


Prof.James Galbraith strives for Affluent Society


899-4, Oct. 2024

Professor James Galbraith relaying father strives for Affluent Society

              Frank (Hongde) Li, July 19, 2024, in Canada           

This article is to commemorate Professor John Galbraith who lifelong struggled for an Affluent Society to be respected as people's economist and always the enemy of inequality. Now, as he willed in last words; his son professor James Galbraith has taken over the baton and has been struggling for the same effort.

For understanding the thoughts of Professor James Galbraith and his father; I searched their writings to my Blog:


When many economists blindly pursued neoliberal economics, emphasized that the government should give up regulation, and let the market regulate itself, but Professor James Galbraith and his father have been struggling about how to avoid that companies and individuals recklessly plunder to cause harm to society and life of people.

In 2006, FORTUNE Magazine called John Kenneth Galbraith as the people's economist and always the enemy of inequality.

I happily found article of Professor James K. Galbraith; Apr 19, 2024, Industrial Policy Is a Good Idea, but So Far We Don't Have One, the historic contributions and current suggestions of Professor touched me very much.

However, the exhausted efforts of Professor seem no wished reward as his father John Galbraith indicated: “no government forecast can be in conflict with what the Administration currently in office needs to have happen.”

But in contrast with failed struggling of Professor James Galbraith and his father in the West; in Far East China, since the ancient time to this day; the successive governments have been persisting to make an Affluent Society and taking steps to eliminate the endless emerged inequality by uprooting the ideologies and the seeds for plunder.

Please read The Triumph and Terror of Wang Huning; you will be convinced by that it is not the top leaders on power but a learned scholar Professor Wang Huning has been in successfully guiding China in making development strategies and built own motherland into an Affluent Society as that Professor James Galbraith and his father wished; being strived but being failed helplessly. In Europe bloody soiled democracies; no one can do a rational business.

Different with the bloody soiled West, in China, the rational people and rational ideas have been always able to play their rational role; so that people of China are able to live a human life since ancient time.

1... The motivation for the topic

July 11, 2024I happily found YouTube video China succeeded by rejecting neoliberalism: “Western countries always try use sanctions to prevent China from surpassing them, while American economist James Galbraith challenges such common perceptions about these sanctions and their impact, arguing that it is the West that ultimately suffers.”

In video, Professor James Galbraith indicates that: if I were China would not be terribly worried about us sanctions; I mean really seriously. China's four times larger than the US; it's perfectly capable of doing without at this stage practically anything the US might have be supplying to China. I will say the reason why or a major reason why China has developed into the largest economy in the world and the strongest industrial economy in the world by a very substantial margin is that it did not follow the neoliberal prescriptions; although there's a strong inroad of Neoliberalism in Chinese academic thinking; the reality of Chinese policy so far has been largely pragmatic and has been largely oriented toward specific problems; as they arose and confronted the state in one way or another; and then that's one step at a time; and generally speaking quite cautious; and that has been proved to be to serve China very well.”

“My sense is that what has happened in the US as a result of Neoliberalism has been the effective destruction of the ability of the government in the United States to monitor supervise provide guidance, provide leadership for major technological initiatives that you really have to have an independent capacity; the one that is not completely under the control of private companies; not and that is able to set a directions what we had with the Manhattan Project, the space program and a number of things in the middle of the 20th century were; in fact you know considered to be in fact in earlier too, that even in the 19th century; these were things that government did and did quite capably. But all of that was wiped out in the last 40 years. So it's very hard for me to see that the us is going to actually use these tools or be able to make these tools pay in an effective way know countries which have maintained that sort of autonomous capacity to think about new technologies are in much stronger position.”  --- Please Professor James Galbraith helps to correct.

