


Chinese Medicine-A Promising Therapeutic Approach


Reads 1728-9, July 2024

Chinese Medicine - A Promising Therapeutic Approach 

  Frank Li Dec. 21 2011, in  Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Updated Sep, 22 - 26, 2015, Dec. 9 -29, 2017, Aug. 27. 2018, Dec. 2, 2018


The philosophy of Chinese medicine will uproot dilemma of healthcare

The civilization of China is the result of exploring social governance in an environment of peace, where people were taught as qualified human by specially developed rituals, music and Confucianism. In contrast, the civilization of the west is the result of exploring social governance in an environment of bloody battlefields; where people were brainwashed by fabricating Gods in hatred bloodshed.

The nature of two civilizations are different. The one of China is collectivistic civilization and values; which are suitable for human life. The one of west is individualistic civilization and values; which are evils for human life.

It likes that Europe evil civilization soiled democracy and its relied ideologies are in ruining world, the Western medicine has been in doing same thing. The social elements budded from Europe's bloody looting and killing inhuman civilization sound extremely undoubtedly reasonable and humane; but, their actual social effects are extremely inhumane.

We must humanize western medicine by integrating Traditional Chinese Medicine-TCM, then regards human as human, and by restoring Yin-Yang balance as treatment with diet vinegar and handily remedies from the Western medicine looks for killing and genetic patching, and then dump costly harmful vaccines and antibiotics into garbage bin.

1980s, Germany once made about 300 herbal studies and many other studies found that multiple medicinal ingredients can produce synergistic interaction; the more ingredients combined the stronger cure effect the fewer side effects; which made new drug concept - the beast medication comes from unlimited combination of natural and synthetic.

For example, Sep 30, 2019, study report A triple drug combination targeting components of the nutrient-sensing network maximizes longevity indicates that if it used individually, lithium, trametinib and rapamycin can extend life span of fruit flies to 11%, if two of them combined use to 30%, and if all of three combined together to reach 48%.

Any disease is syndrome in multi-lesions developing; therefore, it is impossible to develop drugs by making clear each symptom as that Western medicine has been in doing. It is necessary to follow the compound medication of TCM; which provided multi-medicinals at the same time will be able to cure multi-lesions as that shotgun is able to hit multi-targets by multi-projectiles in a blind shot. 

Diet vinegar affects various physiological activities; can de-structure Covid-19 virus, anti-cancer, increase immune cells in blood; and can regulate physiological indicators returning to normal.

Melatonin participates in various physiological activities; can promote nerve regeneration; rescue kidney failure stem cells, repair aging lessons; repair aging of nerve system and immune system.

Vitamin C and B participate in various physiological activities in decisively affecting health; many diseases are caused by the lack of these nutrients. Individually, Vitamin C and B all can cure diseases; the key is at use in megadose to ensure their concentration in blood.

It can be imaginable that if we use them together as one dose, then synergistic interaction will magnify their therapeutic effect to incredibly stronger.

Home self-help taking 500mg vinegar capsules x2/50kg and x3/75kg in 4 times daily; it cures Covid-19 within 2 days; which is able to cure and prevent the most of airborne infectious diseases. By which multi-combine with melatonin, vitamins and other cheaper handily available remedies, it will be able to cure chronic degenerative diseases to empty hospitals; and reduce the occurrence of illnesses; by timely repair aging lessons, it is easy live 120 years.

                          ---   Frank (Hongde) Li June 6, 2024

Human society is made up of people, so that thinking and behaving of people determine the quality of life and fate of people; while Philosophy affects the way of people in thinking and therefore determining the quality of outcomes in the behaving; so that philosophy impacts the life & fate of people.    

Philosophy Daoism (Taoism) of ancient China emphasizes that universe is a unity of opposites that composed of countless independent unity of opposites in a state of self-equilibrium by Yin and Yang represents the two opposites; and views human body as one of the unity of opposites in the universe. 

Philosophy Reductionism was initiated by French philosopher Descartes, who separated the material world of mechanical necessity from the world of mental free will; the Reductionism refers to subdivide incomprehensible problem or thing into the simple basic units to understand complex whole.

Human body is complex organic system in dynamic developing under the impact of unknown or known but uncontrollable factors; such as, in ancient time, Chinese Medicine Doctor found that uncontrollable psychological factors decisively affect diseases development; and believed that disease treatment is 70% in psychotherapy and 30% in medication. It said that there is a clown in town will be better than that of there is a dozen of doctors.

Actually, human body is a Chaotic System that must dealing with Chaos Theory, in this concern, the macro dialectic philosophy Daoism guided Traditional Chinese medicine – TCM is suitable for human life; while the micro precision seeking philosophy Reductionism guided Western medicine is opposite; this was the reason that western medicine has to coined incurable diseases and chronic degenerative diseases.

Modern studies proved that psychological factors in fully affects diseases development. In 2008, a study in crossing 4 disciplines revealed the evidence that “stress causes deterioration in everything from your gums to your heart and can make you more susceptible to everything from the common cold to cancer.”

Also modern studies proved the correctness of compound medication of TCM; the multi-medicinals can produce synergistic interaction; the more medicinals the stronger cure effect the lower side effect; which proved that the best medication is from combined medicinals in regardless of synthetic or naturals.

Western medicine regards human body as a lifeless assembly of the inanimate parts by subdividing human body as simple micro units of protein, RNA, etc. to study the development of diseases by looking for killing and genetic patching as treatment. Since the wrongful guidance of philosophy, Western medicine has been playing killing role. 1955, placebo effect was found in 50-60% cure rate (Close to 70% of TCM); then found that the effect of synthetic drugs lower than placebo did in side effect, then it has to take double-blind clinical trial test in single ingredient to prove drug effective than that placebo did, in this process, it has been batch training people as killer dumping best drugs in multi-ingredients.

Due to the unquestionable deceptive of double-blind clinical trial; it addicted too many people as scientific psychosis, so that they endlessly yelling Unscientific, Unproven to scare people dare not self-help by effective handy remedies to costly take protein antibody drugs and vaccinations to make easily containable pandemic Covid-19 out of control to have killed 20 million; emptied Gov-finance and badly ruined world economy.

The report of zero infections in Iran China’s plants by daily HOCl disinfection inspired me to conduct a meats plant in zero infection in Canada; I found that daily inhaling HOCl mixed air is able to prevent airborne infectious diseases to end pandemic COVID-19. Since Mar. 2020, I sent hundreds emails and faxes to officials of countries and WHO for suggestion of ending pandemic Covid-19 by HOCl mixed air killing virus in respiratory tract, but all useless.

Western medicine dehumanized medical experts make cooperation with Western civilization dehumanized people take the prevention and treatment of pandemic Covid-19 as means for greedy profiting; they are not only scare people dared not use of handily remedies, but also refuse to kill virus in respiratory tract stopping mutation; by such evil inhuman way facilitates Covid-19 virus freely tricky mutate and spread; so that in 4 years later today; it is still in killing people.

Also, any disease is syndrome in multi-lesions developing; therefore, it is impossible to develop drugs by making clear of each symptom as Western medicine has been in doing. It is necessary to follow the compound prescription of TCM; which provided multi-medicinals at the same time will be able to cure multi-lesions as shotgun is able to hit multi-targets by multi-projectiles in a blind shot. 

Under philosophy of TCM, we will find that diet vinegar (TCM long used), melatonin, vitamin C and B of Orthomolecular medicine, some chemicals as carrier of atomic electronegativity, natural medicinals of TCM, individually, all have multi-therapeutic effect as multi-combined medicinals. If we use them together, it will produce huge magnified therapeutic effect from synergistic effect and then people self-help, it will be able to cure chronic degenerative diseases, empty hospitals, reduce the occurrence of illness, and timely repair aging lesions; it is easy to be ill-free 120 years.

This article aims at helping people to understand Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) by introducing its philosophy, medicinal materials, therapeutic mechanism and the achievements of Daoismmodern studies on the bio-active ingredients, pharmacological effects of natural medicinals that used in TCM, so that people can willingly accept and enjoy this promising therapeutic approach for self-help in diseases treating and health keeping by private affordable OTC tablets Chinese medicinals, thus, live a happier life with lesser economic burden on health care by getting rid of fully relying on the expensive hospitals and synthetic medications, at the same time, to unload overloaded healthcare system, thereby reduce the pressure on government. 

We can develop new natural medicinal additives as daily diet to regulate human body keeping in optimal healthy state, thereby reduce the occurrence of sicknesses, as well, the increase in demand of natural medicinal resources will promote the development of related industries in herbs’ planting and processing with the creation of employment and revenue.

Important Note, since the writing of this article has been lasting over 10 years, and the references used in article were mostly from online, now, most of the original links have lapsed and it is no longer possible to give the sources of the references.

Indeed, this is not an academic article, but just the collection by editing the research results of others, with the hope to attract the attention of people on Chinese medicine, thereby make such an important cultural heritage of human civilization contribute to the improvement of human health as a solution for countering the harm of over commercialization.

I would like to say sorry for my poor wording in English.


    My understanding about Chinese medicine

    The barriers for the popularization of Chinese medicine   

1. General introduction

2. Western Medicine

3. Chinese Medicine

     3.1. Traditional Chinese Medicine

          3.1.1. The origin of TCM, MCM and CM

          3.1.2. Philosophy of TCM

          3.1.3. The holistic view of life of TCM

          3.1.4. Therapeutic Principle

          3.1.5. Diagnose Method

          3.1.6. The difference of TCM & WM

          3.1.7. Example of doctors’ work manner of TCM and WM

          3.1.8. Preventive attitude

          3.1.9. TCM & Psychology

          3.1.10. Chinese Drug & Compound Prescription

     3.2. Modern Chinese Medicine

          3.2.1. General Introduction

          3.2.2. Medicinal Plant


          3.2.3. Medicinal animals




          3.2.4. Medicinal Minerals


      3.3. Meridian & Acupuncture

          3.3.1. Effective evaluation of acupuncture

          3.3.2. Meridian & Chinese medicines

4Some application studies in natural medicinals

      4.1. Phytomedicine Research in Germany

      4.2. Multi-Factorial Cognitive Disorders

      4.3. Psychiatric disorders

5. The global trend on CM

6. Natural OTC drugs

7. Drug Mates

8. The treatment of some chronic diseases by Traditional Chinese Medicine

  8.1…Natural Medicine based on the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  8.2…The mental disorders are caused by brain atrophy

  8.3…A psychotic with 10 years in illness cured by Chinese medicines

     8.3.1…The symptoms before and after treatment

     8.3.2…The therapeutic mechanism analysis

     8.3.3…My confidence to help more psychotics

   8.4…To rescue depression by Traditional Chinese Medicine

      8.4.1…The harsh reality that Canada is suffering in diseases of depression

      8.4.2…The magic effect of Chinese Medicine on depression

    8.5…To cure Dementia by Traditional Chinese Medicine

    8.6…Chinese Medicine Improve Sleep

    8.7…Chinese Medicine can boost immune system

    8.8…Chinese Medicine can Reduce Stress

    8.9…Chinese Medicine and Heart Disease

    8.10…Chinese Medicine can promote Wound Healing

    8.11…Chinese Medicine treats on A H1N1 Flu 2009

    8.12…No death of SARS treated by Chinese Medicine

    8.13…Chinese medicine can cure AIDS

    8.14…Chinese medicine can cure cancer

    8.15…Chinese medicine is effective in anti-aging

    8.16…Chinese Medicine can improve kidney function

    8.17…Chinese Medicine can improve Sexual Function

    8.18…Chinese Medicine for Improving the Metabolism

    8.19…Chinese medicine can promote recovery after operation

The dilemma in health care triggered the rise of Chinese medicine 

My understanding about Chinese medicine

I am a senior researcher on the profession of metal materials once worked in a big Metal Research Institute of China; my career time was spent in Libraries and Laboratories. Due to the particularity of scientific research, I have to search and study latest scientific knowledge and technology for improving research plan, so that I have to spend more time in Libraries than in Laboratories with enough time and chance for free reading.

The biggest gain of my research career was that I have been forced and exercised to be able to calm the mind with an ability of long time concentrated on delving into specific subject until being made clear.

Besides my profession, I spent most of spare time on the study of Traditional Chinese Medicine - TCM, especially, those modern studies on bioactive substances and pharmacological effects of natural medicinal materials.

For well understanding Chinese medicine, we should understand its philosophy at first.

Holistic Dialectical Philosophy Daoism or Taoism

TCM has been developing under the guidance of Taoism that is a philosophy similar to Holism.

Philosophy Daoism or Taoism (Cantonese) emphasizes living in harmony with the Dao - an impersonal ultimate force for driving transformation of reality.

Daoism is symbolized by the Tai-Ji Diagram as following, in which the black fish represents the Yin, but its eyes are white that means yang, white fish represents Yang, but its eyes are black that means Yin. The outermost circle is called as Taiji or Wuji, which indicates that every thing universally is metaplasia from vitality and movement in cycling endlessly.


The whole symbol means that Yin can’t leave Yang, and Yang can’t leave Yin. They are opposites of each other with contradiction and also reunification. Each is understood to be an integral part of the others with coexistence that can’t exist separately. The main task of Dao is to make Yin and Yang keep in the state of harmonious balance.

Daoism dialectically views everything is in the unity of opposites universally and the universe is a system of the unity of opposites, which is composed of many components - subsystem with own feature of unity of opposites. The components are all in the state of dynamic balance through continuous self-regulation.

The two opposing parties are in a state of both repulsion and attraction, and they are interdependent. If one disappears, the other will also cease to exist.

This primitive philosophical view generated thousands of years ago is well coinciding with the modern science in nature world. For example

In micro perspective, as small as atom, extranuclear electrons cloud with the nucleus are both in the state of attraction and repulsion, the electronics rotating around the nucleus in dynamic equilibrium. They are in the state unity of opposites. Atoms are the components to compose of natural materials.                                         


Photo source:http://www.engineeringarchives.com/les_chem_atom.html 

In macro perspective, the planets with the sun in solar system, and the solar system with other galaxies are all in the continuously rotating in the state of self-regulation by attraction and repulsion of each other. They are also in the state of dynamic equilibrium of unity of opposites.


