


Madeira, Hawai'i in Portugal(葡萄牙的夏威夷·马德拉“森林”岛)


2024-06-11 National Making Life Beautiful Day


【When I did not have you (Quando eu n?o te tinha)】 

Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935)

    When I did not have you

    I loved Nature like a recluse as calm as Christ…

    Now I love nature

    Like a monk as calm as the Virgin Mary,

    Religiously, in my own way, as before,

    But in a different way by approaching life more.


    I see better the rivers when I go with you

    In the fields to the edge of the rivers;

    Sitting by your side noticing the clouds I fix on them better,

    You do not take Nature away from me …

    You changed Nature …

    You brought me Nature to the foot of myself.


    Because you exist I see you better, but the same,

    Because you love me, I love you in the same way, but more,

    Because you made me hold you and love you,

    My eyes remained focused lingering more

    Over everything.


    I don't regret what I once was

    Because I still am.

    I only regret not having loved you before.

    Put your hand in mine, 

    Let's be quiet, surrounded by life.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——






























Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Lava Pool @ Porto Moniz, Portugal(葡萄牙风车港·熔岩泳池)

2024: Camara de Lobos, the Pearl Portugal(葡萄牙大西洋明珠·海狮窝镇)

2015: Sixth Grade Year-End Awards Ceremony(初一年终颁奖典礼)

2024-06-09_146_Cliff Bay2024-06-11.JPGCliff Bay in Funchal, Capital of Madeira archipelago


2024-06-11_143_Ponta do Lazareto001.JPGPonta do Lazareto in Funchal (茴香城·隔离角)

2024-06-11_02_Igreja de S?o Martinho de Funchal-22024-06-11.JPGIgreja de S?o Martinho de Funchal or Church of Saint Martin of Funchal


2024-06-11_03_Ponta do Garajau-12024-08-02.JPGPonta do Garajau or Point of Seabirds in  Funchal


2024-06-11_04_Garachico Parish2024-08-02.JPGGarachico or Small Island Parish in Funchal


2024-06-11_05_Ponte dos Socorridos2024-06-11.JPGPonte dos Socorridos in Funchal (茴香城·抚慰大桥)

2024-06-11_07_Vitoria Santa Rita Parish Church2024-06-11.JPGVitoria Santa Rita Parish Church in Funchal 


2024-06-11_08_Cathedral of Funchal in the Center of the Sé Parish  Constructed under the Orders of D. Manuel_ Duke of Beja_ Dating back to the 15th Century2024-08-02.JPGCathedral of Funchal in the Center of the Sé Parish  Constructed under the Orders of I of Portugal, Duke of Beja, Dating back to the 15th Century


2024-06-11_11_Funchal Port2024-06-11.JPGFunchal Port (茴香城码头)

2024-06-11_14_Fortress of S?o Tiago do Funchal in 16140001.JPGFortress of S?o Tiago do Funchal in 1614


2024-06-11_13_Funchal Waterfront0001.JPG

Viaduct of the Via Rápida in Funchal


2024-06-11_12_Viaduct of the Via Rápida2024-06-11.JPGA bridge spans north and south, turning a natural barrier into a thoroughfare.


2024-06-11_19_Funchal Harbor2024-06-11.JPGFunchal Harbor w/ Replica of Christopher Columbus's Flagship "Santa Maria"


2024-06-11_20_Santa Maria de Colombo, a Replica of Christopher Columbus's Flag Ship001.JPG

Close-up of a Replica of Christopher Columbus's Flagship "Santa Maria"


2024-06-11_23_Reid's Palace_ a Belmond Hotel2024-06-11.JPGReid's Palace, a Belmond Hotel in Funchal


2024-06-11_147_Statue_Hanging Angel2024-08-03.JPG

Statue of Hanging Angel in Funchal (茴香城·雕塑《悬挂天使》)

2024-06-11_10_Houses vs Banana Plantations2024-06-11.JPGHouses vs Banana Plantations in Funchal


2024-06-11_68__Art of Nature_ a Cinematic Exploration of Madeira Fanal Forest001.JPGArt of Nature, a Cinematic Exploration of Madeira Fanal Forest


2024-06-11_70_Levada Nova Waterfall001.JPG

Levada Nova Waterfall (新渡槽瀑布)

2024-06-11_72_Miradouro Molinas Lookout001.JPGMiradouro Molinas (磨坊观景台)

