The feasible steps for improving Canada healthcare
The feasible steps for improving Canada's health care system radically
Frank Li Nov. 30, 2013 – Nov. 29, 2014 in Waterloo, On. Ca.
Updated in Oct. 5, 2016, Mar. 27 & April 2, 9, 2017, July 16, 2024,
In the last century, the capitalist countries were nationalized; which almost uprooted capitalism. People cursed Marx and his communism, but eagerly strives for enjoying communist welfare. The capitalist countries established a communist-style social welfare system; in Britain it called as from cradle to grave. Canada following father Britain established a universal healthcare system, but it is as same as father has no ability to run better; now in both countries long waiting has caused people die due to have no treatment available.
The cause is not fully due to shortage in medical resources, but it is mainly due to the social governance is incompetence under populist hijacked democratic play.
Please read my writings here in this Blog to dotor yourslef and families; it is easy to be disease free for 120 years by handily vinegar, melatonin, and cheaper remedies. --- Frank (Hongde) Li, July 16, 2024.
This article aims at radically improving the health care system of Canada.
The poor work ethic of British medical staff caused health care service among worst in developed world; even there were up to 1200 needless deaths patients abused staff bullied to meet targets, but hospital says no one's to blame; patients were left unwashed in their own filth for up to a month as nurses ignored their requests to use the toilet or change their sheets; four members of one family, including a new-born baby girl died within 18 months after of blunders at the hospital…
The incredible reality in Britain inspires its kinship country Canada that plight of medical services is not fully due to under-investment and understaffed, but also the improper social governance; such as, for the problem of long wait for treatment, that improper medical procedure was also one of the causes, in which, patients have to wander between scatter located family doctors, specialists, and laboratories, in most of time, the family doctors and specialists work as nurse to send patients to continue to wander somewhere else. In this process, each step needs a long time to wait.
Other cause of the low efficiency came from the improper way for paying family doctors. Mar. 20, 2019, article Canadian health care's 'one issue per visit' problem reports that "When Christina Gilman took her teenage son to a doctor's appointment last week, a banner she hadn't seen before appeared on the TV screen in the waiting room. 'For your safety and ours, please limit the discussion with your provider to one issue per visit,' the message said. It then went on to encourage patients to book a follow-up appointment." "Canadian health care's 'one issue per visit' problem has been around for a long time and is widely regarded as a symptom of the fee-for-service system — where physicians bill the government per appointment rather than draw a salary."
This fact indicates that the family doctor does not have enough patients, and which kind of waste of medical resources is also the cause of the shortage of medical resources in healthcare system. On other hand, as doctors, they clearly understood that many diseases are syndromes. Just asks one symptom, it cannot diagnose the disease correctly. There is no way to talk about correct treatment. The doctor's approach is for repeatedly charging on government by despising the life of patients. Such kind of behavior is simply no humanity.
Feb. 09, 2014, in article Management is the Art of Playing Human Nature, I indicate that: human behaviors are determined by dual natures: The animal nature of those inborn selfish instincts and the cultural nature of those acquired altruistic qualities, the Management is the Art of playing human natures, which is to finish purposeful tasks with human culture nature by meeting human greedy of animal nature with payment under the enforcement of regulations.
Therefore, for improving medical services of Canada, the work-performance linked payment, accountability and regulations are all indispensable. It is possible to increase efficiency of medical service in 30% - 40%, only by enhanced management and organizational restructure.
We can establish integrated Hospitals with labs, operating rooms and multi-divisions to gradually replace current system, so that patients can get right treatment at first time to avoid time being wasted in wandering.
The health concepts of people are changing from post-illness treatment to prior-illness prevention. We should well use social trends, to move medical service from passively treatment to prevent in advance, thus we will be able to totally reverse the deadlock in medical service of Canada – the increase of investments and the update of new technologies have never caught up the speed of the development of new kind of diseases and the increase of the new patients.
By the integration with Chinese medicine, we can radically reduce the pressure of health care by improving health care from patients fully depending on government to self health-keeping and diseases-treating with self affordable and sustainable by the availability of 10 thousands of well identified and medicinal sorted natural medicines in plants and minerals based on 100 thousands of experience-based formulas covering almost all known diseases. As alternative medicine, the natural Chinese medicine has been approved to use clinically by the laws of US FDA and Canada.
The strength of traditional Chinese medicine is in the treatment of non-communicable or chronic diseases, such diseases are the heavy social burden of Canada and also just the insufficiency of Western medicine. I can prepare some combo by form of OTC tablets in safe of LD50 to treat this kind of diseases, such as, dementia, depression, psychotic, and so on;thereby establish confidence in the public to facilitate the promotion.
