


Authoriz non-partisan Leadership aids government


Reads 2339-10, July 2024

Gov-authorize non-partisan Super Leadership to assist social governance

 Human society must be governed by high quality non-partisan social elites.

         --- A letter to Jean Chrétien the 20th Prime Minister of Canada

       Frank  Jan. 30 – Feb. 25, 2016, in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

                  Updated in July 28, Aug. 9, 2016. Nov. 26, 2018. Jan. 18, 2019

    http://www.kwcg.ca/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=61910&do=blog&id=4055   https://blog.creaders.net/user_blog_diary.php?did=NDkwNTMy



         The motivation of the topic

     1. Human beings has been living in the civilization of lower animal

     2. The quality of brain determines the quality of people

     3. Low quality people are harmful than that of wild animal

     4. The partisan politics helps low quality people to harm society

     5. Human beings must turn to govern by non-partisan politics

     6. The motivation for above ideas

     7. The most threat for human survival is the decline of creation of life-necessities

     8. Canada is a country of the most in manufacturing decline

     9. Mistreating entrepreneurs caused decline of manufacturing

     10. Entrepreneurs are the backbone in supporting manufacturing

     11. Saves manufacturing is the most importance

     12. Canada needs powerful execution

     13. The success of China was not in dictatorship but in governing skills

     14. Canada should authorize a non-partisan Super Leadership as assistant   

1…The necessity of authorizing a non-partisan Super leadership

      1.1…The difficulties of Canada is facing.

            1.1.1…The agro-products and natural resources of Canada are losing the market world widely.  

              1.1.2…The manufacturing of Canada has been disappearing.

     1.2…The experiences of the success of China’s economic reform

     1.3…The way out for Canada

     1.4…The Values and democracy in entwined to castrate its mother country France

     1.5…Italy’s referendum and China’s 330 reform plans

     1.6…Brain quality decides human quality and social governance

     1.7…The knowlledgeable people are the best for social governance

     1.8…What is the ultimate aim of the government or democracy?

     1.9…Partisan politics should be replaced by non-partisan Politics


 3…How to make pipeline project by lowest cost in fund and time

     3.1…The factors that may badly impact on the pipeline construction

         3.1.1…Firstly is the poor social governance

         3.1.2…Secondly is the poor corporate culture

         3.1.3…Thirdly is the potential construction management

    3.2…Federal government of Canada should authorize an Super leadership

        3.2.1…Partisan politics will push world economy sustained in recession

        3.2.2…Democracy and Values are entwined together in harming human survival 

        3.2.3…The democracy made British government into hemiplegic

        3.2.4…Democracy made the United States no way out

        3.2.5…The democracy leads low productivity in Canada

        3.2.6…The advantage of Non-partisan Super Leadership

        3.2.7…The potential Candidates for Super Leadership.

    3.3…Optimizing construction team to minimize the cost in management

        3.3.1…Pre-design regulations and operation technologies

        3.3.2…Middle managers play a role as more in bad less in good

        3.3.3…Accountability – tagging responsible on individual forehead permanently

    3.4…Recruitmant of construction workers is selection of better brain

 4… Dr. Pierre Trudeau has set a model for us

   5…Some projects for Super Leadership

    5.1…Tagging accountable mark on forehead of specific individual permanently

    5.2…The health care refom and a money printer

    5.3…CPP takes over farmland and develops as main body of state-owned economy

    5.4…Downsizing governments in all level by e-Government

    5.5…Set Economic Zone to avoid the harm of speculative real estate

    5.6…Establish R&D Center as a pillar for Super Leadership

    5.7…The enterprise internal patent management system

    5.8…Promote Canada enjoying free trade quickly with self-protection

    5.9...Invitation of global promising enterprises into Canada

    5.10...The botanicals plant farming and natural OTC medicine processing

    5.11…Establish Canadian culture center in China for retailing and wholesaling Canadian products     

    5.12…Development of television media industry

    5.13…Rescue Bombardier from the road-dust of failed RIM

    5.14…Save Canada’s manufacturing from disappear

    5.15…Develop a business as R&D-oriented   



Since the lower animals evolved into higher animals, the so-called human beings have never stopped the exploration for own social ruling, but never got right way as that of higher animal should be, due to that the brain of some human members has not evolved synchronously as that of qualified higher animals, but still stayed in filling with the stuff as that of wild animals. 

Now, human beings are facing many thorny problems in threatening survival. Such frustrating reality is mainly derived from improper social governance, due to that ignored the quality control for the people who take part in the policy making. 

MRI brain scans revealed that it is the difference in the quality of human brain caused the difference in the quality of people, which enlightened us to select brain well developed high quality people as policy maker to perform proper social governance.

    The success in economic reform of China was not derived from the governing power of one party dictatorship, but, from the quality leadership by a group of quality humanized and experienced people in Technocratic Democracy; which ensured the formation of humanized policies that are not only carry out social reforms, but also are able to avoid the psychological harm to the people who worry about the unknown prospects from the oncoming social changes;  by thoughtful governing skills that were in avoiding (not overcoming) social resistances, such as, set special economic zone for test, and then promotes the successful experience; which will be also applicable in any country.

By thoughtful consideration, China adopted a gradually trial-and-error reform approach in step by step to avoid social unrest. 

The implementation of various new policies that may comparatively impact on people’s lives, such as the transformation of public housing supply to private ownership, the marketization of the planned economy regulated prices of life necessaries, the marketization of the planing regulated state-owned economy, and the changes in rural farmland ownership and agricultural operation models, etc.. They are all through local pilot test, then summing up the feasible experience to disseminate widely. Shenzhen city was a good example.

By such a roundabout way, before large-scale implementation of the new policies, by pilot test, unsuitable practices were corrected. More siganificantly, reduced people's panic about unknown reforms; because of the most of people have already understood the details and knew the  benefits of the reforms, and are psychologically prepared. Thus the implementation of the reforms have little resistance and will not lead to social disturbances without bloody conflict like other countries.

The ability of the politicians of China for making rational decisions is derived from the civilization of 5000 years of continuous written records, which provides experience and lessons for future generations in social governance, and the dialectical philosophy Daosim has cultivated the intelligence of China's people in careful thinking and avoiding omissions for various possible consequences.