In the west, there were many rational economists question about the negative role of the Neoliberalism in badly impacting the development of economy; but global concerning Professor James Galbraith extends the horizon to view the rational practice of the government of China in avoiding the harm of Neoliberalism. China has not blindly imitating the play of the West and did not copying the practice of the neoliberal economics; but it is to take specific solutions to cope with specific problems or as my view that China is selectively practicing of Neoliberalism for enjoying its advantages avoiding its disadvantages.

China is neither pure socialism nor pure capitalism, but enjoys the complementary advantages of both.

2... China’s ancient thought wu wei enlightened modern economics & Neoliberalism

Since the practice of nationalization in capitalist countries, capitalism has almost been eliminated. Today, capitalist countries all retain state-owned economic elements, but democratic politicians still claim that they are pure capitalism. The best example is the practice of Keynes' macroeconomics, by controlling money issuance and adjusting interest rates to 2%.

Since 1400s, European missionaries continuously enter China and translate the culture of China back home to have triggered Renaissance, Enlightenment, and French Revolution to push Europe entered the new Dark Ages with new type of barbaric play, colonial occupation and plunder, and trade of slave and opium provoking wars until this day. 

In 1750s,  the term wu wei of Tao Te Ching of China enlightened French Physiocrat Fran?ois Quesnay to have coined economic idea laissez-faire – free market without Gov-intervention; which inspired Adam Smith writing economic bible the Wealth of Nations to have further coined Invisible Hand in 1776 . Then later the Invisible Hand encouraged greedy people to have further advocated as lawless Neoliberalism to advocate cutting off all of the supervisions of Government; thereby developing various financial instruments to freely plunder on real economy to endlessly make disasters.

As my view, Tao Te Ching may understand as The Doctrine of Morality. It emerged around 400 BC China to have summarized the lessons of history, put forward suggestions and advice in social governance and personal behavior, by which contributed philosophies and wisdoms to have promoted the humanized development of civilization.

But in the European looting and killing bloody based evil west, it was evilly used in the inhuman way.

The fatal harm of laissez-faire in over freed market inspired British economist John Keynes considers for the solution, since 1919, he put forward macroeconomic ideas successively, 1926 published the End of Laissez-faire, and 1936 further detailedly put forward The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, since then all countries have regarded controlling currency issuance, adjusting interest rates in 2%, and Gov-investing as means of regulating economy.

3...Humanized wu wei was inhumanly used to develop toxic ideologies

In ancient China, the word of wu wei means that government must reduce the excessive harassment on the livelihood of people, for example, reduce excessive taxation, avoid arbitrary assignment of labor and so on; which was a government could do in the ancient backward agricultural economy. But in the West, in triggered inhuman play to have derived all kinds of toxic ideologies; such as Neoliberalism, free world, freedom of speech, freedom of association, freedom of religion, and in coining according to needs; but such freedoms are just meeting the need of free exertion of low quality people.

Many Western economists advocate Neoliberalism and market regulation of the economy, ignoring the harm of irrational plunder, which is that I said the most of the humanities and politics related Thinkers in Think Tanks and Professors in Universities are the inhuman Western civilization tamed without understood what the human civilization is.

4...Professor James Galbraith helped to overcome the 2008 financial crisis

However, Prof. James Galbraith and his father John Galbraith were efforts for the establishment of the Affluent Society, for which; they both denounce the absurdity of the Neoliberalism misled ignorant market competition in the US.

It said that in March 2008, Galbraith used the 25th Annual Milton Friedman Distinguished Lecture to launch a sweeping attack on the Washington Consensus on free market policies, especially the monetarist version. He argued strongly that Keynesian economics offered a solution to the financial crisis of 2007–2008 whereas monetarist policies would deepen the recession. Towards the end of 2008 and into 2009, many policymakers around the world increased government spending and/or cut taxes, arguably in line with Galbraith's views, as part of the Keynesian resurgence described by the Financial Times as "a stunning reversal of the orthodoxy of the past several decades".

5... Father wished Prof. James Galbraith to explore the predatory nature of corporate

It said that in the final stage of life, his father suggested James Galbraith to write a book on "corporate plunder."