For the integration of Chinese medicine, the decisive part lies on the updating in medical philosophy from current Reductionism to Holistic Daoism, from that views human body as a mechanical combination of the parts without life to that views human body as emotional driving and various organs are in interrelating and mutual influencing; it is that psychological health determines physical health; the therapy is seven tenths in psychological convalescence and only three tenths in medication.
By introducing patented cancer treatment we can largely relieve the tension in medical service in both of investment and manpower; the patent is to treat patient by injecting drug into tumor within 10 minutes, and take effect within tumor without affecting normal organs or tissues outside, especially without the need of hospitalization and preoperative and postoperative medication while patients stay in a normal life when and after treatment. It will greatly save medical resources in both of medical manpower and spending, and help government to gain a room for further improving health care system, alone with the retirement of baby boomer generation. I have convinced inventor to introduce the patent into Canada for free treatment firstly.
Above two measures can help to greatly improve the tension situation in Canada’s medical services, especially, to get enough room in medical resources for reforming health care system radically.
With increasingly demand of natural medicine, we can create an approach for Canada Pension Plan in funds making and hedging by botanical planting and processing. Thus, we can optimize the hedging way of CPP from gambling luck in the market of stock and bond to invest into developing real economy with well risk control and profit gain.
By such re-integration, we can easily solve the plight in medical service and Government financial tensions; under the guidance of Daoism, to make Canada’s social governance in all aspects well coordinated and mutually supported. *****************
A idea caused by irrational behavior of medical staff
Since the lower animals evoluted into higher animals, the so-called human beings have never stopped the exploration for own social ruling, but never got right way as that of higher animal should be, due to that the brain of some human members has not evoluted synchronously as that of qualified higher animals, but still stayed in filling with the stuff as that of wild animals.
MRI brain scan reveals that any specific behavior of human beings is controlled by specific population of brain cells; any abnormality in human behavior was caused by abnormality in brain structure.
Some people have brain defects; so that they cannot conduct reasoning properly and therefore cannot conduct behavioural control rationally; such as, the anti-social offenders caused by lack of brain cells responsible for perception of sympathetic or guilty, although those people have human feature, but they are in the animal nature.
Therefore, the governance of human society must take into account of the quality of human brain and deal with social problems by seriously viewing at human or inhuman, rather than simply emphasizes moral or immoral, blindly emphasizes freedom and rights that is in encouraging mental defectives to harm innocents without worry for being punished.
It is high time that human beings must get rid of being ignorance dominated.
--- Frank Oct. 19, 20, 22, 2017, Updated in April 2, 2018
2…Incredible facts in the British health care system
3…The analysis of influence factors in socio-governance
3.1…Human brain struture determines personal intelligence
3.1.1…Workplace troublemakers are brain defective
3.1.2…The test evidence of brain cells regeneration
3.1.3…Most of politicians are lack of intelligence for rational reasoning
3.2…Crowd Psychology and socio-governance
3.3…Human nature and socio-governance
3.4…Populist democracy disabled government
3.5…Misinterpreted and misused freedom and human right
4…The problem in Canada’s health care system
5…Some ideas for improving the medical service in Canada
5.1...Advancement of ideological
5.1.1…Keynes once tried to reverse ideological confusion
5.1.2…The enforcement is inevitable for pushing good idea forward
5.1.3…The inspiration of test zone in China’s economic reform
5.2…Set a hospital as medical reform testing zone
5.3...The organizational restructure
5.3.1…Baby Boomer provides a chance for organizational restructure
5.3.2…Replace family doctor system by general hospital
5.4...The incentive motivation
5.5...Set pre-regulations with defined accountability
5.5.1…ISO standards put responsible tags on forehead of individual
5.5.2…Amoeba Management takes accounbility of cost and profit
5.5.3…Combining use of advantages of ISO and Ameoba
5.6...The advancement of medical staff recruits
5.7…It is better to assess & rate individual instead of hospital
5.8…The collection of public criticism and suggestions
6…Introduce patented cancer treatment
6.1…The plight of Cancer treatment in Canada
6.2…Fatal side effects of Surgery, Chemo & Radio-therapy
6.3…The patented treatment by injecting drugs into tumers
6.4.1...A cured American donates 3 millions to inventer
6.4.2...A 9 years old American testicular cancer sufferer
6.4.3...A Quebecer of Canada cured by patent in Chine
6.5…U.S. Medical-Insurances pays for the treatment in China
6.6…The initiation of associating with Dr. Yu Baofa
6.7…Inventor is willing to introduce the method into Canada
6.8…It will basically improve the medical services of Canada
7…Reduce dependence on government by private paid Chinese medicine
7.1…Medical cost is increasing but tax revenue in decreasing
7.2…Reduce patients by health keeping function of Chinese medicine
8…The promotion of physical exercise
9…Launch health education program on TV
10…Establishment of tourism hospital
11…Allow private clinics profit operation and patients’ treatment on own spending
12…Canada should make natural OCT drugs based on theory of TCM
13....Medical-Functional Beverage and foods
14…To launch clinical trial on Traditional Chinese Medicine
1..The motivation of the topic
Nov. 29, 2013, the article Hospitals earn mixed reviews in patient survey gave me an inspiration for unlocking the puzzle that I have been long pondering - how to rebirth of Canada’s universal health care system that has been in unsatisfactory.
