


Vinegar based combinations can contain Covid-19


Reads 1926-1934, within minuts, 10, 1958-13, July, 2024

Today we have been tortured by pandemic Covid-19 for more than 4 years; scientific Western medicine has developed neither effective drugs nor vaccines; but greedily profits ineffective antibody drugs and vaccines to exhaust government finance and ruined life of people by destryed economy. The reason is that Western medicine has the same evil as that democracy fooled people taking wrong as right and promoting bad for good. 

Now, reports that in June 2024 Taiwan, the deaths in Covid-19 doubled again; also, as the influenza epidemic heats up, the Taiwan CDC has expanded the use of publicly funded influenza antiviral drugs until July 31, 2024. All of these can be defeated by diet vinegar alone; whether it is by fumigation or intake.

Since Mar. 2020, I have sent hundreds emails, calls, and even bought a Fax machine to Fax to medical experts and officials globally for ending pandemic Covid-19 by vinegar & HOCl, but all was useless. See article The emails that I sent to request for uprooting pandemic. It was western medicine trained people act as viruses in killing people; now is still ongoing.--- Frank (Hongde) Li, July 3, 2024

The vinegar based unlimited combinations can contain pandemic Covid-19 

Easily, Canada can lead world out of pandemic and safely reopen economy 

Frank(Hongde)Li, May 1, 2020, in Waterloo, On. Updated in May 1, to Sep. 18, 19, 27, 2020


The medical team of China aids to Iran found that China’s companies in Iran have been operation in zero infection with the employees of home lived locals by copying the anti-pandemic methods of domestic China – force all employees wearing mask, disinfects plant every day, control stranger in and check body temperature for all people daily.

By above methods, since Mar. 12, 2020, I email conducted meat foods plant DC Foods Waterloo in zero infection and keeps plant production in normal, while another branch plant of the same company in same products has failed in full production due to there were employees infected and dropped out with close contacts.

Generally analysis, after my first email, the plant set several people especially for daily disinfection with sprayer to spray disinfectant on the area of people just touched, such as, the used lunch table must be disinfected, then others may use. Due to the lunchroom is small, for keeping social distance, employees have to take lunch in several group; so that has to repeatedly disinfect in a short period. In this way, the lunch room is always filled with strong smell of disinfectant mixed air.

I judged that it is the daily disinfection produced disinfectant mixing air to be inhaled and timely killed possible virus in the eyes and respiratory tract of employees; because that mask wearing or environment disinfecting in plant cannot help to avoid employees to be infected in home and which is the main cause of the Covid-19 infections.

According to Feb. 16-24, 2020 Report of the WHO-China Joint Mission on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19); the family cluster infection appears to have driven the outbreak with the rate of 78%-85%, and the close contact infection was about 2.8%.

It is imaginable, the disinfectant can kill virus, it produced antiviral air will be also able to kill the virus in the eyes, respiratory tract and lungs of employees by its properties of free spreading and breathe inhalable.

So that it is not face masking, not social distancing and not body vaccinating, but the inhalable antiviral air can quickly end the pandemic Covid-19. The key is at developing safe and immune promoting agent for antiviral air.

Here, the inhalable is the key, due to that only inhaled antiviral air can kill the virus in human respiratory tract; and this is why that carefully disinfected all areas; but it cannot stop the increase of the infections, because the virus-less environment cannot stop the virus manufacturing in human respiratory tract and their spreading by normal breathing.

Now, it has been clear that Covid-19 viruses mainly invade human body through eyes and respiratory tract to reproduce in human body, and then spread out with normal breathing to transmit through air. For anti-pandemic, we have been going on wrong way by ignoring the key target areas where are the virus invading and reproducing; if we turn to prevention and treatment by targeting on the eyes, respiratory tract and lungs, the Covid-19 will be easily containable.

Currently, China and Vietnam are the best countries in effective Covid-19 pandemic control, as my study from reports and phone call survey, the achievement should attribute to the disinfection produced inhalable antiviral air timely killed virus in people's eyes, respiratory tract and lungs; which should have made decisive contribution for the successful pandemic control in China and Vietnam; but the decisive measure for ending the pandemic was wrongfully ignored.

The antiviral-air may be used as prevention and treatment for Covid-19 and other infectious diseases by targeting on the exact areas of eyes, respiratory tract and lungs that virus invades, and replicates without need on people’s pre-diagnosis.

Covid-19 infection depends on the ACE2 on the surface of the host cell and studies show that only mammalian ACE2 is suitable for Covid-19 infection. Therefore, if the virus is eliminated in human body; it will eliminate the major hatchery of Covid-19 virus. With antiviral-air, we can clear the virus quickly by stopping their reproduction in our body, without worry about being infected and the mutation of the virus and thereby confidently reopen economy.


General introduction

The meats plants have developed as the hotpots of coronavirus infections

1.. The proper infection control ensured normal production in meat foods plant

1.1.. The daily disinfection in DC Foods waterloo

     1.2.. The discovery of the disinfectant mixed air stpped onset of COVID-19

     1.3.. Disinfectants reduced COVID19 infection and death in Indian Densely Populated Slum

2.. Develop a drug nebulizer to treat and prevent infection through nostril administration

     2.1.. Vinegar can kill pathogens by destroying their cell walls, protein structure, and nuclear proteins

     2.2.. Vinegar can raise hemoglobin, total erythrocyte counts and total leukocyte count

       2.3.. Vinegar can reduce the mucus from the bronchial airway inside the lungs

       2.4.. Vinegar steam-fumigating cured influenza and cerebrospinal meningitis

     2.5.. My friendly associates with vinegar

     2.6.. A case of wrongful use of vinegar

     2.7.. Homemade portable anti-virus bag

     2.8.. Phenol – a possible agent for disinfectant mixed air

       2.9.. The drug nebulizer may prevent onset of cured people and asymptomatic infections

       2.10.. The antiviral-air can be used as treatment massively every day

     2.11.. In TCM, vinegar is used as medicinal since ancient time

3.. Emails to DC Foods on pandemic control of COVID-19

     3.1.. First email  in  Mar. 12,  2020

     3.2.. Second email in Mar.16,2020

     3.3.. Third email  in  Mar. 24, 2020

     3.4.. Fourth email in Mar. 27, 2020

          3.4.1.. Thank you for your smart efforts, again force all people wearing mask 

          3.4.2.. Wearing mask is the best way for containing the epidemic 

          3.4.3.. The fact that the mask helped South Korea successfully contained epidemic

          3.4.4.. The example of mask helped to have prevented the epidemic is Japan

          3.4.5.. Canada is just in the state of opposite with Asian countries 

          3.4.6.. The homemade mask will be fine

     3.5.. Fifth email  in   April  2, 2020

     3.6.. Sixth email in April  22, 2020

         3.6.1..Mask is for confining the virus in the body of the individual who bearing it

         3.6.2..The death is only one step away to anybody in deciding by smart or stupid

         3.6.3..The dangerous people are those who have infected but not onset

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General introduction

The Covid-19 may be the thorniest infectious disease.

The University of Hong Kong by tissues from human respiratory tract and eyes in the laboratory found that COVID-19 is much more efficient in infecting the human cornea of the eyes. The study revealed that the eyes and respiratory tract are the areas that should be targeted for the treatment and prevention of Covid-19.

June 26, 2020, article Inside the body, the coronavirus is even more sinister than scientists had realized reports that the SARS-CoV-2 virus infects human cell as zombie with sprouting multi-pronged tentacles studded with viral particles; then the tentacles to bore into the healthy cells and thus creating another zombie.


 A microscopy image of a cell infected by SARS-CoV-2 virus.  http://news.seehua.com/?p=574063

This may be the reason why that the SARS-CoV-2 virus is so infectious and once being infected, it is difficult to be cured and even if it is cured, it will most possibly cause complications because of irreversible cell damage; which is not only affecting daily life of people, but also badly worsens labor force and social productivity.

The best way for such a dead infectious virus is to kill them bi inhalable antiviral air in the time it is just invading into our body during the days’ incubation period before they start to attack and which is very easy.

The powerful proof is from Dharavi, India, the Slum with over 1 million people live in 2.1 km2, as of May 9, 2020, there are only 833 Covid-19 cases, includes 27 deaths; this numbers in per population are far less than those of developed countries are. I judged that the full coverage disinfection on the area of the Slum played a decisive role.

I read Mandarin reports that in China and Vietnam, at airports, passengers’ luggage is disinfected, and the corridors of the hotels that used to isolate passengers are disinfected every day.

I phone call and learn that in China, the classrooms, the Gov-offices and plant-offices are all with the smell of antiviral air. In my opinion, for the better pandemic control in China and Vietnam is mainly from the contribution of the disinfection produced disinfectant mist killed Covid-19 virus in people's eyes, respiratory tract and lungs.

The antiviral air provides a simple way to prevent and treat Covid-19 infections.

There were reports of the cluster infections in airplanes, schools and factories. It is easy conceivable that if we use the fragrance of antiviral air in airplanes, classrooms, offices or factories, it not only can prevent the infection of virus to healthy people, but also we can cure those who have been infected in the mild state.

The antiviral-air can be used as prevention and treatment massively every day. For this purpose, in the public areas; we may set the antiviral-air generating facilities that people can stand by to inhale and disinfection on face for couple of minutes to timely kill the invading virus.

The antiviral-air that can be used directly as prevention and treatment without the requirement of the pre-diagnosis on people; which way will be the best for responding to the overloaded burden on the nucleic acid testing and the complexity of the Covid-19 infection.

The key is to develop a disinfectant with the function that is able to kill virus without side effect, while is able to improve immunity with pleasant smell, and which purpose is easily achievable as my studies.

Jan. 26, 2020, I once wrote article Vinegar, Vitamin C, B3, and Chinese medicinals is the best curative for 2019 new coronavirus and other acute and chronic diseases.