Photo source:http://www.astronomytrek.com/solar-system/ 

Daoism views human life as one of such a component of unity of opposites universally. It embodies that human body itself, human and nature, human and society, human and spirit is all unified whole with interacting each other.

Taoism is contrary with Reductionism and consistent with systems biology. Suppose that Reductionism focuses on a specific grass on the Himalayas, and then the Daoism is not only focusing on the entire grass, but also concerning those would affect the growth of grass, such as, destructive pests, the greenhouse effect and the reduction of glacier cover, etc.

Daoism guiding TCM is suitable for human life

TCM takes Daoism as guidance in viewing human body as emotional organic whole of all parts are connected and influenced; by natural therapies and compound medication of natural medicinals restoring Yin-Yang balance as treatment. In thousands years ago; it has found that psychological factors are in decisively affecting the occurrence and development of disease, so that it believed that the treatment is seven-tenths in psychotherapy, only three-tenths in medication and said that there is a clown in town will be better than that there is a dozen of doctors.

TCM is an empirical medicine that based on thousands-years continuous written records without the concepts and terms of modern anatomy and biology, but uses the concepts and terms of the holistic philosophy – Daoism with viewing our body as the organic whole with all parts are interconnected and in mutual influenced; a well-balanced body can fight against any disease.

A well-balanced human bodies will form an effective self-defence system that can handle the most of pathogenic agents. The diseases could happen only if there are some unbalanced parts in a human body.

Therefore, the treatments of Chinese medicine do not directly target on killing pathogens but target on bring back the natural balance. It achieves the purpose by natural therapeutic approaches, such as, natural drugs, acupuncture and physical exercises, etc. In nature it is in improving appetite, sleep, immunity, nutrition supply, blood circulation, cerebral blood supply, and so on; which have achieved powerful therapeutic effect for incurable degenerative disease, while western medicine has showed helpless due to they are no pathogens for killing.

Under the guidance of holistic philosophy Daoism, TCM has developed many natural therapeutic methods, and identified about 11,146 plants, 1581 animals and 80 minerals as medicinal use and developed nearly 100 thousands of experience-based formulas, which covering almost all known diseases, through long time trial and error clinically.

So, now we learnt that calls Chinese medicinals  as herbal medicine was not exactly correct.

Modern biochemical and pharmacological researches proved that Chinese medicinal is sorted scientifically according to the therapeutic effect. For example, those are sorted as enhancing digestion are rich in Ca, Zn and Fe, and those as enhancing male sexual ability are rich in Mn and Cu.

The natural medicinal materials used in TCM have bioactive constituents with the therapeutic effect that is similar to that of synthetic ones in killing the pathogenic agents directly and the nutritional effect that is similar to that of orthomolecular medicine.

Some of Chinese medicinals can improve human immunity, such as, boosting the weight gains of immune organs, increasing the number and activity of the phagocytes, NK cells and so on.

Therefore, in subjective viewing, the treatment of TCM is to regulate the physical balance, but in objective practice, the process of the regulations were in improving immune function, and thereby kills pathogens by strengthened defense system.

More valuable, Chinese medicine emphasizing that psychological factors play decisive role in affecting human health with a long practice that treatment is seven tenth in promoting psychological rehabilitation, only three tenth in medication. Its correctness proved by modern double-blinded-placebo cured rate 50-60% and many self-recovered incurable cases.

1.. The people who live in a normal life after damaged-half-brain was fully removed, MRI scan found that some areas on right brain has developed as the function of disappeared brain.

2.. A British stroke man who has been 'left to die” by doctors, but himself stood up in 6 months through moving bodies by will, which started from a big toe, then other areas of body.

3.. The transplanted-cancer of rats disappeared or shrunk by group socially activities with large group of 25 in a larger room, but, has no changes for those rats were in small group of 5.

4.. A 10 years old British girl Kirsty Collier's heart grew back after a third was removed when she was in 4 months old due to heart attack.

Chinese medicinals can magnify the effect of psychotherapy by regulating physical balance.

The philosophy of Western medicine is the Reductionism that regards human body as assembly of inanimate parts, the treatment is to find and kill pathogens, which led it less effective for degenerative diseases. It is also increasingly ineffective for infectious diseases, due to quick mutation of the virus, which triggered the rise of TCM.

In medicine field, the emergence of systems biology and evidence-based medicine shows that medical philosophy has been quietly updating from Reductionism towards Holism by gradually increasing the holistic ingredients.

Here, the Chinese medicinals is referring to those natural medicinal materials based on modern studies according to TCM.

Recent years, researchers globally, especially in China, have made great many achievements in bioactive substances and their pharmacological effects on natural Chinese medicinals by modern bio-technologies, instruments and methods as that of used in Western Medicine from the level of molecular, protein and gene; and also, the therapeutic mechanism of many ancestral experienced formulas were revealed.

The findings on natural Chinese medicinals were mostly published on medical journals. Besides reading in Libraries, I also bought some books in compilation of research results, subscribed to some journals, and selectively copied many articles in self expense to be bound as books.

In follow photos, the photo 1 and 2 one was some of the books and the photo 3 and 4 was the bound book and the example of one of copied pages from medical journals. 


The book name in photo 1 was The Pharmacology and Clinical Application of Chinese Medicine; the size of paper was in B5 with 752 pages, only Issued 3,000 copies in 1999. It was the collections of the results of modern studies on pharmacology and clinical application on 1070 of natural Chinese medicinals by using modern biotechnologies of Western medicine.

The book name in photo 2 was The Trace Chemical Elements and Chinese medicinals; the size of paper was in B5 with 483 pages, only issued 6,000 copies in 1993. It was the collections of the results of modern studies on the Trace Chemical Elements in natural Chinese medicinals.

As minerals, the Chemical Elements was a significant part of Orthomolecular medicine (OM) that was coined by two times Nobel Laureate, Dr. Linus Paulin who was enlightened from the successful practice of Canadian doctors cured mental illness by megadose Vitamin B3, later, I will discuss this issue further.

Modern studies have found that chemical elements have an optimal range in the human body. When an element is lower than this range, the diseases in elemental deficiency will occur, which proved the correctness of the Orthomolecular medicine. Natural Chinese medicinals is rich in chemical elements that are essential for human health, which have very high clinical value for trace element deficiency.

In compared with synthetic ones, the chemical elements in Chinese medicinals have the advantage of easy for absorption, less potential risks, such as oxidation, deterioration and so on.

As mentioned above, long time ago, Chinese medicine has identified about 80 minerals as medicinal use. Modern studies also revealed their pharmacological effects, such as, the natural Chinese medicinalss that promote digestion are rich in calcium, zinc, and iron, and those that promote sexual function, precocious puberty and also promote height growth are rich in manganese and copper.

Now the two books have been published for about two decades; in this period, the achievements of new findings on natural Chinese medicinals would be able to be collected as new books in similar volume.

In following, the photo 3 was a book that I selectively copied from various periodicals of new studies on Chinese medicine in self expense, and photo 4 was an example of one of copied pages. From cost concerning, the copied one was more expensive. 


In above pictures, the horseshoe alarm clock was intended as reference of size-scale, so that the reader can easily feel the size of the book. The horseshoe alarm clock was bought in Canada. When I was a child in 50 years ago, in my home China, there was such a clock in the same structure and same size but in different color, the old one was paint coated, and this one was made shiny in stainless steel. I think that the horseshoe alarm clock would resonate to great many readers with the old day of the life.

I take those books and copies as valuable treasure. In the past years, I have them with me. In this period, I once several times moved home, even when immigrating to Canada, the entire family property has to be compressed into a few suitcases and weighed accurate to grams, in those process, I have to throw away a lot of favorite books, however, I never consider to discard the books in natural Chinese medicinals.

The findings in pharmacological effects of Chinese medicinals involving a wide range:

1. Boosting digestion.

2. Promoting sleep.

3. Balance-regulating endocrine.

4. Bidirectional regulating hormones.

5. Bidirectional regulating blood, which can promote blood circulation and can also stop bleeding.

6. Bidirectional regulating central nervous system from over-suppressed or over-excited.

7. Boosting the weight gains of immune organs.

8. Increasing the number and activity of the Natural Killer cells.

9. Boosting the regeneration of cells.

10. Improving the health condition of cardiovascular system and cerebrovascular system.

11. Dilating on blood vessels to increases blood supply for heart and brain.

12. Improving the intima of blood vessel and stomach.

13. Boosting the healing of wound.

14. Improve cognitive ability and memory.

15. Treats dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

16. Treats schizophrenia and depression, and much more.


More pleasing is that in China, with modern technologies, those experience-based formulas have updated and used to produce great many OCT tablets and injections by extracts, and labeled with the instructions of the sort of treated-diseases, precautions and dosage. 

Above TCM tablets resered in my homel they are available in Chinese pharmacies worldwide.

The biggest advantages of traditional Chinese medicine are its efficacy, fewer side effects, never produces drug resistance due to multiple components on multiple targets in one dose. Moreover, OTC tablets are easy to use at home and inexpensive affordable privately.

The results of modern studies and OTC tablets medicines will help us easy medicinal-selection for treating certain diseases according to the pharmaceutical functions.

The achievements in the modern studies on natural Chinese medicinals have laid profound foundation for the popularization of the public application of natural Chinese medicinals.

I have met many times, in the pharmacy of Chinese medicine Toronto, some tablets Chinese medicials was out of stock, and the clerk said that all were bought by local whites in one-time.

Obviously, the fact shows that local patients have already experienced the good medical effects of Natural Chinese medicinals. Compared with western synthetic one, it is highly effective with no side effects and cheaper.

The fact also shows that local patients are easily accepting Chinese medicine.

Indeed, more meaningful is that clinical practices have shown that many degenerative chronic diseases can be treated easily by the combo of OTC tablets without side effects, such as, the depression, psychotic, Alzheimer's disease and so on, which are without pathogenic sources, which Western medicine has been in less effect.

In such a concern, in May 9, 2017 – July 18, 2017, I once searched information and wrote article Chinese Medicine can cure Schizophrenia and Alzheimer's disease.

Here, my experiences are worth to mention.

In China, the hospitals are mostly integrated by Western Medicine and Chinese medicine, the patients can choose any one as personal will, but, the doctors in Chinese medicine were all addicted in the experiences according to traditional theories of TCM, with ignoring modern research on pharmacology of Chinese medicinals.

When I working in a research institute China, my colleagues and their families, if the treatment were not effective in the hospital, they would seek the help from me, I prepare medicinal combo by the OTC tablets of natural Chinese medicinals according to the results of modern pharmacological researches in buckshee, with amazing curative results.

Later, they introduced the medicinal combo to their relatives and friends, and asked me to collect some cost fees; otherwise, they would refuse to accept anymore. Since then, for the cost on buying medical books, I did not have to apply from my wife; and also, I could order more medical journals.

Before I left China to Canada, I gave a lot of medical journals of natural Chinese medicinals to a friend who was a clinician in Western medicine. He used the methods and prescriptions that described in the journals to treat patients and the effcets were wonderful.

Some of his unique usage were without research reports, I am also worried about the safety of his medication; he explained that he treats patients by two kind of injections in same time with a tee-type drop tube seperately instead of mixing them in advance, it was effective without any adverse reactions.

In Canada, I once cured a young man who was 10 years in psychotic by OCT tablets Chinese medicinals, only in weeks, his abnormal emotion was recovered as normal. The amazing therapeutic effect shocked me also. See section A psychotic with 10 years in illness cured by Chinese medicinals.

The successful practice in helping people made me experienced with firm confidence in flexibly using Chinese medicinals to treat a variety of diseases. The key lies in the compound medication, which was the good use of synergistic effect by putting a variety of medicines at same time.

This article is not a professional writing but only for a popularity of therapeutic approach in more curative effect, less negative effect, in handy and easy for use, in cheaper and private-affordable for the people who have less income for health care.

In this article, the data is limited, and the readability in English wording is even more inadequate. Here, what I said is not important; the important is in the limelight to attract people's attention for willingly enjoying Chinese medicine.

The dilemma in healthcare triggered the rise of Chinese medicine

I have been persisting over 10 years in writing this article.

Firstly, it started in 2008 in Mandarin, after I learnt the incredible Woes of the Medicare and Healthcare in the United States by comparison with other countries from documentary Sicko that directed and filmed by Mr. Michael Moore. Since Dec. 21, 2011, I translated this article in English and then I have been in endless updating with difficult struggling in English wording.

The United States is admired in affluent life under adorable democratic governance, its healthcare system should be in adorable too, but, the reality that poor service under over commercialized in profit pursuit was in incredible departure from adorable.

In the United States, almost fifty million people are uninsured while the insured remainders are often victims of insurance company fraud and red tape; which caused the infant mortality and life expectancy equal to that of poor countries.

As contrast, Cuba, a poor country that has been taking as enemy and embargoing by the United States for more than 60 years, has indeed established the most humane healthcare system that any people from any country can get treatment in free.

In the documentary, for seeking medical help, by a small boat, Mr. Michael Moore helped three U.S. 9/11 rescue workers easily into Cuba. Those rescue workers have been suffering sickness that caused from engaging in rescue work in 9/11 dust-flying disaster site, in order to save the lives of others, undermined the health of themselves.

In Havana hospital, the rescue workers got satisfied diagnosis and treatment in free without being asked for money or insurance card, the only requirement was to register by personal name and birthday in the purpose of an essential identification as patients in regardless the nationalities.

The fact was clear - the poor Cuban people have established universal healthcare system in opening to the people world widely.

In the documentary, Mr. Michael Moore indicates that, in the U.S., Healthcare costs run nearly $ 7,000 per person; but in Cuba, they spend only $ 251. And yet the Cubans are able to have a lower infant mortality rate and a longer average life span than that of in the United States.

Then, where was the $ 7.000 per person spent for, the documentary provided secret.

A kind of medicine that needed by a patient of 9/11 rescue workers was only $5 cents in Cuba, but was $120 dollar in the United States.

Mr. Michael Moore commented the health care of Cuba with that: Their only sin when it comes to healthcare seems to be that they don't do it for a profit.