The universal health care should be a part of communist society - a society that "all the springs of social wealth will flow abundantly". So, such a health care system is a sign of the strength of the nations and the quality of their nationals. It has been the pride of oneself and the envy of the others. Unfortunately, now it has developed as the cause of headache.
In Britain and Canada, the universal health care falls into plight for a long time. In both countries, the long waiting time for treatment has become thorny issue, even both have the reports that there patients died since was unable to get treatment timely.
Facing such a situation, what we should blame for? Is it the insufficient of the fiscal investment? Is it the lack of medical manpower? Or is others else?
The reports of years ago from Britain may give us some clue for answering.
2…Incredible facts in the British health care system
Dec. 14, 2009, the dailymail published
Britain, the sick man of Europe: Heart and cancer survival rates among worst in developed world, the writer Daniel Martin introduced a survey about the British universal health care service:
"A survey published yesterday by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development sees Britain languishing with the Czech Republic and Poland in international league tables on health."
"The OECD - which represents developed Western countries, some former Soviet nations, Mexico, Japan and South Korea - compared healthcare standards among its 30 members and found that we lag even further behind the wealthiest nations, such as France, Sweden and Germany."
"British cancer and heart attack victims are more likely to die than almost anywhere in the developed world;"
"Asthma and diabetes patients are more than three times as likely to end up in hospital as their neighbours in Germany;"
"Life expectancy in Britain - 79 years and six months for a man - is far worse than in France, where men expect to live until 81. The deficit is similar for women."
"Britain performed only marginally better than former Communist states whose governments spend only half as much on healthcare."
"The survey also found that British heart attack patients were more likely to die in hospital than others in the Western world."
"In 2007, 6.3 per cent had died within 30 days of admission - compared to 4.9 per cent across the OECD, and 2.9 per cent in Denmark. Britain also performed poorly on keeping asthma and diabetes sufferers out of hospital - reflecting badly on the quality of GPs."
"In Britain, 75 out of 100,000 people ended up in hospital with asthma in 2007. In France the figure was 43 and in Germany, just 21."
"The report found that Britain spends more than the average OECD nation on healthcare: just short of $3,000 per head of population."
"This compares to $1,626 in the Czech Republic, where cancer survival rates are almost as good."
"Last night Health Secretary Andy Burnham said the data showed 'the enormous progress' that had been made."
Above information shocked me very much. I wonder that how worse would be before the enormous progress.
There was more shocking report to have revealed that how British medical staff torture patients to die.
Feb 25 2010, the dailymail reported that Up to 1200 needless deaths patients abused staff bullied to meet targets... yet a secret inquiry into failing hospital says no one's to blame, it said that:
"1. Patients were left unwashed in their own filth for up to a month as nurses ignored their requests to use the toilet or change their sheets;"
"2. Four members of one family, including a new-born baby girl died within 18 months after of blunders at the hospital;"
"3. Medics discharged patients hastily out of fear they risked being sacked for delaying;"
"4. Wards were left filthy with blood, discarded needles and used dressings while bullying managers made whistleblowers too frightened to come forward."
From the reports we may clear that, in Britain, the poor situation in health care system is not entirely due to the insufficiency in investment and manpower by comparison with other countries, but, there is simple reason that is the poor work ethic of some medical staff - irrational, even inhume, under poor management that government did not properly function its governing role.
The incredible facts shocked me very much.
I could not imagine that, are those really happened in Great Britain?
I could not imagine that, as once the Sun Never Sets Empire, as the veteran capitalist country, with a respected democratic polity, with proud of sound legal system, with long revered social governance, with proud of advocating universal love - the Great Britain, in the hospitals, a holy place that saves human life with practicing the universal love, actually steps into such a ridiculous plight.
Is it the inevitable result of the progress of human civilization? Of course, the answer certainly is no. Then, no doubt, it is that British government has been not playing its governing role properly?
However, the things are not so simple, because the factors that in affecting socio-governance are too complex to be dealt with as expected. Especially, it relates to the human beings with brain that are tending to act according to own preferred selfish accord.
The first troublesome is that the great difference in brain development from person to person, resulting in a great difference in the behavior, some people is just with a human feature but with a beast brain in deliberately entrapping others, coupled with crowd psychology that naturally occurs when people grouping.
