicators to normal.

3.3... Drug concept revolution: Melatonin will be the god medicine                   Back to Top

Here, I need to special indicate the unique effect of Melatonin, besides promote sleep and avoid cytokine storm, it decisive health contribution is at that it can significantly improve intestinal probiotics microorganisms.

For sleeping a sober mind that is able to make my brain obedient for proper concentration as my will, I take 5 mg Melatonin daily, two weeks later; I surprisingly found that the stool becomes soft, well formed without constipation; and the volume reduced by about 50%.

My experience showed that melatonin can radically improve the digestion problems from long sit typing. By regularly taking Melatonin will be able to permanently optimize our digestive system - Gut to create the operators in Gut of the plant in processing in-took foods as nutrients that can be directly absorbed and used to build the organic building of the complex human body. The properly supply in nutrients will be certainly playing a therapeutic role by restoring disease degenerated human body.

Viewing in this way; we can say that poor work efficiency of Gut caused poor nutrition supply is the main inducement that flaws the organic building to cause physical diseases; which inspired us that we can treat diseases from the root level of improving the work efficiency of Gut to improve the nutrition supply by Melatonin nourishing the Gut-microbiome.

I searched and found that improving intestinal microorganisms has therapeutic effects that cover the most of diseases.

Gut is second brain in producing 95% of Serotonin, neurons and most neurotransmitters

Studies show that Gut microbiota regulates intestinal function and health; also influence the immune and nervous systems.

Modern studies proved that human digestive system - Gut is second brain in producing 95% of Serotonin, neurons and most neurotransmitters, which means that we can treat diseases by improving the Gut-microbiome and thus there was reports that Nutrition Psychiatry is the future of mental health treatment.

Melatonin for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome

2014, Melatonin for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome: Melatonin was touted as a potential effective candidate for IBS treatment. Putative role of melatonin in IBS treatment include analgesic effects, regulator of gastrointestinal motility and sensation to sleep promoter.  Most studies utilized 3 mg at bedtime as the standard dose of trial, all studies had consistently showed improvement in abdominal pain, some showed improvement in quality of life of IBS patients.

2014, A Review of the Role of Melatonin in Irritable Bowel Syndrome; Studies specific to IBS-C and IBS-D can help to optimize therapy. Doses of 3 to 8mg have been proven to be effective in patients with IBS-C. Doses of 3mg of melatonin prolonged colonic transit time, which could prove beneficial in patients with IBS-D. Available literature shows a positive correlation between the use of melatonin and symptom relief in IBS symptoms, thereby identifying it as a promising future treatment.

Melatonin can rescue chronic kidney failure

Jun. 27, 2017; article Melatonin Rescues Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Senescence Induced by the Uremic Toxin p-Cresol via Inhibiting mTOR-Dependent Autophagy reports that the stem cell senescence in patients with chronic kidney failure could be potentially rescued by the administration of melatonin, which grants this hormone a novel therapeutic role.

Melatonin can cure neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease

Sep. 8, 2010, Clinical Aspects of Melatonin Intervention in Alzheimer’s Disease Progression: Melatonin has a useful ad-on therapeutic role on age-associated neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and cognitive impairment (MCI).

Melatonin promotes nerve regeneration

Dec. 7, 2018, Melatonin combined with chondroitin sulfate ABC promotes nerve regeneration after root-avulsion brachial plexus injury, melatonin combined with chondroitin sulfate ABC can promote nerve regeneration after nerve-root avulsion injury of the brachial plexus, which may be achieved by reducing oxidative damage and inflammatory reaction in the injury area and inhibiting glial scar formation.

April 19, 2018, Melatonin and sciatic nerve injury repair: a current perspective, studies demonstrate that pineal neurohormone melatonin has effects on the physiological and histological properties of the nerve tissue, hinting at its effects of antioxidation, analgesia, and free radical scavenging in the degenerative peripheral nerve disorders. It is acknowledged that melatonin has beneficial effects on the length of the axons, the sprouting after the damage to peripheral nerves.

Melatonin in Dermatologic Allergic Diseases and Other Skin Conditions

Feb 2023, Melatonin in Dermatologic Allergic Diseases and Other Skin Conditions: Current Trends and Reports, the most important roles of melatonin is the initiation and maintenance of the sleep cycle, an important fact to consider in clinical approaches to chronic allergic skin diseases that are accompanied by sleep disorders, such as atopic dermatitis and CSU. Due to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and hypopigmentation effects, it can also be used for other inflammatory skin conditions and hyperpigmentation disorders, and also as a photoprotection measure.

Melatonin can antioxidize, detoxify, protect cardiovascular, immunization, brain or gastrointestinal

Apr. 2017, article Melatonin: Pharmacology, Functions and Therapeutic Benefits said that the physiological effects of melatonin are various and include detoxification of free radicals and antioxidant actions, bone formation and protection, reproduction, and cardiovascular, immune or body mass regulation. Also, protective and therapeutic effects of melatonin are reported, especially with regard to brain or gastrointestinal protection, psychiatric disorders, cardiovascular diseases and oncostatic effects. This review highlights the high number and diversity of major melatonin effects and opens important perspectives for measuring melatonin as a biomarker (biomarker of early identification of certain disorders and also biomarker of their follow-up) and using melatonin with clinical preventive and therapeutic applications in newborns, children and adults

Melatonin a best treatment for Schizophrenia

Melatonin can inhibit the side effects of anti-psychotic drugs Apr 25, 2012, Melatonin: an overlooked factor in schizophrenia and in the inhibition of anti-psychotic side effects.

