











正如麦克阿瑟在日本投降仪式上的演讲所说:“倘若我们要拯救肉体,就必然从精神层面入手!”美国的伟大,植根于"We the People"精神权能及其生命自组织力与外连接平衡力得到全球首屈一指的充分发挥!这也是Trump第一个任期内,初露端倪的“川普经济学”(Trumpnomics)的精神实质!

当代美国人,也应当有一个莎士比亚式的“王子之问”:To be or not to be的问题。就象英国摇滚乐队The Beatles歌曲《Live and Let Die》那样,具有面对生存与毁灭时的彷徨、抉择,勇敢地选择Live and let live——即一种处理人际、群际、国际、乃至星际关系(包括人与自然、人与社会、人与自己身心灵三大关系)的思维方式和价值取向,那么,也就是把Live and Let Die与To be or not to be,放在Live and let live的语境,中来理解人们在彷徨与抉择、生存与毁灭的情感基调和选择结果!

并由此引出一个警示世人的糟糕后果——即:如果不能“Live and let live”(互利互惠,自己活也让别人活,生生不息),那么,就可能会导致“Evil and let evil”(自己邪恶,也让别人邪恶,互坑互害)!

将Live and let live上升到哲学认知,就是所有个体、共同体、Trust组织,尤其是群体身份的代表人物(尤其是作为世界第一强国的领导人),都要改变过去主客体二元对立的观念,即不以主体(Subject)自居,而把他者(她、它、祂)作为客体物质对象(Object)来支配操纵(哪怕动机再好也不行),也就是在认知上将主客体二元转变为主体间性即交互主体(Intersubjective)上,并且用共生(Symbiosos)亦即Live and let live 加能规范。

这样,2024年美国总统候选人,就继温思罗普“山巅之城”精神之后,站在了一个当代哲学新范式的高度——对于人类生活方式创新与再选择:凡事交互主体共生(Everything Intersubjective Symbiosism)!


Archer Hong Qian

Vancouver, August 15, 2024

Harris Surpasses in Polls, Does Trump Still Have a Chance?

If Trump cannot turn the tide in the September 10 debate, he likely

 has little chance left.

Biden's withdrawal and Harris taking over is not a victory for 

Trump, but it has given him a false sense of victory, further 

adding to his arrogance and recklessness. He continues to focus 

on competing with Biden, discussing various international and 

domestic policies and strategies, speaking about the Ukraine war 

with a tone of already having won, choosing a running mate, and 

underestimating his new opponent—the younger generation's Harris!

This can only lead to many vulnerabilities and provide others with

 ample opportunities to attack him.

Trump seems completely unaware that in the eyes of young American 

voters, he and Biden are seen as outdated politicians of the same 

generation. They don’t care about his recycled policies or any 

other justifications; simply because Harris is younger and more 

vibrant, they will choose her.

Of course, it's still too early, and the situation hasn't 

deteriorated to the point of being irreversible. It depends on 

whether Harris has any weaknesses and whether she, like Trump, 

gets carried away by a victory that isn't final. Harris's weakness

is not her past or her abilities (questioning this is meaningless),

but rather her policy of "dividing the cake" rather than "making 

the cake bigger," her focus on "equality of outcome" rather than 

"equality of process," and her "one-pot meal" policy that overly 

panders to voters with flowers, potentially leading America down 

the "road to serfdom"—turning the U.S. into "Latin America"!

Trump should seize on Harris's weaknesses, using Venezuela’s Maduro 

as a cautionary example, and take on the mission of Argentina's 

President Milei to "awaken the lion." He should shift the focus 

of the campaign debate to economic policies and the future 

development of America, inspiring the discernment and creative 

enthusiasm of young American voters and those in the "Rust Belt."

As MacArthur said in his speech at the Japanese surrender 

ceremony: "If we are to save the flesh, we must begin with the 

spirit!" The greatness of America is rooted in the spirit and 

power of "We the People," as well as its unparalleled global 

leadership in the balance of self-organizational life force and 

external connections. This is also the spiritual essence of 

"Trumpnomics," which began to emerge during Trump's first term.

Modern Americans should also face a Shakespearean "Prince's 

question": To be or not to be. Just like the British rock band 

The Beatles' song "Live and Let Die," which reflects the hesitation 

and choices when faced with survival and destruction, we must 

bravely choose "Live and let live"—a way of thinking and value 

orientation that deals with interpersonal, intergroup, 

international, and even interstellar relationships (including the 

relationships between humans and nature, humans and society, and 

within oneself in terms of body, mind, and spirit). This means 

placing "Live and Let Die" and "To be or not to be" within the 

context of "Live and let live" to understand the emotional tone 

and outcomes of people's hesitation, choices, survival, and 

destruction. From this, a warning emerges: if we cannot "Live and 

let live" (mutual benefit, living and letting others live, 

thriving together), then it may lead to "Evil and let evil"

 (being evil oneself and allowing others to be evil, harming 

each other).

Elevating "Live and let live" to a philosophical recognition means 

that all individuals, communities, Trust organizations, especially 

representatives of group identities (especially leaders of the 

world's most powerful nation), must change the old dualistic view 

of subject and object—no longer regarding oneself as the subject 

(Subject) and treating others (he, she, it, or they) as material 

objects (Object) to be controlled or manipulated (no matter how 

good the intention). In cognition, the dualism of subject and 

object must be transformed into intersubjectivity (Intersubjective)

, and governed by symbiosis (Symbiosis), i.e., Live and let live.

Thus, in 2024, U.S. presidential candidates, following the spirit 

of Winthrop's "City upon a Hill," would be standing on the height 

of a new contemporary philosophical paradigm—innovating and 

re-choosing human ways of life: Everything Intersubjective 


Of course, this is an intellectually challenging requirement for 

current thinking—the very thinking that has caused "global 


Archer Hong Qian

Vancouver, August 15, 2024

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