【美众议院】通过《台湾冲突威慑法案【the Taiwan Conflict Deterrence Act】》
H.R. 554, the Taiwan Conflict Deterrence Act of 2023, sponsored by Rep. French Hill (AR-02), disincentivizes Chinese aggression towards Taiwan by publishing the assets of top Chinese leaders, as well as cutting them and their family members off from the U.S. financial system, if Beijing acts against Taiwan.
由众议员弗伦奇·希尔【French Hill】(AR-02)发起的 H.R.554《2023年台湾冲突威慑法案》规定,如果北京对台湾采取行动,将公布中国高层领导人的资产,并切断他们及其家属与美国金融系统的联系,以阻止中国对台湾的侵略。