


Timanfaya NP of Lanzarote, ES(西班牙兰萨罗特“火地”岛·火山国家公园)


2024-06-08 Best Friends Day

Timanfaya NP.jpg

【Conch (Concha)】 

Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)

To Natalia Jiménez

            Somebody has given me a conch. 

            Inside, a sea map is singing. 

            My heart 

            fills with water 

            and little fishes 

            of shadow and silver. 

            Somebody has given me a conch.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——













今天的午餐锁定在远近闻名的农民博物馆之家,从火地岛首府暗礁城(Arrecife)开车只需十几分钟。农民博物馆位于火地岛地理中心的丘峦使徒镇(San Bartolomé),是本土艺术家“长发·强力”(César Manrique, 1919-1992)的灵感作品,旨在颂扬当地农民不惜代价,在极端不利的条件下努力提供生计,同时为游客开拓了穿越建筑、农业、手工艺和传统美食的旅程。


Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Lanzarote, Moon on Earth in Spain(西班牙兰萨罗特“火地”岛·人间月球)

2017: The Eighth-Grade End(初三结业)

2015: Poem─Haiku Skit Script(诗歌─俳句剧本)

2014: Hickory Run SP, PA(宾州山核桃树州立公园)

2024-06-08_01_Hwy to Timanfaya Volcanic NP0001.JPGHwy to Timanfaya "Fire Mtns" NP


2024-06-08_02_Sculpture of a Crab or Lobster by Artist Cesar Manrique0001.JPGSculpture Postsign of the Blind Albino Cave Crab by César Manrique


2024-06-08_03_Timanfaya NP_Montanas del Fuego_ the Fire Mountains0001.JPGMontanas del Fuego, the Fire Mountains (火地)

2024-06-08_04_Timanfaya NP Absence of Vegetation_ Ruggedness of the Terrain_ the Lava Fields_ the Volcanoes & Its Colors Embracing a Vast Range of Ochre & Red0001.JPGAbsence of Vegetation, Ruggedness of the Terrain, the Lava Fields, the Volcanoes & Its Colors Embracing a Vast Range of Ochre & Red


2024-06-08_05_Timanfaya NP_Road to the Hell-20001.JPGRoad to the Hell (通往地狱之路)

2024-06-08_07_Timanfaya NP w a Shield Volcano of Volcán del Cuervo Comprising Prominent Fissure Vents about 15 Million Years Old-10001.JPGA Shield Volcano of Volcán del Cuervo Comprising Prominent Fissure Vents about 15 Million Years Old

(乌鸦盾形火山·由约1,500万年前突出的裂缝喷口组成 06-08-2024)

2024-06-08_08_Timanfaya NP_Lava Flow & Volcanoes0001.JPGLava Flow & Volcanoes (熔岩流和火山群)

2024-06-08_09_Timanfaya NP_18th-Century Eruptions Sculpted a Landscape by Filling w Solidified Lava Flows_ Volcanic Cones_ & Ash Fields0001.JPGPark Headquarters among 18th-Century Eruptions Sculpted a Landscape by Filling w/ Solidified Lava Flows, Volcanic Cones, & Ash Fields


2024-06-08_10_Geothermal Cooked Chicken & Sausages @ 250C0001.JPGGeothermal Cooked Chicken & Sausages @ 250oC/482oF


2024-06-08_11_Timanfaya NP_Steaming Bore Hole Like a Mini Geyser0001.JPG

Steaming Bore Hole Like a Mini Geyser (小型喷泉钻孔冒着热气)

2024-06-08_24_Timanfaya NP_Underground Volcanic Fire w Hay w Islote de Hilario_ One of the Most Original Islets or Kipukas0001.JPGUnderground Volcanic Fire w/ Hay on Islote de Hilario, One of the Most Original Islets or Kipukas


2024-06-08_12_Timanfaya NP_Lava Channel in.JPGLava Channel in A'ā"Devil" Lava Flows


2024-06-08_13_Timanfaya NP_Mountain Rajada_ One of the Largest Isolated Volcanic Structures of the Historic Eruption0001.JPGMountain Rajada, One of the Largest Isolated Volcanic Structures of the Historic Eruption


2024-06-08_14_Timanfaya NP across the Horizon Caldera Gaida_ Monta?a Guardilama & Monta?a Diama-10001.JPGTimanfaya NP across the Horizon Caldera Gaida, Monta?a Guardilama, & Monta?a Diama

(横跨地平线的山羊火山口、液态祭献山和神圣山 06-08-2024)

2024-06-08_15_Timanfaya NP_Panoramic Views from the Restaurante del Diablo Showcasing the Surreal Landscape0001.JPGPanoramic Views from the Restaurante del Diablo Showcasing the Surreal Landscape


