


San Miguel de La Palma,Spain(西班牙凶狗群岛最美的棕榈岛)


2024-06-10 National Herbs and Spices Day

San Miguel de La Palma.jpg

【Guitar (La Guitarra)】 

Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)

            The weeping of the guitar


            The goblets of dawn

            are smashed.

            The weeping of the guitar



            to silence it.


            to silence it.

            It weeps monotonously

            as water weeps

            as the wind weeps

            over snowfields.


            to silence it.

            It weeps for distant


            Hot southern sands

            yearning for white camellias.

            Weeps arrow without target

            evening without morning

            and the first dead bird

            on the branch.

            Oh, guitar!

            Heart mortally wounded

            by five swords.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——































【注】神似圣徒棕榈岛(San Miguel de La Palma)或简称“棕榈岛”不仅植被浓密,毫无商业气息,而且独霸世上最敞亮的天空,因此成为八个凶狗岛屿(Canaries)最靓丽的观星者天堂。另外,岛上平原火山(Taburiente)十分活跃,最近一次岩浆喷涌发生在2021年,被视为本岛有史以来持续时间最长(前后85天)、破坏性最强的火山爆发。



Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Cumbre Vieja Volcano Ridge,Spain(西班牙棕榈岛·老峰山脊活火山)

2018 GHCS Commencement, PA(2018届宾州光华中文学校毕业典礼)

2024-06-10_01_City & Mtn View of Residential Houses or Bldgs in Serene Hill Valley0001.JPGCity & Mtn View of Residential Houses or Bldgs in Serene Hill Valley in Santa Cruz de La Palma, Capital City of San Miguel de La Palma


2024-06-10_02_Bellido Mills w 4 16th-Century Bldgs Mainly Used for Flour Milling & Other Grains0001.JPGBellido Mills w/ 4 16th-Century Bldgs Mainly Used for Flour Milling & Other Grains in Santa Cruz de La Palma


2024-06-10_03_Marina La Palma0001.JPGMarina La Palma (棕榈城码头)

2024-06-10_04_Downtown0001.JPGDowntown of Santa Cruz de La Palma (圣十字架棕榈市中心)

2024-06-10_05_Museo Naval-Barco de la Virgen @ Plaza de La Alameda0001.JPGMuseo Naval-Barco de la Virgen @ Plaza de La Alameda, Santa Cruz de La Palma


2024-06-10_06_Panorama of Santa Cruz Expansion to the North0001.JPGPanorama of Santa Cruz Expansion to the North, Santa Cruz de La Palma


2024-06-10_07_Pino de La Virgen Real Santuario-20001.JPGPino de La Virgen Real Santuario, Santa Cruz de La Palma


2024-06-10_08_Punta de San Carlos0001.JPGPunta de San Carlos, Santa Cruz de La Palma


2024-06-10_09_Chalets on a Hillside0001.JPGChalets on a Hillside Viewed from Santa Cruz de La Palma


2024-06-10_Historical Spanish or Colonial Architecture in Tropical Village0001.JPGHistorical Canarian or Colonial Architecture in Tropical Village


2024-06-10_09_Playa de Bajamar_ a Semi-Urban Beach0001.JPGPlaya de Bajamar, a Semi-Urban Beach in Santa Cruz de La Palma


2024-06-10_10_Playa de Bajamar0001.JPGOceania Marina over Playa de Bajamar


2024-06-10_La Caldereta & Neighboring Lava Flows0001.JPGLa Caldereta & Neighboring Lava Flows


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2024-06-10_02_La Palma Airport0001.JPGLa Palma Airport w/ No More Than 10 Flights Daily


2024-06-10_03_Llanovid S. C. L. Bodegas Teneguía0001.JPGBodegas Teneguía or Split Mtn Winery in Fuencaliente de la Palma


2024-06-10_04_Restaurante Bodegas Teneguía_Dining Rm-10001.JPGLunch @ Restaurant of Bodegas Teneguía

(裂片山酒庄餐厅·午餐 06-10-2024)

2024-06-10_05_La Salemera Lighthouse over La Salemera Beach_ a Charming Black Sand Cove0001.JPGLa Salemera Lighthouse over La Salemera Beach, a Charming Black Sand Cove


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2024-06-10_02_Mirador Las Indias0001.JPGMirador Las Indias (印度群岛观景台)

2024-06-10_03_Villa de Mazo_Agroecological Reserve Territories0001.JPGVilla de Mazo, Agroecological Reserve Territories


2024-06-10_04_San Isidro Church Cross Alpha Omega w Revelation 1-11 in the King James Version I am Alpha and Omega_ the First and the Last0001.JPGSan Isidro Church Cross Alpha Omega w/ Revelation 1-11 in the King James Version I am Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last 


2024-06-10_01_Refugio el Pilar La Palma0001.JPGRefugio el Pilar La Palma @ Caldera de Taburiente NP


2024-06-10_02_Laurisilva Cloud Forest in La Palma-10001.JPGLaurisilva Cloud Forest @ Caldera de Taburiente NP


2024-06-10_03_Clouds Covering a Part of the Caldera-10001.JPGClouds Covering a Part of the Caldera @ Caldera de Taburiente NP

(平原火山口国家公园·云层覆盖了火山口的一部分 06-10-2024)

2024-06-10_04_Canary Island Pines Native & Endemic to the Outer Canary Islands of the Atlantic Ocean0001.JPGCanary Island Pines Native & Endemic to the Outer Canary Islands of the Atlantic Ocean @ Caldera de Taburiente NP


2024-06-10_05_Plant_Eucalyptus0001.JPGEucalyptuses (桉树)

2024-06-10_06_Tour Guide0001.JPG

Local Tour Guide (当地导游)

2024-06-10_Animal_Charolais Cattle-20001.JPGCharolais Cow, Lean w/ Less Back Fat & a Lot of Muscle


2024-06-10_Animal_Lipizzan0001.JPGLipizzas (菩提树马)




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