Vinegar is the best agent for antiviral air by destroying cell walls, protein structure, nuclear proteins, metabolic enzymes altering the structure of pathogens. Also it can raise Hemoglobin, counts of erythrocyte and leukocyte, increases the weight of mean liver and spleen and reduce the activity of liver aspartate amino transferase.

Sadly, until now, the novel coronavirus has developed into an invincible state in killing more and more people; for the household easy available disinfectant vinegar, there has been no definitive research and the most of talkative regarding vinegar are from hearsay by false making fault without exact support from lab data.

There was report that 70% Alcohol can kill Covid-19 virus. From the chemical structure, the vinegar has one more oxygen atom than that of Alcohol is, so that vinegar can provide more oxidation bonds for creating more powerful killing or injuring effect to damage the structure of pathogens.


Vinegar has two oxygen atoms with negative charges of killing polar bonds that can attract electrons from other atoms, which can easily destroy the weaker covalent bonds of organic substance of bacteria and viruses; thereby can chemically destroy the structure of the protein and cell wall of virus; therefore, it can kill any bacteria and virus. In last year, Japan and Italy both labs and clinically proved that 5% diet vinegar is able to kill Covid-19 virus.

The LD50 (the dose that will kill 50% of a population of the test subjects) of vinegar is 3,320 mg/kg, it will be 165g for a people of 50 kilo. 5 ml 5% vinegar will be about 0.25 g in pure vinegar. It is far from dead dose of 165 g.

Since the nutrients of grains and fruits and the nutrients that produced during fermentation have wide range of pharmacological and physiological functions, it has been medicinal used since ancient times, both in China or in the West. The grain vinegars or fruit vinegars are medicinal combo that can be used as medications for the prevention and treatment of Covid-19.    

I feel that snoring and apnea are caused by the sticky sputum in throat, which cannot be coughed up, and stuck small tongue, so that makes it unable to close and open freely. It is said that vinegar contains potassium that can dilute phlegm. Thus, vinegar can reduce snoring and apnea.

I have been using vinegar for avoiding snoring and apnea by putting it in a plastic bag and opening the bag to inhale the air. The method will be an easy way for the use of antiviral air in the process of epidemic prevention; with the advantage of convenient carrying in pocket for daily use. According to my personal experience, vinegar can immediately stop cough and runny nose.

Autopsy showed that a large amount of mucus blocked the bronchial airway inside the lungs, and then asphyxia caused the death of patients in Covid-19 infections. Vinegar can eliminate snot and sticky sputum; it certainly can reduce the mucus from the bronchial airway inside the lungs.

Therefore, vinegar will be a effective agent for antiviral air as the medication for the prevention and treatment on Covid-19 infections.

Other possible disinfectant air is Phenol, an aromatic compound with the molecular formula C6H5OH in white crystalline solid that can produce air in mildly acidic with antiviral function. In China, by injection of trace amount of Phenol cured many COVID-19 infected without side effects.


In the production process of traditional Chinese liquor for daily drinking, a special fermentation process is used to produce aromatic hydrocarbons for enhancing the enjoyable taste of the liquor. Maybe, the aromatic hydrocarbons is a kind of additive for the antiviral air in both of antiviral effect and as flavoring for good smell.

May 9, 2020, report Agriculture Ministry claims to have developed eucalyptus-based COVID-19 treatment: Indonesian Agriculture Ministry has developed a eucalyptus-based treatment had been tested on influenza as well as beta and gamma coronaviruses was able to kill 80 to 100 percent of the viruses.

Jul. 8, 2020, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced Lysol Disinfectant Spray and Lysol Disinfectant Max Cover Mist had been deemed effective against SARS-CoV-2 after laboratory testing. The Lysol is a brand name of cleaning and disinfecting products. The active ingredient is benzalkonium chloride and hydrogen peroxide. The two are used medically.

The study shows that 62–71% ethanol, 0.5% hydrogen peroxide or 0.1% sodium hypochlorite can efficiently inactivate SARS-CoV-2 on the inanimate surfaces by surface disinfection procedures within 1 minute.

The 62–71% ethanol is easily flammable, but by ethanol in low concentration mixes with vinegar and other disinfectants together, it will be work well by enhancing each other without worry about the flame.

Besides the chemicals, various natural spices also have the function of killing viruses in varying degrees. The key is at that multiply-combined use them without limitation in number; may reach dozens or even hundreds, the more in number, the more in therapeutic effective and the more reduction in negative effect.

In the meat foods plant DC Foods Waterloo, the people who take charge for daily disinfection have worked about 6 months, they have inhaled antiviral air in many times more than others did and still healthy in working. We may have the blood of those people checked and find that daily used disinfectant is safe or not, which will play a role as best test practically with reliable result than that of making in labs.

We may develop hand-held nebulizer for antiviral air with mask to cover eyes, nose and mouth to personally use once per day; by which way we can kill the possible invaded virus with small amount of disinfectant without the need of disinfection on public area, thereby reduce cost.

It is different with synthetic killers; the antiviral air has the function of broad-spectrum for killing any virus by the ability of injuring the structure of the viruses, so that it will be able to help human beings to end all kind of infectious diseases by one preparation.

With easily used vinegar based combinations target on the exact areas of the virus invading and replicating - eyes, respiratory tract and lungs; we can disable the function of virus in replication (may not kill but castrate), thus we can prevent and treat Covid-19 as well the most of infectious diseases.

With vinegar based combinations, we can beat the virus without worry about being infected and without care about the mutation of the existing virus, or the new emerges one. Thus social life and economic activities can return to normal in epidemic.

Canada should video the smart practice of the meat foods plant DC Foods Waterloo in epidemic control for showing businesses globally that how to safe production by proper epidemic prevention, and thereby Canada will be able to play a role as actual global leader for quickly clearing up virus and safely reopening economy.

In addition, Feb. 5, 2020 report, in China, an new born baby has antibody on COVID-19 from virus contracted mother, but the baby's breathing is steady after birth, and blood oxygen saturation is normal in healthy no pneumonia, which inspired us that non-respiratory infection may be able to use as vaccination, such as, foods born, skin-touching born or subcutaneously implanting born with a mild onset in self-recoverable.

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The meats plants have developed as the hotpots of coronavirus infections

Because of the special particularity of intensive manual operation in meat foods plants, operators have to work shoulder to shoulder for hours in difficult maintaining social distancing to have increased risk of coronavirus infections.

In United States: May 15, 2020, article US coronavirus hotspots linked to meat processing plants reports that US meat plants have emerged as incubators for coronavirus, which has spread rapidly among workers unable to perform physical distancing. At least 12 of the 25 hotspots – counties with the highest per-capita infection rates – originated in meat factories.

May 1, 2020, article CDC Cites Limited Distancing at Meat Plants With Thousands Sick reports that in the United States, there were reports that more than 4,900 workers fell ill and 20 deaths as the virus spread to 115 meat plants across 19 states.

May 8, 2020, article Number of workers with coronavirus at Waterloo Tyson plant more than double earlier figure reported that, in May 1, 2020, in Fresh Meats plant, Wallula, Washington, over 150 workers at the plant have tested positive for COVID-19, according to local health officials.

In Waterloo, Iowa, at a Tyson Foods pork processing plant have identified 1,031 workers who have tested positive for coronavirus or for antibodies that show they had been infected. That would be about 37 percent of the plant’s 2,800 workers.

At least three Waterloo Tyson employees have died, and a fourth is in a medical coma.

After had been suspended for more than two weeks, Tyson resumed operations at the Waterloo plant, then there are 444 workers at the plant had tested positive. Though, Tyson have implemented several safeguards that had not been in place at the beginning of the pandemic.

In Germany, May 2, 2020, Nearly 300 meat-processing workers infected by coronavirus at German slaughterhouse: At a slaughterhouse in the German state of Baden-Württemberg, almost 300 workers have tested positive for COVID-19. 

In France, May 18, 2020, France hit by new Covid-19 outbreaks in two abattoirs: at the Breton slaughterhouse, 63 of the 209 workers had so far tested positive for the virus. At the slaughterhouse in Fleury-les-Aubrais, near Orléans, detected a “cluster” of 34 cases among the 400 workers. Another 40 were tested on Sunday with others following on Tuesday.

In Australia, May 16, 2020, Coronavirus cluster at Melbourne abattoir Cedar Meats grows to 98: A cluster of coronavirus cases linked to abattoir of Cedar Meats in Melbourne's west has grown to 98 that linked to the meatworks, 64 are staff and 34 are close contacts.

In Canada, April 21, 2020, article COVID-19 outbreak at B.C. chicken processing plant; 28 employees tested positive reports that, 28 employees have tested positive for novel coronavirus at the chicken processing plant United Poultry Ltd. on East Cordova Street Vancouver. The plant was closed.

April 25, 2020, Globalnews reports that many workers at a Cargill meat plant in Alberta have tested positive in novel coronavirus with one died, and the plant was temporary closed.

May 06, 2020, CBC reports that Cargill meat-packing plant has 949 employees testing positive in COVID-19 with two deaths, in May 4, the plant reopened after two weeks closure.

But, even so, the successful practice of China’s companies in Iran and meat foods plant DC Foods Waterloo, Ontario, Canada proved that if we properly take some simple measures for prevention, such as, workplace disinfecting and mask wearing, it still is able to avoid infection in safely production.

As my view, the infections of the employee may be not all from workplace, in the poor epidemic controlled social environment, such as, did not force people covering mouth and nose in public, the family is also a place that is easily infecting people.

Therefore, the infectious social environment will fail the effort of the epidemic control in the plant.

So, I suggest that Politicians should turn over epidemic control to medical experts.

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1.. The proper infection control ensured normal production in meat foods plant

I once worked in DC Foods for 7 years.

In viewing the quick rise in COVID-19 infection globally, since Mar. 12, 2020 to Apr. 22, 2020, I sent 6 emails to the management of DC Foods, by which introduced that China’s companies in Iran have been operation in zero infection with the employee in mostly locals by copying the prevention methods of domestic China – force all employee wearing mask, disinfects plant, control stranger in and check body temperature for all people daily.

