


Tenerife of Chicharreros, Spain(西班牙特内里费“白雪”岛·狂欢鲭鱼)


2024-06-09 National Children's Day


【Every Song (Cada canción)】 

Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)

                Every song

                is the remains

                of love.


                Every light -

                the remains

                of time.

                A knot

                of time.


                And every sigh -

                the remains

                of a cry. 

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——

















【注】自古以来,凶狗群岛(Canary Islands)堪称传奇之地,其存在可以追溯到荷马“承诺”(Homer)、柏拉图“宽广”(Plato)和普鲁塔克“安慰”(Plutarch)等著名希腊作家,这些虚构的岛屿被誉为幸运群岛,直到中世纪之后才成为神话和谜团。第一位欧洲访客是法国探险家神助·年轻战士(Lanzarotta Marcello),他在14世纪初征服了火地岛,但真正的欧洲殖民始于1402年,由城堡国王亨利“领主”三世(Henry Ill, King of Castile)的手下神慈·农场(Jean de Bethencourt)领导;到了15世纪末,西班牙人无畏葡萄牙人抵抗,终于统治所有七个岛屿。由于凶狗群岛是世界上最西端的海图点,由此成为“基督徒·鸽子”(Christopher Columbus)在探索未知世界之前的最后一个停靠点;接下来的几个世纪,这些岛屿无不成为新旧世界之间的桥梁。从17至19世纪,凶狗群岛时不时因依赖各种作物而饱受经济起伏所带来的磨难。


  • 绰号“鲭鱼”(Chicharreros)的白雪岛人生性热衷狂欢,自17世纪以来,首府白雪圣十字城每年都要举行狂欢节,这是继巴西里约热内卢“一月河”狂欢节之后第二重要、最受欢迎的国际知名嘉年华,并已申报联合国科教文组织《非物质文化遗产》

  • 地狱峰(Teide)不仅是西班牙海拔最高的山峰(3,718米/12,198英尺),而且还是大西洋所有岛屿中海拔最高的山峰,2007年被纳入联合国科教文组织《世界遗产名录》;

  • 泻湖圣十字架城(San Cristóbal de La Laguna)是第一个没有设防的西班牙殖民城镇,其布局为美洲许多殖民地提供了典范,1999年被纳入联合国科教文组织《世界遗产名录》;

  • 拟鸟龙山谷(Orotava Valley)气候温和,孕育了300种特有的动植物,史前遗留下来的白雪岛特产——月桂树就长在其间的清纯山脊(Anaga)。


Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Spanish Tapas @ Santa Cruz de Tenerife, ESP(白雪岛圣圣十字架城·西班牙小吃)

2024: Puerto de la Cruz en Tenerife, Spain(西班牙白雪岛·十字架港城)

2024: Garachico of Tenerife, Spain(西班牙特内里费“白雪”岛·加拉奇科“小岛”镇)

2024: San Cristóbal de La Laguna, ESP(西班牙白雪岛世界遗产·泻湖基督徒城)

2018: Charity Recital @ Brittany Pointe Estate(养老院义演)

2024-06-09_01_Port of Santa Cruz de Tenerife_Sunrise around 7am0001.JPGSunrise around 7:00 am @ Port of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Capital of Santa Cruz de Tenerife Province


2024-06-09_02_Puerto de la Cruz Panorama-10001.JPGPanorama of Santa Cruz de Tenerife

(白雪—圣十字港全景 06-09-2024)

2024-06-09_03_Anaga Mountains0001.JPGAnaga Mountains (清纯山脉)

2024-06-09_04_Bldg_Auditorio de Tenerife & Torres de Santa Cruz0001.JPGAuditorio de Tenerife & Torres de Santa Cruz


2024-06-09_05_Bldg_Auditorio de Tenerife in Expressionist (2003)-20001.JPGAuditorium of Tenerife in Expressionist Built in 2003, Santa Cruz de Tenerife


