


Socialist-Bloc failed now Capitalist-Bloc failed


Socialist-Bloc failed now Capitalist-Bloc failed

           Frank Li; Aug 13, 2024


I infer that the US federal will dismember within 2050; the political correctness witch hunting by human rights protecting lazy has destroyed labor productivity; while the global de-dollarization and the monetary independence of the US 40 States have started the trend. We must strive for the world not being ruined in this period.

It is the population of brain cells reasoning based on acquired experience and knowledge signalling human behaving. Due to the defects in brain and the wrong of acquired experience and knowledge, it is not all people in human feature in human nature.

New Zealand studies show that human self reproduction accompanied by 23% kids reduced to 12% adults in brain defects lifelong antisocial in brain reduced surface area in 282 of 360 regions; also many extremism brainwashed one in abnormal mentality no ability for reasoning on the results of what they are doing; so that more than 50% of population is in flawed mentality.

British Philosopher Bertrand Russell, who said that: “None of our beliefs are quite true; all have at least a penumbra of vagueness and error.” “One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision.”

Without quality control on player, the Europe looting and killing bloody budded free campaigned democracy is just facilitating the free play of low quality people.

Europe bloody buds social elements are for enjoying the stuffs that could not be enjoyed during inhuman Dark Ages; in extremely deceptive made people willing being tortured euthanizing in hallucinating enjoys true human life.

Faced with being democracy fuels psychotic social garbage ruined world; we got firm evidence to conclude that after 35 years of the end of the Socialist-Bloc (or Camp), now it is the end of Capitalist-Bloc with reasonable death sentence to Western civilization. And the end of Capitalist-Bloc means that it is no suitable political model available yet; the political crisis is also in promoting the development of the better social governance.

Since ancient time; China has been in choosing learned people as officials; even develops Imperial Examination to choose learned people on power outside of royal family. Europe missionaries called it as elite constitutionalism that puts merit over birth to grant power to scholars. So that the people of China was able to relative long time lived prosperous life, in 2000 years ago to this day by Silk Road providing West with life necessaries; and now by Silk Road reintegrating that West by religious brainwashing hatred fragmented world to build coexistence life for world people by promoting mutual understanding to melt down the long historical feuds between the feuding countries.

In contrast, since ancient time, the Europe bloody soiled West taking Gov-power as reward for any people competing; actually it was granting Gov-power to low quality people. In the modern liberal democratic political design; it has been in doing the same thing; by attracting psychotic social garbage on power psychotic play; which is the why that West has been persisting to provoke wars. Please look at the Russian-Ukrainian war and the Palestinian-Israeli killing with sound reason that must kill people, but the nature is at killing genes of inhuman civilization.

Also; globally; each country has no permanent stable political cornerstone; the power is fought over as a prize to make the people on power in endless replacements. The manmade disasters come from the people who on power dared do anything to keep the position for enjoying luxury political privileges, and also such social garbage dared endlessly drive State Apparatus to make disasters. Therefore It is necessary to learn China form a civil legislature by entrepreneurs; professors, scientists; etc., as lawmakers as part time self-reliance in each country as stable political cornerstone to parallel run with Gov-one taking certain vote right to patch the flaws of democracy.

Meanwhile; we must establish a global civil legislature as permanent stable political cornerstone as leadership to coordinate the affairs of the civil legislature of all of countries in social governance to uproot wars. Thus, we are able to eradicate the situation that international organizations coerced by evil and become tools for evil.

Gradually and eventually; human world must uproot the evil demon that has been producing manmade disasters in ruining human world – the partisan politics – the evil attractors for gathering evil mental defects.


I noticed that in recent years, the US National Security Advisor Dr. Jake Sullivan, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, and great many democratic politicians have aged faster than others have. It cannot be said that they are not working hard to govern the country well; but the politics designed suicide.