Also, I indicated that Canada will inevitably lockdown, and times emphasized the importance of wearing mask by introducing the good practices in epidemic control of China, South Korea.

Later, many repots said that though meats plants carefully disinfect every day, even employees take full PPE; but still cannot avoid from infection.

But DC Foods is still in zero infection.

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1.1.. The daily disinfection in DC Foods Setting specific people disinfect plant, especially lunchroom; immediately disinfects lunch table that people used then others can use again, which made lunchroom fill with strong taste of disinfectant air. Installed plexiglass to isolate dining table as single cell. Delivering mask to employees every day. Submit form of own physical condition of fever, cough and so on. Strictly control strangers in.

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1.2.. The discovery of the disinfectant air stopped onset of COVID-19

It was that disinfectant air helped DC Foods in normal production.

Although DC Foods took many strict measures in control infections, but everything is useless due to ignored some key areas.

In the email, I once suggested that company should force people wearing mask before entering the yard of the plant, disinfects people and shoes before entering building, and stop to submit form on physical condition because that may transmit virus, but that did not be practiced.

In DC Foods, although delivering mask to all, but before May 1, there were always some people did not wear mask in naked mouth and nose to talkative, such people are easily infected because them and their families are no sense for self-protection.

In the morning, people talk each other in yard and lunchroom without mask, especially in locker room, people crowed free talk in each other without mask; in such a small confined space, the virus will quickly enter everyone's mouth and nose, which will certainly fail all of other control efforts on infection.

Obviously, the infection control in the morning time is a loophole that has failed all of other efforts in DC Foods. The infection in DC Foods is not fully protected at all.

It said that it needs several days onset with symptoms after people contracted with the virus. As my view, in DC Foods, it is the inhaled disinfectant air killed possible virus in the respiratory tract of some individuals who may be infected, thereby avoided onset of COVID-19, rather than other measures.

Also, the most easily infected place is from families, and this is uncontrollable by company, therefore, the measure that mainly took effect in epidemic control of DC Foods Waterloo is the disinfection all day long, thereby, there is enough disinfectant air to be inhaled by employees and to kill possible virus in their body timely.

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1.3.. Disinfectants reduced COVID19 infection and death in Indian Densely Populated Slum

Globally has been concerning the epidemic control in Dharavi, India, the Asia’s Most Densely Populated Slum with over 1 million people, with a sky-high population density of over 270,000 people living per square kilometer; (Wikipedia, Dharavi population is 700,000, population density is 277,136/km2).

However, the reality is far different as worried about, as of May 9, 2020, there are only 833 Covid-19 cases, includes 27 deaths. The numbers in infections and deaths per population are far less than that of developed countries.

As of May 10, 2020, the United States achieved 240.47 deaths per million; Spain achieved 566.69 deaths per million; Italy achieved 502.97 deaths per million; and the United Kingdom achieved 475.07 deaths per million. Here, the “achieved” means that the politicians in those countries have been hardly working for.

The achievement in less infections and death of Indian government should be mainly stemmed from the disinfection on the area of the slum, rather than other measures. It is disinfectant air killed virus in the respiratory tract and lungs of people, and the lower small ventilated house also helped to fully cover of the disinfectant airs to reach every corner.

From below reports, people can understand the correctness of my judgment; it is the disinfectant air to have played a key role in reducing the infections and deaths in Dharavi, the Asia’s Most Densely Populated Slum, and the mask wearing is also played important role.

April 21, 2020, COVID-19 Comes to Asia’s Most Densely Populated Slum


Dharavi, a locality in Mumbai, India, the tin-roofed shanties are home to over 1 million people living in an area spanning 0.82 square miles, with a sky-high population density of over 270,000 people living per square kilometer, almost six residents, on average, are crammed into each small house for lack of space. And public community toilets and communal water supply are the norms, making social distancing extremely difficult. This makes Dharavi a potential hotspot for the spread of the highly infectious coronavirus.

However, the reality is just much better than those of developed countries.

May 9, 2020, Mumbai: 25 new Covid-19 cases reported from Dharavi area


MUMBAI: Dharavi area of Mumbai reported 25 new Covid-19 cases on Saturday to total cases at 833 includes 27 deaths, and around 222 have been discharged. 

Authorities have enforced a strict lockdown and acquired a local hospital, converted a sports complex into a quarantine facility, and are aggressively setting up more testing sites and medical camps. Authorities also closed markets for essentials except pharmacies after local residents failed to stay indoors since March 25, when the lockdown was announced by Modi.

Total 225 public toilets are inspected and disinfected on a daily basis along with containment zones. With 10 teams conducting testing in Dharavi and established 18 thermal scanners; and send high-risk contact patients to Rajiv Gandhi sports complex or Dharavi Municipal school.

April 13, 2020, Dharavi locality disinfected with a massive machine in a bid to curb infection: Report


The Mumbai Fire Department on Sunday disinfected Dharavi locality, the one of Asia’s biggest slums, by using an advanced level ariel mist blowing machine, a Protector 600 to curb infection and reduce the number of COVID-19 cases in the area.

Besides using advanced level ariel mist blowing machine, the mist blowing hand-guns were also used to disinfect the area the machine cannot reached.

Apr. 20, 2020, Reuters' YouTube video, India battles to keep virus out of Mumbai's slums


The sprawling slums of Dharavi in the heart of India's financial capital Mumbai have become a battleground for COVID-19 as health workers try desperately to stem the spread of the coronavirus in its dense and unsanitary bylanes.

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2.. Develop a drug nebulizer to treat and prevent infection through nostril administration

People hope antibodies can help against the infection of COVID-19, however, the study from China shows that up to 30% of recovered coronavirus patients did not develop enough antibodies for resisting against re-infection, so that who recovered from COVID-19 are not immune.

Therefore, a sustainable treatment is needed.

May 8, 2020, article University of Hong Kong study finds eyes are ‘important route’ for coronavirus, up to 100 times more infectious than Sars reports that by culturing tissues from the human respiratory tract and eyes in the laboratory and applied them to study the SARS-Cov-2, comparing it with Sars and H5N1. We found that SARS-Cov-2 is much more efficient in infecting the human conjunctiva and the upper respiratory airways than Sars, with virus level some 80 to 100 times higher.

Since the eyes and respiratory tract are the main channels for virus invading, epidemic prevention becomes simple. We may develop a drug nebulizer to timely kill possible invaded virus in the eyes and respiratory tract, thus stops the onset of COVId-19.

Suppose that people use it every day, and then the virus will lost the chance for reproduction, and will be cleared gradually.

It will be effective, safe and easy to help people self prevention and treatment without the need of diagnosis.


In this concern, the vinegar is the best safer therapeutic agent for drug nebulizer.

2.1.. Vinegar can kill pathogens by destroying their cell walls, protein structure, and nuclear proteins

Jan 29, 2018, research report Apple cider vinegar can help clear bacteria and yeast infections; a natural cure said that vinegar could potentially protect the body from harmful bacteria by stopping the growth of bad bacteria and fungus in its tracks, stopping the spread of these infections by destroying their cell walls, protein structure, nuclear proteins, metabolic enzymes altering their structure of the pathogenic organisms.

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2.2.. Vinegar can raise hemoglobin, total erythrocyte counts and total leukocyte count

April 11, 2001, research report The effect of cider vinegar on some nutritional and physiological parameters in mice said that the hemoglobin (Hb), total erythrocyte counts (TEC) and total leukocyte counts (TLC) were raised in all vinegar treated groups.

The present work was designed to investigate health effects of cider vinegar using mice as experimental model. Groups of female ICR (CD-1) mice were treated with daily oral doses of 0.17, 0.51 and 1.02 ml of the vinegar/kg body weight for 4 weeks. Cider vinegar induced a significant reduction in weight gain in animals treated with 0.51 ml/kg while others showed no significant differences in weight gain. The mean dry matter intake increased in animals treated with the smallest dose and significantly decreased in others. Hemoglobin (Hb), total erythrocyte counts (TEC) and total leukocyte counts (TLC) were raised in all treated groups. The activity of liver aspartate amino transferase (AST) decreased in the group treated with the smallest dose while no significant variations were recorded in the other groups. No significant differences were recorded neither in the activity of hepatic alanin amino transferase (ALT) nor in hepatic acid phosphatase (ACP). Liver alkaline phosphatase (ALP) noticeably elevated only in animals treated with 0.51 ml of vinegar/kg body weight per day. Treated groups also showed statistically significant increases in both mean liver and spleen weight. Kidney weight did not show significant differences. High doses of cider vinegar induced histopathological alterations in liver, stomach and duodenum. Vacuolated hepatocytes, erosion of gastric mucosa, dilatation in gastric glands and duodenum villus blunting are the common observed lesions noticed in organs of high dose-treated animals.

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2.3.. Vinegar can reduce the mucus from the bronchial airway inside the lungs

According to my personal experience, vinegar can immediately stop a runny nose, eliminate sticky sputum that can't be coughed out in the throat, and thereby reducing snoring and apnea.

Autopsy showed that a large amount of mucus blocked the bronchial airway inside the lungs, and then asphyxia caused the death of patients with new coronary pneumonia. Vinegar can eliminate snot and sticky sputum; it certainly can reduce the mucus from the bronchial airway inside the lungs.

In Canada, it is used to disinfect the production equipment of the meats foods. Vinegar may be a unique killer in good no bad for people.

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2.4.. Vinegar steam-fumigating cured influenza and cerebrospinal meningitis

There was report that in China, in the season of spring and winter, there 13 army infantry companies were infected influenza, and 12 companies had the epidemic controlled on the second day after vinegar steam- fumigating; while the another company had not applied it, the result was 60% of the people infected after 2 days. After vinegar steaming, the epidemic was quickly controlled on the third day.

In China, during the epidemic of cerebrospinal meningitis, there 84 contracted patients were treated by vinegar steam-fumigating in twice a day for 10 consecutive days, the all of patients were returned to negative.