Melatonin stimulates the production of NK cells and CD4+ cells and inhibits CD8+ cells

Nov. 29, 2005, article Melatonin, immune function and aging May 19, 2020, Protective Role of Melatonin Against Postmenopausal Bone Loss via Enhancement of Citrate Secretion From Osteoblasts, Mar. 2019, Melatonin: Another avenue for treating osteoporosis? and Aug. 28, 2019, Melatonin prevents bone destruction in mice with retinoic acid–induced osteoporosis.

Melatonin increases bone density to prevent osteoporosis

June 29, 2010, Melatonin Osteoporosis Prevention Study (MOPS): Melatonin works through melatonin receptors to form osteoblasts from human mesenchymal stem cells and has been shown to inhibit osteoclast activity in rodents. Melatonin levels have been correlated with modulating bone markers; low nocturnal levels of melatonin correlate with in an increase in bone marker metabolism and osteoporosis.

3.4... Drug concept revolution: The Orthomolecular Medicine is best drugs         Back to Top

The orthomolecular medicine of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, trace elements and fatty acids will be the best treatment for the most of diseases; the key is at the high concentration in blood, which needs intravenous infusion in use and megadose in g/kg body weight.

Vitamin C has multi-therapeutic effects that cover the most of diseases

The LD50 of Vitamin C is generally accepted to be 11900 milligrams (11.9 grams) /kg. The American Association of Poison Control Centers has reported zero deaths from vitamin C.

Oct. 30, 2020, article High-Dose Vitamin C (PDQ?)–Patient Version indicates that, “In a study of healthy volunteers and cancer patients, vitamin C was shown to be safe at doses up to 1.5 g/kg in patients who do not have kidney stones, other kidney diseases, or G6PD deficiency. Studies have also shown that vitamin C levels in the blood are higher when given by IV than when taken by mouth, and last for more than 4 hours.”

Article Vitamin C Saves Lives said that after Linus Pauling wrote his book on vitamin C in 1970, mortality from heart disease decreased 30-40% in the USA, from around 741,000 deaths per year to less than 500,000 deaths by 1986 according to U. S. Bureau of National Health Statistics 1986.

Modern studies showed that Orthomolecular medicine, such as, vitamin B, vitamin C, D, E; minerals, amino acids, trace elements and fatty acids; are able to cure diseases by correcting the imbalances or deficiencies based on individual biochemistry. 

The orthomolecular medicine will be the best treatment for the most of diseases; the key is at the high concentration in blood, which needs intravenous infusion in use and megadose in g/kg body weight.

Vitamin C has multi-therapeutic effects that cover the most of diseases

The LD50 of Vitamin C is generally accepted to be 11900 milligrams (11.9 grams) /kg. The American Association of Poison Control Centers has reported zero deaths from vitamin C.

Vitamin C was safe at doses up to 1.5 g/kg in patients

Oct. 30, 2020, article High-Dose Vitamin C (PDQ?)–Patient Version indicates that, “In a study of healthy volunteers and cancer patients, vitamin C was shown to be safe at doses up to 1.5 g/kg in patients who do not have kidney stones, other kidney diseases, or G6PD deficiency. Studies have also shown that vitamin C levels in the blood are higher when given by IV than when taken by mouth, and last for more than 4 hours.”

Vitamin C reduced mortality from heart disease 30-40% in the USA

Article Vitamin C Saves Lives said that after Linus Pauling wrote his book on vitamin C in 1970, mortality from heart disease decreased 30-40% in the USA, from around 741,000 deaths per year to less than 500,000 deaths by 1986 according to U. S. Bureau of National Health Statistics 1986.

High-dose Intravenous Vitamin C cured Viral Infections 

Feb. 2014, High-dose Intravenous Vitamin C as a Successful Treatment of Viral Infections: “Viral infections often lead to oxidative stress to the infected cells, and therefore, antioxidants are expected to suppress oxidative stress and work as antivirals or ‘drugs,’ improving inflammatory symptoms. Among these substances, the protective effect of ascorbic acid has been assumed due to its powerful scavenging and antioxidative property.”

Vitamin C involved in enhancing functions of the immune system.

“Vitamin C is also involved in enhancing several functions of the immune system. Cells of the immune system have one of the highest concentrations of vitamin C: white blood cells have an 80 times concentration of vitamin C in their cytoplasm, allowing them to create a vitamin C concentration surplus at the site of infection. Vitamin C can also enhance the production of interferon, which helps prevent cells from being infected by a virus, stimulate the activity of antibodies and cytokines, and in mega-doses, play a role in mitochondrial energy production. It can enhance the ability of specialized immune cells to ingest bacteria.”

