


Capital's Historic Charm, Portugal(葡萄牙首都·历史魅力)


2024-06-13 Saint Anthony Festival


【Like A Mist (Tenho em mim como uma bruma)】

Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935)

        I have in me like a mist

        That nothing is or contains

        Longing for nothing,

        The desire for any good.


        I'm wrapped by it

        As through a fog

        And I see the last star shine

        Over the tip of my ashtray.


        I smoked my life. How uncertain

        All I saw or read! 

        And the whole world is a great open book

        That smiles at me in an unknown tongue.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——


















【注】几天前,亦即抵达葡萄牙首都里斯本“附魔港”的前两天,我通过旅行者(Viator)公司网站订购了地接导游,由于早已得知出游的星期四是圣安东尼“无价圣徒”日(St. Anthony's Day),信仰天主教的附魔港人几乎全部放假,因此我特意选择声称坚守岗位的地陪。昨天我接到邮件,通告包括导游名字、接头地点、会面时间甚至预付金额在内的确认信息,看来万事俱备只欠东风。今天上午10:00整,我和闺蜜如约在游轮码头外等候,但半个小时过后仍不见人影,我们幡然领悟到计划赶不上变化!因为随身携带的手机没有境外电话服务,就连免费热线(1-800-Toll-Free)都打不通,我只好跟旁边负责码头接待的小哥借用当地手机,当小伙子看到电话号码时满腹狐疑,难道这不是美国号码吗?更让他意外的是从前楞不知晓自己竟然有10分钟免费国际通讯的红利,而问题在于10分钟用来向不善言英文的附魔港人陈述根本无济于事,还没等说明缘由就断了线,鉴此我赶紧抓住第二个年轻人,开门见山说借用你10分钟免费国际通话跟Viator客服打交道,这才弄清楚原本同意接单的当地老表临时歇工溜号,决定回归教堂烧香拜神,结果让被放了鸽子的我们茫然失措。好在身处附魔港,码头周围拉客出游的个体遍地开花,尤其印度阿三趁机抢占旅游市场,就这样我们随便上了一辆本地特有的敞篷三轮机动车——嘟嘟车(Tuk Tuk),开始穿梭鹅卵石街道异常陡峭的七山之城。


早波刚平,午波又起!待旅游结束到了付款时,我才发现随身携带的信用卡(Citi Costco Visa)在附魔港取不了现金,就近试过4—5不同银行的自动提款机依然事与愿违,而同行的闺蜜出国又不爱带卡上路,急得印度阿三无法可施,最终只能接受刷卡结账。嗨,旅游的不确定性何尝不是人生的写照?


附魔港崇尚“高尚与忠诚”(Very Noble & Always Loyal),拥有常人对这座背负数百年文化历史前行的欧洲首府所有的想象,而我们的足迹将落在蜿蜒陡峭的1840年鹅卵石弄堂、中世纪城堡勾勒出的古都天际线、阿尔法玛“温泉”区(Alfama)源远流长的19世纪20年代法朵“命运”(Fado)音乐,贝伦“面包房”的1837年葡式蛋挞(Pastéis de Belém/Nata),14世纪开始流传的蓝彩锡釉瓷砖(Azulejo),……

Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Monast.of Sao Vicente de Fora, Portugal(葡萄牙圣文生修道院)

2024: Lisbon's Sacred Sites, Portugal(葡萄牙里斯本·附魔港圣地)

2024: Belém Complex in Lisbon, Portugal(葡萄牙里斯本·贝伦建筑群)

2016: Overview of Seventh Grade(初二巡礼)

2012: Descriptive─Letter(应用文─书信)

2024-06-13_02_Lisbon Cruise Port or Jardim do Tabaco Quay0001.JPGOceania Marina Debarked @ Lisbon Cruise Port or Jardim do Tabaco Quay


2024-06-13_112_Sea of Straw_ a Bay in Its Shimmering Waters-1M0001.JPGSea of Straw, a Bay in Its Shimmering Waters

(稻草海·波光粼粼的海湾 06-13-2024)

2024-06-13_112_Sanctuary of Christ the King-Portugal  Inspired by the Christ the Redeemer Statue of Rio de Janeiro_ Brazil0001.JPGSanctuary of Christ the King-Portugal Inspired by the Christ the Redeemer Statue of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil


2024-06-13_116_Commerce Square_Statue of José I Mounted on His Horse Gentil Unveiled w All Due Pomp & Circumstance on 6th June 1775_ the King?s BD0001.JPGStatue of José I Mounted on His Horse Gentil Unveiled w All Due Pomp & Circumstance on 6th June 1775, the King?s BD @ Commerce Square


2024-06-13_115_Commerce Square Archway Marking the Entrance of the Modern City0001.JPG Arco da Rua Agusta Marking the Entrance of the Modern City @ Commerce Square


2024-06-13_83_S?o Bento Palace the Seat of the Assembly of the Portuguese Republic & the Parliament of Portugal in Neoclassical Completed in 19380001.JPGS?o Bento Palace the Seat of the Assembly of the Portuguese Republic & the Parliament of Portugal in Neoclassical Completed in 1938


2024-06-13_03_Editory Riverside Santa Apolónia Hotel in 18650001.JPGEditory Riverside Santa Apolónia Hotel in 1865


2024-06-13_01_View of the Gra?a District0001.JPGView of the Gra?a District (恩惠区景观)

