


Hassan II Mosque, Morocco(摩洛哥·哈桑“英俊”二世清真寺)


2024-06-06 National Yo-Yo Day

Hassan II Mosque.jpg

【My Mother's Language】

Abdellatif La?bi (1942-Now)

         It's been twenty years since I last saw my mother

         She starved herself to death

         They say that each morning

         she would pull her headscarf off

         and strike the floor seven times

         cursing the heavens and the Tyrant

         I was in the cave

         where convicts read in the dark

         and painted the bestiary of the future on the walls


         It's been twenty years since I last saw my mother

         She left me a china coffee set

         and though the cups have broken one by one

         they were so ugly I didn't regret their loss

         even though coffee's the only drink I like

         These days, when I'm alone

         I start to sound like my mother

         or rather, it's as if she were using my mouth

         to voice her profanities, curses and gibberish

         the invisible litany of her nicknames

         all the endangered species of her sayings


         It's been twenty years since I last saw my mother

         but I am the last man

         who still speaks her language

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——





























【注】英俊二世清真寺属于逊尼“合法”派伊斯兰教,由法国建筑师“神一样的人·松林”(Michel Pinseau)策画,前后花了6年(1987—1993)时间建成:210米/689英尺的宣礼塔位居非洲第二高;顶部装有30公里/19英里激光,光线指向麦加“圣所”;8亿美元基建花费全部是自愿捐款。


Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Casablanca, the Atlas Lions of Morocco(摩洛哥·卡萨布兰卡)

2024: El Jadida, the Hamptons of Morocco(摩洛哥的家园·新城)

2024: Portuguese City of Mazagan, Morocco(摩洛哥·葡萄牙“长发人”城)

2023: Canadian Wildfires over Philadelphia(加拿大山火烟熏大费城地区)

2015: Crystal Cave, PA(宾州水晶洞)

2010: 幸运兔游明信片(Felix the Rabbit Traveling Postcard)

2024-06-06_01_2nd Largest Functioning Mosque in Africa0001.JPG2nd Largest Functioning Mosque in Africa


2024-06-06_02_A View of the Mosque from the Adjacent Promenade w Exquisite & Intricate Islamic Architecture in Andalusian & Moorish-3M0001.JPGA View of the Mosque from the Adjacent Promenade w/ Exquisite & Intricate Islamic Architecture in Andalusian & Moorish

(从邻近的海滨步道欣赏清真寺景色·安达卢西亚“漫游地”和摩尔“穆斯林”风格精致而复杂的伊斯兰建筑 06-06-2024)

2024-06-06_03_Museum-20001.JPGMuseum (博物馆)

2024-06-06_04_Library-10001.JPGLibrary (图书馆)

2024-06-06_05_Library_Arcade of Mediatheque Bldg0001.JPGArcade of Mediatheque Bldg (媒体中心大楼拱廊)

2024-06-06_06_Pillars0001.JPGArcade Pillars (拱廊支柱)

2024-06-06_07_A Revival of Traditional Moroccan Arts Evidenced by Sections of Zellige_ Brighter in Color & Shimmering Than Usual0001.JPG

A Revival of Traditional Moroccan Arts Evidenced by Sections of Zellige Brighter in Color & Shimmering Than Usual



Colonnade (柱廊)

2024-06-06_09_Arcades of Library & Museum0001.JPGArcades of Library & Museum (图书馆和博物馆拱廊)

2024-06-06_10_Museum_A Palette of Natural Herbs_ Spices_ & Plants0001.JPGA Palette of Natural Herbs, Spices, & Plants in Museum


2024-06-06_11_Museum_An Elaborately Carved & Painted Wooden Ceiling0001.JPG

An Elaborately Carved & Painted Wooden Ceiling in Musem


2024-06-06_12_Museum_Paints Made w Natural Colors-10001.JPGPaints Made w/ Natural Colors in Musem


2024-06-06_13_Foundation of the Hassan II Mosque of Casablanca0001.JPGFoundation of the Hassan II Mosque of Casablanca


2024-06-06_14_Impressive for the Richness of Decorations w the Nobility of Sidign Materirals Chosen to Defy Time0001.JPGImpressive for the Richness of Decorations w/ the Nobility of Siding Materials Chosen to Defy Time


2024-06-06_15_Exterior Door_Carved Marble Decoration in Geometric Patterns-10001.JPGExterior Door Carved Marble Decoration in Geometric Patterns


2024-06-06_16_Exterior Door_Carved Marble Decoration in Geometric Patterns-20001.JPG

Exterior Door Carved Marble Decoration in Geometric Patterns


2024-06-06_17_Dome_ Arches_ & Walls Giving a Grand Ambiance to the Mosque0001.JPG

Dome, Arches, & Walls Giving a Grand Ambiance to the Mosque


2024-06-06_17_Exterior Door_Ornate Carving on the Plastered Walls & on the Woodwork in the Courtyard0001.JPGExterior Door w/ Ornate Carving on the Plastered Walls & Woodwork in the Courtyard


2024-06-06_18_Exterior Door_Stylized Watercolor Sketch Painting0001.JPG

Exterior Door Stylized Watercolor Sketch Painting


2024-06-06_19_A Large Sunroof allows to link this bldg to the air as one of the 4 elements beneficial to life w earth_ fire_ & water according to the wish of0001.JPG