Vitamin C interferes with the assembly of viral RNA and DNA

‘In addition to this general neutralizing effect, vitamin C interferes with the assembly of viral RNA and DNA. In a recent study (2012), in vitro experiments showed ascorbate’s ability to kill isolated influenza viruses, as well as viruses from normal human bronchial epithelial cells. There was a dosedependent effect—a concentration of 2.5mM was able to eliminate 90% of the virus present and a 20 mM solution completely stopped the replication of the virus. The antiviral effect of ascorbate is greater when introduced in the early stages of infection.”

High Dose Vitamin C and Influenza: A Case Report 

A 25-year-old man contracted flu and went from approximately 170 pounds down to 155 pounds to be cured by Intravenous Vitamin C (IVC) therapy, which consisted of 1,000 cc of lactated Ringer’s solution containing 50 grams of sodium ascorbate, a pH-neutral form of vitamin C. This was infused over about one and a half hour in a total of 3 infusions over 3 days. All of the infusions were clinically uneventful and without discernible side effects. Actually, the morning following the first IVC, the patient noted that his body strength had improved dramatically.

Vitamin C affects several components of the human immune system

Role in immunity of Vitamin C; Linus Pauling Institute, Oregon State University, Vitamin C affects several components of the human immune system in vitro; for example, vitamin C has been shown to stimulate both the production and function of leukocytes (white blood cells), especially neutrophils, lymphocytes, and phagocytes. Specific measures of functions stimulated by vitamin C include cellular motility, chemotaxis, and phagocytosis.

Vitamin C Can Shorten the Length of Stay in the ICU.

Vitamin C to Improve Organ Dysfunction in Cardiac Surgery Patients, Vitamin C protects important organ systems (cardiovascular, neurologic and renal systems) during inflammation and oxidative stress. It also influences coagulation and inflammation; its application might prevent organ damage.

High-Dose Vitamin C rescued a critcal Covid-19 patient

Aug. 10, 2020, article 'Unusual' IV High-Dose Vitamin C Success Story in COVID-19 reports that a 74-year-old white woman develops ARDS, on the request of families, started on a continuous intravenous infusion of high-dose vita-min C (11 g /24 hours). Two days later, her clinical condition gradually begins to improve, and the clinicians discontinue supportive treatment with norepinephrine.

Vitamin B3    

Vitamin B3 helped immune cells to kill bacteria by 1,000 times.

Aug. 28, 2012, article Vitamin B3 May Help Kill Superbugs said that “Nicotinamide, commonly known as vitamin B3, may help the innate immune system kill antibiotic-resistant staph bacteria, the so-called "superbugs". In lab work done with mice and human blood, researchers found high doses of the vitamin increased the ability of immune cells to kill the bacteria by 1,000 times.”

I Google found that the LD 50 vitamin B3 is 4.5 grams/kilo. This is equivalent to 225 grams for a 50 kg people or approximately 100 times as much as is normally recommended.

Vitamin D         

High dose of vitamin D3 cured flu or influenzalike illness

Jun, 2015, Vitamin D for influenza, we treat flu or influenzalike illness by a 1-time 50 000 IU dose of vitamin D3 or 10 000 IU 3 times daily for 2 to 3 days. The results are dramatic, with complete resolution of symptoms in 48 to 72 hours. One-time doses of vitamin D at this level have been used safely and have never been shown to be toxic. We urgently need a study of this intervention. The cost of vitamin D is about a penny for 1000 IU, so this treatment costs less than a dollar.

3.5... The optimal use of cheaper remedies               Back to Top

The multi-combined medicinals will produce synergistic effects of each other to enhance the curative effect and reduce the side effect; the more medicinals combined the stronger cure effects the lower side effects.

Above diet vinegar, melatonin and diet supplements all have multi-therapeutic effect; if we combine them as combo, their synergistic effect produced therapeutic effect will be amazing to cure most of diseases.

I infer that the electronegativities of oxygen atoms in vinegar will promote physiological activity of covalent bonded human body to play a role as opening door to promote multi-medicinal best exerting therapeutic role.

According to my years of experiences; I infer that cold boiled water dilutes 5% vinegar x 20 ml/50kg + honey at will, 3-5 mg of melatonin + 3 g vitamin C to take one hour before going to bed, rinse teeth with water, and drink 200-300 ml of warm water; which is able to treat various diseases, repair aging lesions timely to disease free 120 years.

Vinegar alone 2 times is able to cure airborne infectious diseases; for babies who cannot take medicine wipe their belly with vinegar water; by self-help will cure the most of diseases at home to make doctors rest at home.

But, the cheaper safer diets and diet supplements can never be popularized. According to my 4 years of failed hundreds of Emails, Phone calls and specially bought a Fax Machine to fax. The emails that I sent to request for uprooting pandemic Covid-19 by vinegar since 2020.

Western civilization dehumanized too many people. The resigned White House Coronavirus Adviser Professor Scott Atlas, who sighed that the tragedy of SARS2 pandemic and the need to restore trust in the country’s vital institutions: the management of this pandemic has left a stain on many of America’s once noble institutions, including our elite universities, research institutes and journals, and public health agencies. Among the most damaged has been the harm to the essential functioning of science, research, and debate.

The Europe bloody soiled Western civilization cannot be humanized due to it favors bad play; but we can dilute its harm by the philosophies of China.

