


Lisbon's Sacred Sites, Portugal(葡萄牙里斯本·附魔港圣地)


2024-06-13 World Softball Day

Lisbon's Sacred Sites.jpg

【I Know, I Alone (Estar Sozinho)】 

Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935)

                    I know, I alone

                    How much it hurts, this heart

                    With no faith nor law

                    Nor melody nor thought.


                    Only I, only I

                    And none of this can I say

                    Because feeling is like the sky -

                    Seen, nothing in it to see.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——














Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Monastery of Sao Vicente de Fora, Portugal(葡萄牙圣文生修道院)

2024: Belém Complex in Lisbon, Portugal(葡萄牙里斯本·贝伦建筑群)

2024: Capital's Historic Charm, Portugal(葡萄牙首都·历史魅力)

2016: Overview of Seventh Grade(初二巡礼)

2012: Descriptive─Letter(应用文─书信)

2024-06-13_05_Alfama Terrace_ Church of Santa Luzia & Church of Saint Michael0001.JPGChurch of Santa Luzia & Church of Saint Michael @ Alfama Terrace


2024-06-13_06_View of the Old Town Alfama0001.JPGView of the Sacred Sites in the Old Town Alfama


2024-06-13_07_View of Traditional Architecture & Houses on Sao Jorge Hill0001.JPGView of Traditional Architecture & Red-Roofed Houses on Sao Jorge Hill


2024-06-13_08_Church of Saint Anthony of Lisbon in Baroque & Rococo Built in 1767-10001.JPG

Church of Saint Anthony of Lisbon: Today, the 13th of June of Saint Anthony's Day, One of the "Popular Saint Festivities" Celebrated by Lisbon


2024-06-13_09_Church of Saint Anthony of Lisbon0001.JPGChurch of Saint Anthony of Lisbon in Baroque & Rococo Built in 1767


2024-06-13_10_Church of Saint Anthony of Lisbon_Alterpiece0001.JPG

Altarpiece @ Church of Saint Anthony of Lisbon


2024-06-13_11_Church of Saint Anthony of Lisbon_Pipe Organ over the Ambulatory0001.JPGPipe Organ over the Ambulatory @ Church of Saint Anthony of Lisbon


2024-06-13_12_Lisbon Cathedral in Romanesque, Gothic, & Baroque w Nave Covered by Barrel Vaulting & an Upper, Arched Gallery (Triforium)  Different Tracery Pa.JPG

The Main Fa?ade of Lisbon Cathedral like a Fortress w/ 2 Towers Flanking the Entrance & Crenellations over the Walls, in Romanesque, Gothic, & Baroque w/ an Upper Arched Gallery (Triforium) in Different Tracery Patterns of Cloister Built in 1147

 (附魔港大教堂·正面像堡垒,有两座塔楼,两侧是入口和城墙上的垛口,1147年建造的回廊顶部呈三拱廊并采用不同的窗饰图案 06-13-2024)

2024-06-13_12_Lisbon Cathedral in Romanesque, Gothic, & Baroque w Nave Covered_Nave001.jpgNave Covered by Barrel Vaulting @ Lisbon Cathedral


2024-06-13_12_Lisbon Cathedral_Bell Tower0001.JPG

Bell Tower of Lisbon Cathedral (附魔港大教堂·钟楼)

2024-06-13_15_Igreja de Santa Luzia_ the Headquarters of the Order of Malta in Portugal in Baroque Built in 18th Century0001.JPG

Igreja de Santa Luzia, the Headquarters of the Order of Malta in Portugal in Baroque Built in the 18th Century


2024-06-13_16_St Luzia Church Shown in Azulejos-Ornate Depiction Portraying a Major Famous Battle in the 1140s0001.JPGSt Luzia Church Shown in Azulejos-Ornate Depiction Portraying a Major Famous Battle of the Siege of Lisbon in 1147


2024-06-13_17_Igreja de Santa Luzia_Azulejos0001.JPGFresco of Pra?a do Comércio in Azulejos @ St Luzia Church


2024-06-13_17_Igreja de Santa Luzia_Nave0001.JPGNave @ St Luzia Church (光明圣徒教堂·正厅)

2024-06-13_18_Portas do Sol_ a Lookout Point over the Bairro de Alfama_ the Monastery of Saint Vincent_ the Pantheon_ and the River Tagus w Statue of Saint Vincent-10.JPGPortas do Sol or Gates of the Sun, a Lookout Point over the Bairro de Alfama, the Monastery of Saint Vincent, the Pantheon, & the River Tagus w/ Statue of Saint Vincent

(太阳门瞭望台·俯瞰温泉街区、征服圣徒修道院、万神殿以及征服圣徒雕像下滴河 06-13-2024)

2024-06-13_19_Monastery Sao Vicente de Fora_ the Baroque Entrance Hall_ Concierge Rm0001.JPGMonastery Sao Vicente de Fora, the Baroque Entrance Hall of Concierge Rm