2024-06-09_06_Bldg_Auditorio de Tenerife in Expressionist (2003)_Side View0001.JPGSide View of Tenerife Auditorium in Santa Cruz de Tenerife


2024-06-09_07_Bldg_ Island Council0001.JPGIsland Council in Santa Cruz de Tenerife


2024-06-09_09_Tenerife Intl Fair & Congress Ctr_ a Prominent Feature on the Island's Capital's Skyline in 1996-10001.JPGTenerife Intl Fair & Congress Ctr, a Prominent Feature on the Island's Capital's Skyline in 1996, Santa Cruz de Tenerife


2024-06-09_10_Bldg_P&O Ventura @ Puerto de la Cruz0001.JPGP&O Cruises @ Puerto de la Santa Cruz


2024-06-09_10_City Ctr0001.JPGTenerife City Ctr in Santa Cruz de Tenerife


2024-06-09_11_Church of the Immaculate Conception in Colonial of the Canary Islands (1500)0001.JPG

Church of the Immaculate Conception in Colonial of the Canary Islands (1500), Santa Cruz de Tenerife


2024-06-09_12_Monument to the Fallen0001.JPGMonument to the Fallen in Santa Cruz de Tenerife


2024-06-09_13_Statue_Per Adriano @ Teatro Guimerá-10001.JPGCast Bronze Cculpture  of Adriano @ Teatro Guimerá in Santa Cruz de Tenerife


2024-06-09_14_Intl Vaccination Ctr0001.JPGIntl Vaccination Ctr in Santa Cruz de Tenerife


2024-06-09_15_Castle of St John the Baptist or Castillo Negro_2nd-Most Important fort in the Defence of Santa Cruz de Tenerife_ the Island's Capital0001.JPGCastle of St John the Baptist or Castillo Negro, 2nd-Most Important Fort in the Defence of Santa Cruz de Tenerife


2024-06-09_16_Tenerife_Clock Tower2001.JPGTenerife Clock Tower in Santa Cruz de Tenerife


2024-06-09_17_Bldg_Shopping Center El Corte Ingles0001.JPGShopping Center El Corte Ingles or the English Court in Santa Cruz de Tenerife


2024-06-09_18_From La Laguna to Santa Cruz0001.JPGHwy from La Laguna to Santa Cruz


2024-06-09_19_Bldg_Hotel Las ?guilas Tenerife-20001.JPGHotel Las ?guilas Tenerife in Santa Cruz de Tenerife


2024-06-09_20_Bldg_Hotel Las ?guilas Tenerife-10001.JPGClose-up of Hotel Las ?guilas Tenerife in Santa Cruz de Tenerife


2024-06-09_21_Church of Saint Mark the Evangelist_Fa?ade0001.JPG

Fa?ade of Church of Saint Mark the Evangelist in Santa Cruz de Tenerife


2024-06-09_22_Church of Saint Mark the Evangelist_Nave0001.JPGMain Nave of Church of Saint Mark the Evangelist in Santa Cruz de Tenerife


2024-06-09_23_Our Lady of Candelaria University Hospital0001.JPGOur Lady of Candelaria University Hospital in Santa Cruz de Tenerife


2024-06-09_24_Candelaria Bridge_ the Pedestrian Access to the La Candelaria Hospital-20001.JPGCandelaria Bridge, the Pedestrian Access to the La Candelaria Hospital in Santa Cruz de Tenerife


2024-06-09_26_Candelaria Bridge_ the Pedestrian Access to the La Candelaria Hospital-30001.JPGPort Colón Bridge in Santa Cruz de Tenerife


2024-06-09_27_Santa Cruz Harbour0001.JPGSanta Cruz Harbour of Santa Cruz de Tenerife


2024-06-09_28_TF5 Hwy on Route to Santa Cruz de Tenerife-10001.JPGTF5 Hwy on Route to Santa Cruz de Tenerife from Puerto de la Cruz