2024-06-08_16_Timanfaya NP_Shades of Reds_ Browns_ & Oranges Dominating the Landscape-10001.JPGShades of Reds, Browns, & Oranges Dominating the Landscape

(红、棕、橙主导着自然景观 06-08-2024)

2024-06-08_17_Manto de la Virgen0001.JPGManto de la Virgen or Virgin's Mantle (圣母斗篷)

2024-06-08_18_Timanfaya NP in a Journey to Mars without Leaving Lanzarote-20001.JPGA Journey to Mars w/o Leaving Lanzarote


2024-06-08_19_Timanfaya NP_Dominated by Silence & Emptiness0001.JPGTimanfaya NP Dominated by Silence & Emptiness


2024-06-08_20_Timanfaya NP_High Temperatures of Its Surface below Lying a Magma Chamber_ a Real Heart of Fire0001.JPGHigh Temperatures of Its Surface below Lying a Magma Chamber, a Real Heart of Fire 


2024-06-08_21_Timanfaya NP_Landscape w a Disorientating Effect0001.JPGLandscape w/ a Disorientating Effect


2024-06-08_22_Timanfaya NP_Synonymous w Beauty_ But Also w Bleakness0001.JPGSynonymous w/ Beauty, But Also w/ Bleakness


2024-06-08_23_Timanfaya NP_the Epicentre of Volcanic Beauty0001.JPGEpicentre of Volcanic Beauty (火山美景的核心)

2024-06-08_25_Timanfaya NP_Solidified Volcanic Lava Flow0001.JPGSolidified Volcanic Lava Flow (凝固的熔岩流)

2024-06-08_26_Timanfaya NP_Volcanic Teneguia Lava Dispersive Pyroclasts0001.JPGLava Dispersive Pyroclasts (熔岩碎屑)

2024-06-08_27_Timanfaya NP_.JPGUnique Landscape to the Volcanic Activity Occurred between 1730 and 1736 & Subsequently in 1824


2024-06-08_27_Timanfaya NP_Volcanic Landscape-10001.JPGVolcanic Montana Colorada (红火山)

2024-06-08_28_Timanfaya NP_Volcanic Landscape & Volcano Crater0001.JPGVolcano Crater (火山口)

2024-06-08_29_Timanfaya NP_Las Monta?as del Fuego0001.JPGLas Monta?as del Fuego (火地山)

2024-06-08_30_Timanfaya NP w the Original Caldera on the R & the Mountain of Pyroclasts on the L0001.JPGOriginal Caldera on the R & Mountain of Pyroclasts on the L


2024-06-08_31_Huge Volcanic Eruptions in the 18th Century Transformed Lanzarote into a Bizarre Lunar Landscape-10001.JPGHuge Volcanic Eruptions in the 18th Century Transformed Lanzarote into a Bizarre Lunar Landscape

(18世纪大火山喷发将火地岛变成了奇异的月球景观 06-08-2024)

2024-06-08_32_Casa Museo al Campesino_Monument to the Peasant in San Bartolomé0001.JPGCasa Museo del Campesino (农民博物馆之家)

2024-06-08_33_Casa Museo del Campesino_850001.JPGEntrance of Casa Museo del Campesino


2024-06-08_34_Casa Museo del Campesino_Place des Artisans0001.JPGPlace des Artisans of Casa Museo del Campesino


2024-06-08_35_Casa Museo al Campesino_Peasant?s House Museum0001.JPGPeasant?s House Museum (农民博物馆)

2024-06-08_35_Casa Museo del Campesino_Farming Tools & Camel Saddles_ a Haystack & Fig & Mulberry Trees)0001.JPGFarming Tools & Camel Saddles, a Haystack, Fig & Mulberry Trees @ Casa Museo del Campesino


2024-06-08_36_Casa Museo al Campesino_Duplex0001.JPGDuplex of Casa Museo del Campesino


2024-06-08_37_Casa Museo del Campesino_La Tahona w Blood or Animal-Powered Flour Mill0001.JPGLa Tahona w/ Blood or Animal-Powered Flour Mill


2024-06-08_38_Casa Museo del Campesino_Set in Traditional Whitewashed Houses Surrounded by Tropical Gardens0001.JPGCasa Museo del Campesino Set in Traditional Whitewashed Houses Surrounded by Tropical Gardens: Vegetation Emerged in the Form of Small Oases w/ Palm Trees, Cacti, Dragon Trees & Aromatic Plants Despite the Apparent Aridity


2024-06-08_Casa-Museo del Campesino_Restaurant-10001.JPGLunch @ Restaurante Casa-Museo del Campesino

(农民博物馆之家·午餐 06-08-2024)




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