


Seville Cathedral, Spain(西班牙塞维利亚“山谷”城大教堂)


2024-08-05 National Start Over Day


【The Crazy Boy (El ni?o loco)】

Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)

        I said: "Late"

        But it wasn't like that.

        The afternoon was something else

        that had already gone away.

        (And the light shrugged

        its shoulders like a little girl.)


        "Late" But it's useless!

        This one is false, this one has

        a half-moon of lead.

        The other one will never come.

        (And the light as everyone sees it,

        played statue with the crazy boy.)


        That one was small

        and ate pomegranates.

        This one is big and green, I can't

        take her in my arms or dress her.

        Won't she come? What was she like?

        (And the light that was going away made a joke.

        It separated the crazy boy from his shadow.)

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——



























Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Cadiz, the Oldest City in Spain(西班牙最古老的城市—堡垒城)

2024: Alcazar Real in Seville, Spain(西班牙山谷城·城堡皇宫)

2024: Plaza de Espana in Seville, Spain(西班牙山谷城·西班牙广场)

2024: Seville, Andalusia's Pearl in Spain(西班牙山谷城·漫游地明珠)

2022 GHCS Commencement, PA(2022届宾州光华中文学校毕业典礼)

2013届宾州光华毕业典礼拾遗(2013 GHCS Commencement·Potpourri)

2009: 繁星─朋友(Friends & Stars)

2024-06-05_01_Panaroma of the Largest Gothic Church Converted the Mosque into a Cathedral After Conquered by Christians in 12480001.JPGPanorama of the Largest Gothic Church Converted the Mosque into a Cathedral After Conquered by Christians in 1248


2024-06-05_02_Bell Tower_Giralda w Part of the 16th-Century  Inscription_ Proverbs 18 (a Compilation of Several Wisdom Literature Collections)0001.JPG

Giralda w/ Part of the 16th-Century Inscription & Proverbs 18 (a Compilation of Several Wisdom Literature Collections)


2024-06-05_03_South Fa?ade of the Cathedral of St. Mary0001.JPGSouth Fa?ade of the Cathedral of St. Mary


2024-06-05_04_Door of Forgiveness in the North Fa?ade-20001.JPGThe Door of Forgiveness in the North Fa?ade against Giralda


2024-06-05_05_Door of Forgiveness in the North Fa?ade-1M0001.JPG

The Door of Forgiveness in the North Fa?ade

(北面宽恕之门 06-05-2024)

2024-06-05_06_Door of Bell in the East Fa?ade0001.JPG

The Door of Bell in the East Fa?ade (东面钟门)

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The Sticks or the Adoration of the Magi in the East Fa?ade


2024-06-05_08_Door of the Conception in the North Fa?ade0001.JPG

The Door of the Conception in the North Fa?ade



Main Nave (正堂)

2024-06-05_10_Golden Altar0001.JPGGolden Altar (金坛)

2024-06-05_11_Central Part_Crossing_ Coro_ Capilla Mayor_ & Plateresque-Style Altar0001.JPGCentral Part Crossing, Coro, Capilla Mayor, & Plateresque-Style Altar


2024-06-05_12_Silver Altar0001.JPG

Silver Altar (银饰祭坛)


Choir (合唱团)

2024-06-05_14_Cathedral Organ-10001.JPG

Cathedral Organs (管风琴)

2024-06-05_15_Cathedral Organ-40001.JPGAn Organ of 7,000 Pipes (7,000根管子的风琴)

2024-06-05_16_Details of Vaults in Front of Main Chapel0001.JPGDetails of Vaults in Front of Main Chapel


2024-06-05_17_Chapel of the Virgin of Antigua_Altarpiece-20001.JPGAltarpiece @ Chapel of the Virgin of Antigua


2024-06-05_18_Altarpiece of Annunciation Relief in Neoclassical Style @ a Ornate Gold Prayer Area-20001.JPG

Altarpiece of Annunciation Relief in Neoclassical Style @ an Ornate Gold Prayer Area


2024-06-05_19_Altarpiece of the Chapel of San Antonio0001.JPG

Altarpiece @ Chapel of San Antonio


2024-06-05_20_Altarpiece of Virgen de la Estrella or Virgin of the Star0001.JPG

Altarpiece of Virgin of the Star


2024-06-05_21_Chapel of San Hermenegildo w Legend of Saint Librada0001.JPG

Chapel of San Hermenegildo w/ Legend of Saint Librada


2024-06-05_22_Pierre Dancart's Masterpiece as One of the Finest Altarpieces in the World-10001.JPG

Pierre Dancart's Masterpiece as One of the Finest Altarpieces in the World


2024-06-05_23_tained Glass Window of Saints Justa and Rufina0001.JPG

Stained Glass Window of Saints Justa & Rufina


2024-06-05_24_Tomb of Columbus-20001.JPG

Tomb of Columbus (鸽子之墓)

2024-06-05_25_Tomb of Columbus-10001.JPGSide View of Tomb of Columbus (鸽子之墓·侧面观)




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