The second troublesome is that populist driven democracy has trapped the governing function of government coupled with confused ideological that misinterpreted and misused freedom and human right has become umbrella for those mindless people who are in beast nature.
The third troublesome is that Values entwined democracy together to castrate government.
In this article, I have to take a longer time to make clear a variety of possible factors, thereby to derive a feasible solution that can be accepted by most majorities.
3…The analysis of influence factors in socio-governance
Modern studies on human brain have provided availability for socio-governance from the level of brain structure.
3.1…Human brain structure determines personal intelligence
July, 30, 2012, in the article Recover Mental Disorders by Chinese Medicine, I indicate that: Recent years, scientists have learnt more clearly about human brain structure and work mechanism. Our brain is an extraordinarily complex organ that is made up of many different structures. More evidences have showed that various mental disorders are connected with abnormality or atrophy in brain.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) dynamic scan has made clear that mental disorder is not only a psychological problem but also a physical problem with abnormality or atrophy in brain.
1…Infantile autism: “The idiopathic autistic syndrome is related to a dysfunction of both left and right superior temporal regions” [1]. “Both the hippocampus and amygdala there are nerve cells, which appear to be immature and which have not migrated to their proper destination in the brains” [2].
2. Depression: “Neuroimaging studies have shown abnormalities in regions of the medial and the lateral prefrontal cortex, the limbic system and basal ganglia.” “Apparent shrinkage of a part of the temporal lobe called the hippocampus, which is critical for memory”.
3. Schizophrenia: “Patients with chronic schizophrenia displayed bilateral hippocampal volume reduction.”“Despite having intact performance in word recognition, the patients with schizophrenia had less activation of the right dorsolateral and anterior prefrontal cortex, right anterior cingulate, and left lateral temporal cortex during word encoding.”
Modern MRI dynamic scans on the human brain shows that, any of human behaviors is dominated by the specific population of cells in the brain. Because that mature degree of human brain is varies greatly with big difference from person to person, so, people's behaviors are also a great difference.
Follow is some research reports.
Scans reveal differences in brain structure of antisocial teens
Criminal Minds Are Different from Yours, Brain Scans Reveal
The antisocial brain: psychopathy matters
We can speculate that, even if, people have no significant behavioral problems, but, the character of each individual is also in big different, some are impulse and radical in depressed mood and lack of compassion; some are sober and rational in happy mood in full of compassion. Those are also due to the differences in brain structure, it will certainly affect people's work ethic, such as, in the workplace, some people work mindlessly, and some people work full-heartedly in whatever they engaged.
Dec. 21, 2015, article Intelligence genes discovered by scientists reports that:
Dr Michael Johnson, Imperial College London, has found that two networks of genes determine whether people are intelligent or not-so-bright. The studies suggesting that up to 75 per cent of IQ is genetic, and the rest down to environmental factors such as schooling and friendship groups. They liken the gene network to a football team. When all the players are in the right positions, the brain appears to function optimally, leading to clarity of thought and what we think of as quickness or cleverness.
Nov. 22, 2015, the article Happiness linked to size of precuneus in Brain reports that: The researchers form Kyoto University reported: “A wide variety of people were surveyed based on how intensely they felt emotion, and then data from the survey was compared with MRI images of grey matter observed in the precuneus.” “The feeling of happiness is a combination of satisfaction felt in life and happiness as an emotion, both of these occurs in a section of the brain referred to as the precuneus.”
3.1.1…Workplace troublemakers are brain defective
In Britain, those who bully managers with bad jobs are brain defectives; they would never make a good job in any position besides endless making trouble toward others and on what they are doing due to they are constantly in depressed mood. They will be more dangers when working in health care.
If such a brain defective gets management opportunity, they would endlessly put new clear bomb with a right for fart once, even, with the right of promotion to lure some mindless as thugs to torture the people who full-hearted in work.
April. 11, 2013, in the article Family Business and Management Board, I have discussed the problem with solution.
3.1.2…The test evidence of brain cells regeneration
Jan. 18, 2010, the article Start running and watch your brain grow reported the generation of new brain cells.
Neuroscientists at Cambridge University have shown that a few days of running led to the growth of hundreds of thousands of new brain cells in a region that is linked to the formation and recollection of memories, which improved the ability to recall memories without confusing them.
They studied two groups of mice, one of which had unlimited access to a running wheel throughout in an average of 15 miles (24km) a day. The other mice formed a control group. In a brief training session, the mice were put in front of a computer screen that displayed two identical squares side by side. If they nudged the one on the left with their nose they received a sugar pellet reward. If they nudged the one on the right, they got nothing. The more they nudged the correct square, the better they scored.
At the start of the test, the squares were 30cm apart, but got closer and closer together until they were almost touching.
In the memory test, the scores of the running mice were nearly twice as high as those of the control group.