A large sunroof allows to link this bldg to the air as one of the 4 elements beneficial to life w/ earth, fire, air, & water 


2024-06-06_20_All of the Granite_ Plaster_ Marble_ Wood_ & Other Materials Extracted from around Morocco0001.JPG

All of the Granite, Plaster, Marble, Wood, & Other Materials Extracted from around Morocco


2024-06-06_21_Interior Door_ the Effect of Light Reflected by the Colors of the Marble & the Effect of Wood in Doors_ Walls of Separation & Beautifully Worked Roof0001.JPG

Interior Door w/ the Effect of Light Reflected by the Colors of the Marble & the Effect of Wood in Doors, Walls of Separation & Beautifully Worked Roof


2024-06-06_22_Magnificent Interior Door w Arabesque Marble Panel0001.JPG

Magnificent Interior Door w/ an Arabesque Marble Panel


2024-06-06_23_Magnificent Interior Door w Intricate Colorful Mosaics0001.JPG

Sumptuous Interior Door w/ Intricate Colorful Mosaics


2024-06-06_24_Aisle for the King of Morocco-10001.JPGAisle for the King of Morocco

(摩洛哥国王通道 06-06-2024)

2024-06-06_25_A Sensation to be in a Huge Ocher & Bright Space0001.JPGA Sensation of a Huge Ocher & Bright Space


2024-06-06_26_Mezzanine Floor w Wooden Balcony Reserved for Women-10001.JPG

Mezzanine Floor w/ Wooden Balcony Reserved for Women


2024-06-06_27_Carved Wood Spiral Staircases0001.JPG

Carved Wood Spiral Staircases (雕花木制螺旋楼梯)

2024-06-06_28_Decoration Different from Buddhist Temples & Christian Churches_ w No Floral_ Animal_ or Human Sculptures or Paintings_ but Only Geometric Shapes0001.JPG

Decoration Different from Buddhist Temples & Christian Churches_ w No Floral_ Animal_ or Human Sculptures or Paintings, but Only Geometric Shapes


2024-06-06_29_Walls w Hand-Crafted Marble & Muqarnas0001.JPGWalls w/ Hand-Crafted Marble & Muqarnas


2024-06-06_30_Marble Floor in Most Notably Elaborate Islamic Geometric Motifs Radiating Star Patterns Composed of Various Polygons0001.JPG

Marble Floor in the Most Notably Elaborate Islamic Geometric Motifs Radiating Star Patterns Composed of Various Polygons


2024-06-06_31_Notable Architectural Features in the Columns_ Horseshoe Arches_ Snowflake-esque Chandelier_& the Innumerable Muqarnas Embellished the Ceilings0001.JPGNotable Architectural Features in the Columns, Horseshoe Arches, Snowflake-esque Chandelier, & the Innumerable Muqarnas Embellished Ceilings


2024-06-06_32_Prayer Hall_Cedar & Beech Dome Carved & Decorated w the Opening Roof0001.JPG

Cedar & Beech Dome Carved & Decorated w/ the Opening Roof in Prayer Hall


2024-06-06_33_Roof Retractable Viewed Externally0001.JPGRoof Retractable Viewed Externally 


2024-06-06_34_Roof Retractable Viewed Internally-20001.JPGRoof Retractable Viewed Internally


2024-06-06_35_Roof Retractable Viewed Internally-30001.JPGFolded Roof (折叠的屋顶)

2024-06-06_36_White Granite Columns & Archways Turned from Pink to Orange to Fiery Yellow_ Casting Spindly Shadows & Reflecting off the Mosque’s Glass Windows0001.JPG

White Granite Columns & Archways Turned from Pink to Orange to Fiery Yellow, Casting Spindly Shadows & Reflecting off the Mosque's Glass Windows


2024-06-06_37_Wash Rooms_Entrance0001.JPGEntrance of Wash Room (盥洗室入口)

2024-06-06_38_Wash Rooms_Ablution Rm & a Vast Public Hammam  w Fountains Like Lotus Flowers0001.JPGAblution Rm & a Vast Public Hammam  w/ Fountains Like Lotus Flowers in Wash Rm


2024-06-06_39_Wash Rooms to bathe hands_ face_ ears_ arms_ & feet before pray0001.JPG

Wash Rooms to bathe hands, face, ears, arms, & feet before pray


2024-06-06_40_Majestic Jade Pillars in & outside the Hall Magnificent & Grand0001.JPGMajestic Jade Pillars (壮观的玉柱)

2024-06-06_41_Monumental Gates Titanium & Bronze_ Sculpted Fa?ades w Travertine Mosaic Inlay in the Palm of Patterns to Accentuate the Relief_ Pavings of Mar0001.JPGMonumental Gates Titanium & Bronze Sculpted Fa?ades w/ Travertine Mosaic Inlay in the Palm of Patterns to Accentuate the Relief & Pavings of Marble


2024-06-06_A Wall Covered in Zellīj Made from Individually Hand-Chiseled Tile Pieces Typically of Different Colors & Fitted Together to Form Various Patte0001.JPGA Wall Covered in Zellīj Made from Individually Hand-Chiseled Tile Pieces Typically of Different Colors & Fitted Together to Form Various Patterns



2017: Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi, UAE(阿联酋首都羚羊之父大清真寺)

Morocco (出游摩洛哥)

Africa (漫游非洲)

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