The malformed profitable healthcare leads to a deformed economy. Feb. 26, 2018, the article Warren Buffett reveals more details about healthcare venture with JPMorgan and Amazon said the U.S. spends 18 percent of its GDP on healthcare, which was the highest in the world, and that number continues to grow. 

In the United States, besides that a $5 cents medicine in Cuba sells $120 dollar in the United States with 2400 times greedy looting, the hospitals was also in madly money cheating.

Nov. 19, 2014, there was a report that Canadian mom faces nearly $1-million medical bill after unexpected birth in U.S.. It said that a Saskatchewan mother is facing more than $900,000 in medical bills after giving birth unexpectedly in the United States and being told the costs won't be covered by insurance.

No matter from what point of view, for a normal childbirth, to be charged so much, it was simply a manner of robbery of the reckless robber.

On the https://www.reddit.com/, after the post The Cost of Our Baby's Birth (C-Section) in the US, there were many comments in complains about irrational charges at American hospitals.

Although the people do not have to worry about medical expenses in some rich welfare countries with available in universal health care, however, manmade poor in services, and long waits for treatment has become a new life threat.

In developed country Britain and Canada, both have reports that patients died due to unable to get treatment timely.

Dec.14, 2009, British news paper Daily Mail published article Britain, the sick man of Europe: Heart and cancer survival rates among worst in developed world to have reported that the poor work ethic of British medical staff caused health care service among worst in developed world; even there were up to 1200 needless deaths patients abused staff bullied to meet targets, but hospital says no one's to blame; patients were left unwashed in their own filth for up to a month as nurses ignored their requests to use the toilet or change their sheets. Even heinous, four members of one family, including a new-born baby girl died within 18 months after of blunders at the hospital…

The shocking facts revealed that healthcare in the rich countries United States and Britain was even worse than that of poor country Cuba.

The reality shows that the plight in human health care was not due to the short in medical resources, but, the absurdity in social governance, which encourages some reckless people to boldly play their inhuman nature to endanger the life of innocents.

All in all, the first in the firsts, the improvement of healthcare is depending on the rational social governance. The purpose is simple, but the practice will be difficult due to it is inevitably to be complicated by the involvement of great many thorny factors.

Besides the wrongful social governance, the mainstream western medicine itself also faces difficult position of being unable to get rid of; such as, it is incapable in dealing with the degenerative diseases that have no pathogenic origin.

Recently, after huge expenditures on drug R&D failed, several pharmaceutical manufacturing giants announced the withdrawal of the drug development on Alzheimer’s.

A few years ago, there were pharmaceutical giants withdrew from new version antibiotic R$D due to the rapid mutations of the virus to have largely shortened the marketing time of new developed antibiotics.

The reality is urging us to serious consider the way out for the dilemma in human health care. The best way is to explore therapeutic approaches that are easy in home use, cheaper in private affordable, so that people can be self-help in health keeping and diseases treating; by which helps people get rid of fully relying on unaffordable mainstream medicine and thereby get rid of the harm of wrongful social governance and greed of people’s inborn nature that free play in over commercialized world.

For such a concern, that folk ancestral medicine may provide help.

Among variety of the folk ancestral medicines, the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) was the best one with the profound theories of thousands years accumulation in written records, which provide effective methods in diseases diagnose and treatment with broad availabilities in natural medicine - 11,146 medicinal plants, 1581 medicinal animals and 80 medicinal minerals with nearly 100 thousands of experience-based formulas.

The convincing therapeutic effects of natural Chinese medicinals have encouraged the FDA, EU and Canada to issue laws to promote its popularization by treating it as OTC in the name of supplements or food additives.

In Cuba, due to short of money, they promote preventive medicine and hardly seek cheaper effective medications, in which, Chinese medicine has been playing a key role.

Reports: Natural and Traditional Medicine in Cuba: Lessons For U.S. Medical Education. Cuba's Green Revolution - Natural Medicine Advances.

In addition, there was report that in the US, the not-for-profit and public hospitals have developed unsustainable.

28 August 2018, article Research Announcement: Moody's - US NFP & public hospitals’ annual medians show expense growth topping revenues for second year reports that: Expense growth continues to outpace revenue growth for US not-for-profit and public hospitals, and the widening gap places the sector on an unsustainable path. This is the second consecutive year expenses have topped revenues, and will remain the largest strain on NFP hospital profitability through 2019.

The report said, Revenue pressures continue to overshadow expense saving initiatives, while the median annual expense growth rate decelerated to 5.7% from 7.1%, but, annual revenue growth rate declined faster, to 4.6% from 6.1%."

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The barriers for the popularization of Chinese medicine

For a long time, the governments and individuals have been unable to cope with the medical difficulties in Western medicine, even so, above good medicinal references and easy available OTC tablets in Chinese medicinals has been rare used in mainstream clinical application globally, even in its birthplace China.

The reason for such sad reality was complicated in both of practice and ideology.

Firstly, is the hindering of interest groups for commercial interest

In history, there were times attempts in trying to cancel Chinese medicine, even if in China, some of they were launched by interest group, such as, drug makers in synthetic medicine from the concern of commercial competing, and the most of the attempts were launched by the people who were trained in Western medicine with eyes that look down on Chinese medicine, until to today, never stop.

Sept 26, 2018, the world's leading multidisciplinary science journal - Nature published article Why Chinese medicine is heading for clinics around the world, said that, for the first time, the World Health Assembly, in the 11th version ICD (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems) will include details about traditional medicines.

The article said that TCM practitioners increasingly talk of replacing proven Western medicines with traditional substitutes, where there is a cost advantage; the ICD-11 is heading in that direction. Seventy per cent of money spent on health care globally is reimbursed or allocated on the basis of ICD information. Now TCM will be part of that system. The thing they want is to make it sound official and be recognized by the insurance companies. Because it’s relatively low cost, insurance companies will accept it.

For such an inevitable global trend, the article specially indicated that “For those steeped in Western medicine, the continued spread of traditional treatments is worrisome.”

It is no doubt, for the application of OTC Chinese medicinals in Canada, the big resistance will be from those steeped in Western medicine, which include drug makers and medical staff in healthcare, of course, include the readers from Southlake Regional Health Centre.

As a solution, for drug makers, we may provide them business opportunity in the production of natural pharmaceuticals; for the medical staff in Western medicine, they should not worry about at all, the new therapies will make their jobs much easier with a happier mood in seeing patients recovered quickly.

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Secondly, is that research activities are for academic not clinic

The main body of modern studies on natural Chinese medicinals was in the academic circle, in the universities, in the institutes; it was driven by the need of professors for teaching tasks, the need of students for gaining their degree in Masters or PhDs, especially the need of the funds for scientific research.

In fact, all of such activities were driven as career in living making for survival, and such related.

Speaking to here, you would agree my judgment: the majority of human activities were driven by the purpose of survival. If we view the reality in this way, many thorny problems that entangled and complicated by confused ideology may be easily understood, especially in this topic.

Thirdly, is that research results on animal dare not use on human

In the research process, the most used experiment object was rats, not human patients, so the results cannot be directly used clinically. Moreover, after the studies were published, they also were mainly circulated and used in academia, rare of them entering the application in clinical circle – they were seldom used to solve the problems in disease treatment.

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Fourthly, is that legal risks restrained clinicians in use of Chinese medicine

In general, the clinicians in Western medicine were not interested for Chinese medicine with inherent beliefs that TCM is not scientific. The clinicians in Chinese medicine were not interested for the results of modern bio-pharmaceutical studies also with indulged in well-known experiences to cook soup by raw Herbal Pieces.

In the clinical practice; the both of them were firstly concerning self-protection to avoid being litigated and confidently treat patients according to their own experience or legally approved medications due to that clinical treatment involves life-saving, even if they understood the cured rate of they used medications were low with obvious negative effect.

For sure safe, even if they knew that Chinese medicine was effective, but, they never directly apply to their own patients with the fear of taking responsibility for possible unexpected medical accident that may cause legal proceedings; though, even if, FDA, EU and Canada have issued laws to treat natural Chinese medicinals  as OTC in the name of supplements or food additives.

Since such reasons, the unbelievable absurd phenomenon was in popular, which was that the research belongs to the research, clinic belongs to the clinic, and they were going on their own way in following the parallel direction; as that of the water in the well was rarely able to mix with the water in the Mainstream River, even if, the water from the well was more healthy.

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Fifthly, is the improper approval process for marketing

Under the misleading of philosophy – Reductionism, in the process of approval for marketing, treats natural Chinese medicinals by the way as that of treating synthetic one with cost of long time and spending, which acted as shackles in hindering the popularization of the use of natural Chinese medicinals.

Since the placebo effect was clinically proved in last century, many synthetic drugs have been found to be less clinical effective than that of placebo, but have lethal side effects. Therefore, the FDA required that the clinical use of the synthetic drugs must be supported by clinically double-blind with the proof of effective than that of the placebos.

Due to that all of Chinese medicinals were in compound constituents with complex of bioactive composition, even if a single herb is also with complex constituents, so that it is difficult in making clear that which kind of constituent has played which kind of therapeutic role, it is almost impossible, which cannot get the results to meet the requirements of Western medicine for clinical trials – the clinical role of each constituents has to be made clear.

Though the request of clinically double-blind was rational scientifically, but, it also caused the high cost in both of funds and time for the new combo of natural Chinese medicinals going into the application clinically.

Sixthly, is that the theories of TCM is too difficult to be understood

The most theories of TCM were written in ancient style of Chinese with difficult in understanding for modern people, which caused by the limitation in the number of the development of Chinese characters in ancient time, the text in ancient style is difficult to be understood for nowadays people.

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Seventhly, is indulging in old culture and rejecting new things

Even in China, the home of birthplace of TCM, the doctors and officials in Chinese medicine have indulged in the theories of classical Chinese medicine, with believing that is necessary for protecting cultural heritage; they are difficult to accept the results of modern pharmacological researches on Chinese medicine, even with somewhat rebellious mentality, which proved by the reality that in the overseas market of Chinese medicine, China has only 0.3% of patent rights, while Japan and South Korea occupy more than 70%.

Eighthly, is from people’s stubborn superstitious thinking

People are used to old-fashioned conservative habit under superstitious thinking by misunderstanding on scientific. There replies followed my comment was a good example for understanding the ideological resistance.

Mar. 5, 2018, on facebook, there was an article UW student dies by suicide at student residence reported that a student of University of Waterloo died by suicide when he jumped from a 12th floor student residence building. Follow was my comment and the replies followed my comment.

Frank Li: Chinese medicine can reduce the suicide of sufferer with depression.

Rich Reist: Any type of therapy can help but science based medications are more reliable than untested herbs and that sort of thing.

Also there was rational reply.

Lara Kristina: Rich Reist many "science based" antidepressants actually cause suicidal thoughts. They are a huge part of a very complex problem.

From the dialogue above, we can understand that people’s superstition in science is ingrained and difficult to remove. Most people cannot understand that only practical results can prove the good or bad of the things, rather than the dogma.

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Ninthly, is that ignoramus dogmatists are always in dominating

Maybe, it was distressed feeling from such confusion and frustration, years ago I once wrote article To Make Possible from Impossible by Breaking the Shackles of Dogmatic, in which I shared similar distressed feeling of John Maynard Keynes in his article The end of laissez-faire 1926.

“The compelling force of many of the original reasons has disappeared but, as usual, the vitality of the conclusions outlasts them.” “The average man averts his attention from the problem, and has no clear idea what he really thinks and feels about the whole confounded matter.” “Confusion of thought and feeling leads to confusion of speech.”

John Maynard Keynes was a British economist whose ideas in dominating modern economy as economic policies of all of governments except Germany, such as, monetary easing, 2% inflation, government investments and so on.

Today, here, you may agree that the progress of human civilization is the process of battle with ideological confusion, and it was the process of battle in between the knowledgeable pragmatist and ignoramus dogmatist. It is same in the population of TCM.

In my view, above nine problems were the main barriers in hindering the clinical application of natural Chinese medicinals.

The solution for the problems depends on the liberation in the thoughts with the updating in the way of thinking.

Luckily, in Canada, beside the legislation in treat Chinese medicinals as OTC as supplements, the ordinary citizen are also gradually realized the therapeutic effects of Chinese medicinals and use it willingly in private expending. Such as, many times, I want to buy some OTC tablets Chinese medicinals in the pharmacy of Chinese medicine Toronto, but, the answer was that the medicine has been bought all by local white people.

In China, the promotion of the use of natural Chinese medicinals is going on a rational way from the level of getting rid of dogma under the conduct of the government.

Apr. 4, 2007, the International Journal of Science - Nature online published China plans to modernize traditional medicine to have reported that, China has announced an ambitious attempt to bring the ancient practice of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) into line with modern standards. The government says it will expand basic and clinical research, and improve the testing and developing of TCM remedies for export. The project is backed by 16 Chinese ministries, spearheaded by the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Health and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and earmarked $130 US million.

In October 2017, there was report that traditional Chinese medicine may no longer be required to pass safety and efficacy trials in humans clinically. The China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) suggested traditional medicines can skip such costly and time-consuming trials as long as manufacturers prepare ingredients using essentially the same method as in classic Chinese formulations. The CFDA and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of China will compose a list of the approved methods.

The rational promotion with powerful Gov-leading and -funding will be largely promoting the population of Chinese medicine.

In addition, the practice of China’s government has big limitation with some kind of irrational – “as long as manufacturers prepare ingredients using essentially the same method as in classic Chinese formulations.”

In fact, those “classic Chinese formulations” were not clear in bioactive ingredients, especially in potential toxicity, though long use has proved they were effective and safe. But, the right way, as my view, at least, they should be combined by the review according to the results of modern studies on the bioactive ingredients and their pharmacological effects, by which way updating classic formulations, the therapeutic effect will be much powerful.

Here, as a proof, I have to point out that, the combo OTC tablets Chinese medicinals that I used to have cured a young man of 10 years in psychotic, was not according to any “classic Chinese formulations”, but, according to the physical condition of the psychotic young man, from the comprehensive physical adjustment – basic metabolism, digestion, nutrition, sleep, immune, blood quality, vascular health, and so on, especially, improve blood circulation with broken the blood-brain barrier.