2024-06-09_29_TF5 Hwy on Route to Santa Cruz de Tenerife-20001.JPGTF5 Hwy on Route to Santa Cruz de Tenerife from Puerto de la Cruz


2024-06-09_30_Eastern Highway Tunnel-10001.JPGOutside of the Eastern Highway Tunnel in Santa Cruz de Tenerife


2024-06-09_31_Eastern Highway Tunnel-20001.JPGInside of Eastern Highway Tunnel in Santa Cruz de Tenerife


2024-06-09_32_Teide NP & Masca Ravine-5M0001.JPGTeide NP & Masca Ravine, the UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2007

(2007年联合国科教文组织《世界遗产名录》·凸起的地狱峰 06-09-2024)

2024-06-09_32_Teide NP & Masca Ravine, the UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2007-30001.JPGTeide Featuring the Teide-Pico Viejo Stratovolcano at 3,718 Meters/12,198 Feet, the Highest Peak on Spanish Soil 


2024-06-09_34_Mesas de Guaza_Lavas Flowed in a Southerly Direction to the Sea_ Generating a Small Cliff Carved into the Coast_ as Marine Erosion Acted w Retraction Fractures0001.JPGTeide, the World's 3rd-Tallest Volcanic Structure Rising 7,500 Meters/24,606 Feet above the Ocean Floor


2024-06-09_35_Teide NP & Orotava Valley Admiring the Laurel Wood a Vegetable Relic from Prehistoric Times Unique to Tenerife0001.JPGOrotava Valley: Teide's visual impact is enhanced by atmospheric conditions that create constantly changing textures and tones in the landscape and a 'sea of clouds' that forms a visually impressive backdrop to the mountain.


2024-06-09_Autopista TF-50001.JPGLos Realejos, the Biggest Town in the Canary Islands


2024-06-09_Playa de San Marcos w the Black Sand_ Stones & Sea Mist Creating a Wonderful Impression-10001.JPGPlaya de San Marcos w/ the Black Sand, Stones & Sea Mist Creating a Wonderful Impression @ Los Realejos

(军营镇·战神圣徒海滩的黑沙、石头和海雾营造出美妙的印象 06-09-2024)

2024-06-09_Coastal Line Viewed from Mirador El Lance0001.JPGCoastal Line Viewed from Mirador El Lance @ Los Realejos


2024-06-09_33_Beaches & Natural Pools @ San Juan de la Rambla0001.JPGBeaches & Natural Pools @ San Juan de la Rambla


2024-06-09_Banana Plantation & Farmhouse on the Atlantic Coast0001.JPGBanana Plantation & Farmhouse on the Atlantic Coast @ Los Realejos


2024-06-09_Mirador de San Pedro0001.JPGMirador de San Pedro @ Los Realejos


2024-06-09_Neighborhood0001.JPGLos Realejos Neighborhood (军营镇居民区)

2024-06-09_Traditional Tenerife Houses0001.JPGTraditional Tenerife Houses @ Los Realejos


2024-06-09_40_Plaza de los Frailes-10001.JPGPlaza de los Frailes @ Icod Los Vinos

(葡萄酒神镇·修道士广场 06-09-2024)

2024-06-09_41_Bldg_Colorful Houses0001.JPGColorful Houses of Icod Los Vinos


2024-06-09_42_Bldg_Plaza del la Pila0001.JPGPlaza del la Pila of Icod Los Vinos


2024-06-09_43_Calle Hércules0001.JPGVilla @ Calle Hércules of Icod Los Vinos


2024-06-09_44_Casa del Vizconde0001.JPGCasa del Vizconde @ Icod Los Vinos


2024-06-09_46_Church of Santa Ana w Facade Combining Elements from Plateresque & Renaissance Architecture-20001.JPGChurch of Santa Ana w/ Facade Combining Elements from Plateresque & Renaissance Architecture @ Icod Los Vinos