The greatest difference was seen in the later stages of the experiment, when the two squares were so close they nearly touched, the running mice were still able to get award, but, the scores of sedentary mice got steadily worse.
The scientists also tried to wrong foot the mice by switching the square that produced a food reward. The running mice were quicker to catch on, but the sedentary mice were not.
Brain tissue taken from the rodents showed that the running mice had grown fresh grey matter during the experiment with average 6,000 new brain cells in every cubic millimeter.
Therefore, besides innate factors, the acquired socio-cultural factors are also greatly impact brain mature with new generation of brain cells. Here is an example.
From socio-culture point of view, those who are good at observing and learning, the brain structure will continue to be improved by the new generated brain cells for memorizing new knowledge. With more brain cells that accumulated experiences of success and failure, people will be full of wisdom. When reasoning for dealing with thorny problems, there will have enough lessons as a reference to make rational judgments and correct decisions.
3.1.3…Most of politicians are lack of intelligence for rational reasoning
The influence of human brain structure plays in any social environment, even in the politics.
Compared with those people who are in full of wisdom in diversified knowledge, some politicians are lack of wisdom, even if they are highly educated, because their knowledge are too special in lack of diversity and depth, which needed by rational socio-governance.
Nowadays, great many social unrest, to pursue in the end, the root cause is that there too many politicians are lack of a proper ability to sort out the confusion of ideology and thus cannot make a rational reasoning for a right decision making.
Sept. 15, 2015, in the article Social governing is not in political model, but in the quality of politicians, I once discussed with that: “Religions, races, parties, politics, etc., and etc., the fundamental constitute are human beings, and therefore, for any form of human grouping, its social behavior is rational or irrational, kind or evil, it depends on the nature of the member in the group.” “It is that the quality of people plays the determining factor.”
Besides the impact the brain mature, there is still a significant impact – the Crowd psychology or Herd Mentality that naturally occurs when people grouping.
3.2…Crowd Psychology and socio-governance
In the workplace, the most people are rational and full heartedly in work; only few individuals are mindless brain defectives. Then why that few mindless individuals can badly affect group work efficiency.
The one of the reasons is the magnifying effect of Crowd Psychology or Herd Mentality that naturally occurs when people grouping.
In the book The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind 1895, the writer Gustave Le Bon claims that there are several characteristics of crowd psychology:
"impulsiveness, irritability, incapacity to reason, the absence of judgement of the critical spirit, the exaggeration of sentiments, and others...".
"determines in the individuals of a group special characteristics which are quite contrary at times to those presented by the isolated individual.”
“To understand this phenomenon it is necessary to bear in mind certain recent physiological discoveries. We know to-day that by various processes an individual may be brought into such a condition that, having entirely lost his conscious personality, he obeys all the suggestions of the operator who has deprived him of it, and commits acts in utter contradiction with his character and habits.”
"The most careful investigations seem to prove that an individual immersed for some length of time in a group in action soon finds himself—either in consequence of the magnetic influence given out by the group, or from some other cause of which we are ignorant—in a special state, which much resembles the state of fascination in which the hypnotised individual finds himself in the hands of the hypnotiser…."
"The conscious personality has entirely vanished; will and discernment are lost. All feelings and thoughts are bent in the direction determined by the hypnotiser.”
In the book L'ge des foules (The Era of Mob), the writer French social psychologist Serge Moscovici said that: In short, the era of mob is a handful of people on the illegal use of a huge crowd in order to achieve the purpose of the interests of small groups face sounding era.
Note: I could not find The Era of Mob in English. The Title and what Serge Moscovici said is translated from the book in Mandarin that released in April 2003. Therefore, above wording may be not exact, but main meaning is true.
About Crowd Psychology, Serge Moscovici has touched the essential soul that huge crowd was coerced by a handful of people for the purpose of the interests of small group.
As our daily experience, in the crowd environment, or in the workplace, in the most of the cases, individual is not being hypnotized, and not being coerced. Actually, when faced something that is not badly touching own interest yet, due to the concern of avoiding to be isolated by the group, most people would retain own opinion to follow others with own mouth closed. Though, they are soberly aware that is not correct.
My father once told me that opens eyes larger, shuts mouth closer, watches more, and speaks less, to avoid offending others because of useless speaking. I think, this is perhaps the first philosophy of life for the parents to teach their children in regardless of the ethnicity and the nationality.
The depressive mood of brain defective people would produce unique value, the judgment of right or wrong, is different with most people, contrary to social morality and harm the public interest. Under such a value, they will tend to take stupid as smart to constantly stir up troubles. Though rational people rarely provoke incidents, but, in the grouping environment, they may not dared stop the harmful activities of those mindless, and even many of them may blindly follow the unspoken rules that initiated by those mindless.