My treatment was focused on the restoration of the physical condition, thereby, restores abnormal secretion of the chemical to normal, rather than as that of synthetic antipsychotic drugs in Western Medicine was simply focusing on the inhibiting of chemical secretion with dead side effects.

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1.. General introduction

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an accumulation of the experiences of medical practices in Far East China. Because it was initiated from primitive Era in thousands years ago, so there were no concepts and terms of modern anatomy and biology, its medical descriptions were using the terms and the principle of its philosophy - Daoism. Therefore, for the people who were educated with modern Western medicine, it is difficult to understand and to have caused the sense of mystery even misunderstood as sorcery.

Modern studies have unknowingly and indirectly proven that TCM was the best medical system world widely so far compared with that of those existences, especially Western Medicine (WM).

This article is trying to use the terms of western medical terminology such as modern biology and pharmacology to crack down the mystery through introducing the basic principle of its philosophy - Daoism, modern researches, and therapeutic mechanism of TCM. Thereby convince people to enjoy the ancient civilization willingly.

Thus, many incurable diseases will be curable, especially, the degenerative diseases that have no pathogenic origin, and the cost on the medications will largely lower down socially. More significantly, we can radically reduce the pressure of the working-class in health care by helping them self-help in diseases-treating and health keeping with affordable natural Chinese medicinals; thereby get rid of fully relying on the troublesome hospitals and synthetic medications to live a happier life with lesser burden on economy and psychology on health care.

WM has been taking Reductionism as philosophical guidance, it looks human body as an assembly of parts, and tries to study and diagnose diseases through the isolated part by reducing human body as micro as protein, gene and even peptides. Today we even can make life by genetic technology in a tube. So public have been convinced that modern WM is most advanced, most scientific and most reliable.

However, because human body is a complex system that various organs are closely interconnected with interdependent and interacting, there may be many unpredictable factors in affecting the development of diseases, especially the psychological factors. Many objective facts have proven that the medical route under the guidance of Reductionism is not sustainable feasibly, for instance:

Nine years ago, we once cheered for the completion of Human Genome Project with the happy of getting a new powerful therapeutic approach. Many of us thought that we could uproot all human diseases since then. However, until today, it seems to have no genetic therapies been applied in clinic safely and stably, because there may be dozens even hundreds different gene-fragments in affecting the development of one diseases. Therefore, those believed as most advanced, most scientific, most reliable genetic therapies are only hopeful flowers that may need long time, and more study to bear enjoyable fruits. I believed that, this fruit cannot mature forever, because it cannot uproot the stress or psychological pressure – the main inducement of the diseases.

On the other hand, there were no suitable synthetic drugs for some diseases, such as, super bugs. Even, those existing drugs were not all safe; the side effects of some of them are becoming new life-threats. More terrible is that the cost of medications is soaring up, due to some people take the medical activities as the tools to loot money in contempt of life. It is just like the earthquake in Japan, coupled with the Tsunami, which was not enough, followed by nuclear radiation from nuclear power station leaking.

It is very disappointed but is a corollary under the misleading of Reductionism and irrational commercialization.

In as much Reductionism cannot work well, we should introduce new philosophy into medical system. The hopeful one is Holism – a philosophy that macro-views human body as whole, and considers all the affecting factors, including psychology. However, “There Are Two Sides to Everything.” Compared with Reductionism, Holism is too macro that may induce to ignore the factors of micro. Therefore, the best way is to combined use them to make up the disadvantages by the advantages of each other’s, and avoid their disadvantages. Thereby we can get rid of the current predicament in Western medicine. However, distant water cannot solve the immediate thirsty. We need to find another way out.

There are many experience-based therapies have been developed and accumulated in the populace’s daily life with the advantages of effective, safe, handy, cheaper, and easy to use. They are good resources for developing alternative therapies. Among them, TCM is outstanding.

TCM has been developing under the guidance of Daoism - an ancient philosophy of China.

Daoism is contrary with Reductionism. It is similar with Holism and consistent with systems biology. Suppose that Reductionism focuses on a specific grass on the Himalayas, and then the Daoism is not only focusing on the entire grass, but also concerning those fators that would affect the growth of grass, such as, destructive pests, the greenhouse effect and the reduction of glacier cover, etc.

Under the guidance of Daoism, human life has been viewing taken as one of such a component of unity of opposites. It believes that human body is an organic whole that all components are closely interacted. A well-balanced human bodies will form an effective self-defence system that can handle the most of pathogenic agents. The diseases could happen only if there are some unbalanced parts in a human body. The treatments do not directly target to kill pathogenic but to bring back the natural balance. It achieves the purpose by natural therapeutic approaches, such as, natural drugs, acupuncture and physical exercises, etc.

Compared with Western medicine, TCM was believed as most primitive, most unscientific, and most unreliable. However, many modern researches have inadvertently proven the outstanding of TCM. Its holistic perspective with emphasizing the decisive role of psychological factors on the development of diseases is most rational and scientific. Such as, Henry K. Beecher’s The Powerful Placebo (1955), George Engel’s Biopsychosocial model (1977), the crossing disciplines research proved that Stress Causes Everything (2008), Ohio State University’s Socially active environment can cause cancer tumors to shrink and even disappear (2010) and British Man with 'Locked-in' syndrome makes amazing recovery by his will for survival (2010), etc. Those findings clearly indicated that, for most diseases, negative psychological plays inducement effect and positive psychological has therapeutic effect. On this point, TCM is much admirable. In thousand years ago, TCM practitioners have found the similar fact that diseases treatment is seven-tenths in psychotherapy and only three-tenths in medication. Suppose we take the placebo effect as a kind of psychotherapy, then the proportion of seven-tenths in psychotherapy is close to the modern scientific statistics from the double-blind clinical trials, which was “placebos are effective in 50 or 60 percent of subjects with certain conditions.” And “some researchers maintain that there is not adequate evidence from studies to prove that the new (antipsychotic) drugs are more effective than placebos.”

The emergence of system biology is showing that Western medicine is starting to step toward the Holistic way with enlarging the scope of medical analysis. Essentially says, it was that Western medicine is from philosophical root turning its heads toward the ancient holistic medical approach of TCM after its hitting on the wall.

TCM has developed unique methods in diseases diagnosis and treatment by natural ways, such as Pulse diagnosis, Tongue diagnosis, Acupuncture, Massage, especially a large number choice of natural drugs. According to the statistic of national investigation of mainland China in the 80's of 20th century, there are 11,146 plants, 1581 animals and 80 minerals as medicinal using. The <Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine Prescription> selected nearly 100 thousands of experience-based formulas from prescriptions of TCM since there are written records in the history of China, which covering almost all known diseases. Thanks the scientists of China, they have made many useful modern researches on Chinese medicinals by emulating the methods of western medicine, and to have had those experience-based formulas updated and produced great many OCT drugs in the forms of convenient for using. Such as, injections and sugar covered tablets with the labels of providing treated-ranges, precautions and dosages.

The medicinal materials (natural drugs) used in TCM are all from nature. Modern studies from the level of molecular, protein and gene found those natural drugs containing a wide range of bioactive constituents. Some of them have therapeutic effect that is similar to that of synthetic ones in killing the pathogenic agents directly, and some of them have nutritional effect that is similar to that of orthomolecular medicine. For ill-debilitated patients, nutrition is even more important than that of drugs. I think that this is the unique advantages of natural drugs, and also it is the unique advantages of TCM.

Modern researches revealed that some of Chinese medicinalss can improve human immunity, such as, boosting the weight gains of immune organs, increasing the number and activity of the phagocytes, NK cells and so on. Therefore, in subjective viewing, TCM is to regulate the physical balance, but in objective practicing, the process of the regulations plays a role of improving the immune function, then the pathogenic agents to be killed by enhanced immune system. Although, in TCM there are no concepts of modern immunology, such as, immune organs or immune cells, the experience-based formulas were never to have considered on immunity, however, some of preparations by those formulas are playing the therapeutic role through enhancing human immunity. More significant is that when the physical balance of patient is restored, the most of uncomfortable symptoms of patient would be largely improved, such as, poor appetite, angst and insomnia, patient would feel much better not only in physical but also in psychological. Indeed, the physical improvement also plays the role of psychotherapy. The recovery of the diseases can certainly be accelerated.

The compound prescription is unique therapeutic method of TCM, which is to put many different natural drugs together as one dose. Studies have proved that drugs in compound using are able to generate synergy effect of multiplying the positive effect of each other. The findings revealed the mystery that preparations by experience-based formulas of TCM are more effective on some specific diseases and provided clear guidance for selecting effective natural drugs aiming on specific pathogenic. This is the reason that, in my hand, Chinese natural drugs seem to have gained magic in treating some thorny diseases, such as, Schizophrenia, fat liquefaction of incision and so on. Chinese medicinals will be a powerful therapeutic approach on the diseases both communicable and non-communicable, which not satisfied by the treatment of synthetic drugs. Clearly, Chinese medicine is promising resource in developing new therapeutic approaches both drugs and therapies. Also it has huge market potential.

However, since that TCM is accumulation of the experiences from medical practices started in thousands years ago, there are no concepts and terms of modern anatomy and biology. The medical descriptions of TCM are using the terms and the principle of its philosophy - Daoism, such as, Yin & Yang, and cold & Hot. The diagnosis and the treatment of diseases are from this philosophical perspective to regulate the balance of the unity of opposites. It is very different with that of Western Medicine (WM) that is only focusing on the specific ill organ or pathogenic. As the same way, Chinese medicinals are sorted and used to restore the physical balance of human body rather than focusing on any ill organ or pathogenic. Therefore, it can not be easily understood according to the way of WM.

Due to there is no corresponding English words; it is difficult to directly translate TCM into English in accordance with its original meaning accurately. In addition, TCM are based on great many written records from different historical period spanning thousands of years, many of those records wrote in Classical Chinese even in Oracle bone script, which is similar to that of some thing written in Old English, they are not easy to be understood. So that the unique philosophy and therapeutic efficacy of TCM was not be well understood & applied as it should be.

Even so, I firmly believed that, with my articles of

The holistic view on human life mainly embodied following areas:

Human beings self, people and people, people and society, and people and nature is all in the state of unity of opposites. They must maintain in harmonious balance, once occurs deviation, people would fall into ill, between the people would conflict, the human society would fall into disorder and the nature would punish humankind. Those thoughts play a directing role in the diseases treatment.

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1.. Emphasis on the restoration of physical balance

TCM believes that human body is an organic whole that all components are closely interacted. A well-balanced human bodies will form an effective self-defence system that can handle the most of pathogenic agents. The diseases could happen only if there are some unbalanced parts in a human body. The treatments do not directly target to kill pathogenics but to bring back the natural balance. It achieves the purpose by natural therapeutic approaches, such as, natural drugs, acupuncture and physical exercises, etc.

Jan. 12 2011, a report that H1N1 and other seasonal influenza swept France and caused many deaths. According to the experiences of China, if the treatment integrates with some Chinese medicinals to improve suffered symptoms of the patient holistically, the patients who fall into critical would be largely reduced. There is a simple method for rescuing critical patients. I will introduce it later.

Talking about the restoration of physical balance, we must make clear the physiological effect of nutritional ingredients in Chinese medicinals.

A good example is Orthomolecular medicine (OM). It was coined by Linus Paulin who was enlightened from the successful practice of Canadian doctors who cured mental illness by megadose Vitamin B3 after read the paper of

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The OM was originally intended to treat the “mental disease by the provision of the optimal molecular environment of the mind, especially the optimal concentrations of substances normally present in the human body.” OM currently is called as diet supplements that have developed many products, such as, Vitamins, minerals and so on.

Linus Paulin who published the <Nature of the chemical bond> in 1939. Later he did many pioneering works in understanding the nature of life from atomic structure, binding mode between atoms, nucleic acids and proteins. Whether from chemical, biological, and medical, he has laid a solid theoretical foundation.

Vitamin B-3 has wide range of physiological improvement functions. Its therapeutic process for psychotic is to restore damaged brain rather than as that of antipsychotic drugs control the abnormal secretions in the brain. Naturally, OM treats the diseases in a Holistic way. 

Although, for decades, some people have been eagerly trying to deny the curative effect of OM, however, the physiological improvement function is coming clearer in both clinic and academic. Now it gains extensively application world widely. Vitamin C was the one of OM, which was Linus Pauling strongly recommended, also was strongly opposed by others. following are some of new researches on Vitamin C.

1. <Vitamin C Saves Lives!> After Linus Pauling wrote his book on vitamin C in 1970, mortality from heart disease decreased 30-40% in the USA. From around 741,000 deaths per year to less than 500,000 deaths by 1986 - U. S. Bureau of National Health Statistics 1986.

2. <Vitamin C may be useful to treat cancer after all>.

3. <Study shows vitamin C's cancer-fighting properties>.

4. <Vitamin C beneficial in cancer treatment – study>.

5. <How Vitamin C Stops Cancer>.

In TCM, there are variety of nutritional constituents that are far more than that of in OM, which come from more than 10 thousands of plants, minerals and animals, such as, Ginseng, Gypsum and Placenta. They are certainly playing a significant role in the diseases treatment, but their unique contribution seems to have been ignored both clinically and academically. The reason may come from the TCM itself because that it never distinguishes the medicinal and nutritional, even without the concepts and terms, they were generally called as medicine. In western medicine, Chinese medicinals generally called as alternative or diet supplements. I think that there is necessary to make a definition, such as, those with the effect of killing pathogenic agents should be called as medicinal, and those without the effect of killing pathogenic directly but with the role of physiological improvement should be called as nutritional, include those in Western medicine. A clear concept with a exact term will not only help clear describing, but also conducive to efficient thinking. The determination of a definition is difficult that need to be discussed carefully because of the ingredient of many single herbs is compound that contains both medicinal and nutritional. Even if a single constituent also has a dual role, such as, some peptide is nutritional but also an antibiotic. The nutritionals in Chinese medicinals is a promising medical potential to be an attractive research direction.

Acupuncture is a treatment method based on Meridian. Modern researches showed that it could stimulate the blood circulation in some certain area of body by acupuncture on some specific acupoints to achieve the therapeutic effect. Clinical practices show it work well on many diseases, such as, stroke, pain, etc.