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2.5.. My friendly associates with vinegar

Since about my 30, my teeth has been in the state of uncertainty of sore when eating or drinking of cold, hot, or sour. Tried with various medicinal toothpastes to brush them harder, but still doesn't work well. When about my 40, there two of my most left lower adjacent teeth were broken and being pulled down. About two months later, the lower gum where the teeth being pulled down were pressed by the two upper teeth, then I had doctor let them go, it seems the only way without any choice available.

After seeing that the four teeth had gone, the other teeth did not take lessons, and were still in the state of uncertainty of sore from time to time.

In about 2015, the second tooth on the upper middle left was exposed. I had a dentist to expand the hole, killed the nerve, added a supporting bar in, and cover it by something.

I wonder that how long time of the cover will be last, doctor said that he cannot sure; maybe, the two years will be the best.

Oh, my god.

In 2017, the tooth surfaces of the lower most left and right were exposed, and were in painful. I had the same dentist cover them, but they were in loose of periodontitis. At the same time, the two lower teeth in the middle are loose, and they have been in the state of trying to split up with me. When eating, I had to be very careful.

Dear my teeth, please don't split up with me, please, I beg you all.

Oh my god.

One day, I thought that since vinegar can kill bacteria, why not try to gargle my teeth with vinegar, the effect is very good. Later, I bought a small toothbrush, after eating something, I cleaned the teeth with the toothbrush dipped in 0.05% vinegar and gargle my mouth with 0.05% vinegar, then rinsed my mouth with water to wash the vinegar away. Otherwise, the teeth feel bad.

Teeth Brush.png The small toothbrush Revised IMG_20180508_034134.jpgThe third tooth on the upper middle right was exposed with nerves at the gum area, with a white lumps growing, but it was unstable and easy to lost when brushing. In any case, the teeth didn't pain and the exposed area didn't expand in the state of stable.

The picture below shows the lower teeth of right now, which just taken with a mobile phone when I writing to here. The gums have grown and are firm. The roots are not dark anymore. I was no longer worrying about them splitting with me since the start of gargling my teeth with vinegar.


Since cleaning my teeth with vinegar, the cold, hot, and sour are all powerless to my teeth, and I have been enjoying the most comfortable teeth since my 30.

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2.6.. An case of wrongful use of vinegar

Now, please take a look at the consequences of high concentrations of vinegar.

On Hong Kong Med J. 2002 Oct;8(5):365-6, there was a report Corrosive oesophageal injury following vinegar ingestion.

“A 39-year-old woman experienced a foreign body sensation and pain in the left side of her throat after eating crab at dinner. She suspected a small piece of crab shell might be lodged in her throat. She drank one tablespoon of household rice vinegar (usually used for cooking) in the belief that it would dissolve the shell. The sensation of foreign body and pain persisted, however.”

“The patient attended a general out-patient clinic the next day and was referred to the accident and emergency department. She enjoyed good health with no history of heartburn, regurgitation, dysphagia, odynophagia, epigastric distress, or gastrointestinal bleeding. There was no retching or vomiting before or after the foreign body sensation. Neither had she probed her throat or tried to induce vomiting. Vital signs were normal. She did not have a fever. Examination revealed scattered whitish patches on the posterior pharyngeal wall. No foreign body was identified.”

“Lateral X-ray of the neck did not reveal any abnormality. She was discharged with an endoscopy appointment for the next morning. The endoscopic finding was inflammation of the oropharynx and second-degree caustic injury of the oesophagus from 22 to 30 cm (Fig 1) and the cardia (Fig 2). There was no evidence of a foreign body. The rest of the stomach and duodenum were normal.”

              http://blog.wenxuecity.com/upload/album/d0/76/bd/edb535a40659hXymraCj.png The Fig 1 and Fig 2.

“She was discharged with antacids. Since she was entirely symptom-free at the follow-up visit 1 week later, endoscopy was not repeated. At another follow-up visit 4 months later, she remained symptom-free.”

She had an uneventful recovery.

Now, there are reports that vinegar can erode teeth, so use it with caution. My personal experience proved that this statement is not reliable. Maybe vinegar will really erode our teeth, but as long as we don't brush teeth after using vinegar, it won't cause harm.

More importantly, vinegar can remove the calculus, and then the self-growth of the teeth will offset the corrosion. According to the dentist, for cleaning up the calculus, it needs to be divided into several times, the gum has to cut for open, and the roots of teeth are polished with a brush; thus once a year, it is in paying good money for bad suffering.

The fact was clear that vinegar is intelligent and friendly to humans and can help to solve many thorny problems. It kills pathogens from the physiological structure and does not harm our body, but with great many benefits to humans if you Google right now.

Though the use of vinegar is safe, but when used by intravenous infusion requires a suitably low concentration to avoid swelling of the inner wall of the blood vessel.

I drunk 20ml 5% vinegar after diluted by 500ml water, it is 0.002% vinegar, but I still feel the irritation of vinegar, if I don’t gargle mouth by water, I would feel uncomfortable in my throat.

So, it needs to take special caution when using it by intravenous infusion.

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2.7.. Homemade portable anti-virus bag

There have been report of 2019 new coronavirus was detected on the door handles in families, reminding us to avoid this type of infection.

2.7.1.. Please disinfect inside the home by boil-evaporating vinegar, and put individual bowls and chopsticks separately with proper sanitizing.

2.7.2.. With vinegar wiping tools and the places where easily common accessible.

2.7.3.. Homemade a portable anti-virus tool. Put a handkerchief saturated with vinegar in the bag and wipe own hands from time to time.

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2.8.. Phenol – a possible agent for disinfectant air

Other possible disinfectant air next to vinegar is Phenol, it is an aromatic compound with the molecular formula C6H5OH in white crystalline solid that is air in mildly acidic, it requires careful handling because it can cause chemical burns. In China, by injection of trace amount of Phenol cured many COVID-19 infected without side effects.        

What are the Medical and Health Uses for Phenol?


Phenol is a type of organic compound. While toxic to consume on its own, it’s available in tiny doses in many household products like mouthwash and spray cleaners.

In its pure form, it may be colorless or white. It has a mildly sugary scent that might remind you of somewhere that’s sterile, such as a hospital room. In limited quantities, it’s available for several medical and health-related uses.

What is phenol used for?

Pure phenol is used in certain medical procedures and as an ingredient in numerous treatments and laboratory applications.

Phenol Injection

Phenol can be injected into your muscles to treat a condition known as muscle spasticity. This happens when your brain doesn’t communicate properly with your spinal cord and nerves. It causes your muscles to become tight.

Muscle spasticity can even interrupt your ability to walk or talk. It can be caused by conditions like Parkinson’s disease, cerebral palsy, or brain trauma.

A phenol injection helps limit the signals sent from your nerves to your muscles that cause contractions. This allows you to move more easily and feel less discomfort.

This treatment is similar to getting a botulinum toxin A (Botox) shot. But phenol tends to be more useful for large muscles.

Chemical matrixectomy

Phenol is commonly used in surgeries for ingrown toenails. It’s used on more severe ingrown toenails that don’t respond to other treatments. The phenol, in the form of trichloroacetic acid, is used to stop the nail from growing back.

A small 2001 studyTrusted Source of 172 people found that 98.8 percent of those who received a chemical matrixectomy with phenol cauterization had successful results.

However, phenol matrixectomy may be falling out of favor. A 2014 paperTrusted Source in the Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association found that sodium hydroxide had fewer complications than phenol as an ingrown toenail treatment.

Sore throat spray

Phenol is used in some throat sprays that can help numb your throat and relieve symptoms caused by a sore throat, or irritation in the mouth caused by canker sores.

You can buy over-the-counter phenol spray almost anywhere. The most common brand is Chloraseptic. It contains about 1.4 percent phenol.

Phenol spray is safe to use at the recommend dose for a short time. But using too much or giving it to children younger than 3-years old can be unsafe. Read the ingredients label carefully to make sure you’re not allergic to any other components of the spray.

And if your sore throat is accompanied by a fever, nausea, and vomiting, see a doctor as soon as possible before using phenol for throat soreness.

                         苯酚 -4.jpg

Oral analgesics

Many phenol-based products that help relieve pain or irritation in or around your mouth can also be bought over-the-counter to numb tissues in the mouth and lips.

These products are used as a short-term treatment for the symptoms of pharyngitis. This happens when your throat gets inflamed from a bacterial or viral infection.

Phenol-based products for mouth and throat pain are widely available and safe to use in small doses. But throat sprays and antiseptic liquids shouldn’t be used for more than a couple days at a time. And if you’re having symptoms like fever and vomiting, see a doctor.

Health benefits

Despite its toxicity in its pure form, phenol has been shown to have numerous health benefits.


Phenol may have its share of uses and health benefits, but it can also be toxic or cause long-term health effects if you’re exposed to it in high amounts.

Antiviral activities of extracts and phenolic components of two Spondias species against dengue virus

Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins including Tropical Diseases

On-line version ISSN 1678-9199

J. Venom. Anim. Toxins incl. Trop. Dis vol.17 no.4 Botucatu  2011



In recent years, the search for natural plant products to fight viral diseases has been increasing. In this work, two Spondias species, namely S. mombin and S. tuberosa, found in Ceará state (Brazil), and their main phenolic components were evaluated against dengue virus. In vitro antiviral tests were performed against type-2 dengue virus by the MTT method and standard cytopathic effect reduction assay in C6/36 cells. Cytotoxicity was also evaluated by MTT. The presence of phenolic compounds quercetin, rutin, and ellagic acid in plant extracts was characterized by HPLC analysis. Both Spondias species extracts and components were nontoxic to the cells whereas rutin and quercetin displayed relevant antiviral activity with IC50 of 362.68 μg/mL and 500 μg/mL, respectively.

