


Lanzarote, Moon on Earth in ESP(西班牙兰萨罗特“火地”岛·人间月球)


2024-06-08 World Oceans Day


【The Interrupted Concert (El concierto interrumpido)】

Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)

        The cold and somnolent pause-mark

        Of the crescent moon

        Has broken the harmony

        Of the deep night.


        The channels, clad in sedges,

        Protest in silence.

        And the frogs, muezzins of darkness,

        Have held their peace.


        In the old village tavern

        The sad music stops,

        And the more ancient star

        Has placed the mute on its barrel organ.


        On the gloomy mountain's caverned sides

        The wind has died down,

        And a solitary polar - the Pythagoras

        Of the level plain -

        Tries to give the moon a blow

        With its age-old hand.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——

























【注】北大西洋加那利“凶狗”群岛(Canary Islands)地处西班牙最南端,是欧非海岸线——马卡罗尼西亚“幸运岛屿”最大、人口最多的群岛;因全年气候温暖而素有“欧洲夏威夷”之称,成了欧洲游客躲避北半球酷冬的绝佳目的地。由于地理位置所致,狗群岛历来被视为连接非洲、北美洲、南美洲和欧洲四大洲的纽带。



Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Timanfaya NP of Lanzarote, Spain(西班牙兰萨罗特“火地”岛·火山国家公园)

2017: The Eighth-Grade End(初三结业)

2015: Poem─Haiku Skit Script(诗歌─俳句剧本)

2014: Hickory Run SP, PA(宾州山核桃树州立公园)

2024-06-08_00_Arrecife Brightened up by the Almost Universal White Color Used on Homes0001.JPGArrecife Brightened up by the Almost Universal White Color Used on Homes


2024-06-08_01_Los Volcanes Nature_Caldera Blanca Used by NASA & the European Space Agency (ESA) for Years to Train Astronauts & Test Mars Rovers.JPGCaldera Blanca @ Los Volcanes Nature Park Used by NASA & ESA for Years to Train Astronauts & Test Mars Rovers & Designated as a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO


2024-06-08_02_Arrieta_Basaltic Rocks of Whimsical Shapes & Corridors through Flowing Lava0001.JPGBasaltic Rocks of Whimsical Shapes & Corridors through Flowing Lava


2024-06-08_03_Bldg_Castillo de San José_ Museo Internacional de Arte on Sea Rocks in Arrecife0001.JPGCastillo de San José or Museo Internacional de Arte on Sea Rocks in Arrecife


2024-06-08_04_Bldg_Castillo de San José_ Museo Internacional de Arte in Arrecife0001.JPGClose-up of Museum Intel of Art 


2024-06-08_05_Red Hill Cinder Cone0001.JPGRed Hill Cinder Cone (红丘火山锥)

2024-06-08_06_Hacha Grande in the South of the Island View over a Lava Field towards the Monta?as del Fuego0001.JPGView of Hacha Grande in the South of the Island over a Lava Field towards the Monta?as del Fuego


2024-06-08_07_Sculpture_El Diablo w Lunar-Like Landscape-10001.JPGEl Diablo, the Symbol of Timanfaya Natl Park w/ Lunar-Like Landscape

(月球般景观的《魔鬼》·火山国家公园的标志 06-08-2024)

2024-06-08_08_La Graciosa Seen from Lanzarote across the Strait of El Río0001.JPGLa Graciosa Seen from Lanzarote across the Strait of El Río


2024-06-08_09_Lanzarote Landscapes_ a Volcanic Masterpiece w Lava Fields_ Mtns & Volcanic Cones Creating an Almost Lunar Atmosphere0001.JPGLanzarote Landscapes, a Volcanic Masterpiece w/ Lava Fields, Mtns, & Volcanic Cones Creating an Almost Lunar Atmosphere


2024-06-08_10_Suffer from Bouts of Calima, a Strong, Hot Wind from the Sahara Brought w High Temperatures & Reduced Visibility due to the Fine Dust.JPGSuffer from Bouts of Calima, a Strong, Hot Wind from the Sahara Brought w/ High Temperatures & Reduced Visibility due to the Fine Dust


2024-06-08_11_Monte Corona @ a 609 Meters (1_998 Ft) High Extinct Volcano0001.JPGMonte Corona @ a 609 Meters/998 Ft High Extinct Volcano


2024-06-08_12_Monte Corona Erupted around 21_000 Years Ago & Covered in a Large Area of the Northeast of the Island w Lava0001.JPGMonte Corona Erupted around 21,000 Years Ago & Covered a Large Area of the Northeast of the Island w/ Lava


2024-06-08_13_Pe?as del Chache_ the Highest Altitude of the Island of Lanzarote w a Height of 672 Meters above Sea Level0001.JPGPe?as del Chache, the Highest Altitude of the Island of Lanzarote w/ a Height of 672 Meters above Sea Level


2024-06-08_14_Pe?as del Chache_Air Surveillance Squadron0001.JPGAir Surveillance Squadron @ Pe?as del Chache


2024-06-08_15_Salinas del Rio Like an Alien Desert0001.JPGSalinas del Rio Like an Alien Desert


2024-06-08_16_Mirador del Charco de los Clicos0001.JPGMirador del Charco de los Clicos or Outlook of Green Lagoon