The failure of the Socialist-Bloc lies in its over-emphasis on collectivism and suppress the selfish behaviors of people to have suppressed people's enthusiasm for production and killed economy, while the failure of Capitalist-Bloc lies in its individualistic values to over-emphasis on capitalism and suppress the collective behavior of people to have made society no one care about but harm social collective interest; while by childish democracy granting power to low quality people; for keeping enjoying political privilege; the people wrongfully meeting the interests of voters at the exchanges of the interests of national and badly impact the health development of economy.             --- Frank Li Aug  27 2024


It is just as that of the Soviet Union was the leader of the Socialist-Bloc, its political and economic failure led to the failure of the Socialist-Bloc. The United States is the leader of Capitalist-Bloc; its rise or fall in politics and economy determines the rise or fall of the Capitalist-Bloc.

The West has attributed the political persecution that occurred in the Socialist-Bloc during the Stalin era to the personal struggles for political power, ignoring the essence of the problem, which was originated from ideology and was intended to eradicate the ideology and behavior of capitalist exploitation to ensure everyone in selfless collectivism to contribute collective interest.

In contrast, in the US, people launched McCarthy witch hunt to eradicate the ideology and behavior of selfless collectivism of communist to ensure everyone in selfish harming the collective interest of society; even developed Neoliberalism to cut off the regulations of government for plundering on real economy to make its profit margin too narrow to operate to kill economy.

Democracy fuels low quality politicians failing democracies of capitalist-Bloc

Whether before their country was great or not? But all of the democratic gambler politicians are vowed to make their country great again, but their super intelligence made them uncontrollably destroy their own country and ruin the world in actual. 

For cheat-pleasing voters; they advocate values, freedom and human rights to protect reckless one harming good people and made own people live in the fear and life threats in misery and degradation lost human rights and dignity as human; while they legally encourage people strike for more by doing less to have killed labor productivity and manufacturing by such way they finish Socialist-Bloc.

The poor of a country is mainly from the low quality of population, due to they have no sense of responsibility, which also destroy manufacturing industry of own country; now, under mindless play of values, freedom and human rights, the democracies are being filled by immigrants of such low quality population; the decline of economy in democracies of Capital-Bloc is mainly from the decline of labor quality.

Political correctness witch hunt solidified democracy govern by cheating

For a long time, in the Capitalist-Bloc, the people has updated McCarthy witch hunt as political correctness witch hunt from singly hunting communism to be hunting and destroying the political career of the people who dared going against the ideology they imposed; which has enabled all of ideologies as means to force the government in policy making to strictly follow they imposed one.

Such as, the unisex public toilet that imposed by the people who are suffering physical defects of hormone disorders and caused them in seeking homosexuality; which is a antihuman sexual behavior of boy seeking love with boy, and girls seeking love with girls; in order to get rid of the embarrassment of such shameful behavior; they recklessly force normal people to do the same.

In order to keep their political position for enjoying unreasonable high payments, luxury benefits and privileges, the populism politicians dared to meet the need of any kind of voters; and they dare support such antihuman behavior.

Some country has legalized behavior of homosexuality; so that a man can legally go into special public facilities for women as long as he registered claiming in a female mentality; even if their male sexual organs remain unchanged. 

Some politicians are running around the world promoting this anti-humanity game. Needless to say those childish played democracies; even if rational Germany, it also passed law that helps trans people easily update their legal documents to legalize and easy their antihuman behavior.

For pleasing voters; a German politician on high rank power, who actually even said that "We simply want to make life a bit easier for a small group for which it has great significance." 

Clearly, the German politician never considers the harm for the vast majority of people. Fortunately, in democracies of Capitalist-Bloc are filling with the politicians in such a highest intelligence in finishing Capitalist-Bloc.

Also there are few rational politician; Aug 13, 2023, article Kemi Badenoch: All buildings must provide single-sex lavatories reports that Ms Badenoch, British Minister for Women and Equalities said that doctors had recently reported instances where girls in certain schools either contracted infections or skipped classes entirely “because they refused to urinate all day” due to their reluctance to use gender-neutral toilets.