2024-06-11_73_Boca da Encumeada Pass001.JPGBoca da Encumeada (山口)

2024-06-11_74_Valley View Hotel Encumeada Surrounded by the Green of the Mountains & the Slopes001.JPGValley View Hotel Encumeada Surrounded by the Green of the Mountains & the Slopes


2024-06-11_83_Rosário Located between Encumeada and S?o Vicente in the North of Madeira Island001.JPGRosário Located between Encumeada and S?o Vicente in the North of Madeira Island


2024-06-11_89_Chalé Seixal  w Ponta do Poiso Waterfall along Cliffs on the North Side of the Island of Madeira001.JPGChalé Seixal w/ Ponta do Poiso Waterfall along Cliffs on the North Side of the Island of Madeira


2024-06-11_141_Curral das Freiras_ the Valley of the Nuns001.JPGCurral das Freiras, the Valley of the Nuns (修女谷)

2024-06-11_84_S?o VicenteLocated on Madeira’s North coast & One of the Largest Valleys of the Island001.JPGS?o Vicente Located on Madeira's North Coast, One of the Largest Valleys of the Island


2024-06-11_70_Levada_ an Irrigation Channel or Aqueduct Specific to the Portuguese Atlantic Region of Madeira-Caldeirao Verde森林渡槽—绿火山口.JPG

Levada, an Irrigation Channel or Aqueduct Specific to the Portuguese Atlantic Region of Madeira-Caldeirao Verde


2024-06-11_85_Igreja Matriz de S?o Vicente001.JPGIgreja Matriz de S?o Vicente (征服使徒镇教区教堂)

2024-06-11_86_S?o Vicente Parish Church Built in the 17th Century w a Mannerist Portal on Its Main Facade_ Magnificent Paintings on the Ceiling_ & an Altarpiece in Gilt001.JPG

S?o Vicente Parish Church Built in the 17th Century w/ a Mannerist Portal on Its Main Fa?ade, Magnificent Paintings on the Ceiling, & an Altarpiece in the Gilt


2024-06-11_122_Igreja Matriz @ Prazeres or  Pleasures0001.JPGIgreja Matriz @ Prazeres/Pleasures (快乐教区·主教堂)

2024-06-11_66_Tabua001.JPGTabua Located on the South Coast of Madeira


2024-06-11_69_Igreja Matriz church @ Serra de Agua001.JPGIgreja Matriz @ Serra de Agua (水域山脉教区·主教堂)

2024-06-11_87_Chapel of S?o Vicente do Calhau on the Rock001.JPGChapel of S?o Vicente do Calhau/Rock


2024-06-11_88_Porto do Seixal Beach001.JPGBeach @ Porto do Seixal (鹅卵石港·海滩)

2024-06-11_91_Igreja Matriz do Seixal001.JPGIgreja Matriz do Seixal (鹅卵石城·主教堂)

2024-06-11_93_Seixal Covered by Large Basaltic Pebbles @ the Base of a Complementary Pebble (Tree)001.JPGSeixal Covered by Large Basaltic Pebbles


2024-06-11_140_Sculpture between Ribeira Brava & the Center of Ponta do So001.JPGSculpture between Ribeira Brava & the Center of Ponta do So


2024-06-11_Dinner_Grand Dining-1001.JPGGrand Dining of Oceania Marina 

(“大洋·滨海”号游轮——主餐厅 06-11-2024)

2024-06-11_Animal_Madeiran Wall Lizard-2001.JPGMadeiran Wall Lizard, Endemic to the Madeira Archipelago, Portugal


2024-06-11_Animal_Mountain brown001.JPGMountain Brown Cow (山棕色牛)

2024-06-11_Plant_African Daisy001.JPGAfrican Daisy (非洲雏菊)

2024-06-11_Plant_African Lily-2001.JPG

African Lily (非洲百合)

2024-06-11_Plant_Agapanthus001.JPGAgapanthus or African Lily (非洲百合)

2024-06-11_Plant_Aloe vera Flowers001.JPGAloe vera Flowers (芦荟花)

2024-06-11_Plant_Carpobrotus edulis of Sour Fig001.JPG

Carpobrotus edulis of Sour Fig (酸无花果)

2024-06-11_Plant_Cytisus scoparius001.JPG

Scotch Broom (金雀花)

2024-06-11_Plant_Norfolk Island Pine001.JPGNorfolk Pine (南洋杉)




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