2024-06-08_17_Timanfaya NP in a Journey to Mars without Leaving Lanzarote-10001.JPGTimanfaya NP in a Journey to Mars without Leaving Lanzarote

(火山国家公园·无需走出火地岛即可开启火星之旅 06-08-2024)

2024-06-08_18_Risco de Famara Escarpment0001.JPGRisco de Famara Escarpment (熏烟悬崖)

2024-06-08_19_Bldg_Central Square in the Village of Teguise0001.JPG

Central Square in the Village of Teguise (别墅村中心广场)

2024-06-08_30_Bldg_Castillo Santa Barbara in Teguise0001.JPGCastillo Santa Barbara in Teguise (别墅村·外域使徒城堡)

2024-06-08_20_Village Mancha Blanca w Timanfaya NP in the Background0001.JPGVillage Mancha Blanca w/ Timanfaya NP in the Background


2024-06-08_23_Bldg_ Blanca_Hermitage of Sorrows in the Village of Mancha-30001.JPGHermitage of Sorrows in the Village of Mancha Blanca


2024-06-08_21_La Geria_ Vineyards Emerged from the Ashes0001.JPGVineyards Emerged from the Ashes @ La Geria


2024-06-08_22_Crops Produced on Terraces on the Steep Sides of the Volcanoes0001.JPGCrops Produced on Terraces on the Steep Sides of the Volcanoes


2024-06-08_24_La Geria Valley_Antonio Suarez Winery_710001.JPGAntonio Suarez Winery in La Geria Valley


2024-06-08_25_Bldg_Muebles Rubicón Furniture Store0001.JPGMuebles Rubicón Furniture Store (红家具店)

2024-06-08_26_Bldg_Restaurant Casa Suso0001.JPGRestaurant Casa Suso (怀抱之家餐厅)

2024-06-08_27_Bldg_Punta Mujeres_Typical Canarian White Houses on the Edge of the Volcanic Escarpment0001.JPGPunta Mujeres, Typical Canarian White Houses on the Edge of the Volcanic Escarpment


2024-06-08_28_Bldg_Playa Blanca_Architecture0001.JPGResidential Architecture @ Playa Blanca (白沙滩村民居)

2024-06-08_29_Bldg_Villa over a Planetary Analogue of Lava Field0001.JPGVilla over a Planetary Analogue of Lava Field


2024-06-08_31_Bldg_La Torrecilla_ a “Watchman of the Plain_ Witness of the Sky”-20001.JPG“Watchman of the Plain, Witness of the Sky”@ La Torrecilla


2024-06-08_32_Bldg_Casa Juanita in Blue @ Arrieta_ the Only Non-White House on the Northern Coast of Lanzarote0001.JPGCasa Juanita in Blue @ Arrieta, the Only Non-White House on the Northern Coast of Lanzarote


2024-06-08_34_Jameos del Agua_Emerald-Green Pool-20001.JPGEmerald-Green Pool @ Jameos del Agua


2024-06-08_33_Jameos del Agua_Tunnel of Atlantis in a Vast Volcanic Cave System Including a Shimmering Underground Lagoon0001.JPGJameos del Agua, Tunnel of Atlantis in a Vast Volcanic Cave System Including a Shimmering Underground Lagoon


2024-06-08_30_Munidopsis polymorph or a Blind Albino Cave Crab in Lava Tubes Formed by Volcanic Eruptions 15,000-13,000 Yrs Ago & the Animal Sym0001.JPGMunidopsis polymorph or a Blind Albino Cave Crab in Lava Tubes Formed by Volcanic Eruptions 15,000-13,000 Years ago & the Animal Symbol of the Island of Lanzarote


2024-06-08_35_Jameos del Agua_Lobster Statue0001.JPGSculpture of the Blind Albino Cave Crab


2024-06-08_36_Bldg_Commemorative Monument to the Martyrs of the Sea in Arrecife0001.JPG

Commemorative Monument to the Martyrs of the Sea in Arrecife


2024-06-08_37_Sculpture of The Fisherman w Marlin0001.JPGSculpture of The Fisherman w/ Marlin


2024-06-08_38_Sculpture_Man & Woman Dragging Net @ Arrecife Port0001.JPGSculpture of Man & Woman Dragging Net @ Arrecife Port


2024-06-08_39_Sculpture_Road Roundabout in Teguise0001.JPGRoundabout in Teguise (尝试村·环岛)

2024-06-08_40_Sculpture of Wind Toy & Wind Mobile by César Manrique0001.JPG

Sculpture of Wind Toy & Wind Mobile by César Manrique


2024-06-08_41_Sculpture_Three Sticks Monument0001.JPG

Monument of Three Sticks (雕塑《三根棍子》)

2024-06-08_42_Sculpture_Elegua_ the Little Devil of Teguise0001.JPGSculpture of the Little Devil of Teguise @ Elegua


2024-06-08_43_Tree_Date Palm0001.JPGDate Palm (海枣树)

2024-06-08_44_Plant_Aeonium arboreum_ a Succulent_ Subtropical Subshrub0001.JPGAeonium arboreum, a Succulent & Subtropical Subshrub


2024-06-08_45_Plant_Aeonium lancerottense Endemic to the Island of Lanzarote-20001.JPGAeonium lancerottense Endemic to the Island of Lanzarote



Shoeblackplant (朱槿)

2024-06-08_47_Dinner0001.JPGDinner @ Grand Dining of Oceania Marina





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