


Gassin & Ramatuelle @ Cote d'Azur(法国海湾守护者与神慈山庄)


2024-06-02 National Bubba Day


The Grave and The Rose (La tombe dit à la rose)

Victor Hugo (1802-1885)

        The grave said to the rose:

        "With the tears that dawn sprinkles upon you

        What do you make, flower of love?"

        The rose said to the tomb:

        "What do you make of those who fall

        In your ever-open abyss?"


        The rose said, "sombre tomb,

        From these tears I make in the shade

        A fragrance of amber and of honey."

        The tomb said, "wistful flower,

        From each soul that arrives to me

        I make an angel in heaven."

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——




















值得一提地,这回我出没法国圣特罗佩“木讷殉道者”半岛(Saint-Tropez Pennisula)的初衷就是想要领略公元9—10世纪Fraxinet(法兰克西那“白蜡树林”)穆斯林所统治地区现今的风土人文,当年穆斯林劫掠欧洲奴隶,然后将他们出口到伊斯兰市场,因此摩尔“穆斯林”建筑遗韵随处可见。

Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Grimaud over Cote d'Azur, FRA(法国蔚蓝海岸·格里莫“屏障”山庄)

2024: Saint-Tropez in Cote d'Azur, France(法国蔚蓝海岸·圣特罗佩)

2014: Argumentative: DARE(论述抵制滥用毒品教育)

2014: Argumentative—Boys & Girls Co-Team(议论文—论男女同队)

2013届光华毕业生费游偌宜(Anderson Roy Phillips)

2024-06-02_Bask in Glorious Vistas of Provence’s Magnificent Landscapes & the Gulf of Saint-Tropez in Mediterranean Sea0001.JPGBask in Glorious Vistas of Provence & the Gulf of Saint-Tropez's Magnificent Landscapes over the Mediterranean Sea

(欣赏普罗旺斯“古罗马属地”和地中海圣特罗佩湾上的美轮美奂 06-02-2024)

2024-06-02_Jean-Luc Ducreux Clair De Lune in a Hilltop Village Roosted High up on a Rock for a Time Acting As a Lookout against Pirate Attacks0001.JPGJean-Luc Ducreux Clair De Lune in a Hilltop Village Roosted High up on a Rock for a Time Acting As a Lookout against Pirate Attacks


2024-06-02_Jean-Luc Ducreux'2021 The Love of a Woman over Gulf of Saint-Tropez-10001.JPGJean-Luc Ducreux'2021 The Love of A Woman over Gulf of Saint-Tropez


2024-06-02_Chapel Notre Dame de la Compassion in 16th Century0001.JPGNotre-Dame-de-l’Assomption Church in 16th Century


2024-06-02_Saint-Laurent Church out of Confusion w the Patron Saint of the Village0001.JPGOut of Confusion w/ the Patron Saint of the Village @ Notre-Dame-de-l’Assomption Church 


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Rue Longue (长街 06-02-2024)

2024-06-02_Serpentine Porches_ the Stone Facades of Houses0001.JPG

Serpentine Porches, the Stone Facades of Houses


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City Hall (乡公所)

2024-06-02_One of the Most Beautiful Villages of France0001.JPGOne of the Most Beautiful Villages in France


2024-06-02_L'Androuno_ the France's Narrowest Street0001.JPG

L'Androuno, France's Narrowest Street


2024-06-02_Awash w Bougainvillea_ Plumbago_ Virginia Creeper_ & Mediterranean Hackberry Tree0001.JPGAwash w/ Bougainvillea, Plumbago, Virginia Creeper, & Mediterranean Hackberry Tree


2024-06-02_Medieval Village Perched 200 Meters above Sea Level_ Nestled in a Green Setting0001.JPGMedieval Village Perched 200 Meters above Sea Level & Nestled in a Green Setting


2024-06-02_Jean-Luc Ducreux Infinity – the Absence of an End0001.JPG

Jean-Luc Ducreux Infinity–The Absence of An End


2024-06-02_Jean-Luc Ducreux'2023 Love of a Woman0001.JPGJean-Luc Ducreux'2023 Love of a Woman


2024-06-02_Jean-Luc Ducreux'2023 Star Catcher0001.JPG

Jean-Luc Ducreux'2023 Star Catcher


2024-06-02_Jean-Luc Ducreux'2023 The Love of a Woman0001.JPG

Jean-Luc Ducreux'2023 For Love of A Woman


2024-06-02_Stirring Memorial Honoring the French Resistance0001.JPG

Sculpture of Memorial to the French Resistance


2024-06-02_Cemetary0001.JPGGassin Cemetery (海湾守护者墓地)

2024-06-02_Village Alighted atop a Hill_Part of the Area Ruled by the Moors of Nearby Fraxinet in the 9th & 10th Centuries w Ramparts once Surrounded the City0001.JPGRamatuelle Alighted atop a Hill, Part of the Area Ruled by the Moors of Nearby Fraxinet in the 9th & 10th Centuries w/ Ramparts once Surrounding the Village

(神慈山庄·9—10世纪摩尔“穆斯林”人统治的部分地区,城墙曾经环绕山顶村庄 06-02-2024)

2024-06-02_17th-Century Romanesque-Style Church over Maze of Streets Flanked by Quaint Homes Brushed in a Soft Palette0001.JPG17th-Century Romanesque-Style Notre Dame Church over Maze of Streets Flanked by Quaint Homes Brushed in a Soft Palette @ Ramatuelle


2024-06-02_17th-Century Romanesque-Style Church_Nave0001.JPGNave of Notre Dame Church @ Ramatuelle


2024-06-02_Clusters of Age-Old Fortified Stone Homes0001.JPGClusters of Age-Old Fortified Stone Homes @ Ramatuelle 





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