


Cruising the Alboran Sea, Spain(西班牙·环流海航行日)


2024-06-04 National Cognac Day

Alboran Sea.jpg

【Dawn (La aurora)】

Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)

         Dawn in New York has

         Four columns of mire

         And a hurricane of black pigeons

         Splashing in the putrid waters.


         Dawn in New York groans

         On enormous fire escapes

         Searching between the angles

         For spikenards of drafted anguish.


         Dawn arrives and no one receives it in his mouth

         Because morning and hope are impossible there:

         Sometimes the furious swarming coins

         Penetrate like drills and devour abandoned children.


         Those who go out early know in their bones

         There will be no paradise or loves that bloom and die:

         They know they will be mired in numbers and laws,

         In mindless games, in fruitless labors.


         The light is buried under chains and noises

         In the impudent challenge of rootless science.

         And crowds stagger sleeplessly through the boroughs

         As if they had just escaped a shipwreck of blood.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——






























Today in History(历史上的今天):

2023: Move in East Village for Internship(大二暑假实习入住纽约东村)

2017 GHCS Commencement, PA(2017届宾州光华中文学校毕业典礼)

2016: Life─A Salute to the Harvard Siblings(生活─向哈佛两兄妹致敬)

2024-06-04_Atrium-2M0001.JPGAtrium @ Deck 5 of Oceania Marina

(“大洋·滨海”号游轮——五楼大厅 06-04-2024)

2024-06-04_Atrium0001.JPGLounge @ Deck 6 (六楼·休息区 06-04-2024)

2024-06-04_Culinary Arts w Chef Michael Osborne Spcializing in the Cuisine of the American South-10001.JPGCulinary Arts w/ Chef Michael Osborne Specializing in the Cuisine of the American South

(厨师“神赐·神斗士”指导美国南部美食的烹技 06-04-2024)

2024-06-04_Martinis Lounge0001.JPGMartinis Lounge @ Deck 6 (六楼·火星信徒休息区 06-04-2024)

2024-06-04_Food_Aquamar Kitchen w Dozens of Tempting_ Healthy Dishes0001.JPGAquamar Kitchen w/ Dozens of Tempting, Healthy Dishes @ Deck 14

(十四楼海蓝色厨房·提供数道垂涎欲滴的健康菜肴 06-04-2024)

2024-06-04_Food_Jacques w Ambiance in Comfortable_ Eclectic_ Pure French-10001.JPG

Jacques Restaurant w/ Ambiance in Comfortable, Eclectic, & Pure French @ Deck 5

(五楼取代者餐厅·格调惬意、标新立异、正宗地道的法餐 06-04-2024)

2024-06-04_Jacques_Hallway0001.JPGJacques Hallway @ Deck 5 (五楼·取代者法式餐厅走廊)

2024-06-04_John Denver Show by Chris Bannister0001.JPGJohn Denver Show by Chris Bannister @ Marina Lounge





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