However, in Western countries, because of, either without rational civilization available as reference, either the politicians have no ability for judging the bad consequence for what they are going to do, but have to blindly follow the idea of those so called thinkers from so called Think Tanks; actually, if we carefully review the lessons in the past, it is just those so called thinkers in misleading those low quality politicians to recklessly harm human world. As my view, the so called Think Tanks are exactly the jars in fermenting highly toxic csocial poisons. The so-called thinkers in the jars are all useless wastes who make a living by chewing historical rubbish. 

It was just above reason, the politicians in the countries of former socialist camp headed by the former Soviet Union were mostly adopted shock therapy that intended to transition a planed economy or developmentalist economy to a free market economy through sudden and dramatic neolibaral reform; they used it in both of transform of their political and economic systems in a short period of time without preparation, and which radical reckless play caused great damage to the social foundation. The political and economic liberalization did not bring benefits, but its damage cannot be repaired. 

Without background of rational civilization, people only can do bad for good, by good intention makes bad result.

Canada don't need the social reform as that of China had to do; then what measures can be helpful?

3M Canada saves Energy 30% by ISO50001 by the same group of people with the same equipments in the same place, showed the magic of ISO management standards, which is well designed for accountability – tagging responsibility on the forehead of each individual to award or punish accordingly.

By imitating ISO management, we can totally reverse low productivity systematically. We can largely reduce the waiting time for the service in government, we can largely reduce the waiting time for medical treatment, and we can largely reduce business closure or outsourcing by lower down the cost in goods production.

Accountability can help us easily to gain great output with lesser input and it is the optimal way that can dig out huge potential profit that has hidden in every corner of Canada, by which simple way, we can reap profit 30% without input and truly realize the determination of the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau – Canada is back.

However, under current populist kidnapping and partisan party deadly fighting, the government of Canada will never be able to reach it, no matter how strong the determination is.

For getting rid of the constraints of democracy, the government of Canada should authorize a non-partisan governing body – Super Leadership as assistant with independent policy making in limited area on limited issue to explore a way out, then with convincing fruits to update the policies federally as that of China did successfully.

Human society must govern by quality social elites.

Rational people must exlpore way out, not as idiot waits to be finished.

If the politicians still act recklessly, the US will dismember within 2050.

Historically, China has been choosing learned people on power, for which even developed Imperial Examination, by developing Ritual, Music & Confucianism culture people in self-disciplines to have promoted Collectivistic Civilization in Collectivistic Value and attracting neighboring countries formed China Confucian based Eastern Collectivistic Civilization in Asian Values.

The Collectivistic supportive & cohesive life promoted people brain cells growth to achieve highest IQ scores of high intelligence to have promoted prosperous life; in 2000 years ago explored Silk Road to supply West in life necessaries to have promoted exchanges and integrating of culture and economy; by which promoted development in civilization.

2022, article Psychologists found a “striking” difference in intelligence after examining twins raised apart in South Korea and the United States reports that the twins were born 1974 in Seoul, in two years old, one lost and adopted to US, in 2022 united, the IQ score of the US one is 16 points lower with individualistic values the Seoul one with collectivistic values.

Today China is by engineers; entrepreneurs; etc., as lawmakers in part time self-reliance; the top leadership is a politburo of 7 members that promoted based on quality from grassroots gradually; without consensus from meeting; no one allowed to talk at will; thus ensure the collective wisdoms in social governance and avoided personal dictatorship.

Democratic legislature dehumanizes policymaking 

Frank Li, Dec. 20, 2022, in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

The European looting and killing bloody soil budded Western Civilization in Individualistic Values with inborn evil magick to evilly magic people in magic quality and pave evil magic Boulevard to facilitate such people free exertion; so that a small group of evilly magicked people easily hijacking big group of quality people to ruin the life of all of people.

Now the West is running in proud of liberal democracy based on the proud of humane ideologies in both looks and sounds perfect humanized; but in actual it is extremely inhumane by training people freely ganged up to fight in legislature and straining people freely ganged up to fight against government in society; by such a childish way messing own society as bubbling boiler and promotes such childish play globally to trigger refugees waves globally.

The most evil deeds are those democratic gamblers, in order to glorify themselves, keep barking at the cheating ideologies to destroy people's rationality into only thoughts at ganged roaming streets for social justice, to work less for getting more. After the left of the high quality WWII generation, those democracies have lost the ability to survive in a human way; besides the ability barks fighting for democracy, freedom and human rights; with democratic players wasting money to drive people killing for democracy and its relied cheating ideologies..

The democratic political design hopes that multi-party supervision may ensure a quality government; but without quality control on the players; the reckless one makes multiparty supervision as maliciously opposition for replacing ruling position to enjoy luxury salary; luxury benefit and luxury privilege. The fact shows that liberal democracy is the government of the individual, by the individual, for the individual by ruining social governance as exchanges.

Please look at democratic players with their super intelligence think of the wonderful names for easy their democratic play: the hawks, doves, donkeys, elephants, left wing, right wing, extreme right, extreme left, green party, tea party, liberal party, conservative party, democratic party, new democratic party;....; by such thoughtful animal stuffs fight of each other as dead enemy in legislature without care about dysfunction of social governance.

Jan 5, 2019, article EU ON THE BRINK: German eurosceptics threaten 'DEXIT' unless EU parliament is ABOLISHED indicates that EU Parliament has 751 MEPs, 44,000 officials and 11,000 employees that cost over €8billion a year; 4,000 of those officials earn more than €290,000 a year in more than the German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s salary. Other report said that the MEPs have been spending more than €5m a year on alleged “fact finding” trips to some of the most luxurious destinations in the world, with the team of servants at an average cost of €13,379 per person.

People never think of that why human society has to govern in such a stupid way; and never think of that why self has to pay tax to feed own elected lawmakers; why own elected lawmakers do not work as part time job in self-reliance as that of China in doing. The terrible thing is that the taxpayers fed lawmakers do not do good for their own people; but act as supervisors to globally supervise affairs of other countries and waste the money of taxpayers to wander around the world at will.

All in all, since ancient time to this day, China has been in choosing high quality people controlling society in continuously making improvement in social governance for collective concern; but the West has been going on the opposite by low quality people controlling society for individualistic concern to make everything meet individualistic interest of individual by madly resisting changing the ‘status quo’.

2019, the CEO of Business Council of Canada, Goldy Hyder wrote an article: Our politics is suffering from analysis paralysis and the illusion of action to disappointing signs “Canada wasn’t born, it was built.” “Canadian leaders don’t consider themselves to be nation-builders in a literal sense.” “The issue is that our desire to critique now exceeds our desire to create.” “The procedural obstacles we’ve put in place make it possible for a handful of individuals to hold up initiatives endorsed by most Canadians. Important projects, programs and policies can be delayed until supporters give up and move on.”