The antiviral activity and cytotoxicity of 15 natural phenolic compounds with previously demonstrated antifungal activity

Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B

Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes

Volume 54, 2019 - Issue 6

Feb. 8, 2019


The present study attempted to evaluate the carcinogenicity of natural phenolic compounds with previously demonstrated antifungal activity, using a computational structure–cytotoxicity approach, namely the quantum structure cytotoxicity relationship model. The cytotoxicity of 15 phenolic compounds with antiviral activity 96?h after treatment was studied using the AdmetSAR computational program. Per the EPA classification, four of the investigated compounds would be included in the second cytotoxicity category, four in the third category, and six showed no toxicity, rendering the studied natural phenolic compounds much less toxic to aquatic life than synthetic pesticides, the organophosphorus compounds, which mostly fall into the first and second categories of toxicity.

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2.9.. The drug nebulizer may prevent onset of cured people and asymptomatic infections

The drug nebulizer may be used for treating those who have infected but without onset in symptoms and as maintaining treatment for those who have cured but with potential of onset again.

April 28, 2020, article Pathological evidence for residual SARS-CoV-2 in pulmonary tissues of a ready-for-discharge patient reports that: Many COVID-19 patients have been, but multiple COVID-19 cases showed that clinically cured and discharged patients SARS-CoV-2 positive again.

A 78-year-old woman, after treatment, the patient’s condition was significantly improved, three consecutive PCR tests on nasopharyngeal swab samples indicated SARS-CoV-2 negative, and CT examination showed absorption of pulmonary exudation. Accordingly, the patient was ready for discharge. However, this patient fell suddenly into fatal condition with cardiac arrest, and died unfortunately.

The digital PCR on tissue sections for several organs found that SARS-CoV-2 viruses only existed in the lung tissue.

Therefore, those discharged patients should be continuously treated by mild medication; the drug nebulizer with vinegar will be best choice by just targeting on respiratory tract and lungs of the key area without side effect besides many health benefits.

The drug nebulizer should be used for all people in any ages in once per day as prevention and health keeping.

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2.10.. The antiviral-air can be used as treatment massively every day

By cooking pot steaming vinegar in home will also work well. Every day, by cooking pot steaming vinegar will be work well.

The antiviral-air can be used as treatment massively every day. For this purpose, in the workplaces or in the public areas; we may set the antiviral-air generation facilities that people can stand by to inhale and disinfection on face for couple of seconds to timely kill invading virus in eyes, respiratory tract and lungs.

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2.11.. In TCM, vinegar is used as medicinal since ancient time

In ancient medicine book of TCM recorded the medicinal use of vinegar, such as, the treatment of Flu, Cough, Malaria, Swelling, Hemostasis, Detoxification, Insecticide, Jaundice, Hematemesis, Epistaxis, Stool blood, Pruritus, Gangrene, Sores, Wounds

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3.. Emails to DC Foods on pandemic control of COVID-19

3.1.. First email

Mar. 12, 2020 7:26 

Subject: Ideas for protecting DC Foods during the outbreak of COVID-19 pneumonia


Dear Luba:

This is Frank who once worked on the position of sanitizing in DC Foods.

I have some ideas for protecting the people who are working in DC Foods and protecting DC Foods operate smoothly during the outbreak of COVID-19 pneumonia.

As the experience of Italy and Iran, along with the current state of prevention of 2019 nCoV pneumonia in Canada, in one month later, the whole country will be paralyzed; the most of plants will be shut off due to one or two employee infected and the foods products have to be dump into garbage. Then the most of commercial activities would be stopped. Such a depressed economic state needs a longer time to recover.

For avoiding the worse of the situation, in DC Foods, there are feasible ways available.

Vinegar can kill both of bacteria and virus by destructing their cell structure with many health benefits and ability in immune boosting as daily diet. In our meat foods plant, vinegar is used to sanitizing equipment. It is qualified from Gov-inspectors shot checking by test strips and reagents. Vinegar may be a unique killer in good no bad for people.

I use vinegar to treat flu and teeth pain effectively, also I found that vinegar can immediately stop a runny nose, eliminate sticky sputum that can't be coughed out in the throat, and thereby reducing snoring and apnea. The nasal cavity and throat are the main channels for the virus to invade, and vinegar can naturally kill them in there.

In China, the autopsy showed that a large amount of mucus blocked the bronchial airway inside the lung, and then asphyxia caused the death of patients with new coronary pneumonia. Vinegar can eliminate snot and sticky sputum; it certainly can reduce the mucus from the bronchial airway inside the lungs. 

Therefore, here, I confidently assert that drink diluted vinegar or air mixing vinegar vapor can treat acute patients with new coronavirus pneumonia; and inhaling vinegar vapor every day will be able to avoid the onset of pneumonia even if has been novel coronavirus infected.  

If we Google vinegar in killing coronavirus got subjective assumptions without test data supporting, but Google vinegar boosts immunity and health benefits, got a lot.

In China, Chinese medicine cured acute patients who were in critical cindition.

Feb. 15, 2020, a Mandarin article Subversion: Who said that Chinese medicine can't save critical illness? you are wronghttp://www.szhgh.com/Article/opinion/zatan/2020-03-04/225600.html report that:

In February 15th, 2020, at the Hankou Hospital of Wuhan, a acute patient in novel coronavirus pneumonia developed into critical state of shortness of breath, irritability, difficulty breathing. The expert at the Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Professor Zou Xu who immediately treats patient by acupuncture needles on four acupoints, after 10 minutes, the patient's vital signs gradually stabilized.

The colleagues in western medicine, who participated in the process of rescue, said that If it is not seeing with own eyes, they would never believe that is true and being convinced the magic of Chinese medicine.

Also there were reports that Chinese medicinals cured patients from acute state and avoided mild patients developed into acute state, thus avoided the use of ICU that is not only heavy burden, but also 50% death from asphyxia.

The facts showd that the treatment of novel coronavirus pneumonia should not only addict in killing virus, but also restore general physical condition. A restored physical condition with enhanced autoimmunity is the key.

I suggest that if people felt infected, then self-help by daily 4 - 5 times 10 - 20 ml 5% vinegar dilutes by 500 ml water orally drink (or outside smears to be absorbed through the skin, which will take effect more quickly), then gargle throat with water,  3 grams vitamin C in 6 times daily.

We should order some masks and bottled vinegar to our employees and persuade their family members drinking a little every day.

In our plants, disinfect corridor by vinegar every day, and lunchroom should be disinfected several times each day, and separate employee eating times in more group, so that employee is able to sit with a suitable distance.

Employees should not sit closely talking each other as that of before.
     For the people who work on receiving and delivering should well protected with special measures, such as, protective dressing, hands disinfecting, ......

For DC Foods, to ensure that has no employee infected will be a big gains for everyone from not stop of production.

For Canada, to ensure the situation do not develop as that of Iran and Italy will be big gains, no matter how much money spend for; otherwise will loss more in both of life and economy. 

Best regards 

Frank Mar. 12, 2020, in Waterloo 

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3.2.. Second email

Mar. 16, 2020,  08:08

Proper protection can completely avoid infection of all employees

Wearing mask is not only for self-protection, but more importantly protects public environment by avoiding own contagious snot and saliva to cause polluting.


Chinese enterprises in Iran copy domestic measures got "zero infection"



The medical experts of China in aiding Iranian found that the companies of China in Iran copied the prevention methods from demotic China, for example, strict implementation of the management in closed environment of forbidding stranger in, regularly disinfection and forced everyone wearing masks; so that has been achieved ‘zero infection’ whether it is the employee of Chinese or Iranian, but the most of them are Iranian, Chinese  are few; which mean that the companies of China have well educated their employees and thereby Iranian employees well educated and saved the life of their families.

Iranian religious etiquette and other daily customs can easily cause interpersonal transmission of infection.

Ideas for protecting DC Foods during the outbreak of COVID-19 pneumonia

Below are the You Tube videos in showing that how China fighting against dead virus.

Feb. 25, 2020, China's military medics: Ready and resolute to fight against virus

Mar. 10, 2020, Wuhan has closed all of its 16 public facility-turned temporary hospitals as the number of COVID-19 patients continues to drop in the city

Mar. 10, 2020, Chinese President Xi Jinping visits Wuhan

Mar 10, 2020, Chinese Foreign Ministry sets up emergency center to prevent imported COVID-19 cases

Canada must learn China that showed in videos, especially China had used some large venues as public place for isolating patients rather than let confirmed patients self-isolating in home to infect their healthy family members.  

 Feb. 29, 2020, the Report of the WHO-China Joint Mission on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) said that the air is not the transmitting vector, the most of infections on COVID-19  is from families and infected people develop signs and symptoms of fever and mild respiratory symptoms, on an average of 5 - 6 days.

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3.3.. Third email

To Dave from Frank 

Mar. 24, 2020 12:28

Subject: Wearing Mask can effectively avoid the spread of virus


Hi, Dave, 

This is Frank, please force all people wearing mask in DC Foods all day and stop people talking closely to each other, by this way, China's companies in Iran have no one infected. Mask can avoid the virus spread effectively. 

Gave some masks to employee bring home for their families, make sure they wear mask when outdoor, only their families are safe, our employees are safe, our employees are safe, then DC Foods is safe, so that every one can make a livings in such a hard time.

If there is one people infected the DC Foods will be ordered to shut down, the products may be dumped as garbage with big lost for company and employees.

Please call Monica back.

Best regards


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3.4.. Fourth email Mar. 27, 2020


9.4.1.. Thank you for your smart efforts, again force all people wearing mask 

Hi, Dave, 

This is Frank, again please force all people wearing mask in DC Foods all day long and stop people talking closely to each other, especially in the morning. 

Last week, it said that there 1 million people were back Canada from overseas, they are dangerous for local people, only wearing mask can stop the virus entering public area from individual, it said that virus can survival for 17 days in natural environment.

Now, China, South Korea and Japan were basically contained epidemic and in hardly preventing inbound infections, which is good sign that the virus can be contained easily. But they are all in the culture circle of China, in there, the people are in highest IQ globally, so that it is easily self-controlled by people themselves, but, in western countries, even if it is under martial law, they cannot reach the level as that of under China's culture circle.

