


Plaza de Espana in Seville, Spain(西班牙塞维利山谷城·西班牙广场)


2024-06-05 World Environment Day

Spanish Sq in Seville.jpg

【Song of the Rider (Canción de jinete)】

Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)


            Distant and isolated.


            Black nag, large moon,

            and olives in my saddlebag.

            Although I know the way,

            I will never return to Córdoba.


            For the plains, for the wind,

            Black nag, red moon.

            The dead are watching me

            from the towers of Córdoba.


            Oh, so long a road!

            Oh, my brave nag!

            Oh, the dead hope for me,

            before returning to Córdoba!



            Distant and isolated.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——
























【注】塞维利亚“山谷”城特意为1929年伊比利亚“西(西班牙)葡(葡萄牙)半岛”—美洲博览会(Ibero-American Exposition of 1929)用15年的时间来打造西班牙广场不仅成功延袭了巴洛克复兴、文艺复兴和摩尔“阿拉伯”复兴风格,而且精美塑造出上个世纪廿年代的装饰艺术,据说还是网飞(Netflix)2023年系列剧《虚空》(Kaos)的外拍景地。


Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Cadiz, the Oldest City in Spain(西班牙最古老的城市—加的斯“堡垒”城)

2024: Seville Cathedral, Spain(西班牙塞维利亚“山谷”城大教堂)

2024: Alcazar Real in Seville, Spain(西班牙塞维利亚“山谷”城·城堡皇宫)

2024: Seville, Andalusia's Pearl in Spain(西班牙塞维利亚“山谷”城·漫游地明珠)

2022 GHCS Commencement, PA(2022届宾州光华中文学校毕业典礼)

2013届宾州光华毕业典礼拾遗(2013 GHCS Commencement·Potpourri)

2009: 繁星─朋友(Friends & Stars)

2024-06-05_Avenida de la Palmera_ an Avenue Lined w Pavilions from the 1929 Ibero-American Exposition_ and cross Plaza América & Parque María Luisa000.JPGAvenida de la Palmera, an Avenue Lined w/ Pavilions from the 1929 Ibero-American Exposition, & cross Plaza América & Parque María Luisa


2024-06-05_Colombia Consulate0001.JPGColombia Consulate (哥伦比亚领事馆)

2024-06-05_Pabellón de Colombia0001.JPGTowers of Colombia Consulate (哥伦比亚领事馆·双塔)

2024-06-05_Iglesia de Santa Ana0001.JPG

Iglesia de Santa Ana (仁慈教堂)

2024-06-05_Pabellón de Argentine Republic in Hispanish-American Neo-Baroque Style Based in Architectonic Sevillian_ Peruan_ & Argentinian Elements0001.JPGPavilion of Argentine Republic in Hispanic-American Neo-Baroque Style Based in Architectonic Sevillian, Peruana, & Argentinian Elements


2024-06-05_Pabellón de Argentine0001.JPG

Tower of Argentine Pavilion (阿根廷共和国馆塔)

2024-06-05_Pabellón de Cuba0001.JPGPabellón de Cuba (古巴馆)

2024-06-05_Pabellón de Guatemala Depicting a Plethora of Indigenous Motifs Affiliated w the Mayan Civilization0001.JPGPavilion of Guatemala Depicting a Plethora of Indigenous Motifs Affiliated w/ the Mayan Civilization


2024-06-05_Pabellón de Portugal0001.JPG

Pabellón de Portugal (葡萄牙馆)

2024-06-05_Casino de la Exposición0001.JPGCasino of the Exhibition (博览会赌场)

2024-06-05_Map0001.JPGSchematic Plaza de Espa?a (西班牙广场·示意图)

2024-06-05_Torre Norte_ the Tallest of the 4 Towers of the Plaza de Espa?a Complex Built in 19170001.JPGTorre Norte Built in 1917 , the Tallest of the 4 Towers in Plaza de Espa?a Complex


2024-06-05_Puerta de Aragón0001.JPGGate of Aragon (高山谷之门)

2024-06-05_Plaza de Espana_Azulejo (a Form of Portuguese and Spanish Painted Tin-Glazed Ceramic Tilework) in the Puerta de Aragon0001.JPGArchitrave of the Aragon Gate (高山谷之门·楣梁)

2024-06-05_Puerta de Navarra Pavilion0001.JPGNavarre Gate Pavilion (平原之门亭馆)

2024-06-05_Azulejo_ a Form of Portuguese or Spanish Painted_ Tin-Glazed_ Ceramic Tile Work-10001.JPGAzulejo, the Form of Portuguese Hand Painted or Spanish Painted, Tin-Glazed, Ceramic Tilework


2024-06-05_Azulejo_ a Form of Portuguese or Spanish Painted_ Tin-Glazed_ Ceramic Tile Work-20001.JPGCeramic Tile Murals in Azulejo (用小抛光瓷砖打造的壁画)

2024-06-05_Capitania General-1M0001.JPGCapitania General (博览会总部 06-05-2024)

2024-06-05_Plaza de Espa?a in Regionalism Architecture Mixing Elements of the Baroque Revival, Renaissance Revival and Moorish Revival (Neo-Mudéjar) styles of Spanis.JPGPlaza de Espa?a in Regionalism Architecture Mixing Elements of the Baroque Revival, Renaissance Revival, & Moorish Revival (Neo-Mudéjar) Styles of Spanish Architecture


2024-06-05_Alcove_Tiled Provincial Alcoves along the Walls Representing the Different Provinces of Spain-10001.JPGTiled Provincial Alcoves along the Walls Representing the Different Provinces of Spain


2024-06-05_Alcove_Palencia Province Alcove Flanked by a Pair of Covered Bookshelves in the Manner of a Little Free Library0001.JPGPalencia Province Alcove Flanked by a Pair of Covered Bookshelves in the Manner of a Little Free Library


2024-06-05_Alcove_Pontevedra Province Alcove0001.JPGPontevedra Province Alcove (古桥省壁龛)

2024-06-05_Arcos0001.JPGLoggia w/ the Arcos & Covered Roof (有顶和拱门的凉廊)

2024-06-05_Puente de Aragón Sculptures Representing the Fisherman or Sailor-10001.JPG

Puente de Aragón Sculptures Representing the Fisherman or Sailor

(高山谷桥·饰有代表渔夫或水手的塑像 06-05-2024)

2024-06-05_Puente de Aragón_4 Bridges Representing the 4 Ancient Kingdoms of Spain Castille_ Aragon_ Navarre_ & Leon-1M0001.JPG

4 Bridges Representing the 4 Ancient Kingdoms of Spain Castille, Aragon, Navarre, & Leon

(代表西班牙四个古代王国城堡之地、高山谷、平原和勇士的四座桥梁 06-05-2024)

2024-06-05_North Tower & River0001.JPGNorth Tower & River (北塔与河流)

2024-06-05_Torre Sur-20001.JPG

Torre Sur (南塔)

2024-06-05_Abanicos or Spanish Hand Fans @ Wooden Castanets Spanish or Flamenco Castanets0001.JPGAbanicos or Spanish Hand Fans & Wooden Castanets for Spanish Music or Flamenco Dance





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