2024-06-13_20_Miradouro das Portas do Sol_ Scenic Outlook w Panoramic City Views of Traditional Alfama Houses w Red Roofs & Churches0001.JPGMiradouro das Portas do Sol, Scenic Outlook w/ Panoramic City Views of Traditional Alfama Houses w/ Red Roofs & Churches around the Sacred Sites


2024-06-13_21_Alfama the Medieval Neighbourhood of Lisbon0001.JPGAlfama the Medieval Neighbourhood of Lisbon


2024-06-13_48_National Pantheon Buries w Important Portuguese Personalities in Baroque Built in 1681-19660001.JPGNational Pantheon Buried w/ Important Portuguese Personalities in Baroque Built in 1681


2024-06-13_49_National Pantheon_Diptych Drawn Inspiration from the Vanitas Paintings of the 16th and 17th Centuries_ Emphasized the Fleeting Nature of Life0001.JPGDiptych of National Pantheon w/ Inspiration Drawn from the Vanitas Paintings of the 16th and 17th Centuries to Emphasize the Fleeting Nature of Life


2024-06-13_54_S?o Jorge Castle Dominating the Skyline of Lisbon-20001.JPGS?o Jorge Castle Dominating the Skyline of Lisbon


2024-06-13_59_Graca Church & Convent Facing a Belvedere Overlooking the City & the Tagus River on Lisbon's Highest Hill0001.JPGGraca Church & Convent Facing a Belvedere Overlooking the City & the Tagus River on Lisbon's Highest Hill


2024-06-13_60_Graca Church & Convent Built in 12710001.JPGGraca Church & Convent Built in 1271


2024-06-13_60_Graca Church & Convent_Nave0001.JPGNave of Graca Church (恩惠教堂·正厅)

2024-06-13_61_Carmo Convent in Gothic Built in 13890001.JPGCarmo Convent in Gothic Built in 1389


2024-06-13_62_Carmo Convent Ruined during the Sequence of the 1755 Lisbon Earthquake0001.JPGCarmo Convent Ruined during the Sequence of the 1755 Lisbon Earthquake


2024-06-13_62_Carmo Convent w the Main Portal & Access to the Museum0001.JPGCarmo Convent w/ the Main Portal & Access to the Museum


2024-06-13_62_Carmo Convent_Aspect of the Ruined Main Nave0001.JPGCarmo Convent, Aspect of the Ruined Main Nave


2024-06-13_62_Carmo Convent_View on the Apse-10001.JPGView on the Apse of Carmo Convent

(神园院·后殿景观 06-13-2024)

2024-06-13_79_Statue of António Vieira in Front of Lisbon Holy House of Mercy @ Trindade Coelho Square0001.JPGStatue of António Vieira in Front of Lisbon Holy House of Mercy or Santa Casa da Misericórdia @ Trindade Coelho Square


2024-06-13_80_Santa Casa da Misericórdia to Treat & Support the Sick_ the Disabled_ & Abandoned Newborns0001.JPG

Santa Casa da Misericórdia to Treat & Support the Sick, the Disabled, & Abandoned Newborns


2024-06-13_84_Estrela Basilica in Baroque & Neoclassical Built in 17790001.JPG

Estrela Basilica in Baroque & Neoclassical Built in 1779


2024-06-13_86_Estrela Basilica_Twin bell Towers Including Statues of Saints & Some Allegoric Figures0001.JPGTwin Bell Towers of Estrela Basilica Including Statues of Saints & Some Allegoric Figures


2024-06-13_87_Estrela Basilica_Nave0001.JPGNave of Estrela Basilica (星辰大教堂双钟楼·正厅)

2024-06-13_118_Church S?o Miguel in a Mannerist & Baroque Style Completed in 17200001.JPG

Church S?o Miguel in a Mannerist & Baroque Style Completed in 1720


2024-06-13_119_Church S?o Miguel_Super Altar0001_1.JPGSuper Altar of Church S?o Miguel (神似圣徒教堂·超级圣坛)

2024-06-13_120_Saint Stephen Church in Baroque Built in 18830001.JPGSaint Stephen Church in Baroque Built in 1883


2024-06-13_90_16th Century Fortress Finely Carved Details & Shields Bearing the Templar Cross & Classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983-20001.JPGJerónimos Monastery, the 16th Century Fortress Finely Carved Details & Shields Bearing the Templar Cross & Classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site

(联合国教科文组织《世界遗产名录》圣名修道院·16世纪堡垒,雕刻精美,盾牌上刻有圣殿骑士十字勋章 06-13-2024)

2024-06-13_93_Jeronimos Monastery_Nave0001.JPG

Nave of Jerónimos Monastery (圣名修道院·正厅)

2024-06-13_121_Grafitti Sprayed on the Facade of an Shabby Uninhabited Bldg Overlooking the River Tegus0001.JPGGrafitti Sprayed on the Fa?ade of a Shabby Uninhabited Bldg Overlooking the River Tegus under Graca Church & Convent





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