


Camara de Lobos, the Pearl Portugal(葡萄牙大西洋明珠·海狮窝镇)


2024-06-11 International Yarn Bombing Day

C?mara de Lobos & Calheta Small Bay.jpg

【Autopsychography (Autopsicographia)】 

Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935)

— Edwin Honig (Translator)

            The poet is a faker. He

            Fakes it so completely,

            He even fakes he's suffering

            The pain he's really feeling.


            And those of us who read his writing

            Fully feel while reading

            Not that pain of his that's double,

            But one completely fictional.


            So on its tracks goes round and round,

            To entertain the reason,

            That wound-up little train

            We call the heart of man.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——


















【注】坐落在岛府茴香城(Funchal)以西渔湾角的海狮窝镇因葡萄牙探险家(Jo?o Gon?alves Zarco)首次登陆后发现大量的海狮而得名,不得不说最吸引游客的景点非迂回海角莫属,它坐拥欧洲第七高的海崖,并把海蚀耕地开辟成当地首屈一指的葡萄园,英国前首相欢乐石·丘吉尔“教堂山”(Winston Churchill)曾触景生情,挥笔将葡萄牙这颗大西洋上的明珠渲染得如诗如歌。



Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Lava Pool @ Porto Moniz, Portugal(葡萄牙风车港·熔岩泳池)

2024: Madeira, Hawai'i in Portugal(葡萄牙的夏威夷·马德拉“森林”岛)

2015: Sixth Grade Year-End Awards Ceremony(初一年终颁奖典礼)

C?mara de Lobos, the Fishing Port of Madeira by Winston Spencer Churchill (1874–1965).jpgC?mara de Lobos, the Fishing Port of Madeira by Winston Spencer Churchill (1874–1965)


2024-06-11_01_C?mara de Lobos or Chamber of Wolves Harbour-20001.JPGHarbour (海港)

2024-06-11_01_C?mara de Lobos or Chamber of Wolves Harbour-40001.JPGPanaromic Cove (小海湾全景)

2024-06-11_01_C?mara de Lobos or Chamber of Wolves Harbour-30001.JPGClose-up Cove (小海湾近景)

2024-06-11_35_View of Camara de Lobos beneath Ilhéu Gardens0001.JPGView of Camara de Lobos beneath Ilhéu Gardens


2024-06-11_36_Ilhéu Gardens0001.JPGIlhéu Gardens (岛民花园)

2024-06-11_30_Ta?ca Cement Factory-10001.JPGCements Manufacturing Factory (水泥厂)

2024-06-11_30_Ta?ca Cement Factory-20001.JPGCements Manufacturing Factory (水泥厂)

2024-06-11_30_Ta?ca Cement Factory-30001.JPGCements Manufacturing Factory (水泥厂)

2024-06-11_06_Cements Wood Cement Manufacturing Factory0001.JPGCements Manufacturing Factory (水泥厂)

2024-06-11_16_Cabo Gir?o Skywalk0001.JPGVineyard @ Cabo Gir?o Overlooked from the Skywalk


European Sea Cliffs.jpgCabo Gir?o, the 7th Highest Cliffs in Europe


2024-06-11_28_Cabo Girao (580m)_ Europe's Highest Sea Cliff on the South Coast of the Island of Madeira-20001.JPG

Cabo Girao (589-m/1932-ft), Europe's Highest Sea Cliff on the South Coast of the Island of Madeira


2024-06-11_57_Cabo Gir?o Cliff Descending in Wicker Baskets to Go Work on the Land by the Sea-10001.JPGCabo Gir?o Cliff Descending in Wicker Baskets to Go Work on the Land by the Sea


2024-06-11_29_Farming Community of Boaventura_ Unnaturally Beautiful & 50 Years from Civilization0001.JPGFarming Community of Boaventura, Unnaturally Beautiful & 50 Years from Civilization 


2024-06-11_32_Harbour of Camara De Lobo from Miradouro do Sal?o Ideal0001.JPGHarbour of Camara De Lobo from Miradouro do Sal?o Ideal


2024-06-11_26_Terrace Fields around Agulo0001.JPGTerraced Fields around ?ngulo (鱼钩镇周边的梯田)

2024-06-11_37_Construction & Agriculture on Terraces-20001.JPGConstruction & Banana Agriculture on Terraces


2024-06-11_47_Miradouro da Torre Viewpoint cross on C?mara de Lobos0001.JPGMiradouro da Torre Cross (十字塔观景台)

2024-06-11_49_Up in the Hills of Camara De Lobos0001.JPGUp in the Hills of Camara De Lobos (海狮窝山上)

2024-06-11_64_Túnel da Quinta Grande_ One of the Numerous Tunnels along the Hwy VR 1 on Its Way through the Difficult Terrain of Cabo Gir?o-20001.JPGTúnel da Quinta Grande, One of the Numerous Tunnels along the Hwy VR 1 on Its Way through the Difficult Terrain of Cabo Gir?o


2024-06-11_18_Viaduto do Comboio0001.JPGViaduto do Comboio (列车高架桥)

2024-06-11_67_VR1 Campanile Viaduct0001.JPGVR1 Campanile Viaduct (1号快线钟楼高架桥)

2024-06-11_27_Formosa Beach0001.JPGFormosa Beach (美岛海滩)

2024-06-11_124_The Manufactured Coastal Beach of Calheta Replacing the Dark Rocksand of the Volcanic Island w Beach Sand for Tourism.JPGThe Manufactured Coastal Beach of Calheta Replacing the Dark Rocksand of the Volcanic Island w/ Beach Sand for Tourism


2024-06-11_124_the Manufactured Coastal Beach of Calheta Replacing the Dark Rocksand of the Volcanic Island w Beach Sand for Tourism-1M.JPGThe Manufactured Coastal Beach of Calheta

(小海湾·人造海滩 06-11-2024)

2024-06-11_129_Busto de Sebastian Francisco_ the Great Universal American0001.JPGBusto de Sebastian Francisco, the Great Universal American


2024-06-11_132_Rocky Beach Next to the Large Cliff0001.JPG

Rocky Beach Next to the Large Cliff


2024-06-11_139_Village by the Cliff-10001.JPGVillage by the Cliff (悬崖边村庄 06-11-2024)

2024-06-11_133_Downtown0001.JPGDowntown of Calheta (小海湾镇中心)

2024-06-11_134_Train Station above0001.JPGMother Church of the Holy Spirit Standing out for Manueline & Mannerist Architecture & the Main Chapel and Its Beautiful Mudejar-Style Ceiling Opposite Train Station @ Calheta


2024-06-11_136_Town Hall0001.JPGTown Hall of Calheta (小海湾镇公所)

2024-06-11_123_Strait of Calheta0001.JPGStrait of Calheta (小海湾海峡地区)

2024-06-11_60_Cabo Girao Cafe_Poncha w Portuguese Liqueurs0001.JPGPoncha vs. Portuguese Liqueurs @ Cabo Girao Cafe


2024-06-11_60_Cabo Girao Cafe_Schematic Menu0001.JPGSchematic Menu @ Cabo Girao Cafe



Scabbardfish w/ Spawning Restricted to Certain Areas, such as Madeira, the Canary Islands, & Possibly Further South


2024-06-11_127_Selective View of Several Types of Fresh Fish w Shaved Ice for Cooling to be Sold in Supermarkets0001.JPGSelective View of Several Types of Fresh Fish w/ Shaved Ice for Cooling to be Sold in Supermarkets





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