There are many physical exercises methods in TCM for enhancing physical strength. The Taijiquan (Tai Chi Quan) is the one of them. Researches show that it can improve human immune function and treatment of many diseases. See articles: Benefits of Taijiquan Strongly Supported by Science. Comprehensive therapeutic benefits of Taiji: a critical review.

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2.. Emphasis on therapeutic effect of psychological factor

Modern researches have proven that human psychology acts as a double-edged sword that positive side can promote health with curative effect; negative side can damage the health with pathogenic effect. TCM has found the same fact in thousands years ago, and has indicated that the process of the disease treatment is seven-tenths in psychotherapy, only three-tenths in medication.

Such as, Henry K. Beecher’s The Powerful Placebo (1955), George Engel’s Biopsychosocial model (1977), the crossing disciplines research that Stress Causes Everything (2008), Ohio State University’s Socially active environment can cause cancer tumors to shrink and even disappear (2010) and British Man with 'Locked-in' syndrome makes amazing recovery by his will for life (2010), etc.

1955, H. K. Beecher publishedOther studies have since calculated the placebo effect as being even greater than Beecher claimed. For example, studies have shown that placebos are effective in 50 or 60 percent of subjects with certain conditions. It is close to that estimation of seven-tenths in psychotherapy of TCM.

1977, George Engel coined Biopsychosocial model: “a general model or approach that posits that biological, psychological (which entails thoughts, emotions, and behaviors), and social factors, all play a significant role in human functioning in the context of disease or illness. Indeed, health is best understood in terms of a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors rather than purely in biological terms.”

2008, a report that a research crossing the disciplines of psychology, medicine, neuroscience, and genetics revealed that “stress causes deterioration in everything from your gums to your heart and can make you more susceptible to everything from the common cold to cancer.” The results mean that psychology plays a decisive role in diseases inducement.

2010, the scientists in Ohio State University published <socially active environment can cause cancer tumors to shrink and even disappear>.They found that there were 5% cancer-infected mice’s tumors disappeared and 77% of them decreased the tumors’ volume by 43% only from living in an socially active environment for 3 weeks.

2010, a report that Mr.Graham who once paralyzed with Locked-in syndrome and medical staff have left him to die, but he never gave up the desire for life and firstly tried to move his toe by will and succeed in months later, then to move the finger and then he has stood up again. Actually, it was that the positive psychology cured the disease of Western medicine believed incurable.

If the idea of seven-tenths in psychotherapy and three-tenths in medication can be universalized the diagnosis and treatment of human diseases can be humanized greatly. More pleasant is that the positive psychology can create by the positive activities of social and physical. No doubt, it is a feasible self-help therapeutic approach with broad-spectrum feature. It is a true panacea that can be produced when we enjoying the life. It may be an only fair thing in the world, which can be shared by all people, no matter who is poor or rich, old or young.

In China, some doctors will use ingenious methods to adjust the patient's psychological state. For example, for those patients who diagnosed as serious diseases, they would not tell the truth to patient, but tell their families, thereby to avoid the psychological burden for patients. However, in the eyes of Western doctors, this thoughtful manner is cheating and immoral.

Chinese medicinals can improve overall physical strength of patients through improving appetite, sleep, and many other uncomfortable conditions, so that the psychological state of patient will be improved largely from the physiological root.

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3.. Emphasis on the disease prevention

Huang Di Nei Jing a most important medical book of TCM in two thousands years ago said that the highly skilled doctor treats the diseases before its outbreak and indicated that medication after disease’s outbreak is similar to dig the well when felt thirsty and to forge the sword when the fighting has started, it is too late. This means that we should rather focus on the diseases’ prevention than focus on the treatment. The idea has a practical significance in modern society.

TCM has developed many physical exercise methods for diseases prevention and treatment. Such as, Taijiquan (Tai Chi Quan) mentioned above.

Above are only rough examples. The Holistic view on human life in TCM is much comprehensive not only above three points. I raised them here are intended to arouse public boldly to find more effective natural therapeutic ways, just as that of ancient people of China.

Although, the trend of medical philosophical approach toward Holistic has been emerging in western medical field, such as, the development of system biology, FDA has accepted the idea of traditional Chinese medicine idea.[1] [2] in their drugs regulations, and some super drug makers have dug into CM. However, there are much improvement room for comprehending and applying the Holistic therapeutic principle of TCM,

In the current process of study and application of TCM, people are still trying to find the bioactive ingredients and apply them in single constituent to treat diseases clinically as doing with that of synthetic drugs. Essentially speaking, it is not get rid of the leash of Reductionism.

No doubt, that treat the diseases in purified constituent is a great progress by promoting the use of the natural medicinals accurately and safely. However, if the bioactive constituents are not being used in compound, it will lose the synergy effect, the therapeutic efficacy would be largely reduced. More worse is that may lose the advantage of eliminating the drugs’ negative effect from/by each other, there may be some side effects occurred as same as that of synthetic one. Such as, Tamiflu is extracted from star anise – a pure Chinese herb. It has showed serious inverse effect clinically.

By emulating the methods of Western medicine, scientists of China has done a lot of researches on Chinese medicine, and achieved many promising results. Although the most of individual study is one-sided, but when string those research results together, we would pleasantly find that the medicinal constituent, nutritional constituent and therapeutic effects of natural drugs are so extensive and effective. Even some single natural drug has broad spectrum of pharmacological effects because it is a compound of medicinal and nutritional. Later, you will share my feelings.

Evidence-based medicine (EBM) is a new trend developed in recent years. It “aims to apply the best available evidence gained from the scientific method to clinical decision making.” Some people say that experience-based medicine changes to the EBM are a profound revolution in clinical medicine of twenty-first century, and will be an inevitable trend. Those medical researches under the guidance of Reductionism, cells, proteins, genes and double-blind clinical trials, have made many people believes that kind of researches are real scientific and pure science, so the research results are reliable without any reason to doubt. Driven by this kind of superstitions, some people have begun to question the correctness of TCM, and said it is an experience-based medicine to have outdated, even there were people repeated the same old tune of appealing to abandon it in China recently.

In fact, TCM does not come from the magic fantasy. besides its medical description with the terms and principle of its Philosophy - Daoism, which are not easier to be understood; many of other parts are from a lot of therapeutic experiences of trial and error in long time massive clinical practice, which are similar to that of Western medicine from scientific studies experimentally. Some of the therapeutic experiences of TCM are reasonable and some may be not, which is similar to that of some synthetic drugs are effective and some killed people although they were all proven safe by so called scientific experiments and supported by the scientific data from strict double-blind clinical trial. More important is that those drugs are all to have approved by FDA. No one doubts that FDA is one of the most trusted authorities on the drug’s regulations. Its effective work has created a safer medical environment and increased the confidence of people on medicines. However, in view of some of their approved drugs have still killed people, we have reason to question that, are the FDA dereliction of duty or is medical philosophy improper to have lead the problem in medical methods?

Three-tenths in medication and seven-tenths in psychotherapy were simply estimated result according to the personal experience of ancient doctors of China. However, it is close to that of the scientific data from modern clinical practices. Modern scientific researches proved that those natural medicinal materials of TCM were sorted obvious scientific by unscientific primitive methods of seeing the color, smelling the smell, tonguing the tastes and clinical trials. For example, those were sorted as enhancing digestion are rich in Ca, Zn and Fe. Those were sorted as enhancing male sexual ability are rich in Mn and Cu. The therapeutic experiences got by primitive tools and methods under the guidance of the right philosophy are not worse, even better than that of got by expensive and sophisticated modern equipments with being considered as most scientific methods. The development of Medicine is for saving life, effective one is scientific and ineffective one is not scientific, no matter how it is made. We need to consider seriously that what the scientific is and what it is for.

Scientific has been using by some self-crowned master as a label to mark some thing correct or not. TCM is one of the victims. I think that, human civilization has evolved into today, even consumes whole lifetime, there is no one could learn through any discipline, I mean to make it clear entirely. No one could have enough knowledge to be a master or authority for declaring to abandon any fruit of human civilization, although in today's perspective, many of them may be not perfect.

There are two sides to everything. We must look at anything dialectically and practically to avoid going into a dogmatic dead end. We should not completely abandon the experience-based medicine when promote the evidence-based medicine, and vice versa. We should reserve the reasonable portion from every thing and use them integrated.

I must special point out that, due to the difference of physical and diet, when using the same natural drug, the physiological reactions may be different from people to people, especially for those who are in different ethnic groups or in different region. For some people are effective; some may be ineffective or even have side effects. We should pay serious attention before use them and study on it. It is better to increase the dose gradually to reach the level that recommended. Generally say that some of natural drugs have side effect, but it is much minor then that of synthetic ones or caused by improper use only.

There are reports that some Chinese medicinals contain heavy metals and pesticide residues. I think that compared with no drugs to use, the metals and pesticide may be not a serious concern, so that those drugs with problems should not be forbidden but give warning, use or not, leave the choice to patients.

For a long times, WM have been playing an important role in the prevention and treatment of diseases world widely. It qualified to be called as mainstream medicine. However, now it is unable to extricate itself from trouble quagmire.

Such as, for the infectious diseases, it has failed in updating the antibiotics due to that fast mutation of super bugs has shortened the effective life of antibiotics and caused increasingly high research spending. Now some drug-makers abandoned their research into antibiotics. For the non-communicable diseases, it is much disappointed since no satisfied drugs, too.

On other hand, the inverse effects of synthetic drugs have become the life fatal threat. Such as, Britain has issued a warning on more than 60 cough and cold medicines that can not be given to children after causing dozens of deaths. There was a report that Newer Antipsychotics Have Same Increased Risk of Sudden Cardiac Death as Older Ones. The drugs were developed for saving life rather than to kill life, however, as same as a lot of other things in the actual world, they are deviating from the will of kind-hearted people and are going farther.

Recent years, the system biology has been developed. It eliminated the deficiency of Holism and Reductionism by making up the gap between them. I called them as three medical philosophical brothers. Only the three works together, we can properly understand our body and the nature of development and recovery of the diseases. They have paved a new Medical Boulevard by forming an integrated medical philosophical system.

Here, I would like to make clear that, I promote the Holistic medical approach is intended to improve the balance of Philosophical approaches of Medicine by promoting the reasonable share that Holistic should take rather than to shoot Reductionism to die. When we are continuing to search human beings deepen into the microscopic, also we should take into account the macroscopic equally to understand human life comprehensively on physical, psychological and social. The thinges will develop in the opposite direction when they become extreme. It is not sensible that focuses on either extremely. I prefer the dialectical thought of Daoism in maintaining the balance between Yin and Yang universally. It has the value far beyond the medical issue. If it can be universalized, the world would have developed according to the will of kind-hearted people; there are more harmony and lesser conflict. It will never be worse like today, even the essential daily safe for life has been destroyed. The ghost of the barbaric killers of Colonial expansion era is still wandering with a new deceive cloak; the world will never have peace.

Because that deadly side effect of WM, more and more people are looking for the hope from alternative medicines. Among the existing alternatives, Chinese Medicine (CM) is receiving increasing attention and welcomed world widely. Now it is becoming the hope in helping us to get out of the dilemma in health care. The door is opened widely for CM.

There were cases that are worth to mention here for demonstrating the magical therapeutic effect of CM.

A 36 years old male psychotic who was more than 10 years maintained by 20 mg Zyprexa daily after first time onset and cured quickly at his 16, did nothing besides eating and sleeping emotionlessly. It was that my preparation of Chinese medicinals called back his emotion in days – talkative, listening music, curious-asking and willingly doing house works. He was sent to English language school after months due to his parents were bored by his endless curious-asking. Then he went to school everyday willingly alone, and he seemed to have restored the memory of his previously learned English because of his study progress showed as jumping. The result surprised me very much, although I believed some of Chinese medicinals in compound-use can work on psychotic, but I never expected that it took effect so quick. I’ll discuss the case detailed in another article.

Other one was happened on my younger brother who hipbone fractured in a car accident 10 years ago. After one week of operation there was still 50 mm unhealed on incision suture and happened fat liquefaction. Besides the replacement of medical gauze and adjustment of the intravenous antibiotics conventionally, the doctors could not give more help. I worried about the wound infection or necrosis, so I hammered some dried raw herbs into coarse powder, then sprinkling on the watering area without sterilization. After 3 hours when I curiously opened the gauze found that the unhealed incision has crusted entirely. The appearance showed that the crust formed much earlier than 3 hours. Now more than 10 years has past without any sequel. The only logical explanation for fast heeling is that Chinese medicinalshave updated the recognized wounds healing process.

The successful cases made me deeply believe the magic effect of CM and gave me a strong confidence to help more people to enjoy the medical fruit from the ancient oriental civilization according to my more then 3 decades studies and experiences of successful cases with selected and self-designed prescriptions of CM.

I would like to make some apologies here: 1. For those possible mistakes in the article. Because of my literary culture both mandarin and English is too poor to convey the original meaning properly. 2, For those lost the links of tracking original resources cited in my article. I am no mean to prettify myself by stealing the works of others. I only did some sorting works to make existing medical literatures to be easier enjoyable. I would like to salute to those researchers for their excellent works, no matter their work cited or not in my paper, no matter which country they came from. Thank you for your hard working and great contribution to the advances of human civilization.

2. Western medicine

2.1. Philosophy: The philosophical approach of WM is the Reductionism that aims to reduce a complex whole to the effects of one part (or parts) upon another part (or parts), which microscopically viewing a complex system is nothing but the sum of its parts, and try to understand the whole by studying the part. Reductionism contrasts with the holism.

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2.2. Achievement of WM: No doubt, for a long time, the WM has been playing a dominant role in the treatment of diseases worldwide. Due to its therapeutic advantage and the reasons for market competition (See The Truth About The Rockefeller Drug Empire), in China, there were attempts to abolish TCM and promote WM instead. Even same events occurred in Japan. however, recently Japan has redressed their positive attitude and develop many drugs on TCM.