The philosophies and wisdoms from the civilization of China are the hope for saving human faced problems.

4... Humanized Western civilization dehumanized world                    Back to Top

4.1... The mechanism of human intelligence

Modern studies revealed that it is the reasoning of population of brain cells signaling human behaving. In playing the 2500 years old board game Go of China, the computer program AlphaGo beats human top professional Go players and shows that human intelligence acts as a Robot, if it installed a driver of servant; it serves people, if it installed a driver of killer, it kills people.

The philosophies, ideologies and social experience will decisively affect human intelligence. China’s Confucianism is a driver of servant; so that China has been at peace; but the West stayed in wars by toxic philosophies, ideologies harming people. This was the reason that German Hitler and Italian Mussolini were able to tame their compatriots as killers to kill people.

Humans are inborn selfish animals in selfish instinct; suppose that no inborn hormones attract men and women making love; humans will be not able to self reproduce. Without an inborn selfish instinct, the babies would be not able to suck mom’s nipples naturally and humans would starve to die from birth. If there is no inborn cognitive ability and self-esteem driven by abiding law and morality, there will be no elegant ladies and polite gentlemen; for survival, everyone would be acted as the wild beasts.

Human selfish instinct is the initial motivation for seeking survival; derived social activities are the essential forces for the development of economy; and thereby supporting the existence of society; without human survival seeking activities without economy and its based society. However human survival seeking activities often conflict with social collective interests.

4.2... The origin of Civilization decided China human the West inhuman   Back to Top

4.2.1... The origin of Collectivistic Civilization of China 

Since ancient time, China united dozens of ethnics in centralized governance; the peaceful life made people thinking and persuing for better governance and develops rituals and music to culture people in human etiquette. 221BC ended 500 years of war from enfeoffed about 100 war machines of independent economies, China gave up enfeoffment to start governance in ministries, provinces and counties by choosing learned people on power; for which even developed Imperial examination; in 134BC Han dynasty outlawed schools of thought to respect Confucianism as moral guidance; to have cultured people collective self-discipline, don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you; in the collectivist values and peace seeking genes; which have solidified the civilization of China in humanized state.

China purposefully conducts the development leading ideology and philosophy in collectivist social elements; which are suitable for human life; so that China has been relative longer time enjoying prosperous life to have attracted people in neighboring countries sharing the same values to be admired as Asia values and Confucian Asia and Missionaries sent back to Europe enlightened out of dark Ages.

It was just the doctrine of “don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you”, big Zheng He's fleet (1405-1433) sailed to the world seven times, besides fair trade, no colonial occupation and plunder. However, when Columbus (1492-1502) sailed to discover the New World, European countries were rushed to the world from killing at home to colonize, sell slaves and opium, and do every evil thing.

4.2.2... The origin of Individualistic Civilization of West   Back to Top

Since ancient time, Europe was in ant nests populated nations in too many to avoid wars; the life threat life promoted people thinking and persuing focusing on how to defeat others for survival without sense culture people as people; but free fabricating Gods brainwash people torn humanity and culture hatred apart and made society hatred fragmentized in endlessly cultural killing under manmade feuds; and made people in the individualistic values and war seeking genes in regarding looting and killing others for self-survival as a matter of course; and governance by any quality people competing for power; and the democracy is doing the same thing; which solidified civilization of west in the inhuman state.

The individualist social elements with the politics and relied ideologies are facilitating the play of reckless one in endlessly making disasters.

The warlike genes made society as cockfighting arena, and people trained as fighting cock, looking for targets to attack all over the world. It messed up own country and world like bubbling boiler.

The individualistic values damaged people cognitive function that cannot deeply reason the problem by comparing the good side and bad side; but fall into dogmatic trap in addicting democracy.

The evil of democracy is at that the bad one driving out good left idiots playing democracy to ruin world.

4.3... The civilization of China increases IQ scores the West decreases    Back to Top

People are not realizing the terrible reality that has been ongoing; which is human facing not only the crisis of overpopulation, but  there is an even more terrible crisis, it is being replaced by the low-quality population of world-destroyer.

Just like the storage unit of a computer disk, the neurons in the brain serve as memory to support human intelligence. Only a good living environment and nutrition can support the good development of neurons in the human brain.

June 27, 2022, article Case Study: Identical Twins Reared in Different Cultures indicates that, the monozygotic twins were born in 1974 South Korea. At age two one lost to adopt to a U.S. family; and reunited in 2018. The IQ scores of Korean one was 16 points higher than the U.S. one. The Korean one had more collectivistic values from a supportive cohesive family and the US one had more individualistic values from a stricter religious oriented high conflict family. Article said: the United States is largely an individualistic culture, while South Korea is mainly a collectivist culture. The twins’ scores reflect the importance of culture on their respective value systems.”

There was report in line with above result of IQ scores 16 points high  Back to Top

Dec 23, 2011, article Optimal IQ’s for Various Groups BY ROBERT A. LINDSAY provides IQ scores for global people.

China generalized North Coastal: 115-118, generalized South Coastal: 112-116.

Europe generalized North Euros:  97-102,  generalized South Euros: 92-102.

India generalized Indian: 92-96.

Sub-Saharan Africa:              85.