She said that the Government must step in when “common sense disappears,” following a rise in businesses offering gender-neutral toilets without separate single-sex facilities. The sex-based rights has been “confused” by gender activists, leading to the necessity for legislation that would not have been required a decade ago. “My job is increasingly spent legislating for common sense and stopping those intent on causing harm.”

Such an antihuman behavior impacted political circle. Sept 9, 2023, in an interview with the Mail, Liz Truss, the former PM of Britain; who slams the antihuman play in the political system of democracies, “If you look at the knots in which people tie themselves in western politics about whether somebody with a penis is a man or not, it shows how effective unfortunately these people have been.”

In North America, some school teachers, instead of teaching students to study hard, instigate students to undergo permanent sex reassignment surgery, for example, removing girls' breasts and changing their sexual organs without their parents' knowledge. If parents dare to object, they will use legal means to deprive them of their custody rights.

A simple physical defects of hormone disorders even stirred hot plays going to inhuman extreme in the democracies of Capitalist-Bloc; which showed that the problem is not limited in the kidnapping of the political correctness witch hunt; but their leaderships are dull-witted in the Alzheimer's state.

The sad reality has clear proved that the political correctness witch hunt has solidified world in the barbaric state by kicking away the rational thoughts to make the whole society and world operate in a state of mutual deception. Terrible is that it is in decisively influencing foreign policy, politicians in power and legislators are all focused on finding targets to attack provoking international disputes.

It has long been a norm; the politicians of democracies have to take values, freedom, human rights as her or his pet phrase hanged on one’s tongue to keep endlessly loud shouting to make public heard, and strictly implement them in the administration; otherwise she or he will be attacked by public opinion to sacrifice her or his political career. The attacks come from top to bottom of whole society; the purpose of such childish play is only for showing public they are in noble character respecting for the freedom and human rights.

The political correctness witch hunt is the major cause in failing Capitalist-Bloc.

Please look at those democracies of the Capitalist-Bloc, where local taxpayers sleep on the streets, worrying and struggling for survival, while the foreign illegal immigrants live in comfortable hotels to be locals fed and protected; then they make life threats to locals unlivable. Democratic played politicians only care about showing that they care about and implement values and human rights in global stage, never care about the lives of their own citizens and make them have neither human rights nor human dignity.

Please look at those democracies of the Capitalist-Bloc; where gangsters, robbers, illegal immigrants and homeless people have become legal police officers patrolling the streets, while law-abiding taxpayers have become criminals, living cautiously and dodging for fear of being discovered by the police. Even so, they are still robbed, raped, and shot.

For a long time, many cities in the United States have become uninhabitable, due to that filled with drug abusers, shootings, homelessness, and zero-dollar shopping. In 2024, there have been 343 mass shootings killed 10,121 people and injuring more than 19,500. Due to zero-dollar shopping, many commercial enterprises have to close down.

The democratic politicians who made own countrymen live in the life threats fear by human rights protecting bad; but they condemn China for being no human rights.

Now China launched the unilateral visa-free, foreigners flocked to China and found the Western government’s smear campaigns against China by manipulating their media, and released videos in the media to introduce China's good infrastructure, friendly people, and safe convenient society. There is no shooting incident in China.

Tourists are happy for being able to enjoy human rights and dignified human life together with the people of China, which they cannot be enjoyed in their own countries.

By childish way; the democracy has been political correctness witch hunt hijacked politicians played to extreme to make all of democracies unlivable; by which way; globally; the population has been extremism brainwashed population replacing; many of them cannot be trained as qualified labors or law-abiding citizens in the antisocial trouble making society unlivable.

Democratic politics rewards power to low-quality reckless people, and they mindlessly push the world into a vicious cycle of a crisis of the worsening of the quality of population, and it is in accelerating the replacement of the world by low-quality population; especially in the democracies of Capitalist-Bloc; where their citizens can no longer live with dignity; but suffer anxiety and fear of life threats.