2008, Professor James Kenneth Galbraith published book The Predator State: How Conservatives Abandoned the Free Market and Why Liberals Should Too, in which Professor indicates that in US society, public institutions have been subverted to serve private profit: the "predators" being corporate elites. These corporate interests run the state not for any ideological project—but simply in a way that would bring to them, individually and as a group, the most money.

Professor indicates, the true nature of the Bush regime: a "corporate republic," bringing the methods and mentality of big business to public life; a coalition of lobbies, doing the bidding of clients in the oil, mining, military, pharmaceutical, agribusiness, insurance, and media industries; and a predator state, intent not on reducing government but rather on diverting public cash into private hands. In plain English, the Republican Party has been hijacked by political leaders who long since stopped caring if reality conformed to their message.

Professor argues why keep liberal thought in the straitjacket of pay-as-you-go, of assigning inflation control to the Federal Reserve, of attempting to "make markets work"? Why not build a new economic policy based on what is really happening in this country? The real economy is not a free-market economy. It is a complex combination of private and public institutions, including Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, higher education, the housing finance system, and a vast federal research establishment. The real problems and challenges -- inequality, climate change, the infrastructure deficit, the subprime crisis, and the future of the dollar -- are problems that cannot be solved by incantations about the market. They will be solved only with planning, with standards and other policies that transcend and even transform markets.

In book The Predator State, the nature of Professor argued; actually, it was that the United States is a country ruled by government, but the government has lost its government functions. Actually, in the early days of the United States, it was a weird government that has corrupted by corporate consortiums with money.

Capital-aggregated into companies once appeared as earlier as the Tang Dynasty (618–907 CE) in China, but did not cause harm as that of inhuman play in the West. Throughout the history of China, often happens that a small number of people seized originally equal distributed farmland to be rich as economic tycoons, and then they attempt to influence or even seize political power for unrestrained play. The successive governments of China have severely cracked down on such behavior.

The best example happens during Han Dynasty (202BC–220AD), when economic tycoons kept private retainers to resist the criminal legal sanctions of government. Emperor Wu forced them to live at imperial mausoleum under surveillance.

However, in the West, they allow economic tycoons freely plunder; for example, the enclosure movement in Britain.

In 1770s Britain, the Industrial Revolution promoted the birth of capital-aggregated companies. Companies brought together individuals, allowing cooperation between strangers beyond blood and geographical connections to form an economic driving force stronger than any individual does. Corporate investments in socialized large scale production are the cornerstone of economic development. Enterprises are the basic organizations for creating a wealthy life with social stability.

Stephen Field served as associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court from 1863 to 1897 and the second longest serving justice in the history of the Supreme Court. It said that Stephen Field was consistently upholding the interests of corporations; he once said that almost all of the businesses that require substantial capital are organized in the model of the company. It was the companies provide feed and clothe to people, beautify their homes, alleviate the suffering of disease, relieve the needy, and enable people to live affluent lives at the same time with noble sentiments, none other than the company.

However, the nature of pursuing shareholder profit maximization also in creating disasters. The inborn greedy nature of human beings has been misuse of corporations in making disasters as incurable social diseases until this day.

Brazil is a large agricultural country that exports a large amount of grain every year, but Brazilians cannot get enough to eat. The unique agricultural advantages are occupied by the four major grain traders of the US. Farmers' lands are annexed and have to be gathered as slums. There are 59% of Brazilians suffering from hunger, criminals, drugs and gangs.

In his victory speech, the current Brazilian President Lula has choked up and said that he never thought that hunger would come back to this country again. He once thought that in the next ten years, the living standards of Brazilians would catch up with the life as those of Britain or France. Lula promised that if every Brazilian could be able to enjoy coffee, lunch and dinner at the end of this government's term, he would have completed his life's mission. I am tearful.