In 2019, article Chrystia Freeland: Liberal democracies are being "hijacked by angry populist politicians reports that the incumbent Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Chrystia Freeland said that Liberal democracies are being "hijacked by angry populist politicians “the doubts creeping in inside liberal democracy… liberal democracies that are becoming totally polarized societies, divided into these hostile – even warring – tribes who can’t talk to each other, and societies that have been hijacked by angry populist politicians.” Freeland said this theme exists in the “unhappy liberal democracies,” where “the details may be unique but the basic storyline is the same.”

As a direct result of lawmakers taking the legislature as forum for argument, there were reports that Canada manufacturing plants disappearing at twice pace of U.S. in Jan. 13, 2012; and Canada's productivity lags U.S. in 'virtually every instance' in Oct. 1, 2012. In the Era of market economy, living space has changed into market space from geographic space of agricultural economy; the useless argument of lawmakers caused the decline of Canada’s manufacturing in destroying the living space of Canadians.

Human world is in evil magicked low quality people hijacked self-destruction going towards the graveyard of self-destructed civilizations in the Milky Way Galaxy; the liberal democracy and its relied ideologies is the initiator of the orbit and in endlessly perfecting.

In order to end pandemic Covid-19; we must cure the above fatal social diseases politically; because of; it is such social diseases that are worsening pandemic Covid-19.

Learn to China humanizes democratic legislature

Nowadays, social governance has evolved as the legislature formulates policy-track; and then society runs accordingly; so that legislature acts as social brain and lawmaker is the brain cell; the dehumanized world revealed that democracy makes dehumanized one as brain cells. The only way out is to learn to China form legislature by quality entrepreneurs, scientists, etc., as lawmaker in part time self-reliance no payment needed; but in the democracies; it must run in the civil state without touch political system and then taking 30% of vote right to paralleled run with Gov-legislature as patch to make up the flaw of democratic play.

The Communist Party of China is a political tool that is able to unite the scattered people into a powerful nation with the ability for achieving collective interests of people by united action.

China avoids resistance, not conquer with riots

The success of China's economic reform was derived from a well understanding of human inborn nature and the culture of Ancient civilization.

For social governance, there are four main resistances.

First one is that we have to deal with people who are of an innate selfish nature and are capable of independent thinking and tend to act according to their own preferred accord, which will negatively affect social governance.

Second one is that the improvement of social governance may cause panic for potential risks from the uncertain social changes; most of people would resist the reform.

Third one is that the improvement of social governance would involve some social reform with the redistribution of social interest, and it would certainly encounter the fierce resistance of interest groups.

Fourth one is that the way of thinking and behaving of people is dominated by accustomed old tradition or outdated ideologies. In The end of laissez-faire 1926, the British economist Keynes indicates that: “The compelling force of many of the original reasons has disappeared but, as usual, the vitality of the conclusions outlasts them.” 

Such behaviors are caused by the inborn nature of human beings, regardless of race, regardless of nationality and regardless of the political model - one party dictatorship or multiparty democracy.

The process of China's economic reform was the process of making efforts to reduce and overcome such social resistance. 

The success of China's economic reform also benefited from the wisdom of long civilization in written records.

Oct. 2, 2014, in article Why did China not produce harmful native religions, I indicate that: “People appreciate the 5,000 years continuous civilization of China, however, most of people have overlooked the nature of the civilization, the valuable point, is not in the length of time, but, in the continuously documented historical facts – the facts in success and failure, which made valuable references, so that the future generations can avoid to repeat mistakes with lesser Detour.”

"The accumulation of experiences is wisdom.”

“The wisdom from 2400 years ago China teaches us that the ordinary people can happily share in enjoying fruit, but they never willingly share the effort in growing the fruit. A rational government has to force them to do something that will benefit them, but do not expect to convince them in advance.”

Here needs to specially point out that, in 2400 years ago China, the philosophical text Tao Te Ching said that “the governance of a big country is as that of cooking a piece of small sea food”, it meant that a matter was easily broken, and must be very careful.

These ancient teachings were paid attention by the successive governments of China. It was the foundation of social stability and economic prosperity in more than 2000 years. It was the main reason that China’s economy was leading the world before the British launched the Opium Wars to interrupt the normal development of China. Now, China is quickly regaining its leading position in the economy.

China's economic reform was a process that tries to avoid social resistances by  seeking a roundabout way that can avoid obstacles. Rather than simply overcome with recklessly causing social riots.

In June 1994, on 12th Annual Meeting of the Inter Action Council; the 15th PM of Canada, Dr. Pierre Trudeau made a rational comment about the practice of China’s former president Deng Xiaoping: “Deng has principle, he knew where the objectives were; he was following and putting practice of those principles. He was pragmatic, as he said you can use different routes to come to the same aim, the ends are always the same: the strength of China, the unity of China, and the stability of China.”

“You can use different routes to come to the same aim”, only the politician who had the similar experience can make such soul-touching comments. Please see my article Pierre Trudeau built relation of Canada-China.

At that time the busiest jobs for top leaders was to criticize and instruct the local leaders who hinder the spontaneous reforming initiatives of the grassroots people who desire to create a better life by their own hands. For this purpose, Deng Xiaoping made a famous comment: whether the cat is black or white, the cat that can catch the mouse is the good one.

Later, according to the request from locals, China authorized Shekou, a small village nearby Shenzhen city in Guangdong province, as a test zone with independent policy making without financing support. The limited area under the name of test has an advantage in less social resistance and more importantly, the social rumors about the practices in the test zone have played a role as a vaccine as psychological immune for relieving people’s panic when facing uncertain social changes.

And then, by convincing successful experiences, update the policies for national promotion, by which from point to line, and then from line to area, which last many years even if in the ready psychological environment, otherwise, even if in the one party dictatorship also could do nothing. Shenzhen city was born in this way from a Fishing Village; Now Shenzhen city is a powerhouse in driving the technical revolution of China.

Before economic reform, there were many people who fled to Hongkong for a better life and to be captured and sent back, those people were held in overcrowded places. Most officials suggested punishing them as traitors, but when facing those detained people, Xi Zhongxun, the father of Xi Jinping said with tears, this is not your fault, but is ours; we did not make a good life for you. Deng Xiaoping said, we must develop the economy to improve the lives of people.