Political correctness witch hunt killed labor productivity of Capitalist-Bloc

Political correctness witch hunt promoted values, freedom, human rights, and social justice to have completely corrupted social systems; in which workers dare to act recklessly, trade union and lawyers are supervising, preparing to make money by lawsuit. In such a social environment, the managements dare not strictly management. Now it is not only Boeing, but also the major manufacturing of Western countries is finished.

Taiwan Foxconn and TSMC both failed in their attempts to build factories in the United States.

Now, people all over the world cannot live without made in China.

Please look at USA, the silver line of the Washington Metro began planning in 1968, officially launched in 2000, but began the construction until in 2009. The first phase of the project was completed in 2014, which was 46 years later from the start of the planning, but, that only completed 5 stations of planned 34. The professor sighed that it’s even harder to know when the second phase of the connection to the Dulles Airport will be completed.

Please look at Canada, RIM - Research In Motion, later renamed as BlackBerry Limited; it was a Canadian software company specializing in cyber-security. Founded in 1984, it originally developed the BlackBerry brand of interactive pagers, smartphone and tablets. In the global smartphone industry, RIM can be called as originator or father; but now, the most of people may don't know it anymore; it was a sadness of Canada manufacturing industry.

The evil of the Western civilization at that it always provides undoubted excuse for idiots making disasters.

Please look at the childish play of the descendants of the main inventor of liberal democracy and its relied ideologies – values, freedom and human rights.

Great Britain: 2016, Professor of Economic Development at the University of Hertfordshire, britain, Hulya Dagdeviren, who wrote article How did Britain fall out of love with privatisation to disappointed indicate that, privatization was supposed to reduce the burden on the taxpayer and force these sectors to become more competitive, efficient and deliver better value for customers. But over the long term, it has become clear that private services do not deliver good value. 

For the ticket of 35-minute railway journey, in Britain was £358 monthly, but in Italy was £37 only. The most recent data show that for Department of Health projects which delivered over £11 billion of capital investment, the undiscounted cost of the unitary charges to be paid until the end of these projects was around £80 billion.

Professor said that the leader of Labor Party vows to renationalize their failed infrastructure again.

I think that the renationalize is not willingly, but have to; this was in repeating the same business. The Britain was the country that flips its economy upside down twice likes baking cake; and now is ready to bake once failed side.

Obviously, the economic thoughts of the great sons of the Britain, Adam Smith and John Keynes, were all beaten by own ancestors kindly coined ideologies and failed in saving the lives of own countrymen by saving their economy, even if their micro and macro economics have been in conducting world economy by complementary of each other.

Briton YouTube comments that the cost of finished project in China cannot finish the process of targeting in Britain.

French republic: Feb. 2013, the article French minister hits back at 'three hour day' attack reports that: "Arnaud Montebourg, minister for industrial renewal in France, was subject to a written barrage of abuse from Maurice Taylor, chief executive of US tyremaker Titan, after the French politician appealed for financial support for an ailing Goodyear factory."

"Mr. Taylor berated French workers for putting in just "three hours" a day, and said his company would be "stupid" to invest in the loss-making tyre plant in Amiens, northern France." "'The French workforce gets paid high wages but only work for three hours. They get one hour for breaks and lunch, talk for three and work for three. I told this to the French union workers to their faces. They told me that's the French way!' Mr. Taylor wrote."

An on line survey, there were 81 percent of French people said support the view of American boss. The fact vividly showed that majority French people are rational; but in a stupid social environment, they have to be coerced stupid play.

It was also same, in Boeing production; it was not no rational employees for a good production; but the bad working environment coerced them in the state that cannot do a rational job. In an absurd social environment, the irrational absurd behavior of vulgar people will kill the rational behavior of high-quality people.

This is the negative effect of the Crowd Psychology that is naturally formed when human beings gather for social activities. In social activities, rational people are always in a state of passive obedience in blindly following.