2.3. Human Genome atlas: In 2003, the Human Genome atlas was completed. It is a big success of WM. Many people think that we have gotten a new powerful approach to diagnose and cure diseases. Nevertheless, now 7 years have been passed, there are lesser genetic therapy can be reliably used clinically than that of ever hot expected. Because that even a single disease is associated with hundreds genome segments, so it is very difficult to be used clinically in a short time.                                    

Plight of WM:

Communicable diseases: Recent years, some pathogenic-bacteria were named as super-bug because they can develop resistance to the existing class of antibiotics in short time after drugs putting in use. New antibiotic research is facing challenging in the competing against the mutation of virus. More time and spending are needed for antibiotic updating. So that many super drug-makers have abandoned the research in antibiotics. Simultaneity some drugs was withdrawn from market because of serious negative effect. It will cause no effective antibiotics to fight with infectious diseases.

Such as: In the United States, deadly mystery superbugs kills soldiers and causes to amputate limbs among troops wounded in Iraq, because no antibiotics were effective for the infections, even for a slight wound.

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David Picard, CEO and the co-founder of Moleac, a biopharmaceutical company based in Singapore, in his article THE RISE of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that “Western pharmaceutical companies now spend over US$800 million on average to get a new drug approved.”         

“This cost includes the lengthy and complex clinical development process which sees many potential drugs fall by the wayside, either because they do not work or because they cause unacceptable side effects.”

“Only around one in 17 candidate drugs identified make it to market.”

“If the drug being researched fails in the development process the losses can be considerable.”

“Pfizer, for example, recently wrote off around US$1 billion and 15 years of research and development after its experimental cholesterol drug failed to make the cut.”

“The industry is under increased pressure to develop new blockbuster drugs as patents expire, and to cut innovation costs. “

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Non-communicable diseases: Also became increasingly severe due to have no ideal drugs. Such as mental disorder, cancer, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, and so on.

As a way in no way, in Sep. 13, 2007, Canadian Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute of Canada has launched a large, multi-year international study to try to find a way to help the hundreds of thousands of men diagnosed with prostate cancer every year, decide whether to opt for potentially life-altering treatments or choose a watch-and-wait approach. They hoped that Surveillance Therapy against radical treatment would resolve one of the thorniest dilemmas in prostate cancer care. Because of current therapy of chemo and radiation will cause the cancer degenerated faster.                   

28 February 2008, Helene Guldberg published the Heart disease: we need medicine not moralism. Said that “My mother died from a massive heart attack several months after being put on a waiting list for heart surgery. If she had been given the treatment she needed earlier she may still have been alive today.” She appealed “the experts should be concerned. They should be continually trying to reduce deaths from heart disease. Clearly, a hell of lot more can be done to improve medical intervention”.

Indeed, for her mother’s heart diseases, it was not that had no drugs, it was because that the synthetic drugs could not be used for a longer-time due to the deadly side effects. I believed, suppose that her mother had treated with Chinese medicinals, they would be still enjoying their colorful life together.

The cause of the plight: It was induced mainly from the philosophical approach, the Reductionism. Because human body is a complex system with psychological activity, there are many factors that interacts the pathogenic and development of the diseases, especially the psychological factors play a significant role. On the other hand, the most of diseases are syndrome with many sub-symptoms; it requires that treatment focus on the multiple targets with the well consideration of the interaction of all the factors physically and psychologically. Nevertheless, the WM has ignored those important factors. Therefore, it was that improper philosophical approach caused it into a dilemma.                                                

We should review our Medical philosophy because of that philosophical approach is the foundation for doing any thing correctly.                                              

System biology: Recent years, systems biology was developed. It is from system-level to understand human health and diseases in organs, organism and community. It is consistent to the Holism to understand complex biological systems in their entirety. This effort has great potential for the advancement of medicine with major implications for the future medicine and have emerged some pleasant results already.

Anti-diseases by immunity: Cationic antimicrobial peptides were developed in Centre for Microbial Diseases and Immunity Research, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

“Hancock, who co-founded a company to commercialize IDR-1, a 13-amino-acid peptide, says the peptide does not kill bacteria directly. Instead it seems to prime the body's quick and dirty immune response, called innate immunity. A subsequent infection, he says, may then flag the body to send a surplus of white blood cells called monocytes and macrophages to gobble up invading pathogens.”

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3. Chinese Medicine

3.1 Traditional Chinese Medicine

3.1.1. The origin of TCM, MCM and CM:

According to the developing model historically, Chinese medicine should divide into Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Modern Chinese Medicine (MCM). TCM was officially defined by the government of P.R. China in the 1950's after undertook an effort to coalesce many diverse forms of Chinese medicine into a unified system. It had no concept of modern anatomy and biology. The MCM is that new research results on TCM by the methods of integrating with Western medicine. Chinese medicine was the integration of TCM & MCM (CM) with all of the terms includes diagnoses, treatment methods and medicinal materials, etc. Definition of medicinal materials: For the medicinal materials are being used in CM or TCM, have different terms been used currently besides CM and TCM, such as, Chinese herbal medicine. Since that besides botanicals, there are animals and minerals are being used as drugs, too. So that Chinese herbal medicine can not exactly represent the entire medicinal materials. In order to avoid confusion, it is better to make some definitions. That all the medicinal materials are being used in CM or TCM is represented by Chinese drug (CD). By the same way, Western drug (WD) is used to represent the medicinal materials being used in WM.

There are many TCM terms are no corresponding English word, so it has caused some translations unreadable. I'll try to use simpler English words and cited some writings of others to make it easier to be understood. Here I only clarify the Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang are the phonetic symbols of Mandarin. Roughly says that Yin means dark and Yang means light. Mandarin was officially designed by P.R. China in 1950s. It provided a unified language with spell and pronunciation for the people in 56 races of about 200 local languages throughout of China now is promoting world widely.

3.1.2. The Philosophy of TCM

TCM has been developing under the guidance of Taoism that is a Philosophy similar to Holism. It is one of the important ancient philosophies of China, which has been deeply influencing China, East and South Asia.  

Taoism  consists of two parts - philosophy and religion. Here I talk about philosophy only.

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The core of the Daoism is Dao. “It refers to a power that envelopes, surrounds and flows through all things, living and non-living. The Dao regulates natural processes and nourishes balance in the universe.” It dialectically views that everything is in the unity of opposites universally. It embodies the harmony of the opposites.

Dao is symbolized by the Tai-Ji Diagram in which the Yin and Yang were coined to represent the two opposites.                        

In Tai Ji Yin-Yang Diagram, the outermost circle is called as Taiji or Wuji, which indicates that every thing universally is metaplasia from vitality and movement in cycling endlessly. The black fish represents the Yin, but its eyes are white that means yang, white fish represents Yang, but its eyes are black that means Yin. The whole symbol means that Yin doesn't leave Yang, and Yang doesn't leave Yin. They are opposites of each other with contradiction and reunification. Each is understood to be an integral part of the others. If one grows bigger, other one will be smaller. The main task of Dao is to make Yin and Yang keep in the state of harmonious balance.

Yin often represents the negative, the female, dark, evil, cold, Earth, etc. Yang represents the positive, the male, light, good, hot, Heaven, etc. “There would be no love without hate, no light without dark, no male without female. When patients got fever they would feel cold rather than hot.”

The main task of Dao is to make Yin and Yang keep in the state of harmonious balance.

Daoism views the universe as a system of the unity of oppositesYin and Yangdialectically, which is composed of many components - subsystem with own feature of unity of opposites. The components are all in the state of dynamic balance through continuous self-regulation. This primitive philosophical view generated thousands of years ago is well coinciding with the modern science. For example

In micro perspective, as small as atom, extranuclear electrons cloud with the nucleus are both in the state of attraction and repulsion, the electronics rotating around the nucleus in dynamic equilibrium. They are in the state unity of opposites. Atoms are the components to compose of natural materials. 

In macro perspective, the planets with the sun of solar system, and solar system with other galaxies are all in the continuously rotating in the state of self-regulation by attraction and repulsion of each other. They are also in the state of dynamic equilibrium of unity of opposites.

Daoism embodies that hunan body itself, human and nature, human and society, human and spirit is all unified whole with interacted each other.

Man and nature is a unified whole. Human beings are the product of nature developed to a certain stage. Nature exist the necessary condition for human survival. The motion and changes of the natural world are bound to affect human.

People and society is a unified whole, and many social factors may be directly or indirectly influence on human psychology, physiology and pathology.

Human spirit and the body is a unified whole. Mental activity is the advanced activities of human. Physical is the foundation of spirit, and the spirit is the product of physical. In turn, mental activity can significantly impact on the physical.

Daoism is contrary with Reductionism. It is similar with Holism and consistent with systems biology. Suppose that Reductionism focuses on a specific grass on the Himalayas, and then the Daoism is not only focusing on the entire grass, but also concerning those would affect the growth of grass, such as, destructive pests, the greenhouse effect and the reduction of glacier cover, etc.

Under the guidance of Daoism, human life is being taken as one of such a component of unity of opposites. It believes that human body is an organic whole that all components are closely interacted. A well-balanced human bodies will form an effective self-defence system that can handle the most of pathogenic agents. The diseases could happen only if there are some unbalanced parts in a human body. So. the treatments do not directly target to kill pathogenic but to bring back the natural balance. It achieves the purpose by natural therapeutic approaches, such as, natural drugs, acupuncture and physical exercises, etc.

TCM believes that human body is a unified whole, which is composed of tissues and organs that performs different functions, and they are organic links between each other. The components of constitute the human body are indivisible in the morphological structure, coordinated in the physiological function, interrelated in the metabolism and mutually affected in the pathological changes.

TCM macroscopically views the human body as a whole and considers the interactions of various existing factors' from all components including the social and psychological factors with an over thousands years’ belief that the therapy is three-tenth in medication, seven-tenth in psychotherapy. The estimated effective proportion of psychotherapy in thousands years ago is close to the results of modern studies - “placebos are effective in 50 or 60 percent of subjects with certain conditions.”

TCM has developed an integrated theory independently based on the profound culture background that developed from thousands years China. It focuses on restoring the balance of human body and fight against diseases by enhanced physical capacity.

TCM has been riddling thousands natural medicinal materials through long time trial and error clinically, which includes botanicals, animals and minerals. Modern biochemical and pharmacological researches proved that Chinese medicinals is sorted scientifically according to the therapeutic effect. For example, those are sorted as enhancing digestion are rich in Ca, Zn and Fe, and those as enhancing male sexual ability are rich in Mn and Cu.   

Meridian is a network system on human body found in ancient China. It distributes throughout the body that connects specific part from the body surface to the splanchnic organs. The acupuncture points locate on the networks and it can induce therapeutic effect on specific surface parts or splanchnic organs when stimulating them. Also some Chinese medicinals can enrich in specific parts to take the therapeutic effect in similar performance with acupuncture.

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3.1.3. The holistic view of life of TCM

It embodied that hunan body itself, human and nature, human and society, human and spirit is all unified whole and interacted each other.

TCM believes that human body is a unified whole, which is composed of tissues and organs that performs different functions, and they are organic links between each other. The components of constitute the human body are indivisible in the morphological structure, coordinated in the physiological function, interrelated in the metabolism and mutually affected in the pathological changes.

Man and nature is a unified whole. Human beings are the product of nature developed to a certain stage. Nature exist the necessary condition for human survival. The motion and changes of the natural world are bound to affect human.

People and society is a unified whole, and many social factors may be directly or indirectly influence on human psychology, physiology and pathology.

Human spirit and the body is a unified whole. Mental activity is the advanced activities of human. Physical is the foundation of spirit, and the spirit is the product of physical. In turn, mental activity can significantly impact on the physical.

3.1.4. Therapeutic Principle:

 “TCM has a macro view to most diseases: well-balanced human bodies can usually handle most everyday bacteria and virus, which are ubiquitous and quickly changing; diseases happens only if there are some unbalanced parts in a human body. Due to this macro philosophy, TCM usually does not care what exact bacteria or virus are causing the symptoms, but tries the best to find which parts of the body are unbalanced as well as to find a strategy to bring back the balance. At the meantime, TCM believes only symptoms matter because irregular symptoms from the human bodies are the only faithful sources to deduce the unbalanced parts in a dynamic, complex system like a human body. Consequently, the treatments in TCM do not directly target to kill bacteria or virus but to bring back the balance of human bodies. It is very surprising but understandable that a TCM doctor may give very different herb prescriptions to patients affected by a same type of bacteria, because the different symptoms from the patients indicate different unbalanced parts in their bodies”.

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3.1.5. Diagnose Method:

Perhaps the biggest advantage of TCM is its diagnosis. Many diseases diagnosed by TCM can not diagnose out by WM. Many patients have felt significant discomfort, but the results of pathological analysis of WM show no signs of any disease.

3.1.6. The difference of TCM & WM:

In TCM the “Signs and symptoms are the first clinical indication when treating human diseases. Elimination of such signs and symptoms is the first priority in providing effective treatments. Any biomedical measurements relating to any diseases must be relevant to the signs and symptoms exhibited by any patient.”

Western Medicine is not a perfect medical system. Its significance lies on its pathogenic theories. However, clinical signs and symptoms are only superficial phenomena, they do not represent contemporary pathogenic theories.”

In Chinese Medicine, every diagnosis relies entirely on signs and symptoms. Differentiation of Hot and Cold, Deficient and Excess is the crucial foundation in determining a patient’s medical kilter. Eliminating such signs and symptoms is the ultimate goal in Chinese Medicine. It also aims at improving the biomedical measurements as indicated by pathogenic analysis.” – Commenter: youzhang@tpg.com.au

Western drug and Chinese drug has different therapeutic mechanisms due to the difference of their philosophy. Western drug's entity is manmade single constituent, take the single effect on specific target. The allopathic is the main therapeutic mechanism. Chinese drug's entity is a group of natural bioactive constituent, take the multi-effect on multiple targets with the specificity. The physiological regulatory is the main therapeutic mechanism.

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3.1.7. Example of doctors’ work manner of TCM and WM:

Now take a patient who is suffering from stomach disease as example to show the different in their works.

TCM doctors would try to find the causes by diagnosing the type of symptom. Does it induced by the improper diet or psychological pressure or excessive physical exertion, and or seasonal changes? Also patient has what kind of problems require to be adjusted? They will eventually restore the overall balance?