Please look at the map of global average IQs


From the IQ level, we can understand that it is the IQ level of a race in determining its behavior: the 112-118 IQ scores has been creating peaceful coexistence life, the 97-102 IQ scores has been seeking to plunder, kill, and provoke proxy wars everywhere in raging ongoing. The 92-96 IQ scores build bridges collapsed; build dams collapsed; whatever they do to be ruined. The 92-96 IQ scores have a highest crime rate; by stockings covering heads to make livings.

Higher IQ scores made people properly reasoning to rational behave; and further boosted prosperous life of China; the West was in opposite; which was one of the reasons that the West has been in provoking wars as business.

Mar. 31, 2020, Reuters reports From zero to hero: Italy's Chinese help beat coronavirus indicates that in the storm of infection and death sweeping Italy, 50,000 ethnic Chinese who live in the town of Prato were zero infection. In Italy, the most of Chinese people wear masks when they go out since the pandemic started; also other reports said that Chinese people are no longer seen in the public entertainment venues since the start of the pandemic.

Please remember, this happened in Italy; a country where was in perfect democratic played governance without the pressure of dictatorship but in the state of freedom of people acting as free as that of herding cats.

In 1950s, at the poorest time that was just ended civil wars and last 100 years of foreign aggression, in the Korean War (1950-1953), the army of China with backward weapons defeated the "United Nations Army" of 16 national armies and 5 national medical forces led by the United States and forced U.S. to have signed armistice agreement. In Indian War (1960), the army of China defeated Indian army as a Westerner described as that of driving a herd of buffaloes.

In 1962, Western countries including United States collectively armed Indian troop to provoke war with China. The troop of China defeated the troop of India as that of the West described as that of driving a herd of Indian buffaloes.

The won of the wars of China was from the high quality intelligence of people. Once the wars start, the soldiers of China will always keep in a sober state and will be able to fight properly, even independently, the high quality intelligence made the combat effectiveness of a single Chinese soldier exceed dozens or hundreds of foreign soldiers: while the soldiers of other countries will be self-disable from fear and lose their sober without clear mind for proper fighting.

It is highest IQ scores of people made China has never provoke wars with others. The low IQ scores people bomb world; while the high IQ scores people rebuild bombed world.

April 2023, the environmental lawyer, and the nephew of former President John F. Kennedy, Dr. Robert F. Kennedy Jr, who indicated the deeds of the two different civilizations; “Over the past decade, our country has spent trillions bombing roads, ports, bridges, and airports.”“China spent the equivalent building the same across the developing world.”

Sep. 20, 2015, the article Israel to bring in 20,000 Chinese construction workers said that the work-speed of China's worker is 50% higher than that of others. No one will doubt that, if there were no China's workers, there would be no Western and Atlantic Railroad of the United States and Pacific Railway of Canada. Some people say that the others are in destroying the world in everywhere, but the people of China are in rebuilding them in everywhere.

Nowadays, only the Confucianism cultured people of China with Asian values are able to finish larger construction projects under budgeted. This is the practical value of the Asian Values of Collectivism contributes to the social reality.

China has been building a peaceful world that people can coexistence Back to Top

Since ancient times, the people in the West have been killing each other until this moment; but the people of China have been enjoying relatively longer prosperous life and since 2000 years ago developed the Silk Road provides life necessaries to the West and today renewed as Belt and Road Initiative to provide life necessaries; now globally without made in China, no one can live properly.

Due to that China chooses quality people on power, even developed Imperial Examination. Today it is the entrepreneurs, scientists, etc., as lawmakers in part time self-reliance and top leadership is 7 members politburo, no one allowed free talks without meeting consensus; by which ensured social governance in collective wisdoms avoiding personal dictatorship with strictest accountability globally.

4.4... Democracies are being political correctness witch hunt coerced      Back to Top

People have clearly aware that the democracy is a childish casino by granting power to reckless individual dictatorship by recklessly use of the power of the State Apparatus to ruin the world and the life of people, themselves and beloved families.

But rare people notice that since 1400s, European missionaries sent the civilization of China to home to have enlightened Frenchmen to hang their king; the world runs under the coercing of the reckless people, who make living by playing with political correctness witch hunt to hunt and destroy the political career of the politicians who dared defy they imposed ideologies, values, and human rights.

In order to protect own political career, the democratic players have to endlessly yell values and human rights loudly to be surely heard; by which show that they are in high morality and personal quality; and strictly practice them in the social governance.

In today democracies, the play of such ideologies has gone into extreme; even hormone disorders used as ideology; such as, antihuman manner of Lesbian, Gay; a man with penis can legally go into public facilities specially for women as long as claimed as female mentality.

Such as, the unisex public toilets that imposed by the people who are suffering physical defects of hormone disorders and has caused them in eagerly seeking homosexuality; which is a antihuman sexual behavior of boy seeking love with boy, and girls seeking love with girls; in order to get rid of the embarrassment of such shameful behavior; they recklessly coerce the hormone normal people to do the same.

In the democracies; the human rights fueled union culture has corrupted the social system; in which socially legal encourage labors striking for more by doing less; without essential ability and quality for work; after the left of WWII quality generation, the democracies have lost foundation for making life necessaries. Please look at people trusted Boeing passenger planes, now systematically finished irreversibly.