2024-06-13_04_Azulejos a Way of Retelling Popular Stories Like the Fables of La Fontaine or of Recording Portuguese History Like the Siege of Lisbon in 11470001.JPGAzulejos, a Way of Retelling Popular Stories Like the Fables of La Fontaine or of Recording Portuguese History Like the Siege of Lisbon in 1147


2024-06-13_22_Miradouro de Santa Luzia w a Pergola offers Dramatic Views of Lisbon & the Tagus River0001.JPGMiradouro de Santa Luzia Offering Dramatic Views of Lisbon & the Tagus River


2024-06-13_19_Azulejo Tile w Map of the Alfama Neighborhood0001.JPGAzulejo Tile w/ Map of the Alfama Neighborhood


2024-06-13_51_Urban Art w the Work of André Saraivia_ a Portuguese Visual Artist0001.JPGUrban Art w/ the Work of André Saraivia, a Portuguese Visual Artist


2024-06-13_23_Statue of Saint Vicente_Patron Saint of Lisbon0001.JPG

Statue of Saint Vicente, the Patron Saint of Lisbon


2024-06-13_54_S?o Jorge Castle_A Panorama of the Entire Battlements0001.JPGS?o Jorge Castle, a Panorama of the Entire Battlements


2024-06-13_54_S?o Jorge Castle w the Walls & Towers_ Constructed during the Moorish Occupation0001.JPGS?o Jorge Castle w/ the Walls & Towers, Constructed during the Moorish Occupation


2024-06-13_24_Palácio Azurara_ Museu de Artes Decorativas0001.JPGPalácio Azurara, Museu de Artes Decorativas


2024-06-13_56_Central Lisbon University Hospital Center0001.JPGCentral Lisbon University Hospital Center


2024-06-13_57_A City of Exotic History & Breathtaking Vistas0001.JPGA City of Exotic History & Breathtaking Vistas


2024-06-13_58_View of Red Roofs from the Miradouro Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen in the Alfama District0001.JPGView of Red Roofs from the Miradouro Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen in the Alfama District


2024-06-13_63_Panorama from Miradouro da Nossa Senhora do Monte0001.JPGPanorama from Miradouro da Nossa Senhora do Monte


2024-06-13_25_Trams in Lisbon Since 18730001.JPG

Trams in Lisbon Since 1873 (自1873年以来的附魔港有轨电车)

2024-06-13_64_Road Climbed Up & Bent Round to a Spectacular Panoramic View of the City Emerge0001.JPGRoad Climbed Up & Bent Round to a Spectacular Panoramic View of the City Emerge


2024-06-13_65_My Story Hotel Figueira0001.JPGMy Story Hotel Figueira (无花果园我的故事酒店)

2024-06-13_68_Statue Luís Cam?es_ Portugal's & the Portuguese Language's Greatest Poet @ Luis de Cam?es Square_M0001.JPGTuk Tuk in Front of Statue Luís Cam?es, Portugal's & the Portuguese Language's Greatest Poet @ Luis de Cam?es Square


2024-06-13_69_Church of Our Lady of the Incarnation vs Church of Our Lady of Loreto near Largo do Chiado_ a Square Known for Its Theaters_ Shops_ Bookstores_ & Cafés0001.JPGChurch of Our Lady of the Incarnation vs Church of Our Lady of Loreto near Largo do Chiado, a Square Known for Its Theaters, Shops, Bookstores, & Cafés


2024-06-13_67_Rua dos Correeiros or Postmen Street-10001.JPGRua dos Correeiros or Postmen Street (邮递员街 06-13-2024)

2024-06-13_66_Church of Saint Mary Magdalene  w Church Portal_ a Manueline Trefoil Arch in Manueline Built in 18330001.JPG

Church of Saint Mary Magdalene w/ Church Portal, a Manueline Trefoil Arch in Manueline Built in 1833


2024-06-13_75_Rossio Sq_King Pedro IV Square_M0001.JPGPra?a Dom Pedro IV or Rossio Sq,

(国王磐石四世广场·大型公共广场 06-13-2024)

2024-06-13_74_Rossio Sq_Column of Pedro IV0001.JPG

Column of Pedro IV (磐石四世纪念柱)

2024-06-13_76_Santa Justa Elevator in Neo-Gothic Built in c. 18990001.JPG

Santa Justa Elevator in Neo-Gothic Built in c. 1899


2024-06-13_70_Fountain of Carmo0001.JPG

Fountain of Carmo (神园喷泉)

2024-06-13_82_Monument to Eduardo Coelho Portuguese writer_ Journalist & a Founder of the News Daily @ Miradouro de S?o Pedro de Alc?ntara in Bairro Alto0001.JPG

Monument to Eduardo Coelho Portuguese Writer, Journalist, & Founder of the News Daily @ Miradouro de S?o Pedro de Alc?ntara in Bairro Alto


2024-06-13_113_Rua de S. Paulo0001.JPGRua de S. Paulo (谦恭圣徒街)

2024-06-13_114_Rua de S. Paulo0001.JPG

Rua de S. Paulo w/ View of an Arch Bridge


2024-06-13_117_Fado Vadio Mural UAT and Vanessa Teodoro in Mouraria0001.JPGFado Vadio Mural @ Steps of Saint Christopher of Mouraria/Moorish Quarter


2024-06-13_Animal_Audouin's Gull0001.JPG

Audouin's Gull (地中海“角落”海鸥)




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