WM doctors would try to find the causes by the gastro-scope and biochemical examination to find disease area and lesion extent as well as the source of pathogenic, such as helicobacter pylori. Then try to restore the health by killing the pathogenic microbe with WM drugs.

However, now we have made clear that some of digestion problems caused by psychological factors rather than the pathogenic microbe. Such as irritable bowel syndrome, is lack of abnormalities of morphological and biochemical, and closely related to the emotional changes or psychological factors, in which case that WM drugs can not work. Fortunately, TCM has been working well for either infectious or non-infectious with very cheap natural preparations for a thousands years.

"Traditional Chinese medicine," sometimes shortened to TCM, involves the treatment of patients using the fundamental approaches of healing developed over the last 4000 years in China. The treatments in Chinese medicine include acupuncture, Chinese herbs, and Tui-Na, which resembles massage therapy combined with therapeutic touch. Chinese medicine has the longest history, and the most practical application, of any system of medicine in the world, outdating Western medicine by about 3800 years. In China, doctors were practicing relatively advanced medicine before the birth of Christ. Western medicine, in response, dismisses everything under Chinese medicine, ignoring the long history of safe and effective use of Chinese herbs, acupuncture, and other philosophies espoused by Traditional Chinese Medicine.”

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3.1.8. Preventive attitude:

TCM emphasizes that cure diseases before serious onset. This is one of its advantages. For the most of slight illness was diagnosed by TCM doctor, could not be detected out by the doctors or the means in WM.

TCM pays much attention on the prevention of diseases, and developed comprehensive preventive measures, such as, natural drugs, physical exercise methods, etc.

There is a research about the effect of Tai Chi Chuan exercise on subgroup of T Lymphocyte and NK Cells. After 25 min exercise performance in the group those have been exercising Tai Chi Chuan for many years, the percentage of the CD3, CD4 cell increased, the ratio of CD4/CD8 increased and the percentage of CD16 cells decreased. In quiet state, compared with that of non-Tai Chi Chuan group, those in Tai Chi Chuan group, the percentage of CD3 and CD4 cells is higher; the percentage of CD8 cells is higher but without statistical significance. So that Tai Chi Chuan exercise can enhance the regulatory capacity of the cellular immune, and improve the body's cellular immune function.

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3.1.9. TCM & Psychology Psychological & diseases: December 1, 2004, CBC News reported Stress speeds up aging of immune cells.

A study of crossing the disciplines of psychology, medicine, neuroscience, and genetics reveals that stress causes deterioration in everything from your gums to your heart and can make you more susceptible to everything from the common cold to cancer. And those optimistic people have lower incidence of heart disease, better prognosis after heart surgery, and longer life.

Now, many researches have made clear that our health is closely associated with psychological factors or so called stress, and it is the main inducement for various diseases. Such as obesity, cancer, diabetes, heart attack, stress ulcer, mind disorder, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, retard the wound healing, and so on.  

TCM has been giving much attention to the factors of psychological, social and environmental, etc., especially emphasizing that therapy is made up of the three tenth by medication and the seven tenth by recuperation psychologically.

Chinese medicine poetically emphasizes the harmful role of stress in upsetting the emotional and physical imbalance leading to a weakened immune system. Western medicine is just beginning to tap into stress as the root cause of many illnesses and as a major obstacle in disease management. Chinese medicine has been doing it for over 5,000 years”.

                                                                                               Back to Top        Therapeutic effect of placebo

Indeed there are vivid evidences proved that psychological factors have therapeutic effect. That is placebo. They were widely used for new drug’s clinical trial in WM. Although some of them do not have pharmacological effect at all, however they do made therapeutic action physically.

In 1955, Henry K. Beecher published the classic work entitled "The Powerful Placebo." He was the first scientist to quantify the placebo effect. He claimed that in 15 trials with different diseases, 35% of 1082 patients were satisfactorily relieved by a placebo alone. “Beecher started a wave of studies aimed at understanding how something (improvement in health) could be produced by nothing (the inactive placebo).”

Other studies have since calculated the placebo effect as being even greater than Beecher claimed. For example, studies have shown that placebos are effective in 50 or 60 percent of subjects with certain conditions, e.g., "pain, depression, some heart ailments, gastric ulcers and other stomach complaints." And, as effective as the new psychotropic drugs seem to be in the treatment of various brain disorders, some researchers maintain that there is not adequate evidence from studies to prove that the new drugs are more effective than placebos. “

The therapeutic effects of placeboes have proven that psychological factors are very important in the disease’s recovery. The positive frame of mind is conducive to the rapid recovery of disease. Also proves that TCM is excellent in the philosophical approaches that started from its origin stage in thousands years ago. Biopsychosocial model: Until 1977, George Engel coined the biopsychosocial model, a general theory of illness and healing, which considered social and psychological factors associated with physical diseases in WM. Following are some of his articles.

1. Engel GL:  The need for a new medical model: a challenge for biomedicine. Science 8 April 1977; 196:129–136, Number 4286

2. Engel GL: The clinical application of the biopsychosocial model. Am J Psychiatry 1980; 137:535–544 

3. Engel GL: From biomedical to biopsychosocial: being scientific in the human domain. Psychosomatics 1997; 38:521–528  

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3.1.10. Chinese drug & compound prescription

In TCM, there were different kinds of botanicals, animals and minerals have been riddled and sorted as medicinal use according to their therapeutic effect. They were used to treat diseases last thousands years in China. Statistic on Chinese medicinals

According to the largest national investigation in the 80's of 20th century mainland China, there are 12,807 kinds of Chinese medicinals in total. Among them, 11,146 kinds are the medicinal plants, 1581 kinds are medicinal animal, and 80 kinds are medicinal minerals. However, according to the preliminary statistics in recent years Taiwan, the total number of medicinal plants was about 8000 kinds. There about 700 kinds were frequently used. The statistical data from Taiwan is lesser, may be derived from the geographical limits.

Here I’d like to emphasize that although the medicinal animals and minerals are lesser in number, however their therapeutic effects are powerful, so they could not be ignored. I will demonstrate them later by true examples. I’m sure that the readers would be attracted and fallen addicted for their excellent therapeutic performance. Compound prescription: For TCM, the most important therapeutic approach is compound prescription (multi-pharmacy, compound formula). That is by putting many different kinds of Chinese medicinals in one prescription to treat disease by focusing on symptoms of syndrome. Some advantages are as following.

Firstly, I would prefer to point out that, the meaning of symptom in TCM is very different with that of in WM. In TCM, it is more in macro perspective of philosophical and dialectical rather than that of specific changes of anatomical and physiological physically in WM, such as, cold (of Yin) and hot (of Yang). The following content is only an example from my personal understanding roughly; it is not the same as the original intent of TCM because that completely understanding and exactly translating the medical theory of TCM is too difficult for me. It may need to extend my life to 199 years at least to learn starting from epigraphy on Oracle bone script in TCM and wording and new words coin in English. Once again, the purpose of this article is to promote the core of TCM – the Holistic medical approach rather than clinical reference. Focus on the symptoms: the most disease is a syndrome that appeared many different symptoms at the same time or at the different development stage. Such as, fever, no appetite, rhinitis, faucitis, headache, coprostasis, insomnia and so on, TCM prescription may put many different Chinese medicinals for treating each symptom at the same time.                                         Support each other: Some Chinese drug in compound prescription are not focused on the specific symptom, only enhance others’ therapeutic effect, For instance, some drugs may make other drug’s absorption faster, and the elimination slower. Some may increase the content of other drugs in blood to help absorption. Some can enlarge the drugs’ delivery amount by vasodilatation effect. Some even can make produce new therapeutic constituents in blood. Relieve side effects: Such as, some natural drugs may has side effect of causing coprostasis, so put some Chinese drug of enhancing peristalsis of the alimentary canal to relieve it, at same time improve the appetite and nutrition supply, too. Improve the appetite & digestion: The condition of appetite & digestion also affects the therapeutic effect of the drugs. Unfortunately, that the appetite and digestion get worse for the most patient. So some drugs that can improve the appetite & digestion could also enhance the effect of other drugs. Also the improvement of appetite & digestion can enhance the nutrition supply to promote the recovery of patient.                                         Generate the new substance: General process method of Chinese drug is cook, and then drinks the soup. There were reports that some characteristic spectrums of new substance were found in the liquids from boiling mixed Chinese medicinals, it shows some new constituent were generated during the drugs were being processing. Correctness proven for compound prescription: Cocktail therapy for AIDS: That is the simultaneous use of two nucleoside drugs and a non-nucleoside drugs to treat AIDS, make the HIV virus no where to escape. The inventor, David D. Ho, M.D., the scientific director and CEO of Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center in New York, said, that he got inspiration from principle of the TCM compound formula. So, in fact, the achievement of the AIDS Cocktail Therapy is the success of the principle of compound prescription of TCM, although it was more in Reductionistic rather than Holistic.

Some content of TCM will be continuously discussed in MCM section. Experience-based prescriptions: May 1st 2002 the Volume 1 of <Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine Prescriptions> was published in China. It is a referential book that carefully sorted and compiled from the experience-based prescriptions of Chinese medical books in history. The dictionary is about 18 million words with nearly 100 thousands prescriptions in 11 volumes, which shows the industrious and wisdom of ancient Chinese people by large amount of medical records. It has significant referential value for the modern medicine.

If you go to any Chinese Pharmacy in China or abroad, you will find many bottled tablets OTC Chinese medicinals (CD): 1 Prescriptions Resources: Some of them are experience-based prescriptions and some of them have been updated according to modern researches.2 Making Methods: The most of them made by modern processing methods, Such as, Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction, Sugar coating, Tablets, Injections and so on. Few of them made by old methods: such as, Powder, Pill, Salve and so on. 3 Therapeutic range: Various diseases from Internal, Surgical, Gynecological to ENT. The most of them are focusing on specific diseases with the role of broad-spectrum treatment, some are for general physical enhancement. 4Application Level: The most of Chinese families reserve some often used Chinese medicinals for some common diseases, such as common cold, headache, indigestion, diarrhea, wounds and so on. The most of Chinese hospital treat diseases by WM integrating CD.

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3.2 Modern Chinese Medicine

3.2.1. General Introduction                                                             

Modern Chinese Medicine - MCM has been developing based on the TCM by integrating modern biotechnology. Recent decades China, government made much effort to promote the research of TCM by modern biotechnology, introduced and developed many modern medical equipments and research methods, largely stimulated the development of Chinese medicinals. And have gotten many valuable results. Now we can explain the therapeutic effects of Chinese drug more clearly in modern biological terms from the level of proteins, cells and gene.

Constituents: For the most Chinese medicinals, such as, herbs, only a single one is a compound that contains dozens or hundreds of different constituents. So the bioactive constituents are complex and plenty. Obviously, the nature has prepared what we need and ready to be explored out.

Classification: The researches show that the Chinese medicinals have been sorted scientifically. For example, those were sorted as enhancing the digestion are rich in Ca, Zn and Fe, and those as enhancing male sexual ability are rich in Mn and Cu. It has wonderful orderliness not only in chemical elements but also in bioactive constituents. Such as, Wahaha, a therapeutic drink made of Chinese medicinals, has been in hot selling nearly two decades in China. Massive application has proven that it is effective in treating poor appetite for kids. No precocious puberty happened. Test results proved it rich in Ca, Zn and Fe.

Bioactivity: The medicinal constituents are more active in natural drugs than that of any other kind of existence, so that human body can easily absorb them. For instance, in China, some researchers compared biological activity of gypsum in the form of nature and manmadeThe results showed that only natural gypsum has therapeutic effect, although the manmade one is in 99.9% pure.

Antibacterial: Various active constituents in Chinese medicinals could kill bacteria or virus directly as well as that of most Western drug does, fast and accurately at the time regulating the body balance. The Chinese medicinals have showed the both advantages, one is the therapeutic effects that is similar to the Western drugs and second is the nutritional effect that is similar to the Orthomolecular Medicine.

Antiviral: Chinese medicinals is the best anti-viral medicine. It can directly block the synthesis of virus nucleic acid, which can kill the virus, promote the formation of antibodies, and can enhance phagocytosis of macrophages to kill pathogenic rapidly and take a lasting effect.

Synergistic effect: Researches indicate that some pure extracts reduced their therapeutic effects compared with that were used in the completely original compound. These maybe caused by losing the potentiating synergistic effect when some constituents were being filtered away.

Therapeutic mechanisms: Western drug and Chinese drug has different therapeutic mechanisms due to the difference of their philosophy. Western drug's entity is manmade single constituent; take the single effect on specific target. The allopathic is main therapeutic mechanism. Chinese drug's entity is a group of natural bioactive constituent, take the multi-effect on the multiple targets with the specificity. The physiological regulatory is the main therapeutic mechanism.

Smart cure ability: Some Chinese drug can take intelligent therapeutic effect. For a normal body condition, it does not take effect; only for an ill body it takes regulatory effect. Some even take bidirectional regulatory effect. The so-called bidirectional regulatory effect means that the same drug in same dose can make the unbalanced body condition return to normal level. Such as: whether the hypertension or hypotension both can be regulated back to normal level. And no matter is sleepy or insomnia, all can be regulated back to normal sleep status, and so on.

Brain diseases: Some Chinese medicinals molecular are very small, easily go through the blood-brain barrier to enter the cerebral cortex directionally and selectively. It can improve the brain blood circulation, increase the oxygen metabolism of brain cells, and increase energy supply for cranial nerve system, removal the wastes of the brain metabolites. Effectively restore the synthesis and metabolism of nerve media and the central nervous conduction and separation.                                                

Alleviate stress: Chinese drug can reduce the negative effects of psychological stress largely. Because it can alleviate the stress symptoms by releasing endorphins, decreasing the stress hormone cortisol, eliminating the oxygen free radicals, lowering the blood pressure, reducing the heart rate, relaxing the muscle tissue, improving the digestion and sleeping, and bringing more fresh oxygen to body tissues by improving the circulation of blood and lymphatic fluids. This increased blood flow will eliminate the waste products from inside the body and enhance the nutrition supply to accelerate the recovery. This advantage can be used to prevent great many diseases since it reduce the inducement of diseases.