This is why those few mindless can make harms seriously and so widespread?
Talk to here, I think of herd mentality or mob mentality that describes how people are influenced by their peers to adopt certain behaviors, follow trends.
We can speculate that the poor situation in British health care was or is due to the effect of herd mentality, the mindless behavior of those brain defectives was or is magnified to spread throughout whole system.
3.3…Human Nature and socio-governance
The low efficiency in grouping working environment is not fully due to those mindless individual. Even if for those people in normal brain, we still need proper motivation measures to motivate people’s enthusiasm for work.
Feb. 09, 2014, in the article Management is the Art of Playing Human Nature, I once indicate that, human behaviors are determined by dual natures: The culture nature of those acquired qualities, and the animal nature of those inborn instincts. The Management is to finish purposeful tasks with the culture nature driven by meeting the animal nature with payment under the enforcement of regulations.
Whether the Corporate Culture or the Organizational Culture, they all should be composed of the measures that can motivate the maximum exertion of employee’s cultural nature with minimum play of employee’s animal nature to maximize the production efficiency.
The founder of modern management, Peter Drucker who says that: “The purpose of an organization is to make ordinary people do extraordinary things.”
"The great economists, and, as well as the entrepreneurs, philosophers are mostly profound insight into human nature. For example:"
"Noted economist Adam Smith, his own favorite book was The Theory of Moral Sentiments, while the Keynes, his The end of laissez-faire, I think, was in the analysis of the impact of human nature to social progress. Noted entrepreneur, the steel magnate Andrew Carnegie who wrote the Human weakness. human nature and the advantages of communication arts. And the noted Scottish philosopher, David Hume wrote A Treatise of Human Nature, by which Hume strove to create a total naturalistic "science of man" that examined the psychological basis of human nature."
A well understanding of human nature is also significant for effectively improving socio-governance.
The best example for understanding human natures is the process of taming animal actors, in which, the beast master tempts animals to learn cultural nature for serving human by meeting their greedy of animal nature with foods under the enforcement of whipping.
For the success of taming animal actors, the foods and the whips are equally important, both are indispensable. In the same way, for well playing the Art of the human natures, the payment and regulations are both indispensable.
The failure of the socialist practice was not fully due to the Autocracy Governance and the Planned Economy, but essentially was due to that it over relied on the human culture nature by madly suppressing the exertion of greedy and selfness of human animal nature under the enforcement of State Apparatus.
There were a lot of researches on the economic success of China, and most of them attributed the success to the magic of the Invisible Hand. But, that was not fully true with ignored the essence - it was that China has broken the egalitarian wage system, to have largely increased the share of work performance-related payment.
The driven force for German outstanding manufacturing mainly comes from their legislated management for rationalization proposals, which is to extract bonus from the profit gained in the application of the rationalization proposals to motivate all staff to pay their full talent into the business running since Mr.Krupp initiated it in 1872. That is 142 years ago.
The driven force for patent invention of 102 years old IBM has been counting on the top of those world-class corporate giants in the United States for 20 consecutive years is the patent-related bonus incentive system.
For Canada, the payment with less work performance-related is following the dust of failed road of former Socialist Camp. It is the main reason that low productivity and businesses decline.
3.4...Populist democracy disabled government
Besides above brain structure, crowd psychology and human nature, the effective governance is also indispensable.
The government is a top governing body of a State Apparatus with legislative bodies of the power to establish a set of laws, institutions, and implementing agencies, thereby to implement governing functions to the society. The army, police, courts, prisons and other dictatorship agencies are the powerful enforcement instruments to govern the society.
Historically, Great Britain is a model of social governance world widely.
However, in their holy health care system, medical staff even dared to maltreat patients to die with "bullying managers whistleblowers too frightened to come forward".
People may ask that, whether it is that the once pioneer of human civilization - Great Britain, now is too aged to defend the dignity of the law? Or some medical staff has developed too civilized to respect for outdated moral and law? In their eyes, the moral and the law are all dirty garbage; they seem respect neither the moral, nor the law besides themselves.
The only explanation is that populist driven democracy has disabled some function of the government,
In democratic regime, the government officials of holding power are fear and dared not offend the electorate, due to that the electorate hold the voting right to decide who is going to seize the power of the government. and the people who have the right to vote are not care of the power of the government.
In democratic regime, the voters with voting right are not to rationally create a government that can effectively govern the country, but to irrationally vote with selfish interest concern without any concern of public interests.
In democratic regime, the relation of the voters and the government is simply as that of sky and earth is inverted.
In overall, the cause of the social chaos is the incompetence of the government and the inaction of the governors.
If we good use of the power of the State Apparatus, any social problems can be solved.
The facts are clear; the inaction of British government encourages brain defective medical staff to have dared make trouble in holy Health Care.