Japan has never blockade, people and society stay in a normal life, it should thank that Japanese people have a tradition of wearing mask long time, it is not even in this today.  People doubt that Japan has less virus test, so that the real condition reported from Japan was not true, but, from the report of the custom of Shanghai, China, the numbers of infected people from Japan was zero until now, so that Japan has been removed from the control list of dangerous epidemic countries.

You added trailer as lunchroom and set more people disinfecting plant were all smart measures, if you can set people specially supervising people wear mask and stop closely chatting, then the experience of your smartly practiced in DC Foods can be promoted to news paper and TV, to help more businesses healthy running, otherwise after all businesses shut down and more people died as that of Italy ans Spain, our production will be useless.

The disinfectant droplets can kill the virus in the nasal cavity and throat, so that even if someone is infected with the virus, they will be killed without causing an onset. The clinical cases show the after people being infected, it needs 5-6 days onset. So that disinfectant droplets are helpful as prevention.

Below is my updated article, you may find that why there increasingly people are infected and died in Italy and Spain, the only reason is ignorance of the most of people and officials in there.

Thank for your smart efforts

Frank  March 27, 2020, in Waterloo, On

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3.4.2.. Wearing mask is the best way for containing the epidemic 

                 Frank Mar. 26, 2020, in Waterloo, Canada


Feb. 29, 2020, the WHO-China Joint report said that the infected people develop signs and symptoms of fever and respiratory on an average of 5 - 6 days. There other reports said that some infected people have never showed symptoms, but they infected their families. 

The facts has made clear that current way by diagnosis confirming infected people is ineffective, we must view all people as the suspects of being infected, so that it is necessary to wear a mask to prevent the spread of the virus.

Now China, South Korea and Japan have basically contained the epidemic, which should thank the mask to have limited the virus being contained in the mouth and nose of the individuals. 

 However, in western countries, there increasingly people were infected and being killed by virus, because their officials and people did not wear mask in opening mouth and nose to spread and accept virus. Even, some health authority and officials are openly advise people to stop use of mask until they are in sick

It is the ignorance in killing people, rather than the virus.

Thanks, it is not all people born in ignorance, Mar. 19, 2020,  a report said that Czech government forced all of their people must wear face masks or keep face covered outside home by anything available, by any means, stop the stupid of spreading and accepting virus by opening own mouth and nose.


In faced with the shortage of the mask supply, the homemade one by regularly washing or microwave disinfecting is feasible and will be better then the medical one, because of, the medical one is not easy for air going through and causes difficult in breath, which is bad for wearing all day long.

 The successful experience of the Japan and South Korea proved that if everyone wears mask in social activities and in workplace, the daily life of whole society can go as normal as before, which can largely reduce the loss of the economy.

Mask helps the employees of China’s firms in Iran zero infections

Mar. 16, 2020, a Mandarin article The firms of China in Iran are zero infection among employees reports that, the medical experts, of China sent to Iran for aiding Iranian fighting against virus, found that the companies of China in Iran copied the prevention methods from demotic China, for example, strict implementation of the management with closed environment of forbidding stranger in, regularly disinfection, force everyone wearing masks and check body temperature of employee to identify the infected people; so that has been achieved ‘zero infection’ among their employees. 

In the firms, the most of employees are Iranian, Chinese are few; which means that the companies of China have well educated their employees and Iranian employees also well educated and saved the life of their families, and the healthy families ensured the health of employees.

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3.4.3.. The fact that the mask helped South Korea successfully contained epidemic.

Mar. 24, 2020, article How South Korea flattened the curve said that “No matter how you look at the numbers, one country stands out from the rest: South Korea.” “In late February and early March, the number of new coronavirus infections in the country exploded from a few dozen, to a few hundred, to several thousand.”

 “At the peak, medical workers identified 909 new cases in a single day, Feb. 29, and the country of 50 million people appeared on the verge of being overwhelmed. But less than a week later, the number of new cases halved. Within four days, it halved again — and again the next day.”

“On Sunday, South Korea reported only 64 new cases, the fewest in nearly a month, even as infections in other countries continue to soar by the thousands daily, devastating health care systems and economies. Italy records several hundred deaths daily; South Korea has not had more than eight in a day.”

“South Korea is one of only two countries with large outbreaks, alongside China, to flatten the curve of new infections. And it has done so without China’s draconian restrictions on speech and movement, or economically damaging lockdowns like those in Europe and the U.S.”

“As global deaths from the virus surge past 15,000, officials and experts worldwide are scrutinizing South Korea for lessons. And those lessons, while hardly easy, appear relatively straightforward and affordable: swift action, widespread testing and contact tracing, and critical support from citizens.”

“South Koreans’ cellphones vibrate with emergency alerts whenever new cases are discovered in their districts. Websites and smartphone apps detail hour-by-hour, sometimes minute-by-minute, timelines of infected people’s travel — which buses they took, when and where they got on and off, even whether they were wearing masks.”

“People ordered into self-quarantine must download another app, which alerts officials if a patient ventures out of isolation. Fines for violations can reach $2,500.”

“Television broadcasts, subway station announcements and smartphone alerts provide endless reminders to wear face masks, pointers on social distancing and the day’s transmission data.”

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3.4.4.. The example of mask helped to have prevented the epidemic is Japan

Other best example of mask helped to have prevented the epidemic is Japan

March 23, 2020, a Mandarin article When entering Shanghai from Japan, there is no need for centralized isolation for 14 days said that, at present, for the people from or through key epidemic countries, Shanghai is 100% isolated. For those from other countries, Shanghai has implemented 100% virus nucleic acid testing then decides whether isolated.

Japan has been called out of the list of key epidemic countries by Shanghai, Japanese will conduct a nucleic acid test. If the test result is negative, there is no need to be isolated for 14 days.

Why did the Shanghai so safely move Japan out of the list of key epidemic countries? The main reason should be that so far, the number of confirmed diagnoses from Japan is still in zero.

As my view the answer has made clear from the article provided pictures – the most of people wear mask in japan.



     Ueno Park, a famous spot for cherry blossom viewing, is overcrowded. Many people wear masks.     


The K-1 International Fighting Tournament in Saitama Arena was held on time, and 6,500 people watched the game. The organizers distributed masks to the audience and provided disinfectants.

The article said that at this moment, nucleic acid testing in Japan is still difficult to be gotten. 

There were other proof that Japan has successfully contained the epidemic.

Mar 23, 2020, article Coronavirus Cases in Japan by Prefecture reported that Infections in Japan: 1,046 (as of March 22, 2020)


       Infected in Japan


       Returnees from China on government charter flights


       Cases confirmed in airport screening


       Cases tested positive and awaiting confirmation





Mar. 21, 2020, a Mandarin article The expected outbreak in Japan, why did it not happen said that, Japanese government responded epidemic slowly, resulting in continuous outbreaks of unknown infections.

Therefore, many people expect that the outbreak will be sooner or later, but as of Mar. 21, there were only 1,016 confirmed cases in Japan (the most of them were inbound one). It is a good model in developed countries. In contrast, Italy has more than 47,000 cases, and the United States and Germany have close to 20,000 cases.

Bloomberg News reported that Japan, adjacent to China, was one of the earliest countries to have the epidemic, but so far has no major outbreak, which has puzzled experts.

Japan did not implement severe Chinese-style closures, nor did it adopt European-style large-scale quarantine or American-style "shelter in place". Although schools were closed, however, the vast majority of Japanese people continued to live in normal lives. The Tokyo Metro is still crowded during peak hours, and restaurants are open as usual.

Some critics say that Japan is purposefully testing less, for that Tokyo Olympics can be held as scheduled in July, deliberately reducing the number of confirmed patients.

A report issued by a group designated by the Japanese government on Mar. 9 pointed out that about 80% of people diagnosed in Japan were not transmitted to others. The group's report said: "Many cluster infections were identified quite early." Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe cited the reports, saying that there was no need for Japan to declare a state of emergency.

Seasonal flu cases in Japan have fallen for seven consecutive weeks, showing that the Japanese are serious about personal epidemic prevention.

The infection rate in densely populated Tokyo is only 0.0008%, and Hokkaido, the worst-affected epidemic, has lifted its state of emergency.

Above comments are all ignored that key reason, the great contribution of masks. Please look at photo below.

Nakamise Shopping Street in Asakusa, Tokyo is still full of tourists on the 20th. Associated Press

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3.4.5.. Canada is just in the state of opposite with Asian countries 

  For the epidemic control in Canada, the biggest problem is the numbness of people, many of them have no sense for taking measures to prevention, in workplace and supermarkets, many people are without masking; especially, in the workplace, people are talking each other in closely as that of before, they never have sense that coronavirus is in specially looking for killing such ignorant people.

Please look at the fact that people in negatively supervising mask wearing. In March 18, 2020, there was a report that Asian Canadian Woman Wearing Face Mask Kicked Out of Toronto Supermarket.

The problem seems from the misleading of some officials or professional institution.

March 18, 2020, article Coronavirus: Why masks don't work reports that, in his ongoing defensive war against COVID-19, Quebec's public health director and medical expert Horacio Arruda says that wearing mask can do more harm than good. He was inciting the general population to stop using mask, unless they are confirmed in sick. 

 Mar. 24, 2020, when I revise this article to here, I Googled a shocking information from the website of Gov-Quebec.

Instructions and directives - Gouvernement du Québec that last update: March 23, 2020: “Masks are not an effective means of protection for the general public. Their use is indicated more for patients who are suspected of being infected and for the health professionals who are providing care for them. You can watch the message from Dr. Horacio Arruda This hyperlink will open in a new window. (French only), Québec Director of Public Health, on the topic.”

Below is the screenshot from Gov-Quebec suggested video that the top official as medical expert who is in taking charge of epidemic prevention by warning people that mask do not useful but harmful from prevent virus.

