


San Cristóbal de La Laguna, ESP(西班牙白雪岛世界遗产·泻湖基督徒城)


2024-06-09 National Meal Prep Day

La Laguna.jpg

【Malagan (Malague?a)】 

Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)


            enters, and leaves,

            the tavern.


            Black horses

            and sinister people

            travel the deep roads

            of the guitar.


            And there's a smell of salt

            and of female blood

            in the fevered tuberoses

            of the shore.



            enters, and leaves,

            and leaves, and enters,


            of the tavern.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——























【注】泻湖基督使徒城(San Cristobal de La Laguna)或简称“泻湖城”曾是白雪岛的首府,一向被视为全部八个凶狗岛屿(Canaries)的文化之都,先驱们依据哲学理念和皇家规定将商业中心筑成第一个毫无防御工事的方格网状城镇,同时还汇聚了穆德哈尔“获准留下”(Mudéjar)、新古典主义、现代主义、理性主义及当代主义风格的优雅建筑,是西班牙打造美洲殖民地的前身及楷模。都说“地图是平的,历史是长的,艺术是尖的”,而泻湖城则是集版图、历史和艺术之大成的。


Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Spanish Tapas @ Santa Cruz de Tenerife, ESP(白雪岛圣十字架城·西班牙小吃)

2024: Puerto de la Cruz en Tenerife, Spain(西班牙白雪岛·十字架港城)

2024: Garachico of Tenerife, Spain(西班牙特内里费“白雪”岛·加拉奇科“小岛”镇)

2024: Tenerife of Chicharreros, Spain(西班牙特内里费“白雪”岛·狂欢鲭鱼)

2018: Charity Recital @ Brittany Pointe Estate(养老院义演)

2024-06-09_01_Plaza del Cristo0001.JPGPlaza del Cristo or Christ Square (基督广场)

2024-06-09_02_Calle Rey Rey RedondoOne of the Main Arteries Lined w Colorful Shops & alongside the Casa de los Capitanes Generales10001.JPGCalle Obispo Rey Redondo, One of the Main Arteries Lined w/ Colorful Shops & alongside the Casa de los Capitanes Generales

(主教王圆街·主要干道之一,两旁遍布色彩缤纷的商店,旁边还有将军之家 06-09-2024)

2024-06-09_03_Calle San Agustin_ Seat of Merchants of Agricultural Products_ the Granaries of Whose Houses Characterize Their Appearance0001.JPGCalle San Agustin, Seat of Merchants of Agricultural Products, the Granaries of Whose Houses Characterize Their Appearance


2024-06-09_04_Catedral de la Laguna in Neoclassical & Neogothic Styles Built in 19150001.JPGCatedral de la Laguna in Neoclassical & Neogothic Styles Built in 1915


2024-06-09_05_Catedral de la Laguna_Baroque Altarpiece of the Virgin of the Remedies0001.JPGBaroque Altarpiece of the Virgin of the Remedies @ Catedral de la Laguna


2024-06-09_06_Catedral de la Laguna_Choir0001.JPGChoir of Catedral de la Laguna


2024-06-09_07_Church & Old Convent of Saint Augustine w the Renaissance Cloister Built in the 16th Century0001.JPGChurch & Old Convent of Saint Augustine w/ the Renaissance Cloister Built in the 16th Century


2024-06-09_08_Church & Old Hospital of Our Lady of Sorrows Built in 16-17th Century on Calle San Augustin0001.JPGChurch & Old Hospital of Our Lady of Sorrows Built in 16-17th Century on Calle San Augustin


2024-06-09_09Church & Old Hospital of Our Lady of Sorrows_Fa?ade Framed by Coupled Columns on the Original Plinths Carved w Geometric Motifs & Topped by a Spi000.JPG

Church & Old Hospital of Our Lady of Sorrows, Fa?ade Framed by Coupled Columns on the Original Plinths Carved w/ Geometric Motifs & Topped by a Spire Bell Tower


2024-06-09_10_Church & Old Hospital of Our Lady of Sorrows in the Old Canarian COnvents around a Large Main Patio w a Gallery0001.JPGChurch & Old Hospital of Our Lady of Sorrows in the Old Canarian Convents around a Large Main Patio w/ a Gallery


2024-06-09_11_Church & Old Hospital of Our Lady of Sorrows_ a Single Rectangular Nave & Presbytery Covered w Wood Armor of a Mudejar Character0001.JPGChurch & Old Hospital of Our Lady of Sorrows, a Single Rectangular Nave & Presbytery Covered w/ Wood Armor of a Mudejar Character


2024-06-09_12_Iglesia de Santo Domingo de Guzmán-10001.JPGIglesia de Santo Domingo de Guzmán


2024-06-09_13_Iglesia de Santo Domingo de Guzmán-20001.JPGCourtyard of Iglesia de Santo Domingo de Guzmán


2024-06-09_14_Convento Santa Catalina de Siena or Little Servant0001.JPGConvento Santa Catalina de Siena or Little Servant


2024-06-09_15_Convento de Santo Domingo_Cloister0001.JPGCloister of Convento de Santo Domingo


2024-06-09_16_Convento de Santo Domingo_0001.JPGSea Turtle Made of Recycled Wood @ Convento de Santo Domingo


2024-06-09_17_Santa Catalina Monastery Established in 1611-10001.JPGSanta Catalina Monastery Established in 1611