For such Inhuman and Criminal behaviors, Government must act to legislate defined regulations with accountability to enforce the management by putting accountable tags on the forehead of each individual, thereby to distinguish and kick out those deliberately undutiful person.
3.5…Misinterpreted and misused freedom and human right
Those incredible inhuman behaviors in British health care system were mainly caused by misinterpreted and misused freedom and human right.
Mar. 26, 2016, I once wrote article The Values and Democracy is entwined to castrate its mother country France and disabled whole world, now excerpts some as follow.
In today's world, in most countries, especially in the Western democratic countries as similar as that of France, a law-abiding citizen will have less feeling of the freedom is restricted.
No one would doubt the positive significance of the freedom, democracy, fraternity of those Enlightenment thinkers who awaked from the long Dark Ages, which published in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen that passed by France's National Constituent Assembly in August 1789 as a fundamental document of the French Revolution.
However, over the years, those concepts have been wrongly used as shield and amulets for the reckless activities by those brain defectives.
Ms. Madame Roland might be a sober lady who was earliest to question its negative social effect in the time of the concept was conceived with the argument - O Liberty! What crimes are committed in thy name!
The freedom and fraternity has been misused to have messed France since it was born. Only after increased the power of the president by the Constitution of the Fifth Republic in 1958, France was established social order basically.
However, the trouble seed was not eradicated at all.
Feb. 21, 2013, the article French minister hits back at ‘three hour day’ attack reports that: “Arnaud Montebourg, minister for industrial renewal in France, was subject to a written barrage of abuse from Maurice Taylor, chief executive of US tyremaker Titan, after the French politician appealed for financial support for an ailing Goodyear factory.”
“Mr Taylor berated French workers for putting in just ‘three hours” a day, and said his company would be “stupid” to invest in the loss-making tyre plant in Amiens, northern France.”
“’The French workforce gets paid high wages but only work for three hours. They get one hour for breaks and lunch, talk for three and work for three. I told this to the French union workers to their faces. They told me that’s the French way!’ Mr. Taylor wrote.”
n view of this, France comprehensive daily newspaper “Le Figaro” made an online survey, there were 81 percent of French people support the view of American boss. It clearly showed that French people themselves also dissatisfied with their poor work ethic.
Jan. 28, 2013, France ‘totally bankrupt’, says labour minister: Michel Sapin made comments in a radio interview: “There is a state but it is a totally bankrupt state,” “That is why we had to put a deficit reduction plan in place, and nothing should make us turn away from that objective.
Jan. 31, 2013, Most French people agree their country is ‘totally bankrupt’: In all 63 per cent agree that ” in France, the state is bankrupt”, with 45 per cent saying the claim was “more or less justified” and 17 per cent feeling it was “totally justified”, according to a CSA poll for BFM TV.
Obviously, the majority of French people would support government taking measure to improve such dissatisfied reality.
However, May 11, 2016, there was a report that France labour reforms: Protests as government pushes through bill.
The labor law that every citizen must equally abide by is basically fair, not to mention that works 40 hours a week has been implemented a long time in other countries.
Any society inevitably has irrational people, as long as there is an excuse, they will be ganged to make mischievous.
In fact, in human society, it has been undergoing that irrational things are easily popular and rational ideas are difficult to practice.
This is not the problem that can be acclimated by moral and ethical simply; they must be conducted by the legal enforcement of the State Apparatus.
The one of the important roles of the government is to control these reckless people to ensure a peaceful social environment. However, the Universal Values entwined democracy has disabled government to play the governing role.
The greatest sadness of modern society is at that it cannot effectively control of the ridiculous behavior of those irrational people who are under the protection and encouragement of legal protected the Universal Values.
Talk to here I think of April 16, 2016, China’s Observer website published article France emerged a small savior in Mandarin to introduce France's economy minister Emmanuel Macron launches political movement that aimed at to come up with new ideas to solve the “blockages” holding France back.
The writer was Liu Xuewei who is guest researcher of Research Center of World Politics in Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and he lived in France for 30 years from China. In the article, he introduced the hardship of French business owners.
“In France, the work of the business owners is much harder than that of employees with less social protection. France boss does not pay the fees for unemployment insurance, and also with no unemployment insurance. The bosses and their close relatives, worked how many hours, take salary or not, without any legal protection.”
“Thus, in difficult operated businesses, especially in the small businesses, the owner and his wife worked 70 hours a week without salary were common. There are too many small business owners and their families, throughout their career life, never able to enjoy paid leave in five weeks annually that legally protected for every French citizen.”
Read above introduction, I felt somewhat sadness, a country that once gave the birth of modern democracy and the Universal Values, actually, it was so inequality.
If the French government has learnt from China, under the name of test, to practice in a limited area, such as in a small town, by breaking the limitation of 35 work hours, after convincing public that is nothing serious, then to promote it across France, it will reduce or even avoid the social unrest.