Today; without made in China, no people in any country are able to live well. Only the high quality people of Chins are able to complete large infrastructure projects within budgeted time and funds. Other countries have to times pay extra supplementary budgets.

Human rights coerce rich democracies over inflowing of illegal immigrants who has ruined own motherlands; such people cannot be trained as quality labors or as law-abiding citizens; but capable ruins migrated countries by poor culture; they are like the police officers patrolling the streets; and the locals lived like the fugitives in hiding, but still being robbed, raped, killed to be lived no human rights no dignity.

Please look at the increasingly unlivable messing that caused by more and more illegal immigrants in the US, Canada and the European countries; we can conclude that the human rights fighters or human rights experts and human rights organizations in the UN, the EU and the global countries, they have been playing the negative role as the sober minded destroyers for the normal life of global people.

If the social governance of the global countries still stays in populism dominated way and the democracy still grants power to reckless individual to reckless childish play; the chaotic democracies will be ruined more chaos as troubles and burdens to the world.

The great contribution of the European bloodily soiled western civilization is at the magic of dehumanized the cognition of people in taking stupid as smart, taking wrong as right, and promoting inhuman for human. In such a society, the right things cannot be practiced; but the bad one easily goes popular.

For improving social governance in the democracies; the key is at that it must get rid of the fatal situation of populist dominated democracy favoring the kidnap of the reckless people by political correctness witch hunt imposing inhuman ideologies and ideas. 

4.5... Learn China by entrepreneurs, professors as lawmaker in self-reliance    Back to Top

Nowadays, social governance has been evolved as that of legislature legislating policies pave the orbit; and then society runs accordingly; which meant that it is the legislature acting as social brain and lawmakers are the social brain cells.

Therefore; it is the lawmakers in making policies as laws to enable the power of the State Apparatus as applicable administrative power to take the actual effect and enforces society operation accordingly.

4.5.1... This is that who got right in policymaking; who will take the power of government.

In other words, whoever obtains the right as lawmaker, who got ability to control the power of State Apparatus, and then drives the irresistible administrative power to regulate and transform social governance according to own will.

As the basic components of the State Apparatus, the legal system is equipped with police officers, police guns, police vans and prisons, etc., to stop and imprison those who dare to resist the administrative power of the State Apparatus.

This means that once personal will becomes an enforceable legal clause, the State Apparatus will automatically enforce it. By formulating legal clauses, personal will is socialized to reach the purpose of reforming society.    

Therefore, we must form a non-partisan legislature in policymaking directly; thereby helping populism politicians get rid of the state has to unwillingly follow the ideologies that imposed by political correctness witch hunt.

The civilization of China will easily enable quality people all as lawmaker.

We must dump ideologies democracy and autocracy into garbage bin to learn China to form legislature by outstanding entrepreneurs; professors, scientists, farmers, doctors, etc., as lawmakers in part time self-reliance. 

Learn China by quality entrepreneurs; professors, scientists, etc., as lawmakers in part time self-reliance. But, the democracies must avoid touching political system, to set certain qualifications to naturally form civil legislature by the constantly emerged elites, as sustainable political cornerstone. At first, the civil legislature should take 30% of vote right to parallel run with Gov-one to patch democratic flaws; then gradually ends partisan politics that acted as attractor to low quality people, who eagerly make livings by playing democracy but have no essential quality.

By roundabout way; respectable entrepreneurs, Professors, etc., will be able to be enabled as lawmakers.

Then we have transformed the world from power being out of control to be controllable under rational people control power.

Now, people are seeking a better governance for survival, the civil legislature will be welcomed without people dare oppose it; due to that it is composed of respectable Entrepreneurs, Professors, etc., in part time self-reliance.

Entrepreneurs are the organizers of the production of life necessaries; their efforts are to develop economy, in creating employment and tax revenues to support the operations of government and society, so that they are in truly developing the interests of the people and society; they are the backbone of society and human existence. Also, the success of any enterprise is the result of overcoming thorny difficulties; so that the entrepreneurs are thinkers, philosophers, strategists are qualified as lawmaker with greatest power to make policies.

Their opinions are of great significance to the development of the economy and can be said to be decisive. Therefore, they must be legislators to make policies. It is not only mistake; but the evil that democracy excludes this only worthwhile group to work as lawmakers.

Some Professors were well studied the issue in social governance with well understanding the historical experience of failure and success, they can help us avoid repeating the historical mistakes, avoid the suffering of the same historical disasters, and help to avoid detours to develop society better in less cost; so that, they must work as lawmaker.

Scientists are the developer of novel technologies as engine to drive the sustainable development of society and improve the lives of people to drive progress of human civilization; so that they must work as lawmaker for policymaking.

Farmers are hard working producing grains, vegetables and agricultural products that support people survival, otherwise human being will finished immediately; so that those farmers are great group with absolute legislative authority.

Doctors, Nurses are hard working to support human being healthily survival with absolute legislative authority.

In sharp contrast; being ruined unlivable world have clearly proved that those people who take democratic play as profession or career for living making are neither the ability nor the qualities and the morality to work as leader or lawmaker to govern human society.