Now, there are millions of people working in Shenzhen and other cities of China from HongKong.

This article will take oncoming Pipeline Project as example to discuss that how to help the non-partisan Super Leadership to play its unique role, with the natural retirement of the baby boomer generation and the availability of the manpower-saving E-governance to reach that populist kidnapped democratic government is difficult to reach:

 Accountability can help us easily to gain great output with lesser input and it is the optimal way that can dig out huge potential profit that has hidden in every corner of Canada, by which simple way, we can reap profit 30% without input and truly realize the determination of the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau – Canada is back.

However, under current populist kidnapping and partisan party deadly fighting, the government of Canada will never be able to reach it, no matter how strong the determination is.

For getting rid of the constraints of democracy, the government of Canada should authorize a non-partisan governing body – Super Leadership as assistant with independent policy making in limited area on limited issue to explore a way out, then with convincing fruits to update the policies federally as that of China did successfully.

This article will take oncoming Pipeline Project  as example to discuss that how to help the non-partisan Super Leadership to play its unique role, with the natural retirement of the baby boomer generation and the availability of the manpower-saving E-governance  to reach that populist kidnapped democratic government is difficult to reach:

 1…To comb financial instruments and restrict malicious speculation that is badly harming real economy, such as, that hedge funds speculate on currency, which once trigged 1997 Asian financial crisis. The fourth Prime Minister of MalaysiaDr. Mahathir once said that “We have worked 30 to 40 years to develop our countries to this level, but along comes a man with a few billion dollars and who in a period of just two weeks, has undone most of the work we have done.”

     July 23, 2016, at the G20 summit in Chengdu China, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said that he is pushing for a global financial transaction tax, though the proposals have been rejected in EU 28 member states, but he still promoting it in a small range. He believed that the effort will bear fruit world widely in a few years later.

     The idea of global financial transaction tax may provide a feasible approach for Canada in curbing irrational financial activities.

     German government is No.1 rational in social governance, in the process of reviving the economy of Canada, there a lot worth to learn from Germany, follow are some of my summarized articles regarding Germany.

     Feb. 16, 2014, Why Can German Economy Fly Against Economic Recession.

     July 29, 2015, Germany timely regulation of Real Estate Market sets a model for Canada.

     Now, German politicians are also strongly opposed that monetary easing and negative interest rates.   

     Dec.13, 2015, in the article Partisan politics will push world economy sustained in recession, I indicate that, the main cause of global economic recession is that under the kidnap of interest group, the partisan democratic government allows overdeveloped Financial Economy to over-plunder Real Economy, to have made the profit margins of manufacturers too narrow to survival. The eased-monetary did not invest into real economy as expected, but into the financial economy to more powerfully harm real economy.

     There was a best example in Japan, over the years, the Japanese government has frenzied monetary easing, even took negative interest rates, but, all did not work. Now, the free speculation on Yen is hurting the economy of Japan. There was a report that Japan's economic plan 'backfiring' as yen surges.

     The Next Financial Crisis Will Be Worse Than 2008, Says Legendary Investor Jim Rogers.

     A nation’s economy cannot be built on the speculation, but rather, it must be based on the material wealth creation. A country must build into a fairyland of material wealth creators, rather than a paradise of greedy unearned speculators.

    Canada should act as a pioneer to reverse the course of world economy back on the right track. 

    2…Quit TPP and CETA grouping talks, to negotiate by country to country to reach free trade deal with more countries quickly based on the existing documents of free trade talks with ensured self-protection.

     The nature of TPP is not mainly for free trade, but, the mischief led by U.S. multinationals, by setting rules that are in conducive to themselves with their own organized Arbitral Tribunal to handcuff the government of member countries, and then they easily wanton plunder.

     Dec. 27, 2013, in article Free Trade is damaging Agriculture, I indicate that “the younger generation has been reluctant to engage in strenuous agricultural life,” “It is time that we should ask that, under the guise of impartial, for ensuring the fair, for maximizing the justice, to mindlessly cut agricultural subsidies, whether, that is creating greater unfair, greater injustice, whether we are destroying the agriculture that human survival is depending on.”

     With Cheap Food Imports, Haiti Can’t Feed Itself showed that irrational free trade led by some low quality people is damaging the agriculture and to drive more people out of their motherland.

     TPP will disable more rational governing measures that are in maintaining many countries’ stable, and would make more bad results as that of agriculture. Free trade should not be used to damage the economy world widely.

     Terrorist attacks and refugee flows showed that stable development of any country will be a great contribution to whole world.

     For Canada, the urgent priority is not in opening free trade market, but, in making competitive products by reversing low productivity and unreasonable high cost in manufacturing, which is not easy, due to that is under Unions’ culture and legal protection. Without competitive products, more open the market, more damage the economy, while has to donate own sovereignty to multinationals.

     There are more feasible way for well develop economy, Canada should quit from TPP and stop to play as an evil helper to harm others while damaging own economy.

     3…Brand new organizational structure and management style for the construction of the pipeline project with accountability and work-performance linked payment to avoid the project to be kidnapped by some companies and Unions, which is the global popular practice that government invested project will inevitably be taken as flesh on the cutting board to be free cutting in endlessly burning money under unforeseeable deadline.

    We must avoid the absurd that meets irrational-claimed interest of the minority by harming the interest of all nationals.

     4…Tset economic zone in Southwestern Ontario and Vancouver under the Super Leadership with timely policy making to create a better business environment, by forbidding real estate speculation in the zone, with Gov-enforced corporate management, to help business in low-cost stable running, and thereby creates more employers to provide more job and revenue, while sponsoring defined benefit pension plan to forge a concrete foundation for Canadians’ retire life, and to avoid the tragedy that Greek Pensioner shoots himself to refuse to search for food in garbage.

     We must reserve more land for the manufacturing of competitive products, and limit the area for speculative activity on real estate, so that they both can well exert the advantage in boosting economy.

     For developing economy, it is best to create a favorable business environment to develop real economy, rather than that of blindly endless fiscal stimulus, and vigorously promote inflation level.

     Any practice that can sure manufacturer stable operation is a only feasible way that Canada has to go.

     5To establish Gov-funded R&D Center to ensure long term oriented cutting-edge projects and to spin off the matured technology with researchers together as independent enterprises, which was the successful practice that once drove the economy of Taiwan as one of The Four Little Dragons, and it was what China and the U.S. has been eagerly promoting in a large number.