The four major grain traders are:  Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), Bunge, Cargill, and American-controlled French Louis Dreyfus. Obviously, the means of plunder of the US are not limited in the military force and US dollars. The British Guardian once commented on the powerful influence of the four major grain traders: As long as a person is alive, he or she can never escape the harm of their shadow.

Today, in the democracies; due to Neoliberalism promotes plunder to push the soaring up of the rent, there are many people who do not own their own house and need to rent a house to live have been unable to make ends meet for survival. After paid for the fees of Rent, Gas, Water, Electricity and various insurances; there is no money for foods.

The predatory nature of corporate evilly dehumanized the US as money coerced Plutocracy.

6... The predatory nature of corporate dehumanized Government of the US as Plutocracy

In 1865, at the end of his life; the former President Abraham Lincoln who once worried for the wild expansion of corporate rights to have warned that the corporation has been over hailed and the corruption in high-level will come; the money powered group will extend its rule by fabricating prejudice or preconceived idea to indoctrinate the minds of people until the wealth is accumulated a certain extent in the hands of some people, they will lead to the demise of the United States.

The prediction of President Lincoln has come true; since then the US has been money powered group controlling. However, they did not make the demise of the evil US federation, but rather they demonized it as more evil Plutocracy as demon fortress as a mother place for birthing greedy demons as evil source for ruining world today, which is more evil than demise. Such as, for greedy profiting; by political contributions hijack government to provoke wars; by developing financial instruments plunder on real economy to make the profit margin of real economy to narrow to survive to make economic crisis......

The Plutocracy has corrupt-deformed the operation of whole social system of the democracies from the top to bottom; in which the wrong things are easily to dominate; now the democracies has in the stage of terminal cancer.

I never deny the great contribution of the American politicians and people for the development of world economy; especially the practice of the Lend-Lease Act accelerated the end of WWII; I believed that if it has no the great help of the US, world can never defeat the evil axis of the WWII and can never recovered economy.

However, since then, increasingly American politicians abuse Gov-power to have led America as an evil-uterus.

Today, our world has money powered group corrupted by purposefully controlling public opinion to indoctrinate people with deceitful prejudice or preconceived prejudice. The most dangerous of such a social system for human world is at that it made out of control of the power of State Apparatus as runaway one; it needn’t to mention the politicians on power and lawmakers, even if a reporter is enabled using Gov-power to try to make trouble to the government of a peaceful country at will.

Now, many renowned scholars indicated that United States has functionally gone from being a democracy towards a plutocracy, which was what that President Abraham Lincoln had indicated with great concern in 158 years ago 1865.

The plutocracy control politicians by political Contributions financing of electoral campaigns

The financing of electoral campaigns in the United States happens at the federal, state, and local levels by contributions from individuals, corporations, political action committees, and sometimes the government. Campaign spending has risen steadily at least since 1990. For example, a candidate who won an election to the House of Representatives in 1990 spent on average $407,600 (equivalent to $950,000 in 2023), while the winner in 2022 spent on average $2.79 million; in the Senate, average spending for winning candidates went from $3.87 million (equivalent to $9.03 million in 2023) to $26.53 million.

In 2020, nearly $14 billion was spent on federal election campaigns in the United States. Big money dominates U.S. political campaigns drowning out the voices of ordinary Americans.

The plutocracy control politicians by lobbying influences the decisions of government

Lobbying, any attempt by individuals or private interest groups to influence the decisions of government; K Street is a major thoroughfare in the United States capital of Washington, D.C., known as a center for lobbying. In political discourse, "K Street" has become a metonym for lobbying in the United States.

Lobbying as a career: National-level lobbyists working in Washington have the highest salaries; many lobbyists operating at the state level can earn substantial salaries.

A growing billion dollar business: Since the 1970s, there has been explosive growth in the lobbying industry. By 2011, one estimate of overall lobbying spending nationally was $30+ billion dollars. An estimate of lobbying expenses in the federal arena was $3.5 billion in 2010, while it had been only $1.4 billion in 1998.