2024-06-09_45_Casa Museo Los Cáceres @ Plaza la Constitucion0001.JPGCasa Museo Los Cáceres @ Plaza la Constitucion of Icod Los Vinos


2024-06-09_47_Plaza de Andres de Lorenzo-Carceres_Fountain-10001.JPGFountain @ Plaza de Andres de Lorenzo-Carceres of Icod Los Vinos


2024-06-09_48_Plaze de Andres de Lorenzo-Carceres-10001.JPGEntrance to Plaze de Andres de Lorenzo-Carceres of Icod Los Vinos


2024-06-09_49_Plaza de Andres de Lorenzo-Carceres_Fountain-20001.JPGWall Fountain @ Plaza de Andres de Lorenzo-Carceres of Icod Los Vinos


2024-06-09_50_Plaza de Andres de Lorenzo-Carceres_Sculpture of Resurface-10001.JPGSculpture of Resurface @ Plaza de Andres de Lorenzo-Caceres of Icod Los Vinos


2024-06-09_51_Plant_Millennial Dragon Tree Massive_ Solitary Dracaena Tree_ an Icon of Tenerife_ Estimated to be 1_000 Years Old0001.JPGMillennial Dragon Tree Massive or Solitary Dracaena Tree, an Icon of Tenerife about 1,000 Years Old @ Icod Los Vinos


2024-06-09_52_Plaza Andrés de Lorenzo Cáceres-20001.JPGTowers Protruded @ Plaza Andrés de Lorenzo Cáceres of Icod Los Vinos


2024-06-09_36_Plaze de Andres de Lorenzo-Carceres-20001.JPGPagoda @ Plaze de Andres de Lorenzo-Carceres of Icod Los Vinos


2024-06-09_54_La Baranda0001.JPGLa Baranda @ Icod Los Vinos (葡萄酒神镇·栏杆酒店)

2024-06-09_34_Drago Park in Tenerife0001.JPGDrago Park in Tenerife @ Icod Los Vinos


2024-06-09_59_Hacienda &  Banana Plantation0001.JPGHacienda & Banana Plantation @ Icod Los Vinos


2024-06-09_35_Mirador de Garachico0001.JPGMirador de Garachico (小岛观景台)

2024-06-09_37_Calle Herradores_ a Shopping Street & Longest Street in the Historic Ctr of the UNESCO World Heritage Site in 19990001.JPGCalle Herradores, a Shopping Street & Longest Street in the Historic Ctr of San Cristobal de La Laguna, the UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1999


2024-06-09_63_Meson El Monasterio @ Plaza de los Frailes0001.JPGLunch @ Meson El Monasterio de San Pedro of Plaza de los Frailes, La Monta?eta


2024-06-09_64_Kitchen0001.JPGKitchen @ Meson El Monasterio de San Pedro of Plaza de los Frailes, La Monta?eta


2024-06-09_38_La Farola del Mar or Sea Lamp0001.JPG

La Farola del Mar or Sea Lamp (海灯塔)

2024-06-09_39_Polo Grill-1M0001.JPGPolo Grill of Oceania Marina

(“大洋·滨海”游轮——马球烧烤店 06-09-2024)

2024-06-09_40_Deck 12_Pool against Stage0001.JPGPool against Stage @ Deck 12 of Oceania Marina


2024-06-09_41_Plant_Calibrachoa Double Can Can Red0001.JPGCalibrachoa Double Can Can Red


2024-06-09_42_Plant_Dragon Blood Tree0001.JPGDragon Blood Tree (龙血树)


Ombú (商陆或土人参)


Papaya (番木瓜)

2024-06-09_45_Plant_Pink Trumpet Vine0001.JPGPink Trumpet Vine (粉喇叭藤曼)

2024-06-09_46_Plant_Shoeblack0001.JPGShoeblackplant (扶桑花)




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