     Thereby to avoid destroying the foundation for long term development under short-term-benefit-chasing in product development and the profits are taken away by shareholders.

     Without long-term vision and planning, Canada will be destined to continue to decline.

     6…Invite Jack Welch, the former CEO of GE, and Dr. Ram Charan, the No. 1 management consulting guru who works as a consultant that makes many world business giants success, by introduced powerful management to enforce execution to break the irrational corporate culture and stubborn management model of Canada, to save Bombardier Inc., that is in following the road-dust of failed Nortel Network and RIM, thereby to establish a management model to follow for poorly managed Canadian businesses.

      The problems and the possible cope-strategies are clear, Canada is urgently need in powerful execution.

      7…Establish Canadian Culture Center in targeted market countries by Gov-led private-investment in that who invests who benefits with strictly forbidden to be speculated as real estate, but, only for promoting Canadian culture with wholesale and retail those produced and made in Canada, thereby reduce the cost in intermediate sales channels.

     The absurd that middlemen take away most of the profits must be avoided.

      8…Largely downsize overstaffed government by manpower-saving E-governance as that of the successful practiced in Estonia, with the natural retirement of the baby boomer generation to largely reduce the cost in social governance and make more people work in the industries for revenue creating, rather than only consider how to tax more money on citizen to worsen their hard life.

      9…To promote Canada Pension Plan develop as in kind base and as key body of state-owned economy by taking over all available farmland at the time of baby-boomer-generation-farmers retiring, thereby to stop farmland being used as gambling chip for wild speculation. The high price of farmland is in destroying the competitiveness of agro-products and thus in destroying agro-industries and real economy of Canada.

      10…To introduce a patented cancer treatment from China, which is injecting drug into tumors in 10 minutes for each patient without influence of normal tissue and immune system to ensure patient a quality life when and after treatment without the need of cost in expensive postoperative medication, by which largely save medical manpower and spending to make a room for reforming low efficient heath care system.

      11…By Comprehensive Hospitals in multi-divisions with operating rooms and labs to replace current system, to ensure that patients get right treatment at first time and avoid patients wandering between family doctors and specialists who were not the one that patients urgently needed, but, in the most of the time, they were only acted as that of nurse to send patients somewhere else, which was the big waste in medical resources and main cause of long waits for treatment.

     The waits time for treatment will be reduced largely by only optimizing medical flow procedure with accountability and work performance linked payment.

     12…Planting and manufacturing OTC natural botanical medicine based on the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine under the philosophy of Doism that views human body as a organic whole with interdependence and mutual influence in psycho-therapy sensitive, which is the trend world widely. The most synthetic drugs are with dead side effect from Western Medicine under the philosophy of the Reductionism that views human body an assembly of the lifeless parts, which has faced with dilemma in no way out.

     TCM has recognized 11,146 plants, 1581 animals and 80 minerals as medicinal use and developed nearly 100 thousands of experience-based formulas in covering almost all knew diseases. It is a valuable resource for medical treatment, and the money printer for economic development.

     13…Build a money printer by television media by focusing on the Science and Technology Education as well as promoting social spiritual civilization with making and translating some good programs that can promote positive social spiritual atmosphere.

    For a long time, in the West, film and television programs are lack of positive human civilization, but, full of inhuman violence and pornography, there are many reports that violence episodes in movies and television series have been playing the role in teaching children crime.

     Such inhuman behavior must be totally reversed.

     In China, there are a lot of good Movies and TV series that are showing positive life under well Gov-conducted.

     In many countries, the China’s TV series that translated into local languages are very popular.

     The Movies and TV series of China are inexhaustible resources.

     While promoting social spiritual civilization, the television media also has huge profit margins.



     1…Some projects are better practiced according to the suggestions from comprehensive investigated-studies of McCarthy Consultant Services Inc. (MCSI). The significance of McCarthy’s involvement is that issues can be studied more thoroughly for an optimal solution and also as politically neutral institutions, its voice would distract social objection.

     Mar. 18, 2016, I wrote article The Political Significant of McCarthy Consulting Firm.

     2…Some projects need to be practiced gradually along with natural retirement. The Retirement of Baby boomer generation in Canada will be until 2030 with a total number of about 5.16 million from 2015 to 2030. After baby boomer generation, there are still retirements about 0.28 million yearly. The natural retirement provides a good chance for social organizational restructure without the headaches of lay off.

     3…The funds for the investment of Super Leadership will be mainly from self-financing with running some profitable projects. Such as, patented cancer-treatment that is to inject drugs exactly into tumors without the need of expensive post-operative maintaining medication. The patented treatment is full covered by medical insurances of the United States.

     4…Norway's Government Pension Fund in Oil Makes Every Norwegian a Millionaireprovides a lesson, from the considerations in vital interests of Canadians, Canada must make most of available resources to be public-owned by the managing way of those long run world class companies. Some profitable projects should run in state owned under CPP.

     The pension funds must invest into infrastructure construction and manufacturing development to make profit from create jobs and revenue. 

             ---   Frank   Aug. 9,  2016,  in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

The motivation of the topic 

1.     Human beings has been living in the civilization of lower animal

           Historically, human beings has been suffering endless wars, endless religious killing in the name of faith, now, series terror attacks in many countries, especially, the US police officers were even killed by their citizen, the killing innocent has developed as epidemic in spreading globally.

The world has been deemed as a casino for free play of killing games.

Besides those life threats, human beings have been suffering the infinite loop of the economic crisis, and now is facing dilemma in many aspect.

As higher animal, human beings have never been able to enjoy a civilization as that of higher animal should be, but, sustained in the civilization that belongs to lower animal under the Law of the jungle.

No matter willing or not for my comments, the fact was exactly as so.

It is time we have to dig the cause from root level.

As my view, the root cause was that human beings have ignored the quality control for the people who will seize the power in policy making, so that the low quality people have easily kidnapped government and thereby malfunctioned social governance.

                                                                               Back to Motivation

2.     The quality of brain determines the quality of people

MRI scans revealed that behaviors of people are controlled by corresponding population of brain cells, various mental disorders are connected with abnormality in brain. Such as that in the brain of the teenagers with antisocial behavior, the regions that contribute to emotion perception, empathy and recognizing were strikingly smaller, and the greater the severity of the behavior problems, the greater the reduction in the volume of the regions.

The findings show that it is the qualities of human brain in controlling the behaviors of people, or may say it is that the quality of human brain in determining the quality of people.