The online platform provides convenient for voting, recording and supervising for the operation of civil legislature to expand the members of the civil lawmaker to the group based, such as, village, town, school, university, hospital, factory, farmers associations, and so on, in large numbers of members are no one able to coerce, which can cover the majority of population with the outcome as referendum.

Broad participated civil legislature with the advantage of broad representation in the authority of no one dared to challenge; which is able to solve the thorny problems that made by liberalism and populism coerced idiotic play.

The advantage of civil legislature is at that it will be no limitation in the issue and time for voting, any issue of people concerning will be able to vote immediately with powerful authority as that the final resolution, thereby makes government run in the humanized way to revere the reckless play that political parties take the fate of people as gambling chips to gamble.

Thus we may change current legislative voting process by breaking the restriction of meeting period, people may make suggestions at any time; and the official parties have to make resolutions by communicating in telegram at any time to enable the result as policies and people online supervising which party is good or bad to stop disgusted argues in parliament.

The civil legislature must mainly compose of real economy entrepreneurs, scientists, etc., rather than Professor, Economist or scholar relate to politics, humanities, etc.; due to that the most of them were in garbage filled brain.

The entrepreneurs must be the founder of company in real economy has more than 100 employees and has been personally operating the company legally for over 10 years no unpayable debt. Selective choose the professional managers of chaebol corporate giants in real economy, strictly reject the professional managers from the Financial Industry.

This is an initiative idea that needs improvement. Above was by civilization of China helps to fix the flaw of democracy; now, by civilization of China to fix the flaw of Western medicine. As the main element of Western civilization; as same as democracy helps reckless one, Western medicine is also favoring of reckless one.

4.5.2... The Civil Legislature has no Gov-function but an assistant to current government     Back To Top

The Civil Legislature has no power to control government departments or elections. The only power is to support the ruling party in passing legislation that benefits the country and the people by avoiding vetoed by the opposition party; and makes proposal that the political correctness witch hunt coerced politicians dared not proposed.

The Civil Legislature must strictly avoid touching the political fight and the process of election.

Even acts as assistant, the civil legislature will still be able to radically humanize social governance; because of, those entrepreneurs, professors, farmers, and doctors, are in charging of crucial social resources that determine the survival of government and people, thus no one dared to oppose its formation and oppose the decisions it made.

4.5.3... It is time urgently to establish a global centralized social governance system Back to Top

The world always repeating historical disasters were due to that there is no permanent stable political system in all countries; the power has been in endless replacing, and then endless reckless politician misuse of Gov-power to make disasters.

It is necessary to form a civil legislature in all of countries as a permanent stable political cornerstone in charge of making economic policies that are in line with the country's long-term development, and no politician can change them by own wills.

That is not enough; we need to form a global civil legislature as global permanent stable political system as global centralized governance; to stop that International institutions are being hijacked and turning as the evil tools endangering humanity.

Then the Global Civil Legislature gradually optimized by adding elites from global countries and as leadership coordinates and conducts global affairs and the affairs of the civil legislatures of all countries and the social governance of all countries.

With the constantly birthing social elites naturally updating, the civil legislature will be able to play a role as a permanent political system to stable social operation; and also decides the settlements of social structures and the appointment of officials.

In such an acceptable roundabout way, we can essentially realize the global centralized social governance. Eventually; human must uproot the demon of the manmade disasters – the partisan politics – the actual evil attractors for the social garbage.

It is clear, only realize the global centralized social governance to avoid democracy grants power to low quality people; human is able to live a humanized life. Now only in China, people are able to live in safe with the dignity as human should be.

5... The countries that are feasible for practicing civil legislature    Back to Top

5.1... Canada has reserved conditions for practicing civil legislature

In attached article The origin of civilization & rescue from dooming, I have made a detailed discussion.

Now, due to the wrongful policies led to over inflow of foreign immigrants to mess society and Neoliberalism promoted wildly plunder; in Canada, many people hard work but still cannot make ends meet and have no money for food after paying increasingly soaring up rent, gas, water, electricity, insurance premiums and more others.

July 18, 2024, a report that in Canada Immigration Minister Marc Miller's Montreal office vandalized by protesters, other reports said that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau; the Housing Minister Sean Fraser and some lawmakers have got death threats; which set model; from now on, the democratic politician will be the job in the life threats.

Also, Years ago, current PM Justin Trudeau once showed his admiration of the government of China being able to rapidly make policies and efficient governance; but being attacked violently by public opinion and rival parties.

In 2019, Canada deputy PM Chrystia Freeland said that Liberal democracies are being "hijacked by angry populist politicians, “the doubts creeping in inside liberal democracy… liberal democracies that are becoming totally polarized societies, divided into these hostile – even warring – tribes who can’t talk to each other, and societies that have been hijacked by angry populist politicians;” ” where “the details may be unique but the basic storyline is the same.”

In 2019, the CEO of Business Council of Canada, Goldy Hyder, whole wrote article Our politics is suffering from analysis paralysis and the illusion of action to sign: “Canadian leaders don’t consider themselves to be nation-builders in a literal sense.” “The issue is that our desire to critique now exceeds our desire to create.” “The procedural obstacles we’ve put in place make it possible for a handful of individuals to hold up initiatives endorsed by most Canadians. Important projects, programs and policies can be delayed until supporters give up and move on.”