7... China sums up its experience timely and avoids repeating historical mistakes

In China, 771BC-221BC once fell into 550 years of wars between feudal imperial power enfeoffed vassal states as that of European aristocracies of independent economies of war machines in looting and killing wars.

The facts show that the beast nature of people of China is no difference with the people in the west; one society lost control, the animal instinct would free exert to make disaster destructing own life also.

In China, the 550 years of wars forced people to explore the ways for uprooting wars, and discovered the hazards of ideologies - brainwash people into war madmen and use to provoke wars; then China outlawed schools of thought and respects Confucian as moral guidance. Even burnt books and buried alive 460 scholars that advocate enfeoffment to plant wars.

221BC, reunited China took lessons to have outlawed enfeoffment that was panting independent economies of war machines to govern in ministries, provinces and counties as today globally practiced, by choosing learned people as officials in today west called Technocratic Democracy actually and have cleaned the soil for budding wars.

The development process of China is a process of choosing rational people as leaders so that was able to constantly learn and summarize the lessons, and constantly making improvement to avoid repeating same mistakes. The history of China is the history of taking lessons to avoid repeating same mistakes.

Thus under Gov-enforced conducting; by optimal selective control, gradually, China purposefully developed leading philosophy, morality and legalism; by which settled down the complex relationships between the major social existences – man, nature, society and mind in 2000 years ago.

No one mention this point yet; but I believed that the social effects were as so: By dialectic philosophy Daoism settled down the relationship between man and nature; by moral guidance Confucianism settled down the relationship between man and man; by legal system Legalism settled down the relationship between man and society; and by government sent people to specially invite Buddhism from India to have comforted the relationship between man and mind.

Thus, the quality people under quality social governance created quality wealthy life.

But in the West; the wars has never wake up people to try to uproot wars; but has been trying to maintain everything as it is in never think of making improvement; even make up new ideologies to cheat people, or create consensus to force maintaining outdated world order and make world increasingly unlivable.

Maybe bothered by such kind of ridiculous behavior; German philosopher Hegel (1770-1831), who once disappointedly sighs with that: “What experience and history teach is this, that peoples and governments have never learned anything from history, and have never acted on the lessons that should have been learned from it.”

This was the reason that the west has been in the Law of Jungle of wars until right now in Ukraine and Middle East.

7-1... Former leader Deng Xiaoping kicked away the harm of Neoliberalism or consensus

The Neoliberalism was the result of ignorant dogma; it was just like the habit of constantly fabricating various dogmatic consensuses in the West. In China's economic circles, many people are dogmatists also and ignorantly go to extreme, emphasize either socialism or capitalism, and are constantly arguing over ideology.

In order to quell such meaningless arguments; former leader Deng Xiaoping proposed famous Cat Theory: “It doesn't matter whether a cat is white or black, as long as it catches mice.” In other words, he did not worry too much about whether a production model was capitalism or socialism as long as it can improve the production efficiency. If it cannot develop economy and cannot improve the lives of people, any road will be a dead end.

In China today, the main economies, such as, finance, energy, railways, steel, etc., are still mainly in the state owned; which contributed great advantages to develop economy and avoided the disadvantages of the private owned economy.

Many infrastructures are important to the development of economy. However, the investment requirement is too large to be recovered from the market operation, such as the railways; it is impossible to get return from the market operation; but under the state run will get return from the promotion of regional economic development in far exceeding the investment.

Also, the land in China is state-owned, and individuals only have the right to use it. For the infrastructure projects that require the acquisition of a large amount of land, it is convenient for China in state-owned land. But in land private owned democracies, the process of the acquisition of the land is a big trouble; even if the government has enough money for acquisition.