Because the number of neurons is very large and the structure of brain is complicated, it can be said that no one can be like others in the structure of the brain.

Due to that development of brain between people is different, so that the quality between people is in great different, too. Some people are sober and rational, some people are impulse and radical, and some people are reckless or even antisocial, which all are determined by more or less in population of the brain cells in corresponding functional areas.

Generally, the quality of people performed by dual natures: The culture nature of those acquired qualities, and the animal nature of those inborn instincts. Those brain well developed people would tend to gain more acquired qualities from study and to be more in culture nature with more ability to contribute to society; those brain poor developed people would be difficult in study and to be more in animal nature with more tendency to harm to society.                                                           

3.     Low quality people are harmful than that of wild animal 

The brain study and harsh reality both proved that, though all people were featured as higher animal, but, the nature of some people were in low quality as that of lower animal in reckless behaving or antisocial attacking, the cause is that they cannot make proper judgment due to their brain cannot make rational reasoning.

Besides the problem in the brain, that lacks knowledge as reference for reasoning is also the reason.

Apr. 6, 2016, in article Chrystia Freeland, a capable Minister of International Trade of Canada, I have discussed such issue.

“Modern studies show that Brain Cells can regenerate, it is the foundation that we can remember those what we have experienced in the past and can remember those what we will be experienced in the future.”

“The wide range of studies and social experiences will perfect brain in the structure with increasing new populations of brain cells, and the more brain cells in memorizing the experiences for the successes or failures will provide more references for perfect reasoning with more perfect decision making and less extreme and mistake.”

“It is that more in success, less in mistake and perfect predictability made a person as wise.”

“The wisdom of a wise depends on the memorized contents in the brain. A wise must be a socially responsible person at first.”

“If a person is lack of social experiences and extensive reading, the person will fall into as that of watching sky by sitting in the bottom of a deep well, which will largely narrow the field of the vision, and thereby limit the scope and the depth of the thinking. Thus, when faced with intractable social problems, the person cannot flexibility come up with feasible solutions. It will be more harmful for those who are on the key position of the government.”

“On other hand, that even with same innate quality of the brain, if the content of education applied repeatedly on something specifically, such as some doctrine, that person may become fanatics of the doctrine, because the content of doctrine is the only available reference in brain for reasoning and judgment.

“Due to unable rational judgment, those low quality people would easily accept extreme preaching, or to be lured as a member of some kind of people grouping, become an ignorant fanatics for some deceptive doctrine, even under some extreme appealing to perform terror attacks. They are even brutal than that of most ferocious beasts in harming others without slightest empathy.”

“The understanding for the structure and mechanism of human brain has provided useful evidence and reference to force human beings updating the way in social governance, which is to perform social ruling by distinguishing the brain quality of social member to proper control of those low quality people to reduce their harms.”

Talking from social governing, the most harmful is not those antisocial, but those low quality people whose brain quality is in between the normal and antisocial, especially those people are close to normal, they have a strong deceptive.

Since that they may make livings by grouping more people together with more power to perform their bad ideas. Some of such grouping is playing as a group beggar that plays as political artillery shells under the driving of charity giver. Some are dressed with beautiful outerwears of the kind benefactor, but, in helping those low quality people harm society.

The most terrible was that some of those low quality people have been in government in dominating policy making, which was the main cause that human beings was stay in the civilization as that of lower animal.

That human society could not properly prevent the terror attacks and could not avoid many disasters economically and politically were mainly derived from the misleading of those low quality people.

Human beings have to get rid of such ignorance urgently, the MRI scan is an easy way for distinguishing those low quality people, but, it is definitely impossible, even if asking some sensitive question is impossible in current social ideological and legal protection under the control of those low quality people.

The feasible approach, I can envision out right now, is through the process of social organizing to filter out those low quality people.

4.     The partisan politics helps low quality people to harm society

The people free grouping provides a chance for those low quality people to get more powerful ability than that of as individual. In majority of people grouping, no matter how kindness of the initial purpose, but will be inevitably controlled by low-quality people, due to them are over reckless in bold action to be in leading role, and high-quality people are over cautious in hesitant action to be in passive position.

The free campaign of the partisan politics provides a chance for those low quality people to easily seize the power in policy making and gain more power in harming society by use of the instruments of State Apparatus, with malfunctioning government, they made that rational policy was difficult into practice, but, irrational one was easy popular.

Though the people in the circles of policy-making are not all in low quality, but, under the herd mentality, the reckless behavior of the low quality people would play in major role, and the harm would be more brutal.

Such as that The Chilcot Report revealed that it was the US decision on Iraqi army led to rise of Isis with childishly bypassing United Nations. The U.S. is an atypical country under control of partisan politics.

Historically, suppose that without the help of Nazi Party, as individual, that Adolf Hitler would never be able to seize the power in controlling Germany, and by the power of the State Machine to launch world war.

Harsh reality proves that human society must control the flocking activities of people.

For example, those organizations that advocate extremist ideas are playing the role as training school in training more and more people as extremists; this is the main cause of the terror attacks.

     In this concern, that AlphaGo beats a 9-dan professional player Lee Sedol in the board game Go (the wéiqí of China) was a good example.

     Google DeepMind developed a computer program - AlphaGo to play the board game Go (the wéiqí of China). In March 2016, it beat Lee Sedol in a five-game match, the first time a computer Go program has beaten a 9-dan professional without handicaps.

     People have been cheering that artificial intelligence will exceed human beings; in fact, people have ignored the essence of the problem. For AlphaGo, if it was not that human have entered a large number of existing residual wéiqí game in success and failure as reference, AlphaGo would never beat people.

     Similarly, if it was not that allows people in free grouping to indoctrinate extremist ideology, there would be no so many people to perform terror attacks.

     It turns out that those who advocate freedom in people grouping are the low quality people who are in helping those low quality people harm society.

     It is same that majority of those appealing for freedom are more in bad than good.

     A livable society must be in order under strict control, there is nothing for freedom.

                                                                               Back to Motivation

     5.     Human beings must turn to govern by non-partisan politics

     In order to avoid the tragedy to be repeated again and again, we have to put an end to the partisan politics that is proud of anyone can free campaign without an essential quality control for political candidates, and thus has paved a fast lane for those low quality people accessing to policy-making.

     Human beings have to turn to be governed by non-partisan politics with a group of noted high quality people in recommended based on recognized social contribution practically and theoretically, rather than free campaigned under the Law of the jungle, thus, by the governance of a group of knowledgeable high quality social elite to return world a peace.