Now besides China, no country is able to finish large infrastructure project under budgeted; some are due to the quality of race that is difficult trained as quality labor, the mostly is due to that toxic ideologies have destroyed labor productivity.

From primitive ancient to modern day, the West stays in childish play.

In a decades, from the ruins with huge war reparations of a century of looting, killing, burning by the Western Powers Alliance and Japan, which started since 1840 British armed selling opium after government of China banned opium trade that started in 1773. China; now is in speed of taking off again raised as leading economy, Now China by Belt and Road Initiative to integrates the West hatred fragmented countries to melt down feuds to build a life of peaceful coexistence.

The US economic strategist David Goldman said:”the United States have tended to look at these places (global south) as baggage; so we don't take them seriously. The Chinese take them seriously and the longest the biggest challenge to American influence in the world long term is China's ability to integrate billions of marginalized people into the world economy. You're talking about people going from making $2 a day which is misery and degradation to 10 or 15 a day which is the beginning of dignity.

The peaceful taking off of China in economy as global economic engine as the largest trading partner of nearly 150 countries; has created a counter concept on the global stage that is successfully rivaling the US in all spheres–from the economy, to tech, to culture, and foreign influence—invalidates its hegemony and thereby the core of the modern self-image of the USA. It is the over confidence on the success of the US blinded the US mindlessly into the suicidal defeat.

The US politicians worry for being dumped by global countries; but they never recognized that global countries want to join BRICS because US accepted as US are - democracy, autocracy, theocracy, as long as US politicians respect the other country, offer trade opportunities that enable uplifting of people’s lives on both sides, and want to peacefully exist without trying to impose own thinking on everyone at gun-point or dollar-point; but the US politicians persisted play US-type nonsense or Western pontificating.

For the politicians of the US, the end of the road for the US is in plain sight for everyone able to see clear; but the driver is still hitting that gas pedal. The rise of China sounded the death knell for American hegemony historically; not because of any security, economic, or epistemic dangers, but because it invalidates the self-conception of the American politicians that equate themselves with the world as natural world leader.

In fact, during the reign of US 32nd president Franklin Roosevelt from 1933 to 1945; the US really has made great contributions to the world, by providing economic support to the world for ending World War II and post-war reconstruction; by which builds respect globally and made the United States a naturally trusted and reliable world leader. But since then the successive American politicians wrongly exploited the trust of the people of the world, turning the United States into a global nuisance in recklessly destructing world by self destructing.

Today, the new technology promoted unprecedented abundance of material wealth can be called as Affluent Society as Professor James Galbraith and his father John Galbraith has been striving for; but please look at the world; even if in the developed rich countries; even if people work harder than ever before, but still increasingly people cannot make ends meet anymore; many people have no money for food after paying wildly soaring up rent, gas, water, electricity, insurance. There were reports said that in Iran, Philippines, etc.; people are selling their organs, kidneys, liver, cornea, bone marrow, etc., to support the survival of families in increasingly inflation & poverty.

Now; this batch of man on Earth has destructed to the terminal stage by multiple destructions simultaneously: Atomic Cremation, World War III; Neoliberalism Plundered Great Depression; People Starve to Die; Life Threats Home Yards, and inhumane more.

In book The Ukraine War & the Eurasian World Order 2024 , Professor at the School of Business of the University of South-Eastern Norway, Dr. Glenn Diesen indicates that:

“Five hundred years of Western hegemony has ended, while the global majority’s aspiration for a world order based on multipolarity and sovereign equality is rising,  the liberal hegemony is demising , world order has not yet taken shape, leaving the world in a period of interregnum. A legal vacuum has emerged, in which the conflicting sides are competing to define the future order.:

“NATO expansionism was an important component of liberal hegemony as it was intended to cement the collective hegemony of the West as the foundation for a liberal democratic peace. Instead, it dismantled the pan-European security architecture and set Europe on the path to war without the possibility of a course correction. Ukraine as a divided country in a divided Europe has been a crucial pawn in the great power competition between NATO and Russia for the past three decades.”