YouTube video: Demande du Dr Arruda : éviter l’usage de masques à des fins préventives

Mar 18, 2020, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBeBM-4toJE&feature=youtu.be

Mar 19, 2020, YouTube Video: New COVID-19 policies for personal protective equipment


In Canada, the LifeLabs is a provider for screening infections of COVID-10. As Canadian government certified professional Lab, on the website of LifeLabs, it suggested that “any customers who screen positive for suspected COVID-19 will be asked to wear a mask according to pre-screening questions provided by Public Health Agency of Canada.

It was the reason I specially added comments in the article Now is wartime by military forcing people home and mask when outdoors: “It is not the virus in robbing people's life, but, it is the careless behavior of people, it is the ignorant conduction of medical experts and it is the negligent governance of government in sacrificing their people to the coronavirus.”

“In China, the success in containing virus should thank the efficient governance, so that actual practice is better than under martial law. But, democratic countries will be in mess until military forcing people home and mask outdoors.”

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In the United States, the epidemic is more wildly

March 26, 2020, a report United States Coronavirus Cases: 68,594, Deaths:1,036, Recovered:428. For such a result, the misleading of the authority CDC has played great role.

Mar. 5, 2020, on the website of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the Unites States suggests that “immediately putting a surgical mask on patients being evaluated for respiratory symptoms.” “A mask should be worn by infectious patients any time they leave the isolation room.” “Masks are not usually recommended in non-healthcare settings.”

People must understand that only a safe public environment can ensure everyone in safe, and only that everyone wearing mask can create a safe public environment by essentially reducing the spreading of the virus from the root level. An easy rational measure of government and a simple protection of oneself can help to stop the pandemic.

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3.4.6.. The homemade mask will be fine

At present, the masks are not easy available. According to an article, masks need to be changed within a few hours. As a result, the amount of the consumption is too large to ensure supply. I think that medical personnel need to change the masks as required.

For daily life, ordinary people do not need to change the mask too often at all. Sometimes water washing or microwave disinfecting is feasible.

If it cannot get mask, as my view, the homemade one is also feasible for daily use in an environment that is not severe contagious.

Anyway, as an effective measure for contain the epidemic, government must force people cover their mouth and nose when outdoors by anything possible.

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3.5.. Fifth email

April 2, 2020 16:43

Subject: Only a little improvement will be perfect in DC Foods for preventing virus


Hi, Dave,

This is Frank, again please stop people talking closely to each other in and out of lunchroom in the morning, some people are always talkative ignorantly without a proper reasoning function.

The use of one time mask is perfect way for preventing virus, but it must be delivery at the entrance area under the trees, and force people wearing it day long, it said that the virus can survival 17 days in some condition, we must make sure clean in every corner of DC Foods.

The warehouse people must take care extremely also they are often contact with drivers who run around anywhere and contacted with various people, they are most dangerous currently.

In Italy, there are big community of the population from China, there was report that there were no one infected in there, and also in Iran, which means that if we make a little improvement in virus prevention in DC Foods based on current good practice, such as, stop people talking closely in morning and wearing mask when entering the yard of DC Foods, the you will make a amazing achievement in epidemic control.

Only the obvious contribution can show the high quality of a people and then can be promoted on the higher management position, and now is the best time to show own high quality.

I have checked some supermarkets and viewed on YouTube video, Canada is just following the road dust of the US, Italy and Spain without sense for epidemic control with proper measures, such as, force people covering mouth and nose when outdoors and isolates infected people away from their home. In this way Canada can never contain the epidemic.

Among western countries, only Serbia is rational with concrete measures in epidemic control by following the advice of the medical experts from China.

Serbia built temp-hospital by exhibition center on the advice of Chinese experts


Now in China the most of cities have been freed and the daily life of people went in normal, but in the US, Italy, Spain has no sign of contained virus, the infected and death in continuing, the next will be the Britain, the Britons are trying every efforts out of home to willingly accept virus.

Thank you for your efforts, and if you work in a contagious workplace will be dangerous for your families also and which is fully controllable by you self. 

Soon there will be reports that some businesses closed due to the infections according to some YouTube videos, there are many people in companies, customs, Gov-office are naked their mouths and noses in freely spreading and accepting virus.

People do not wear mask is the root cause of the US infected soaring up and will be continued.


Best regards 

Only a little improvement will reach perfect based on current practice in DC Foods 

Frank  April 2, 2020, in Waterloo


Below is the copy of my article that is in writing.

Wearing mask is the best way for containing the epidemic 

                 Frank Mar. 26, 2020, in Waterloo, Canada


     Feb. 29, 2020, the WHO-China Joint report said that the infected people develop signs and symptoms of fever and respiratory on an average of 5 - 6 days. There other reports said that some infected people have never showed symptoms, but they infected their families. 

     March 16, 2020, CNN reports that Infected people without symptoms might be driving the spread of coronavirus more than we realized. The clinical cases also show that some people have no symptoms of being infected, but they are in carrying novel coronavirus and are contagious for others, so that for those people, wearing mask is not only for self-protection but also for avoiding their carried virus freely into public environment.

     Besides recessive carriers of COVID-19 virus, Mar. 3, 2020, article Transmission interval estimates suggest pre-symptomatic spread of COVID-19 indicates that the infection of COVID-19 was transmitted on average 2.55 and 2.89 days before symptom onset. So that it is the best way that every one must wear mask for avoiding the virus spreading. 

     The facts has made clear that current way by diagnosis confirming infected people is ineffective, we must view all people as the suspects of being infected, so that it is necessary to wear a mask to prevent the spread of the virus by confining the virus in the mouth and nose of individuals who carrying them.

     On other hand, the research report Turbulent Gas Clouds and Respiratory Pathogen Emissions Potential Implications for Reducing Transmission of COVID-19 indicate that “Given various combinations of an individual patient’s physiology and environmental conditions, such as humidity and temperature, the gas cloud and its payload of pathogen-bearing droplets of all sizes can travel 23 to 27 feet (7-8 m).”

     The government of Canada suggested Physical distancing (Fact sheet) that modified in 2020-03-30, said that "keeping a distance of at least 2 arms lengths (approximately 2 metres) from others, as much as possible." Obviously, the suggested distance in 2 meters is far from the safe distance of 7-8 meters. Therefore force people wearing mask is the best way.    

     Now, China, South Korea and Japan have basically contained the epidemic, which should thank the mask to have effectively prevented the spread of the virus by confining them in the mouth and nose of the individuals who carries the virus. 

     However, in western countries, there increasingly people were infected and being killed by virus, because their officials and people did not wear mask in opening mouth and nose to spread and accept virus. Even, some health authority and officials are openly advise people to stop use of mask until they are successfully infected. 

     It is the childish play in killing people, rather than the virus.

     Thanks, it is not all people born in ignorance, Mar. 19, 2020,  a report said that Czech government forced all of their people must wear face masks or keep face covered outside home by anything available, by any means, stop the manner of spreading and accepting virus by opening own mouth and nose.


     The successful experience of the Japan and South Korea proved that if everyone wears mask in social activities and in workplace, the daily life of whole society can go as normal as before, which can largely reduce the loss of the economy. 

           The photos show that how mask confined the spread of the virus in China




          Mask helps enterprises of China reopening production                    


           Factories Reopen in China's Coronavirus Epicenter

         Mar 24, 2020, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxErjwLJf5o


          China: Factory produces 5 million masks a day in bid to supply shortfall

        Mar. 13, 2020,   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgUelMIuTdw

     Mask helps the employees of China’s firms in Iran zero infections

     Mar. 16, 2020, a Mandarin article The firms of China in Iran are zero infection among employees reports that, the medical experts of China sent to aid Iranian fighting against virus, found that the companies of China in Iran copied the prevention methods from demotic China, for example, strict implementation of the management with closed environment of forbidding stranger in, regularly disinfection, force everyone wearing masks and check body temperature of employee to identify the infected people; so that has been achieved ‘zero infection’ among their employees. 

     In the firms, the most of employees are Iranian, Chinese are few; which means that the companies of China have well educated their employees and Iranian employees also well educated and saved the life of their families, and the healthy families ensured the health of employees.

     The mask helped South Korea successfully contained epidemic.

     Mar 24, 2020, YouTube video: Lesson from South Korea on how to slow the COVID-19 spread | ABC News:  “South Korea saw its first confirmed case the same day as the U.S. and now appears to be flattening their curve after the initial spike.”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHV4ukogdE0


     Mar. 24, 2020, article How South Korea flattened the curve said that “No matter how you look at the numbers, one country stands out from the rest: South Korea.” “In late February and early March, the number of new coronavirus infections in the country exploded from a few dozen, to a few hundred, to several thousand.”

     “At the peak, medical workers identified 909 new cases in a single day, Feb. 29, and the country of 50 million people appeared on the verge of being overwhelmed. But less than a week later, the number of new cases halved. Within four days, it halved again — and again the next day.”

     “On Sunday, South Korea reported only 64 new cases, the fewest in nearly a month, even as infections in other countries continue to soar by the thousands daily, devastating health care systems and economies. Italy records several hundred deaths daily; South Korea has not had more than eight in a day.”

     “South Korea is one of only two countries with large outbreaks, alongside China, to flatten the curve of new infections. And it has done so without China’s draconian restrictions on speech and movement, or economically damaging lockdowns like those in Europe and the U.S.”

     “As global deaths from the virus surge past 15,000, officials and experts worldwide are scrutinizing South Korea for lessons. And those lessons, while hardly easy, appear relatively straightforward and affordable: swift action, widespread testing and contact tracing, and critical support from citizens.”

      “South Koreans’ cellphones vibrate with emergency alerts whenever new cases are discovered in their districts. Websites and smartphone apps detail hour-by-hour, sometimes minute-by-minute, timelines of infected people’s travel — which buses they took, when and where they got on and off, even whether they were wearing masks.”

     “People ordered into self-quarantine must download another app, which alerts officials if a patient ventures out of isolation. Fines for violations can reach $2,500.”