The 20th PM Jean Chrétien was known to be a Sinophile and an admirer of the PR China as unique rational politician who gained political respect with influence in both Canada and China. Please see Jean Chrétien of Wikipedia; you will be convinced that Jean Chretien is a rare rational politician in the West; which will help the formation of civil legislature in Canada as a model for others to follow.

The facts showed that in Canada, from the level of government to society have reserved potential conditions for improving social governance; which will reduce the résistance for the formation of the civil legislature.

Significantly, the Business Council of Canada (BCC) just paved preferred bases, due to that it is composed of the entrepreneurs of over 170 leading Canadian companies, operating in every sector and region of the country; in helping Canada to full potential.

We may take 170 entrepreneurs of BCC as bases to form civil legislature, then enlarge it in the members towards broader social fields of whole Canada, and make group based in towns, hospitals, etc. to cover broadly and will be welcomed by Canadians.

This way will be acceptable by the majority of people in the majority of social aspects with less social resistance; but even so it needs a powerful politician as promoter to push the beautiful dreams as true.

In Canada, the 20th PM, the honorable Jean Chrétien is a unique politician who has gained widely respect and political influence in both Canada and China; which shows that Jean Chrétien is rational without populist hijacked ideological play as that of common play of other politicians; with ability to promote the formation of civil legislature and develop Canada as leader country in improving social governance as a model for others to follow.

Please see Jean Chrétien of Wikipedia; you will be convinced that Jean Chretien is a rare rational politician.

Honorable Chrétien was known to be a Sinophile and an admirer of the People's Republic of China.

Please make phone call to key elites for promoting the formation of the civil legislature in Canada

1... Goldy Hyder, CEO of Business Council of Canada, Tele: 613-238-3727 Fax: 613-236-8679

2... Alan Freeman, Professor Manitoba University, Tel 204 474 9818 Fax: 204 474-7681

3... Radhika Desai, Professor Manitoba University, Tele: 204-272-1655 Fax: 204-261-1216

The cooperation between industry and academia is conducive to the formation of civil legislature

5.2... Germany has conditions for practicing civil legislature              Back to Top

Globally, Germany is the most rational country that has been acting the manufacturing star, now the red and green lights democracy corrupted good country Germany in de-industrializing.

Only the street boys and street girls govern own country by red and green lights of creating an unhinged political compass creates chaos and disasters to ruin own home yard.

Please look at that how Germans play their democracy. According to Grand coalition (Germany) - Wikipedia that was last edited on 18 April 2019, after the inconclusive result of the 2005 German federal election, neither of the traditional coalitions could form a majority government. Another possible coalition existed, comprising the SPD, Greens, and the Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS), PDS, the successor party to East Germany's ruling Socialist Unity Party, the SPD, CDU/CSU to agree to form a grand coalition with CDU leader Angela Merkel as chancellor and an equal number of cabinet seats for each party.

I really doubt that whether the great Germans themselves can quickly sort out these political parties and their sacred political goals; and eventually; in the final analysis, what on earth; they want to do and what actually they can provide for Germans.

Thank Harvard University for awarding Honorary Doctor of Law to former German chancellor Angela Merkel; who was the most worthwhile for got the honor and helped world gained the most worthwhile return: “tear down walls of ignorance and narrow-mindedness, for nothing has to stay as it is,” to get rid of state of “describe lies as truth and truth as lies.”

Suppose that it is not the street boys and street girls playing with red and green lights, Merkel was still in power, the Russian and Ukraine Proxy War would not happen.

Germans must ask why they run their country in jokey way

In Germany, there are many outstanding entrepreneurs who can unite to associate academia to form a civil legislature.

5.3... Singapore                              Back to Top

Apr 18th 2024, economist.com published article Lawrence Wong will be only the fourth PM in Singapore's history to have indicated that after the left of Dictator Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore will be finished by democracy. Current top leaders of Singapore are rational group, if we call them to form a civil legislature, it will be welcomed from top to bottom.

5.4... Taiwan province of China    Back to Top

Jan. 21, 2013, I once wrote article Gov-funded R&D Center Boosts Taiwan as One of Four Little Dragons: Taiwan's Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) is a Gov-found when Chiang Ching-kuo was in power in 1973 and later self sustained non-profit R&D institution headquartered in Taiwan, with background of 1,392 PhDs and 3,126 Masters.

Its practice is new tech R & D and business incubator by spinning off the matured research achievements with related researchers together as independent enterprises; and to have created more than 228 start-ups and spin-offs with over 140 CEOs in the local high-tech industry, among them many are world-renowned high-tech companies, such as TSMC and UMC. Now, it holds more than 19,890 patents.

In this way, ITRI boosts Taiwan as one of four little Dragons. But after playing democracy, the democratic player ruined industry of Taiwan.

If ITRI’s technical experts join hands with the academic community, it is feasible and easily to establish a civil legislature based on ITRI’s technical experts and with ITRI as its headquarters.

Please make call to urge them to promote the formation of civil legislature, otherwise, any efforts will be useless.

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