7-2... China is realizing the wish of people's economist John Kenneth Galbraith

Rational governance of China improved the lives of people quickly & largely

Avoided the harm of Neoliberalism or consensus; China rapidly develops the economy by the unbelievable high speed in shocking global people; by which quickly and largely improved the lives of people.

In April 18, 2023, the President of European Commission Ms. von der Leyen, in the speech at the European Parliament Plenary on the need for a coherent strategy for EU-China relations, who soberly indicates that: “for centuries China have helped to shape world civilization; and in the last decades, they have really transformed the economy of their country, lifting more than 800 million people out of poverty in the last 45 years and transformed into a modern-day economic powerhouse, key global player and a leader in many of the cutting-edge technologies that will certainly shape the next decades of global civilization and progress.”

Please remember that the achievements of China were made based on the destroyed ruins with huge war reparations from a century long killing and looting of Western allies and US tamed Japan; which started since 1840 British armed selling opium after government of China banned opium trade that started in 1773.

The achievement of China should be attributing to the rational social governance of China, since ancient time, China has been choosing learned people on power; for which even developed Imperial Examination, the European missionaries called China's practice as meritocratic constitutionalism that gave scholars power based on merit over the birth.

Especially should thank for Wang Huning, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, who has continued to strive for keeping own national soul, avoid the play of greed of Western liberalism, and adhere to build collectivist common prosperity.

In China, the Communist Party is the only party in power, and there are no parties fighting for personal gain without the harm of ideological play. Also today China is in Technocratic Democracy by engineers; entrepreneurs; economists and quality social elites as lawmakers as part time in self-reliance; the top leadership is a politburo of 7 members that promoted based on quality from grassroots gradually; without consensus from meeting; no one allowed to talk at will; thus avoided personal dictatorship and ensured the collective wisdoms in governance under the most strict accountability globally.

People said that, in the West, people are able to change ruling party; but cannot change policies for a better life. But in China, people can promote the changes in policies for a better life, even be unable to change ruling party.  

China helped 800 million people out of poverty should thank for the government's focus on creating common prosperity. The government, cities, enterprises and even individuals have provided targeted assistance to the poor areas, helped build infrastructure, relocated people and established market-oriented production enterprises for employment.

Below were translated from the comments on YouTube.

In China today, the pork is about 10 to 12 Yuan per half kilo (RMB against the U.S. dollar is7.27: $1 currently), and rice is generally 2 to 3 Yuan per half kilo. It is very easy to make 3,000 Yuan monthly by doing anything. 3,000 Yuan can buy 150 kilo of pork and 500 kilo of rice. Many remote cities (actually with complete living facilities) have housing prices of tens of thousands of Yuan per unit. So, objectively speaking, life in China is really easy for the ordinary people.

In China, there is no lonely death as that of the commonly happening in the democracies, for such a reality, besides the traditional culture of people caring for the elderly, the neighborhood committees throughout China have uniformly taking care of the elderly who have no partner, no children, no job, no pension, and no insurance, that is so called five-guarantee households in each region is different. Generally, they will provide free housing, and will also pay 1,000 to 2,000 Yuan for daily expenses monthly. They will also send special people to check if there are any problems once or twice a week, and even send people to give free haircuts. Free gifts are also given during the New Year and the festivals. Therefore, in China, even if you are a good-for-nothing guy, when you get old, own government will take care of you.

Today, the youth unemployment rate in China is high, but because this generation of Youngman wants better jobs, if it is just that the job for living making is really easy to find, takeout, delivery, driving and other jobs will actively look for you. The so called unemployment in China is not the same in context as unemployment in foreign countries.

The Chinese government controls layoffs in private enterprises and even subsidizes private enterprises to retain employees. Companies first reduce wages and bonuses and try to avoid lay off employees as possible. The opposite is true in the United States. When the economy is in recession, leaders at all levels of American companies first lay off employees who are not in harmony with them. The managements with high salaries never consider cutting their own salaries. Instead, they receive more bonuses than in previous years. The reason is that their tasks are heavy in difficult times.