     All in all, as higher animal, we human beings should not continue acted as that of lower animal; we need a new enlightenment in self governance by distinguishing the quality of social members based on the quality of brain. It is high time that we have to get rid of the harm of the partisan politics.

     We must get rid of such ignorance.

     The best way is that creates a personal profile for each social member from the birth; to regularly record the results of brain MRI scan. Accordingly, to identify those people who are potentially harmful and those people who are qualified to be chosen to engage in social governance.

     As rational people, we come to this world, are not for adapting to the reality, and are not for struggling to enjoy vanity, but rather, we come to make some livable changes.

                                                                               Back to Motivation

 6.     The motivation for above ideas

I am neither a sociologist, nor a philanthropist in kind-hearted appealing, but, an ordinary man who has been making livings as a general labor in Canada.

In the past 16 years, as a general operator, from working in daily production of different manufacturers, I purposefully experienced the poor corporate culture of Canada, and observed the improper ideological and legal negatively hindering the management of enterprises, from root level to have observed social governance.

The death of my former boss in his prime age due to the pressure from business operation shocked me very much. His tough hardship and the scene of his busy working, like the plot of movie, emerged in my eyes from time to time, which forced me to think into the meaning of the enterprises and entrepreneurs and forced me to think that how to help those helpless entrepreneurshow to improve Canada's economy, how to improve the lives of hard working Canadians, and how to change irrational reality?

The talkative above was the simple views about the increasingly deteriorating world and the wrongful social governance. Besides the harm of the partisan politics, the various organizations that have power to impact social governance seem also somewhat in ignorance dominated.

But except those academic societies where gathered politically marginalized high quality social elite to be in wasting.

7.     The most threat for human survival is the decline of creation of life-necessities

The problems that threaten human survival are not only limited in the wars and terror attacks, but also, in great many aspect, especially, the low quality people kidnapped government allows everything to be taken as gambling chips for speculation – currencies, real estate……, with a variety of private funds, fictitious transactions……

For the manufacturers in life-necessities, the speculation made their profit margin too narrow to survival.

The more terrible is that there more and more people are flocking into unearned opportunistic speculation, while in contempt of life-necessities creation.

For years, the governments in developed countries are obsessed in paper economy and people were encouraged in addict in reaping without sowing, such a society is certainly in self-destructing.

We must get rid of such ignorance.

8.     Canada is a country of the most in manufacturing decline

     In Canada, under partisan politics, the wrongful social ideological and legal protection has been misleading the work ethic of people and encouraging them hostile attitude towards employers to strike for more by doing less, thus has led the productivity lags U.S. in virtually every instance, and the cost in making goods was higher than that of once costy countries Japan and Britain.

The closure of many businesses were not due to the problems in product and market, but simply due to the boldly troublemaking of reckless employees without proper law in regulating them.

May 18, 2016, in the article How to save Canada’s manufacturers from disappear, I have cited some true cases from my personal experiences.

Feb. 09, 2014, in article Management is the Art of Playing Human, I once took 3M Canada saves Energy 30% by ISO50001 as example to discuss the poor management of Canadian businesses.

There were reports taking the energy save 30% in 3M Canada as a proud achievement. However, I would like to question that, by the same group of people with the same equipments in the same place, why they could not effectively save the energy similarly before the implementation of ISO50001 standards? Why they could not treat the plant as that of in own homes to turn off the lights and shut down the equipment when it’s not being used before the implementation of ISO50001 standards?

The achievement of energy saving is also reflecting the CHAOS in the management of 3M Canada. It is common in many Canadian enterprises, which is one of the reasons of the mid-sized firms is declining. It is not my surmising boast at all. It is the terrible facts of my personal observation and experience in the enterprises of Canada.

I think that the corporate management may be the most intricate and most grueling tasks, since it has to deal with the labors – human beings who are with the brain that can act of their own accord.

If there was no mandatory of the ISO50001 standard to strictly enforce the staff as that of the law enforcing social members, only relying on their management team and their own developed management rules, 3M Canada would never get such an achievement.

9.     Mistreating entrepreneurs caused decline of manufacturing

In such a social environment, entrepreneurs are most suffering group, they have to subject more difficulties; and they have to endure various pressures independently, the development and production of the product, financing, marketing, taxes, wages, and more unexpected difficulties, but the most terrible suffering may be the headache from helplessly seeing the bold troublemaking of the reckless employees.

In this regard, globally, social ideology has been going on a wrong way.

Historically, in worldwide, it has been lacking of concerning and supporting for Entrepreneurs. The law seems to have ignored this group also, but tended to protect employees without updating of the outdated traditional ideology from the times of Industrial Revolution with ignoring that modern society has provided thoughtful social welfare and comprehensive legal protection.

The outdated ideology and practice has badly affected the work ethic of employees and to have made Enterprises difficult for managing.

In past decade, in Canada, the low productivity and high cost has caused many manufacturers closed or outsourced and hundreded-thousands of jobs have been destroyed. The most shocking tragedy was that suicide rate in Alberta climbs 30% in wake oil patch layoff.

In this process, people only focus on the loss of the businesses, and on the loss of the jobs. I never heard and saw any report that shows sympathy and concern for the entrepreneurs; no one cares about those entrepreneurs and their families who suffered from mental and turn to physical hurt when seeing their beloved business helplessly failing.

Even more absurd is that people have been suspicion and hatred of them, and criticize them as the makers of social polarization.

                                                                               Back to Motivation

10.  Entrepreneurs are the backbone in supporting manufacturing

Rare people can realize that “enterprises are the important organization of social production to create material wealth for human survival, and the entrepreneurs invest their money to run the enterprises with a frugal living and risk taking, to provide employment for public living and revenue for social governing. Thus, their enterprises are to be shared publicly in playing the role as social wealth.”

Apr. 29, 2015, in article Canada’s economy is faced at vital crossroads, I indicate that Manufacturer is the basic cell and main driving force of the real economy by integrating the Intelligence, Capital, Knowledge, Technology, and Market together to play the role as protagonists in scientific and technological innovation.

The entrepreneurs are the organizers for social production, they organize and train social members to create material wealth, while creating job and revenue, thus to create a stable community, by which that people can work and live to enjoy a prosperous life.

The most of social elite are calling for economic development, calling for an increase of domestic demand to revive economy, and calling for the development of service sector to revive economy, however, they seem have neglected the important issue that without entrepreneur will be no manufacturer, without material wealth manufacturing to forge a ground foundation, without job position and wage income, how to increase the domestic demand, how to develop service sector?