This was harmed by the West civilization that is to design and legislate at first with less concern of social unrest-causing.
As living in a democratic and legal country, long enjoying that legal protected freedom and human right, some of the British medical staff has developed stubborn attitude that is over emphasizing on individual interests of freedom and human right with no sense on that, as social member, what they must contribute - duties, obligations and responsibilities for their sibling, their neighbors, their compatriot, and their motherland.
It is a kind of ideological confusion.
The facts remind us with that, what is the purpose of human struggling for the freedom and human rights? Now, it seems to be misinterpreted and misused by the minority of medical staff for the excessive self-serving without care about the detriment of the majority of the others.
We may remember the popular inspiring aphorisms: "my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for–ask what you can do for your country."
Nowadays, some of British medical staff may think that is a foolish manner, and they seem have developed into full hearted for own interest by ignoring the interest of their country.
It is a kind of laissez-faire.
For the veteran democratic countries, UK and Canada is pride of stressing freedom and human rights, it is difficult to improve the work efficiency of public services by legislation. The method of through the direct public supervision on individual medical staff and civil servant may be the only viable approach.
Anyway, as soon as possible, we have to change the ridiculous situation that the minority of people takes the advantage of legal protection of freedom and human rights to the detriment of the right and life of the majority of people.
The problem is that many politicians do not care about their duties and responsibilities besides full hearted pleasing voters by actively interacting with, by arrogant as kids to concentrate on advocating freedom and human right, with those useless issues to badly affect the economic interests of own country, even the peace of world.
It is that Values entwined democracy together to castrate government.
Follow report may help us understanding the huge harm of that misinterpreted and misused freedom and human right.
Dec. 31, 2014, No Margaret Thatcher, Unions made UK's Working Days Lost rockets 78% in 2013:
“There was a 78% leap in the number of working days lost to strike action between 2012 and 2013, according to official figures.” “The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said there were 443,600 working days lost due to labour disputes in 2013, up from 248,800 in 2012. And there were more workers involved, with 395,400 walking out against 236,800 a year before.” “But there were fewer stoppages overall: 114 in 2013 compared to 131 in 2012. Of those, 50 were in the public sector and 64 in the private.”
The most French people agree their country is ‘totally bankrupt shows that, in France, the vast majority of people are rational, they will support the reform in social governance to change the disappointed status quo.
As a similar democratic welfare country, in Canada, the public opinion will be similar to that of France; this is the well foundation for improving social governance, for improving Canada’s health care system.
4…The problems in Canada’s health care system
When I am more observed and searched into the reality of universal health care in Canada, especially after personally experienced the medical services, I am more depressed by the low efficiency.
In Canada, long wait for treatment has developed as life threat. The wait for emergency treatment is more than 30 hours, not mentioned that long waits for the treatment of some chronic diseases.
Is it caused by lack of medical resources or something else?
The lack of medical resources is one of the reason, of course, but, it is not only reason.
One time, I went to a walk in clinic before 8:00am in order to as quick as possible to see a doctor that scheduled to start work at 8:00am, but, until 10:20, a doctor came to see me. When I waiting for doctor. From the open door of waiting room, I saw the doctors came in at about 9:45am at the back door of the clinic.
I have a friend, who was fallen down from a ladder, made him left chest rib broken in massive bruises with the sound of rib dislocation. He went to a hospital, a nurse let him sit on a chair, and told him do not walk any more, later some people will come to help him. After about two hours, the nurse saw him still in the waiting room; she sighed and pushed my friend into the medical room.
After x-rays check done, a nurse pushed him into a ward and on a bed, and told him that doctor will come to give him further examination. My friend asked that how long time will be waited, the nurse looked at a record, said that there a total of five patients were staying in the hospital, he was in second, estimates after 20 minutes the doctor will come. As a result, my friend dared not sleep with eyes open until 5:00am from 10:00pm yesterday; the doctor still did not come. My friend went to the service desk to enquiry the reason. The nurse made a phone call, soon, a lady doctor came, and said to my friend: “you are all right; you may go home now”, without any check.
In a super market, I once heard a gentleman complains about the irresponsible working behavior of some medical staff in above hospital, from the talks, I guessed that he was working in the hospital. When I tried to ask something, he quickly went away while looked at the surroundings carefully.
From the talks of the gentleman, I think that, in Canadian health care sector, most medical staff is rational with full heart to make a good job, but, under the negative effect or even negative supervising by some mindless medical staff, no one dared work hard.
It is that a few rotten fish made the whole fish pond stinking.
The facts are clear, that long waits in medical treatment is not mainly due to the shortage in medical resources - manpower or funds, but, the poor work ethic is in playing negative role.
Too long to post