“The war in Ukraine is a symptom of the collapsing world order. The war revealed the dysfunction of liberal hegemony in terms of both power and legitimacy, and it sparked a proxy war between the West and Russia instead of ensuring peace, the source of its legitimacy.”

“The proxy war, unprecedented sanctions, and efforts to isolate Russia in the wider world contributed to the demise of liberal hegemony as opposed to its revival. Much of the world responded to the war by intensifying their transition to a Eurasian world order that rejects hegemony and liberal universalism.“

“The economic architecture is being reorganised as the world diversifies away from excessive reliance on Western technologies, industries, transportation corridors, banks, payment systems, insurance systems, and currencies. Universalism based on Western values is replaced by civilisational distinctiveness, sovereign inequality is swapped with sovereign equality, socialising inferiors is replaced by negotiations, and the rules-based international order is discarded in favour of international law. A Westphalian world order is reasserting itself, although with Eurasian characteristics.”

“The West’s defeat of Russia would restore the unipolar world order while a Russian victory would cement a multipolar one. The international system is now at its most dangerous as the prospect of compromise is absent, meaning the winner will take all. Both NATO under US direction and Russia are therefore prepared to take great risks and escalate, making nuclear wan increasingly likely.”

Apr 3, 2023, lawyer and a nephew of President John F. Kennedy; Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who posts the disasters of the abusing runaway Gov-power in US: “The collapse of U.S. influence over Saudi Arabia and the Kingdom’s new alliances with China and Iran are painful emblems of the abject failure of the Neocon strategy of maintaining U.S. global hegemony with aggressive projections of military power. China has displaced the American Empire by deftly projecting, instead, economic power. Over the past decade, our country has spent trillions bombing roads, ports, bridges, and airports. China spent the equivalent building the same across the developing world.”

“The Ukraine war is the final collapse of the Neocon's short-lived “American Century.” The Neocon projects in Iraq and Ukraine have cost $8.1 trillion, hollowed out our middle class, made a laughingstock of U.S. military power and moral authority, pushed China and Russia into an invincible alliance, destroyed the dollar as the global currency, cost millions of lives and done nothing to advance democracy or win friendships or influence.”

It is not American or America bad, but it is democracy bad in making runaway Gov-power to be evil abused. Now the U.S. dollar is being pushed into toilet as tissue paper; due to the US has lost dignity as washroom; even the politicians of weak countries of their people once to be sold as slaves, now dare loudly slam the politicians of the US in face to face: Dear sir please do not lecture us that how to make our country as washroom as that of your country.

Human is a body of a piece of skin wrapping 206 pieces of bones to successively appear for enjoying a life process, then goes back as nutrients for nourishing new bodies. Human survival seeking activities form so called society, culture, history and accompanied with a so called civilization; as self proud of higher animals lived as lower animals; due to that many human stays inhuman quality.

But since ancient time, China lives relative longtime in peace; explored old and new Silk Road supplying West with life necessaries, but the West has been in wars until this moment; firstly at home yards; then colonial looting and killing whole world, trafficking in slaves and opium doing whatever evil, and tamed Japan killed more than 30 million Asians from originally learning China pursuing peace.  

Now, people need to reflect and recognize the cruel facts. Western civilization, which was bred by the bloody culture that European made up various Gods brainwashing torn humanity hatred apart in mutually cultural killing for survival and made people in the individualistic values and warlike genes in regarding looting and killing others for self-survival as a matter of course; regarding fighting for No.1, hegemony, or superpower as a matter of course; for which regarding provokes wars as a matter of course to have developed Europe based Western Individualist Civilization.

 The individualistic values and warlike genes promoted social elements, democracy, values, human rights, various freedoms, and the free world, are not suitable for human society; which made social governance has been kidnapped by low-quality people by using political correctness witch hunt; especially populism kidnapped democratic politicians have to be kidnapped by toxic ideologies, by toxic ideologies performing social governance to have made it impossible for people of all countries to survive.

