


Casablanca, the Atlas Lions of Morocco(摩洛哥·卡萨布兰卡)


2024-06-06 National Fish & Chips Day


【Dish Of The Day】

Abdellatif La?bi (1942-Now)

            For today's special

            we'd like to recommend a very spicy

            'killer' stew

            The innkeeper

            seemed in no mood to joke

            You won't need a starter, he added

            as the stew is very substantial

            a local wine

            the sort used for sangria

            We'll mash up an eyeball

            freshly plucked

            That of Cain

            the innkeeper said to be precise

            believing he'd excelled himself

            on the subject of black humour

            Oh you know, I said,

            I'm just a little peckish

            why don't you hand me back the menu

            if you please

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——























回想20世纪初(1912—1925),第一任法国驻摩洛哥总督“睿智·利奥泰”(Hubert Lyautey)聘请法国建筑师“家主·喝彩”(Henri Prost)助阵,将白宫城重新打造为法国海外保护地的经济中心——法属摩洛哥,宽阔的林荫大道和现代化的地域建设,标志着这座城市比摩洛哥更具有欧洲风格。然而,总督低估了计划的成功,白宫城的发展远远超出了其精心策动,等到二战结束时,白宫城的人口已达70万,虽然贫民窟随处可见,但早已国际化的白宫城人比摩洛哥其它任何地方的同胞更能接受西方生活方式,不仅反映在传统理念上,而且还显示在穿戴打扮上,甚至表现在男女异性于餐馆、酒吧、海滩和时尚俱乐部共享岁月静好的方式上。当然,欧洲并非唯一的灵感来源,越来越多的年轻人意识到他们来自一个富有历史魅力的国度,郊区荒凉的外表与市中心摩尔“穆斯林”式、装饰艺术性、现代化瑰宝以及白宫城的独特地标——富丽堂皇的哈桑“英俊”二世清真寺形成了鲜明的对比,白宫城如今的繁荣和自信显而易见,令人禁不住感叹前总督和老建筑师的幽灵仍在为这座城市设计未来,不过这次则是带着摩洛哥人的骄傲而不是法国殖民者的威力。

Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Hassan II Mosque, Morocco(摩洛哥·哈桑“英俊”二世清真寺)

2024: El Jadida, the Hamptons of Morocco(摩洛哥家园·杰迪代尔“新”城)

2024: Portuguese City of Mazagan, Morocco(摩洛哥·葡萄牙马扎甘“长发人”城)

2023: Canadian Wildfires over Philadelphia(加拿大山火烟熏大费城地区)

2015: Crystal Cave, PA(宾州水晶洞)

2010: 幸运兔游明信片(Felix the Rabbit Traveling Postcard)

2024-06-06_01_Boulevard Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah0001.JPGBlvd Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdullah


2024-06-06_02_Standing on a Promontory to Look out to the Atlantic Viewed from the Long La Corniche Promenade-10001.JPGHassan II Mosque Standing on a Promontory to Look out to the Atlantic Viewed from the Long La Corniche Promenade

(英俊二世清真寺·矗立在海角上,从长长的滨海大道眺望大西洋 06-06-2024)

2024-06-06_03A_Locals0001.JPGLocals @ Hassan II Mosque (英俊二世清真寺·当地人)

2024-06-06_03B_A View of the Mosque from the Adjacent Promenade w Exquisite & Intricate Islamic Architecture in Andalusian & Moorish-10001.JPGA View of Hassan II Mosque from the Adjacent Promenade w/ Exquisite & Intricate Islamic Architecture in Andalusian & Moorish


2024-06-06_04_El Hank Lighthouse0001.JPGEl Hank Lighthouse (神慈航标灯)

2024-06-06_05_Minaret_Al-Saoud Mosque0001.JPG

Al-Saoud Mosque (幸运清真寺)

2024-06-06_06_Minaret_Ould el-Hamra Mosque0001.JPGOuld el-Hamra Mosque (老葡萄酒清真寺)

2024-06-06_07_Sacred Heart Cathedral0001.JPGSacred Heart Cathedral (圣心大教堂)

2024-06-06_08_Old Medina0001.JPGMedina (老城)

2024-06-06_10_Rush Hour0001.JPGDowntown Rush Hour (市中心交通高峰期)

2024-06-06_11_Sidi Maarouf Cable-Stayed Bridge-10001.JPGSidi Maarouf Cable-Stayed Bridge (“我主·裨益”斜拉桥)

2024-06-06_12_Sidi Maarouf Cable-Stayed Bridge-20001.JPGHigh Tech District (高科技区)

2024-06-06_13_Street Lined w Palm Trees0001.JPG

Street Lined w/ Palm Trees (棕榈树街道)

2024-06-06_14_Casablanca Hwy0001.JPGCasablanca Hwy (白宫城高速公路)

2024-06-06_15_Ain Diab Beach-10001.JPGAin Diab Beach, European Favorite


2024-06-06_16_Ain Diab Beach-20001.JPGFortress along the Atlantic Coast (大西洋海岸城堡)

2024-06-06_17_Casablanca International Fair0001.JPGCasablanca Intl Fair Opposite to Hassan II Mosque


2024-06-06_19_Intl School Music And Dance0001.JPGIntl School for Music & Dance (国际音乐舞蹈学校)

2024-06-06_20_Main Post Office0001.JPGMain Post Office (邮政总局)

2024-06-06_21_Rick's Café-10001.JPG

20-Year-Long Rick's Café, a Romantic Eatery Inspired by the Cafe in the 1942 Film "Casablanca" w/ Cocktails & a Piano


2024-06-06_22_High-Speed Train Al-Boraq0001.JPGHigh-Speed Train Al-Boraq (闪电高速火车)

2024-06-06_09_Port District0001.JPGPort District (港区)

2024-06-06_18_ANP Tower_ HQ of the National Agency for Ports (ANP)-20001.JPG

ANP Tower, HQ of the National Agency for Ports


2024-06-06_23_Port0001.JPGOceania Marina Berthed @ Port


2024-06-06_24_The Sunshine Band0001.JPGThe Sunshine Band of Oceania Marina


Dinner0001.JPGDinner (晚餐)


Morocco (出游摩洛哥)

Africa (漫游非洲)

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