(建于1611年的纯洁圣徒修道院 06-09-2024)

2024-06-09_18_Ayuntamiento n a Renaissance Style w a Central Balcony & Porticoed Entrance0001.JPGAyuntamiento, a Renaissance Style w/ a Central Balcony & Porticoed Entrance


2024-06-09_19_Canarian Balcony0001.JPG

Canarian Balcony (凶狗群岛阳台)

2024-06-09_20_Casa de Colon w Whitewashed Fa?ade0001.JPGCasa de Colon w/ Whitewashed Fa?ade (拥有白色外墙的基督之家)

2024-06-09_21_Casa Monta?és in 18th Century w the Andalusian Patio Built into the Traditional Castilian Stately Home Style_ English Windows0001.JPG

Casa Monta?és in the 18th Century w/ the Andalusian Patio Built into the Traditional Castilian Stately Home Style w/ English Windows


2024-06-09_22_Casa Monta?és_Italian Wooden Balcony0001.JPGCasa Monta?és w/ Italian Wooden Balcony


2024-06-09_23_House of Alvarado-Bracamonte or Captain-General's House Bulit in 16310001.JPG

House of Alvarado-Bracamonte or Captain-General's House Bulit in 1631


2024-06-09_24_Laguna Nivaria Hotel & Spa0001.JPGLaguna Nivaria Hotel & Spa (泻湖冰淇淋水疗酒店)

2024-06-09_25_Leal Theater_Fa?ade Eclectic in Architectural Style in 19150001.JPGFa?ade of Royal Theater, Eclectic in Architectural Style in 1915


2024-06-09_26_Old House of the Jesuits_ an Oratory w the Splendid Semicircular Arch Built in 1733-17370001.JPG

Old House of the Jesuits, an Oratory w/ the Splendid Semicircular Arch Built in 1733-1737


2024-06-09_27_Palacio de Lercaro w the Main Staircase Using the Same Stone as the Pillars & Veranda around the Patio in 15930001.JPG

Palacio de Lercaro w/ the Main Staircase Using the Same Stone as the Pillars & Veranda around the Patio in 1593


2024-06-09_28_Palacio Salazar in Canarian Baroque Built in the Mid-17th Century0001.JPG

Palacio Salazar in Canarian Baroque Built in the Mid-17th Century


2024-06-09_29_Palacio Salazar_Handsome 17th-Century_ Late-Renaissance Casa w Fountain Surrounded by Lemon Trees0001.JPGPalacio Salazar, Handsome Late-Renaissance Casa w/ Fountain Surrounded by Lemon Trees


2024-06-09_30_Palacio Salazar_Patio w Remarkable Basalt Stone Columns Standing over Basalt Plinths0001.JPGPorticoed Courtyard @ Palacio Salazar


2024-06-09_31_Palacio Salazar_Porticoed Courtyard-10001.JPGPorticoed Courtyard @ Palacio Salazar


2024-06-09_33_Palacio Salazar_Stairway0001.JPG

Stairway of Palacio Salazar (农舍宫·楼梯)

2024-06-09_34_Plaza de los Remedios0001.JPGPlaza de los Remedios or Remedies Square


2024-06-09_35_Restaurante Sorgin Gorrri0001.JPGRestaurante Sorgin Gorri (咖啡馆餐厅)

2024-06-09_36_Row of Houses w Stylish Mansions Completed by Masters of Wood Carving0001.JPGA Row of Houses w/ Stylish Mansions Completed by Masters of Wood Carving


2024-06-09_37_Stately Home w Wooden Balcony0001.JPGStately Home w/ Wooden Balcony (带木制阳台的豪华古宅)

2024-06-09_38_Traditional Architecture Set Artistic Accents w the Unique Balconies_ Window & Doors_ & Attention for the Smallest Detail0001.JPGTraditional Architecture Setting Artistic Accents w/ the Unique Balconies, Windows & Doors, & Attention to the Smallest Detail


2024-06-09_39_Plaza de La Concepcion_Drago0001.JPGDrago @ Plaza de La Concepcion (构想广场·龙血树)

2024-06-09_40_Plaza del Adelantado_Fountain0001.JPGFountain of Plaza del Adelantado (先进广场·喷泉)

2024-06-09_41_Statue of Guillermo Perera Y Alvarez_ a Freemason0001.JPG

Statue of Guillermo Perera Y Alvarez, a Freemason


2024-06-09_42_Statue of Jesús María Perdigón_ Directors of the Fine Arts Gazette of the Spanish Association of Painters & Sculptors-10001.JPG

Statue of Jesús María Perdigón, Directors of the Fine Arts Gazette of the Spanish Association of Painters & Sculptors


2024-06-09_43_Statue of Jesús María Perdigón_ Directors of the Fine Arts Gazette of the Spanish Association of Painters & Sculptors-20001.JPG

Bust of Francisco G. Fajardo Hernández Bermejo, the Former Major


2024-06-09_44_Statue_Monumento to Blas Cabrera Felip_ Father of Spanish Physics0001.JPG

Monumento to Blas Cabrera Felip, Father of Spanish Physics


2024-06-09_45_Statue_Santo Hermano Pedro0001.JPG

Monument to Santo Hermano Pedro, a Spanish Saint & Missionary in Guatemala





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