


Monastery of Montserrat, Spain(西班牙·蒙特塞拉特“锯齿山”修道院)


2024-06-03 National "Thank God It's Monday" Day


【Ditty of First Desire (Cancioncilla del primer deseo)】

Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)

                 In delicated green morning,

                 I will be a heart.

                 A heart.


                 In mature night,

                 I will be a nightingale.

                 A nightingale.


                 (O my soul,

                 dye the color of orange.

                 O my soul,

                 dye the color of love.)


                 In the vivid morning,

                 I will be myself.

                 A heart.


                 In quiet night,

                 I will be my voice.

                 A nightingale.


                 O my soul,

                 Dye the color of orange.

                 O my soul,

                 Dye the color of love.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——






























锯齿山修道院始建于11世纪,而大教堂(Basilica of Montserrat)则于16世纪落成,但在1808年—1814年英·葡联军对决西班牙军·游击队的铁锤与铁砧半岛战争中被毁后,19—20世纪间全面实施重建。迄今,修道院仍有60名坚持绝色?、?绝财?、?绝意等三愿的本笃会僧侣。

锯齿山修道院属于世界上特殊的“能量点”之一,听说这里的电磁场很强,而信仰治愈能力则归功于这个“深色小家伙”(La Moreneta)——头戴王冠、身穿金色长袍的黑圣母,但凡触摸她或她手中象征宇宙的球体。按照本土传统,我随大队人马通过万福之路20分钟后到达位于圣殿中部的神龛,并亲手触摸皈依基督教的古代大地女神——黝黑而美丽的圣母,身临其境体验文化认同的无形力量,这是继瑞士隐士城修道院(Einsiedeln Abbey)之后,我再次感受天主教徒对黑圣母像的崇拜心情,无论地理位置多么边远,都挡不住对信仰的追求,让岁月的杯盏盛满精神的向往。

Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Trad Climbing @ Montserrat Massif, Spain(西班牙·爬锯齿山)

2024: Iconic Art @ Montserrat Abbey, Spain(西班牙·锯齿山修道院圣像)

2017 Golden Key in Carnegie Hall(2017年卡内基金色键盘音乐节)

2012届光华中文学校毕业典礼(2012 GHCS Commencement)

2024-06-03_Hwy to Montserrat0001.JPGHwy to Montserrat from Barcelona


2024-06-03_Monastery of Montserrat and Roca de St. Jaume-10001.JPGSanta Maria de Montserrat Abbey & Roca de St. Jaume

(锯齿山圣母修道院与神慈圣徒岩石 06-03-2024)

2024-06-03_Entrance of Santa Maria de Montserrat Abbey0001.JPG

Entrance (入口)

2024-06-03_Santa Maria de Montserrat Abbey w New Fa?ade_ Work of Francesc Folguera-10001.JPGNew Fa?ade w/ Work of Francesc Folguera

(新外观——“法国人·福格拉”杰作 06-03-2024)

2024-06-03_Cloisters of Santa Maria de Montserrat0001.JPGCloisters (回廊)

2024-06-03_Approaching the Basilica of Montserrat from Plaza de Santa Maria_Five Arches to Atrium0001.JPGApproaching the Basilica of Montserrat from Plaza de Santa Maria w/ 5 Arches to Atrium 


2024-06-03_Couryard of Santa María_Catalonia's Heavenly Haven-20001.JPGCouryard of Santa María, Catalonia's Heavenly Haven


2024-06-03_Plaza de Santa María_Catalonia's Heavenly Haven against Roca de St Jaume-20001.JPGPlaza de Santa María against Roca de St Jaume



Cross Lamps (十字路灯)

2024-06-03_Basilica of Montserrat0001.JPGFa?ade Basilica of Montserrat (锯齿山大教堂·正门)

2024-06-03_Romanesque Portal0001.JPGRomanesque Portal (古罗马门饰)


Atrium Loggia (中庭门廊)

2024-06-03_Virgin of Montserrat_ Catalonia's Patron Saint in the Sanctuary of the Mare de Déu de Montserrat in 12th C Romanesque Polychrome Carving-10001.JPGVirgin of Montserrat, Catalonia's Patron Saint in the Sanctuary of the Mare de Déu de Montserrat in the 12th-Century Romanesque Polychrome Carving

(锯齿山圣母·城堡之地锯齿山圣母圣殿守护神,12世纪古罗马式彩色雕刻 06-03-2024)

2024-06-03_Interior of the Dome of the Altar0001.JPG

Interior of the Dome of the Altar (内部祭坛圆顶)

2024-06-03_Black Madonna of Montserrat_ a Venerated Wooden_ Dark-Skinned Statue of the Virgin Attracted Pilgrims Since the 12th Century0001.JPGBlack Madonna of Montserrat w/ a Venerated Wooden, Dark-Skinned Statue of the Virgin Attracted Pilgrims Since the 12th Century


2024-06-03_Central Nave toward the Apse0001.JPGCentral Nave toward the Apse (从主堂朝向后殿)

2024-06-03_Ceiling Geometry0001.JPG

Ceiling Geometry (天顶几何图案)

2024-06-03_Organ-10001.JPGOrgan (管风琴)


Front Organ (管风琴正面)


Flank of Organ (管风琴侧面)

2024-06-03_.JPGAngel Door (天使之门)

2024-06-03_Angel Door w Sculpted Alabaster Angel Musicians_ Patriarchs_ Prophets_.JPGAngel Door w/ Sculpted Alabaster Angel Musicians, Patriarchs, Prophets,& Mary in the Tympanum Completed between 1946 and 1948


2024-06-03_Virgin’s Chapel_Mural-10001.JPG

Mural @ Virgin's Chapel (圣母小教堂壁画)

2024-06-03_Virgin’s Chapel_Mural-20001.JPG

Mural @ Virgin's Chapel (圣母小教堂壁画)

2024-06-03_Virgin’s Chapel_Mural-40001.JPG

Mural @ Virgin's Chapel (圣母小教堂壁画)

2024-06-03_Chapel of Santa Escolàstica-10001.JPGChapel of Santa Escolàstica (教育圣徒小教堂)

2024-06-03_Chapel of Santa Escolàstica-40001.JPGRose Windows @ Chapel of Santa Escolàstica


2024-06-03_Chapel of St. Scholastica0001.JPG

Altar @ Chapel of St. Scholastica (教育圣徒小教堂·祭坛)

2024-06-03_Stairway Mosaics-20001.JPGMosaics @ Ave Maria Stairway (万福之路·楼梯镶嵌画)

2024-06-03_Stained Glass Window w Geometric Shapes in Chrysanthemum Crest0001.JPG

Stained Glass Window w/ Geometric Shapes in Chrysanthemum Crest


2024-06-03_Ave Maria Path in Candle-Filled Grotto0001.JPGAve Maria Path in Candle-Filled Grotto (烛光石窟中的万福路)

Pilgrims Offering Candles (朝圣者献上的蜡烛)

Cross w/ a Crucifix (耶稣受难十字架)

2024-06-03_Rackrail Train Station0001.JPGRackrail Train Station (有轨铁路火车站)

2024-06-03_Monastery’s Traditional Liqueur0001.JPGMonastery's Traditional Liqueur (修道院传统利口酒)


2017: Einsiedeln—Abbey & Cheeses, Swiss(瑞士隐士城修道院与奶酪工艺)



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