We must get rid of such ignorance.

Entrepreneurs are the backbone and the most valuable asset of Canada; we have to help them by every possible.

                                                                               Back to Motivation

11.  Saves manufacturing is the most importance

Above, I have repeatedly talked about enterprises and entrepreneurs, to repeatedly emphasize the importance of the manufacturing sector; due to that manufacturing is the cornerstone of social stability and in sustained progress.

On other hand, with the development of the market economy, human’s living apace is largely transferred into the market place from geographical space, without ability for making competitive products; Canadians are losing living space in the Era of market economy.

Therefore, that saves manufacturing from declining is the importance in the importance, the urgent in the urgent.

A rational government should full heartedly support entrepreneurs by providing help in all possible, especially, strictly suppressing the mindless behaviors of some people that are badly impacting the development of businesses. In this concern, that former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher has set a good example.

However, that seems impossible in many countries, even in current Britain.

July 7, 2014, ibtimes.co.uk, No Margaret Thatcher, Unions made UK's Working Days Lost Rockets 78% in 2013.

Feb. 25 2010, dailymail, co.uk, Up to 1200 needless deaths patients abused staff bullied to meet targets… yet a secret inquiry into failing hospital says no one’s to blame.

                                                                               Back to Motivation

12.  Canada needs powerful execution

Faced with such reality, years ago, the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson were both expressed their deep disappointment for the incompetence of democratic government and showed strong appreciation for the economic achievement and the high efficiency of the government of China. Later, they both had to have surrendered to the fierce attacks of the public opinion.

Recently, federal government authorized Federal Advisory Council, Chaired by Mr. Dominic Barton who is the global managing director of consulting giant McKinsey & Co., with the members of recognized outstanding social elite in manufacturing, investment, university, innovation hub, economic forum and so on under a broader coverage socially.

The establishment of the Federal Advisory Council showed the strong determination of the government in boosting economy, and the Chairman Mr. Dominic Barton who has also called for an 'Aggressive' Change to lead Canada out of its cycle of feeble economic growth and to act soon.

I believe that above efforts has sounded the horn for opening a new era of Canada.

However, the strong determination and good wish is not equal to the reality, an 'Aggressive' Change would be not easy to carry out. Due to that, as usual globally, the effort for social advancement will inevitably encounter social resistance, which is mainly due to human nature in regardless the race and the nationality; it will be similar in one party dictatorship, or multiparty democracy besides the malicious obstruction of the opposition parties in democratic government.

As my view, the problem in Canada is not at the solution unclear, but at powerful execution. For great many years, the Gov-sponsored studies, sober social elite have proposed a lot solutions, but helpless.

Under the populist kidnapping, the values kidnapping and the irrational fight of the partisan parties, the government of Canada has been in hemiplegia that cannot properly play governing role.

The problems that cannot be solved by the government - the government that powered by the power of the State Apparatus with the legislation, the courts, the police, the army and other powerful mandatory administrative measures, the same problems will never be solved by the help of the new Federal Advisory Council under the same governing way.

Then, Canada will really be helpless in no way out?

In this concern, that China’s successful economic reform has created a model to follow.

                                                                              Back to Motivation

13.  The success of China was not in dictatorship but in governing skills

In fact, that China's economic achievement was not mainly from the governing power of one party dictatorship, as that of appreciated by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson, but from the governing skills that can also be easily practiced in Canada. Later, they both had to have surrendered to the fierce attacks of the public opinion.

Later, they both had to have surrendered to the fierce attacks of the public opinion. This fully demonstrates the horror of ideology. The social elites who occupy the dominant position of public opinion in Canada are mostly dogmatists or kidnapped by ideology. This is a resistance that Canada can never overcome.

China's economic reform was a process that tries to avoid social resistances (rather than simply overcome) by seeking a roundabout way that can avoid obstacles. 

In June 1994, on 12th Annual Meeting of the Inter Action Council; Dr. Pierre Trudeau made a rational comment about the practice of China’s former president Deng Xiaoping: “Deng has principle, he knew where the objectives were; he was following and putting practice of those principles. He was pragmatic, as he said you can use different routes to come to same aim, the ends are always same: the strength of China, the unity of China, and the stability of China.”

“You can use different routes to come to same aim”, only the politician who had the similar experience can make such soul-touching comment. 

At that time the busiest jobs for top leaders was to criticize and instruct the local leaders who hinder the spontaneous reforming initiatives of the grassroots people who desire to create a better life by own hands. For this purpose, Deng Xiaoping made a famous comment: whether the cat is black or white, the cat that can catch mouse is the good one.

      Later, according to the request from locals, China authorized Shekou, a small village nearby Shenzhen city in Guangdong province, as test zone with independent policy making without financing support. The limited area under the name of test has an advantage in less social resistance and more importantly, the social rumors about the practices in the test zone have played a role as a vaccine as psychological immune for relieving people’s panic when facing uncertain social changes.

     And then, by convincing successful experiences update the policies for national promotion, by which from point to line, and then from line to area, which last many years even if was in the ready psychological environment, otherwise, even if in the one party dictatorship also could do nothing. The Shenzhen city was born in this way from a Fishing Village; Now Shenzhen city is powerhouse in driving technical revolution of China.

     Before economic reform, there were many people flea to Hongkong for a better life and to be captured and sent back, those people were held in the over crowned place. Most officials suggested punishing them as traitors, but when facing those detained people, Xi Zhongxun, the father of Xi Jinping said with tears, this is not your fault, but is ours; we did not make a good life for you. Deng Xiaoping said, we must develop economy to improve the life of people.

Now, there are millions people work in Shenzhen and other cites of China from HongKong.

In June 1994, Dr. Pierre Trudeau, the 15th Prime Minister of Canada, who once made a similar comment about China’s economic reform when he attending 12th Annual Conference of the Inter Action Council, which showed in the documentary The evaluation of Foreigners on Deng Xiaoping in following link between 2’13’’ to 2’48”.


At the conference, among many interviewed former leaders of the states, Dr. Pierre Trudeau who was the only one that could point out the essence of the success of China’s economic reform – to accomplish determined principle by flexibly looking for feasible ways that could go through. The sober views showed the outstanding of Dr. Pierre Trudeau, it was why that under his tenure, in Canada, the social development index and quality of life has been among the highest in the world.

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