     “Television broadcasts, subway station announcements and smartphone alerts provide endless reminders to wear face masks, pointers on social distancing and the day’s transmission data.”  

     The photos show why there increasingly Britons are infected



              Matt Hancock answers MPs' Urgent Questions on coronavirus in Parliament

              Mar 16, 2020, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCt5-jrH5Gc

     In the United States, the epidemic is more wildly

     March 26, 2020, a report United States Coronavirus Cases: 68,594, Deaths:1,036, Recovered:428. For such a result, the misleading of the authority CDC has played great role.

     Mar. 5, 2020, on the website of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the Unites States suggests that “immediately putting a surgical mask on patients being evaluated for respiratory symptoms.” “A mask should be worn by infectious patients any time they leave the isolation room.” “Masks are not usually recommended in non-healthcare settings.”              

    The governments and health authority misleads public in the use of mask 

     March 20, 2020, the thelancet.com posts an article Rational use of face masks in the COVID-19 pandemic to have compared the guidance of the use of the mask in different countries, the most of them were in misleading public.

     March 17, 2020, in article Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public: when and how to use masks, WHO advised that if you are healthy, you only need to wear a mask if you are taking care of a person with suspected SARS-CoV-2 infection.

     It was above reason I specially added comments in the article Now is wartime by military forcing people home and mask when outdoors: “It is not the virus in robbing people's life, but, it is the careless behavior of people, it is the ignorant conduction of medical experts and it is the negligent governance of government in sacrificing their people to the coronavirus.”

     Actually, any government agency or international health agency is composed of people. Any document is drafted by some individuals. If the agency issued out improper guidance documents; it cannot be said that is wrong of the government or international agency; but, we must exactly say that the agencies have hired wrong people in low-quality.

      The homemade mask will be fine for non-medical staff

     At present, the masks are not easy available. According to an article, masks need to be changed within a few hours. As a result, the amount of the consumption is too large to ensure supply. I think that medical personnel need to change the masks as required.  For the daily life, ordinary people do not need to change the mask too often at all. 

     In faced with the shortage of the mask supply, as my view, the homemade one by regularly washing or microwave disinfecting is also feasible for daily use in an environment that is not severe contagious. 

     The homemade one will be better then the medical one, because of, the medical one is not easy for air going through and causes difficult in breath, which is bad for wearing all day long.   

     Anyway, as an effective measure for contain the epidemic, government must force people cover their mouth and nose by anything possible when outdoors and in workplace.

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3.6.. Sixth email

April 22, 2020, 7:57

Subject We must ensure all families in DC Foods safe

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We must ensure all families in DC Foods safe in this hardest life time

Looking around world; it is the stupid, not the virus in killing people

Vancouver, chicken plant 28 employees tested positive in COVID-19



April 21, 2020, Vancouver, at United Poultry Ltd., so far, 28 employees at the chicken processing plant on East Cordova Street have tested positive for novel coronavirus.

The health authority said it was made aware of a possible outbreak Sunday, when a single employee tested positive.

Members of VCH went to the plant the next day and tested all 71 staff members who were at work Monday. An additional 27 positive cases were identified during these tests, VCH says.

The plant was closed, and the Canada Food Inspection Agency says there's no evidence to suggest food processed in the plant could cause further infections.

The close contacts of the employees known to have the virus have been contacted, and that an investigation is underway.

So far, there have been 1,724 test-positive cases in B.C. since January the total deaths to 87.

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3.6.1.. Mask is for confining the virus in the body of the individual who bearing it, thereby ensures a safe environment.

In the infectious workplace, non-N95 mask will be helpless. The N95 mask has 3 times filter materials than that of common medical one.  

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3.6.2.. The death is only one step away to anybody in deciding by smart or stupid of oneself

A man infected by a recovered colleague in workplace of New York and died on the sofa at home

Information source: https://posts.careerengine.us/p/5e9de60a3269f2365e613269

In Brooklyn, New York, a man is physically strong and loves sports, and like brothers with his 20 years old son to play basketball together every week.

His infected colleague returned to work after properly quarantined at home, because the company did not allow wearing mask; the man was infected and fevered on April 2.

At first he went to work every day; but, on the morning of the 7th, the man was hardly catching his breath, soon his breathing became more difficult and his wife called 911, but when the ambulance arrived, the man has died already on the sofa.

Then his son fevered with the virus test positive. Fortunately, his son's symptoms were milder and isolated at home. His wife wears mask all daylong to isolate his son in a certain area and disinfects home every day, hoping to fight wining the virus together.

For the unfortunate departure of her husband, his wife believes that it is because the company where he worked did not allow wearing masks, which leads to the spread of the virus.

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3.6.3.. The dangerous infectious people are those who have infected but not onset yet without any perceptible symptoms

On the medical magazine Nature, the researchers from the University of Hong Kong published article Temporal dynamics in viral shedding and transmissibility of COVID-19 to have indicated that by studying 94 confirmed COVID-19 patients, they found that the infectiousness peak time in highest viral load is at before symptom onset and then the viral load gradually reduced after the onset of patients.

Therefore, force all people wearing mask is essential or covering their mouth and nose all daylong by anything available in workplace, and those who do not wear mask or take down in some times are the evil criminals in threatening the life of others.

By wearing plastic face guard to replace mouth covering is totally wrong.

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3.6.4.. After massively killed, the politicians of the U.S. start to action

April 18, 2020,  Bay Area counties now require people wear face coverings in public

A majority of the Bay Area counties now mandate the public to wear a face covering in public to reduce the spread of the novel coronavirus.

San Francisco Mayor London Breed orders residents to wear mask.

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3.6.5.. Only helping more companies resume production, DC Foods can continue to develop from a promising broader market with more customers who have income to spending for.

Now, the pandemic is still in its peak, but there were many countries are preparing to reopen their economy. In Canada, PM Justin Trudeau is also in concerning the reopen of the economy.

In the United States, there are many people participated in demonstrations for demanding to resume their work with the slogan: Would rather be killed by a virus than starve to die without income.

I am tearful......

But there will be trouble to accompany together when reopening the economy – there would be more people infected and died if we do not properly prepared for the optimized protection.

As a rational leadership of the DC Foods, I firmly believed that you all well understand the significant of reopen of the economy and just because so, I write to you all today. 

Suppose that we prepare a detailed plan for pandemic controlling in the workplace, the reopen of economy is easy possible as that of the rational practice in China.

Iran is a country that is worse in pandemic control with many deaths even includes several high rank officials; the reason is their people have less sense  for self-protection under uncontrollable religious grouping.

But in such a worse environment, the companies of China in Iran have been in running without infections among their employees of mostly local Iranians, only by copying the management method of domestic China – forced everyone wearing mask daylong in workplace, regularly disinfection of plant, control the strangers in and check body’s temperature for everyone daily.

Dc Foods has been well practiced for the pandemic protection in the daily production; such as, wearing mask, disinfecting plant, especially lunchroom.

But there are vital-areas need to be improved as soon as possible: The most danger is in the morning time that people come in work, they did not cover mouth and nose and closely each other due to the limitation of the room, some of them chatting each other.

Company must strictly force people wearing mask when entering the yard of the plant and keep masking daylong in workplace. At morning time, check the body’s temperature of people and disinfection their body, especially the bottom of their shoes. Recently, after epidemic controlled, China gradually returned daily life to normal. In a restaurant, three families ate at three tables with a distance of over one meter, soon all 9 of them conformed as virus infected, which proved the studies that the coronavirus can spread through air from normal speaking and breathing.

In DC Foods, the lunch table has been separated by adding a trailer, but it is vital necessary to put plexiglass wall in one meter high between eating positions to separate lunch position as single cells. As foods plants, there are many delivery truck drivers come in DC Foods every day, I saw that no one of them wearing mask, such kind of people are most stupid without sense for self-protection and they are the most dangerous for infecting more people with travelling everywhere, especially, the worse epidemic place of the United States.

For the people who dealing with those drivers in DC Foods must be under a strict procedures, such as, wearing protective dressing, mask, gloves and timely self-disinfection, and in the outside to place disinfectant and mask for those drivers, before entering in, they must self-disinfecting on own body and hands, and must wear mask on.

To put a microwave for the disinfection of paper documents in certain times; it said that in the U.S. a lady was infected by pick up a delivered package to her just outside of her home door. Stop fill and submit form of personal physical condition by instead of checking body’s temperature. The form is a dangerous media to transmit virus. The best way is that views and treats everyone as virus infected.

And any others may be possible.......

After well practice above, DC Foods can be taken as a good model to copy for other companies to follow.  Then Canada can reopen economy in less risk.

DC Foods may self-make a video to introduce the practice in epidemic control, and you all may play as host to introduce some aspect in the video, and then release it under name of Sunrise Farms.

The video will help Canadian economy safely reopen with a potential of being copied by other countries and thereby contributes the economy globally.

Then Sunrise Farms will be much popular in world widely with more customers.

Thank you very much

Best regards

Frank   April 22, 2020, in Waterloo, On. 

     I hope that DC Foods will be developed as training school of high rank managements with the people who have fully matured rational mind for other companies.

Below are some of my writings regarding epidemic control; from my introduction you may easily understand that it is the ignorance in killing people, rather than the virus.

1.. Jan. 26, 2020, Vinegar, Vitamin C, B3, and Chinese medicinals is the best curative for 2019 new coronavirus and other acute and chronic diseases   


2.. March 25, 2020, The therapies used in China massively cured COVID-19


3.. Mar. 26, 2020, Wearing mask is the best way for containing the epidemic


4.. Mar. 15, 2020, Why Italy has so many people infected and being killed


5.. April 2, 2020, Why Canada can never contain the epidemic of COVID-19


6.. April 1, 2020, Why that United States has most COVID-19 infected globally  


7.. Mar. 15, 2020, Why Spain has so many people infected and killed by novel coronavirus


8.. Mar. 15, 2020, Why China has successfully contained epidemic of COVID-19


9.. April 4, 2020 , Why Singapore fails in the control of the novel coronavirus



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