1... Democracy are tools enabling reckless one ruining world

From past to this day, the West has been in killing wars, because the regime is in a state of being without a master and being coveted and occupied by reckless people; and modern democracy just paved way for them seizing power to provoke wars.

The fatal harm of democracy is that it made Gov-power lost control to be shared by too many reckless individuals; presidents, lawmakers, ministers, generals, Think Jars, NGOs of civil society; and more, all reckless ruins world by shared Gov-power.

It is just because of free played democracy enabled rich group to have corrupted government as plutocracy by hijacking the power of the State Apparatus to unchecked plunder to make economic disasters; even provoke wars to ruin world unlivable.

Liberal democracy is the evil means granting Gov-power to reckless one ruining world unlivable.

2... Political correctness witch hunt coerced society in barbaric state

American Foreign Service Association posts article 1950s-The McCarthy Witch Hunt: Who “Lost” China? Due to be called as China Hands John S. Service was fired, 6 years later, he was reinstatement, but the damage to U.S. Asia policy, was done. 

Now, the West has updated McCarthy witch hunt as political correctness witch hunt to enable all of ideologies to coerce government and foreign policies. The witch hunt has solidified world in the barbaric state by kicking away the rational thoughts.

Due to being freedom and human rights nicely coercing; those rich democracies are flooded with foreign populations, many of whom are neither trained as quality labor-force nor law-abiding citizens but by the feed of locals to ruin the lives of locals.

Due to the political correctness coerced legal protection of the practice of freedom of religion or religious liberty, it makes too many people in the situation that can never be educated to be qualified labor force and law-abiding citizens in harming society.

Duo to the political correctness witch hunt by values and human rights coercing; the government has to legally encouraging people strolling streets to strike for more by doing less, after the left of WWII quality generation, labor productivity lost forever.

Now, apart from Confucian cultured highly quality workers of China, no workers of other countries are able to build large-scale infrastructure projects on budget and on time. Without life necessaries made in China, people globally are unable to live well.

Due to labors low quality; after failed manufacturing in the United States, India and Vietnam ; Taiwan's Foxconn, the world's largest contract electronics maker and Apple's biggest iPhone assembler returned back to China again; where it left years ago.

From now on; under the hijacking of the political correctness witch hunt, those developed rich democracies have entered unlivable forever, because the increasingly trouble making lazy parasite population, and without ability to make life necessaries.

It is the political correctness witch hunt coercing politicians in ruining home place to make countrymen unlivable.

3...Political correctness witch hunt fuels reckless one ruining world

Please think of those being driven to kill or killed people, please look at the photos and videos of people live on bombed ruins, please look at the photos and videos of wars made people cannot live in homeland; but have to enter the wave of refugees. 

The cause of the unrests and wars; mostly was from political correctness witch hunt promoted democracy, freedom, human rights, by such name, some individuals overthrew government or fabricate lies to make color revolutions to provoke unrests.

The fatal threat for human survival is that the West made too many tools help the reckless population destroying world.


The Europe looting and killing bloodily cultured Western world is full of wise people, from the top of officials to the bottom of ordinaries, they all endlessly argue for good; but the bad reality shows that they are pushing human world in a state of unwise inhumanity.

Now, whether it is well learned rational scholars, the idiotic players of democracy, or ordinary people, as long as she or he has a little bit of human brain cells; they would be in extreme depressed for worrying about the survival of own families in today and future.

We can conclude that after 33 years of the end of the socialist camp, now it is the turn of the end of Capitalist Camp; which has pronounced a death sentence on Western civilization, which has been in creating disasters for human. And the end of Capitalist Camp means that it is no suitable political model available yet; the political crisis is also in promoting the development of the better governance.

This historical trend that calls for a new governance model is extremely valuable. We should make good use of it quickly.

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