People don't realize that the relatively safe social environment and relatively cheap prices in daily goods in China are a kind of invisible welfare. It's just that some people think it's a matter of course. But if people go abroad, they will know that it is not the case at all; because the maintenance of this invisible welfare requires not only the management level of local governments, but also the common efforts of all of people.

Every year when I go back to China, I often see elderly Chinese men and ladies applying for empty seats at the back of the plane for lying down. When I ask them, they are basically returning to China for medical treatment.

Above were translated from the comments on YouTube.

Perhaps, many compatriots cannot realize that the achievements of the motherland today are derived from the traditional values of the essence of thousands of years of accumulation and sedimentation - rational government and high-quality people. The correct leadership of the Communist Party and the efforts of compatriots have made their motherland develop at a speed that makes the arrogant West dumbfounded, and it is changing in each passing day.

I can't help but tearful when writing this comment. Thanks for Wang Huning by the efforts under the leadership of the Communist Party of China.

There are reports that Koreans take passenger planes to buy rice from China back home for profiting. On Dec 18, 2023, a report said that the prices of goods in South Korea are high, not only for beef, mutton, and other livestock products, but also for fruits, vegetables, grains prices are very high, and ordinary wage earners cannot afford their daily meals.

Over the past decades, China’s government has tried every possible to ensure goods low prices. The stable in grain prices should attribute to the state-owned grain reserve system provides the bottom line; which started in 2000 years ago.

China's state-owned control of the main body of the economy has restrained the results of unaffordable life necessaries from blindly following the West's excessive free marketization allowing capital to plunder at will; so that people can enjoy lower food prices; which also should thank Wang Huning, for his persisted efforts of promoting common collective prosperity.

In the West, it is capitalism in dominating and is capital in controlling country. In China, it is socialism in dominating and is state in controlling capital. China takes into account the advantages of both planned economy and market economy.

Some people say that China's reform has stalled and that the country has advanced but people have retreated; these people have bestialized by Western civilization; and desperately try to introduce evil into China to harm the life of people.

8... British man David Ferguson rationally views the governance of China

British man David Ferguson, who is the honorary chief English editor of the Foreign Languages Press, China. He said that:

People in the west always say our system is much better than China's system; because we have votes in elections; but this misses a very important point; votes and elections are a process not an outcome; poor people in developing countries need outcomes not processes. They need a roof over their heads, food on the day, clothes on the ground, school for the Kids, safe streets, a clean environment, pension, and healthcare.”

“These are all outcomes not processes and China's whole process people's democracy has been very successive in delivering all these outcomes to 1.4 billion China's people and so China's who process people's democracy is a good and effective system; and to those in the west who continue to insist our system is superior to China's system, I have a very simple question, if your votes in elections are so much better than China's whole process people's democracy, why is India five times poorer than China instead of five times richer?

“Thank you.”

9...U.S.' National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan reflects the harm of Neoliberalism

In contrast; in the West, people only want to be greedy by killing state owned economy for private gains, and never think about how to improve the life of people. The evil root lies in the individualistic values that fostered by European looting and killing culture, where laws protect private interests and are hostile to collective interests; which fueled the wild play of Neoliberalism to have badly impacted the healthy development of economy.

In April 27, 2023, U.S.' National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, who proposed new Washington consensus in remarks on Renewing American Economic Leadership at the Brookings Institution to emphasize that Neoliberalism destroyed economy of the U.S., so that economic development cannot be unrestrained free anymore, and we must take it in state control; which is state owned economy that China has been in doing and which is that U.S.' politicians have been condemning.

Human beings are sedentary animals in farming civilization mostly; which needs coexistence of collective cooperation and mutual assistance to survive. In this concern, the lives in communism or socialism are the best social model.

Thanks for the inspiration of Prof. James Galbraith and his father John Galbraith persisted striving for Affluent Society.


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