


Monast.of Sao Vicente de Fora, Portugal(葡萄牙圣文生修道院)


2024-06-13 National Seersucker Day

Monastery of St. Vincent Outside the Walls.jpg

【Countless Lives Inhabit Us (Vivem em nós inómeros)】

Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935)

            Countless lives inhabit us.

            I don't know, when I think or feel,

            Who it is that thinks or feels.

            I am merely the place

            Where things are thought or felt.


            I have more than just one soul.

            There are more I's than I myself.

            I exist, nevertheless,

            Indifferent to them all.

            I silence them: I speak.


            The crossing urges of what

            I feel or do not feel

            Struggle in who I am, but I

            Ignore them. They dictate nothing

            To the I I know: I write.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——





















【注】圣文生“征服圣徒”一直是里斯本“附魔港”的守护神,尽管自1930年起无价圣徒(Saint Anthony)已经取之成为葡萄牙的守护神,但直到1981年才正式交接。


不知是因为€8门票拒信徒于门外,还是现任守护神的附魔港无价圣徒教堂(Church of Saint Anthony of Lisbon)免费入内更受认可,总之,前来旧时守护神的城外征服圣徒修道院的敬拜者屈指而数,附魔港人向征服圣徒祈祷的赞美诗在我耳边更加历历可辨:


Tender God, refuge of the poor, You filled Vincent de Paul with the strength of the apostles to work for the poor's salvation and the clergy's instruction. May we who follow the example of his life be driven by unceasing charity to continue the mission of Your Son in the world.”

至此,“大洋·滨海”号游轮第一段12天“摩洛哥—凶狗群岛奇旅”(Morrocan & Canarian Magic)趋于尾声;接下来我将乘坐同一艘游轮继续前行,开始第二段11天“西班牙/葡萄牙半岛—比利时美食之行”(Iberian Belgium Epicure)。

Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Lisbon's Sacred Sites, Portugal(葡萄牙里斯本·附魔港圣地)

2024: Belém Complex in Lisbon, Portugal(葡萄牙里斯本·贝伦建筑群)

2024: Capital's Historic Charm, Portugal(葡萄牙首都·历史魅力)

2016: Overview of Seventh Grade(初二巡礼)

2012: Descriptive─Letter(应用文─书信)

2024-06-13_00_Monastery of St. Vincent Outside the Walls0001.JPGMonastery of St. Vincent Outside the Walls


2024-06-13_Monastery of S?o Vicente de Fora in Mannerist Built in 16290001.JPGMonastery of S?o Vicente de Fora in Mannerist Built in 1629


2024-06-13_High Altar & Aisle-10001.JPG

High Altar & Aisle Covered by Barrel Vaulting

(覆盖桶形拱顶的高坛与过道 06-13-2024)

2024-06-13_Baroque Altar under Baldachin in 17th Century Mannerism0001.JPG

Baroque Altar under Baldachin in the 17th Century Mannerism


2024-06-13_Dome0001.JPGWooden Dome over the Cross (十字架上木制穹顶)

2024-06-13_Baroque Sacristy w Pink_ White_ & Black Marble Designs on Walls-10001.JPG

Baroque Sacristy w/ Pink, White, & Black Marble Designs on Walls

(巴洛克式圣器收藏室·墙壁上有粉红色、白色和黑色大理石图案 06-13-2024)

2024-06-13_Christians Gradually Associated the 2 Worlds to the Point of Bburying the Dead in Churches to Place Them under Divine Protection0001.JPGChristians Gradually Associated the 2 Worlds to the Point of Burying the Dead in Churches to Place Them under Divine Protection


2024-06-13_Royal Pantheon of the Braganza Monarchs of Portugal0001.JPGRoyal Pantheon of the Braganza Monarchs of Portugal


2024-06-13_Courtyard of 17th-century White Roman Catholic Church & Monastery0001.JPGCourtyard of 17th-Century White Roman Catholic Church & Monastery


2024-06-13_Cloister Decorated w Azulejos Blue Tiles in Mannerist Architecture0001.JPG

Cloister Decorated w/ Azulejos Blue Tiles in Mannerist Architecture


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Painted Tiles Azulejos (彩绘瓷砖)

2024-06-13_Detail of the 18th Century Tomb of Dom Antonio @ the Children of Palhava Chapel0001.JPG

Detail of the 18th Century Tomb of Dom Antonio @ the Children of Palhava Chapel


2024-06-13_Panel of Azulejo Tiles0001.JPGBaroque Entrance Hall Sala da Portaria w/ a Large Podium


2024-06-13_Side Chapels to the Altarpiece_Holy Cross Jesus Crucified0001.JPG

Side Chapels to the Altarpiece, Holy Cross Jesus Crucified


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Chapel of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

(耶稣圣心礼拜堂 06-13-2024)

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Altarpiece of Our Lady of the Pilar (圣母支柱祭坛画)

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Our Lord of Passos Chapel (圣步礼拜堂)

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Altarpiece of Our Lady of the Infirmary


2024-06-13_00_Monastery of S?o Vicente de Fora_Statue of a Woman Crying above the Tombs of King Carlos I & His son, Luis Filipe, who were.JPGStatue of a Woman Crying above the Tombs of King Carlos I & His Son, Luis Filipe, who were assassinated in the Pra?a do Comércio in 1908


2024-06-13_Dinner_Jacques Kitchen0001.JPGDinner @ Jacques Kitchen of Oceania Marina



My Dinner Dishes (我的晚餐)




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