Anti-aging: Chinese medicinals can prolong the life span of organism by many ways, such as anti-oxidation, immunoregulation, neuro-regulation, endocrine secretion regulation, anti-DNA injury, etc. It can relieve all the fatigue impairs for men and women, enhance the ability of hearing and seeing, and restore the color of beard and hair for elderly.

Broad cure ability: The most often used Chinese medicinals are with have none or little negative effect. Even the little negative effects can be eliminated easily by compound prescription. It is effective for both diseases, no matter is communicable or non-communicable. Some examples are as following:

Resist cancer development.                      

Inhibit the cells apoptosis.

Improve the transduction of cellular signal

Relieve cytotoxic.

Restore the organ or nerve system.     

Reduce the psychic stress.

Improve the digestion and metabolism.

Relieve the chronic fatigue syndrome.

Relieve the irritable bowel syndrome.

Improve the male erectile dysfunction.

Relieve or heal the psychosis.

Detox the drug addiction disorders.

Relieve the snore and apnea.                      

Prevent or heal heart attack and stroke.

Substitute blood-dialyze of uremia patient.

Activate blood flow and removing blood stasis.

Protect the injury of cerebral or heart ischemia-reperfusion   


Prevent or heal cough.         

Relieve neurasthenic.

Cure and prevent the ulcer of alimentary canal.

Heal chronic tracheitis.

Smooth wound scars.

Relieve or heal arthritis.

Increase white or red blood cells.

Bi-immunoregulatory effect

And so on.

The list can be made much longer. But those are enough to make any people understand the wonderful therapeutic effect of Chinese medicinals.                                

Poison & Safety:  Although the Chinese drug came from nature, however, some of them are not safe for using because of instant or long-term poison. If we use it correctly, it would be a very good medicine. Contrariwise, it will cause unexpected results. Now the poison Chinese medicinals have been identified already and have found some special usage in treating diseases, such as, the arsenic (As2O3) can be used to cure cancer.

Natural Chinese medicinals are a huge natural pharmaceutical resource, which Western drug does not have presently. The combination of TCM and Western medicine

CM integrating WM: Besides bad negative effects that synthesize drugs have their specific advantages aiming at some diseases.

Xu Shou (1818-1884), was a pioneer of modern chemistry China. In his paper "The medical theory" of 1876, had been put forward the proposition of CM integrate with WM. He wisely pointed out a promising therapeutic avenue by using both advantages of the CM and the WM to patch up the disadvantages each other.

Bob Flaws, an active interpreter and practitioner of Chinese   medicine with western background, said in An Interview, “that the combination of Western medicinals and Chinese medicinals is, for many disease processes, better than either of them individually. Typically, you get a better therapeutic effect with a smaller dosage of Western meds and have to take the Western meds for a shorter period of time. Clinicians know that most of the side-effects of Western drugs are dose-related and that, if you can keep the dosage minimal and the duration as short as possible, you'll get the therapeutic result without the adverse reactions. Chinese medicinals taken with Western medicines seem, in many cases, to achieve that therapeutic goal.”

In China, it is common in CM integrating WM clinically. That is, at the same time, a patient being treated by two types of medicine. The advantages of WM are to take the effect quickly toward the main symptoms and the advantages of CM are to take the effect in eliminating the negative effects of WM by improving the patient's immunity and overall physical condition. Greatly enhanced the therapeutic effect and made the patient recover earlier. Also it greatly improved the life quality of patients. The good example is the treatment of SARS.

SARS: During the outbreak of SARS in 2003 in China, among 5326 were confirmed SARS cases, 3104 were treated by WD integrating CM. The wonderful therapeutic effect of Chinese drug is manifested.

1. Relieve fever and shorten the duration.       

2. Improve weakness, breath shortness, dry cough and clinical symptoms of poisoning.

3. Eliminate the toxicity and the negative effects of Western drug, such as steroid in large doses use.

4. Help to reduce the amount of using in hormones.

5. Improve hematopoietic function and hypoxic conditions.

6. Protect the organs function and avoid organs failure.

7. Reduce the systemic complications.                  

8. Promote the absorption of inflammation to avoid the bad sequels. Such as the femoral head necrosis of bad sequelae of SARS. That the causes are still in debating, one is SARS virus, and another one is the use of glucocorticoids in large dose.

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As a result, no one was dead in the group of intervening with Chinese medicinals.

N1H1 flu: The successful experience of mainland China on the treatment of A H1N1 flu was that, if the treatment focuses on each symptom of the patient to improve their physical condition by Chinese medicinals besides killing the A H1N1 flu viruses. The number of developing into the critical and death was largely reduced.

It is easy to get some OTC Chinese medicinals in the forms of pill or sugar coated tablets from Chinese pharmacies closing to your home by consulting seller or Chinese doctor. Please start with a half of pill or tablet then gradually reach the dose recommended on the label to avoid the happening of heavy side effect. Also there are injections that can be used for intravenous infusion, but needs the help of highly skilled Chinese doctors. Any way flu should not be a deadly disease.

Critical patients: For those patients in severe critical states, such as, MODS, whatever the causes but no urinate and defecate for a while, and have no effect on any existing therapies, we may carefully try to smear the alcohol tincture of Aloe leaf in the navel and surrounding area about 16 square centimeter, then covering with a plastic film and massaging to make the medicinals transdermal absorption into the blood vessel. After about 10 hours, there will be diarrhea-like defecation and then the patients will feel much better. Smearing several times will be enough. I am not certain safe or not for the long term smearing. If there is no diarrhea-like defecation, it may need enlarge the smearing area or check the quality of the Aloe, whether have enough yellow colored medicinals’ secretions on the cut section of Aloe leaf. As a safe consideration, firstly smear small area to watch the patient’s reaction, whether there is side effect. The aloe must be more than 3 years old so that it has enough yellow colored medicinal.

The navel is a holographic acupuncture area that can connect human organs of whole body. The Aloe smearing can restore the digestive system; boost the physiological activities and immune function with a magical reviving effect.

Above idea enlightened from the Rhubarb (Dahuang, Jiangjun), a pure Chinese herb with the proven therapeutic effect for critical patients, such as, for MODS, especially with gastrointestinal dysfunction. Although the reports of Aloe to be used for critical patients are less than that of Rhubarb, however, their main medicinal constituent is similar, so that their medicinal effect will be similar. On the other hand, compared with Rhubarb, Aloe is easier to be gotten due to it is being home planted world widely. I will introduce my experience about it home planting in another article.

Talking about Aloe Vera, the Editor of NaturalNews.com, Mike Adams wrote that “When I say aloe vera is the most impressive medicinal herb invented by nature, I don't make that statement lightly. Of all the herbs I've ever studied -- and I've written thousands of articles on nutrition and disease prevention -- aloe vera is the most impressive herb of them all.”

A natural, cheaper and simple method may pull back a person who has stepped into the door of another world with his or her one foot. The process is just like that makes a nearly stopped-pendulum re-swing again. There will be much more this kind of simple experience-based methods in public daily life that is better than those recommended by so called medical authorities. This is why that I said medical issue is the public issue, and it should be taken down from the mysterious Altar.

The method can also be used to treat children malnutrition, poor appetite, constipation and emaciated, etc. Please do not long term use.

I do not recommend the use of Rhubarb unless prescribed by a doctor.

Now I’ll take some individual medicinal plants, animals and minerals in Chinese medicinals as example to demonstrate the magical therapeutic effect that has revealed by modern researches.

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3.2.2. Medicinal plant                                                                       

Here let us look at the goldthread (Coptis chinensis), a frequently used Chinese plant drug to learn how an herb works. Goldthread                                                              

Firstly I would like to introduce a book in which the goldthread was first recorded. The Shen nong ben cao jing, an earliest pharmacy monograph of TCM, which systematically summarized the clinical experience of Chinese medicinals firstly. It has been hailed as classics and essence of Chinese pharmacy.

For the publish age, there is a different legend, one was in the Warring States period 476 BC - 221 BC, and the second was in the age of Qin and Han Dynasties 221 BC – 220 AD. The authors are unknown.

20070325045710649 Biochemical constituents

The biochemical constituent include: Berberine, coptisine, epiberberine, Palmatine, berberis red alkali, berberis alkali methyl, ferulic acid, magnolia flower alkali, phellodendron ketones and yellow-corktree bark lactones, etc.

                                                                                           Back to Top Pharmacological effects Antibacterial: Goldthread preparations have a strong antibacterial effect on pneumococcus, staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus hemolyticus, comma bacillus, anthrax bacillus and bacillus dysenteriae, etc. Also has inhibitory effect on the bacteria of diphtheria, pertussis, tuberculosis and brucella, etc. The coptis decoction and water extract have inhibitory effect on violet trichophyton, floccus epidermal mentagrophytes, Candida albicans and Yanuca star bacteria, etc. And in vitro, show inhibitory effect on mice entamoeba parasite, chlamydi trachomatis and trichomonas.          Blood glucose: Coptis Decoction and berberine gavages may reduce the blood glucose in normal mice. The hypoglycemic effect may be by inhibiting gluccneogenesis or promoting glycogen glycolysis.            Platelet and thrombus: Berberine has significant inhibitory effect on the contraction of clot enriched with the platelet. After inhibiting the clot contraction, take a significant catalytic effect on clot lyses caused by urokinase and streptokinase. It is conducive to save the patients with heart artery thrombosis or cerebral artery thrombosis. Heart Function: Berberine intravenous has a strong positive inotropic effect on canine heart. So that the rhythm slowed down, the diastolic blood pressure decreased, the pulse pressure increased, the total external resistance decreased, the blood output of per pulse increased. Hypertension: Berberine can lower down the arterial pressure, particularly diastolic pressure with the dose correlated. The mechanism is mainly competitive blocking β2 receptor on vascular smooth muscle to reduce the peripheral vascular resistance. The effect is weaker for stage hypertension and severe hypertension. Such as:

Berberine tablets 0.6 – 0.8 g.d-1 have good effect on hypertension in stage I & stage. Also have effect on secondary hypertension of renal and pre-eclamposia and eclamposia, etc.

Oral Berberine tablets 0.4 ~ 0.5 g per time, 3 times daily for 4 weeks. Results: (1) 13 cases in stage I, 8 cases were marked effect, 5 cases were some effect. (2) 19 cases of stage , 10 cases were marked effect, 6 cases were some effect, and 3 cases were no effect. (3) 10 cases of stage , 2 cases were some effect, 8 cases were no effect. The total effective rate is 73.8%. Hyperlipidemia: The hypolipidemic effect is primarily found at the experiment of treatment of non-diabetic animal models. It significantly reduced the content of serum triglyceride (TG), total cholesterol (TC) and low density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL2C).

Berberine tablets 0.5 g TID after meals orally treat hyperlipidemia, the effective rate was 90%. Myocardial ischemia: Berberine can enhance the mice’s ability of hypoxia tolerance. Reduce the scope and extent of rabbits’ myocardial infarction. Arrhythmia: Oryzanol significantly increase the oral bioavailability of Berberine. Oral administration of the blend of two drugs can reduce the arrhythmia of rats induced by aconitine and coronary artery ligation. The mechanism is inhibiting outward potassium current and the tail current. Brain Injury: Cerebral ischemia can cause the increase of the brain excitatory amino acids, such as, glutamate. Berberine can improve the brain injury by inhibiting glutamate-induced high expression of brain cells’ C-fos and the increase of intracellular calcium. Cancer: Both in vitro and in vivo test, berberine shows a significant inhibiting effect for sarcoma S180 in mice. Also has inhibitory effect on nasopharyngeal carcinoma, cervical cancer and transplanted tumors of nude mice. LD50 is 24.3mg/kg by mice intraperitoneal injection. Clinic applications Atrophic gastritis: Blend preparation of Berberine with other Chinese herbs treat atrophic gastritis, except 1 patient self terminated, 23 of 24 cases, the gastric mucosal atrophy was restored to normal, the stomach pain and the gastrectasia symptoms disappeared, the appetite improved. Gastric analysis: fasting total acidity and free acidity reached the normal level. Stomach and duodenal: Blend preparation of Berberine and other herbs treats gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Total 18 cases, 12 cases cured in one day and 6 cases in 2 days. Follow-up found relapse patients were re-cured in 1 ~ 2 days. Ulcerative Colitis:  With metal pipe directly spray Coptis powder and positioning enema with Coptis powder aqueous solution treat 18 cases of Ulcerative Colitis, cured 15 cases. Spray method, Coptis powder 2 ~ 2.5 g one time daily total 9 times for a course of treatment. Enema method, Coptis powder mixed in 150ml warm water and then poured into. Except pain in first 2 or 3 times, there is no other side effect. The pain can be avoided by adding appropriate amount of Procaine. Diabetes: Type II diabetes 60 cases, oral Berberine 0.30.5g X 3 times daily, unknown the time of treatment course. After treatment, the fasting blood glucose is 117.19 ± 25.98mg/dl, that is significantly decreased than pre-treatment of 208.65 ± 51.68mg/dl (P<0.01). Patients’ clinical symptoms disappeared, serum insulin levels increased significantly (P<0.01), total effective rate was 90%. Had no significant effect on those blood glucose level is in normal.  Follow-up 17 cases, there 11 cases were maintained in the level of treatment efficacy. In the experimental study showed a marked hypoglycemic effect, and demonstrated the promotion effect on pancreatic β-cell repair. Suppurative otitis: Powder of Berberine with other herbs, blowing into the ear canal, and goes through the perforation of tympanic membrane, 2 times daily, five days for a treatment course. Total 41 cases, 36 cases fully recovered, 4 cases improved, 1 case was no effect.

In view of the public Knowledge on Chinese herbal medicine have been a lot. Here, I’ll introduce the rare one - medicinal animals.

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3.2.3. Medicinal animals

4000 years ago, there medicinal animals were used in China. The records were found on the tortoise shells. The animal names on shells include snake, musk deer, rhino and so on.

Currently, there were 1574 (1581?) kind medicinal animal’s recorded. Among them, the terrestrial animals are 1295 kinds; the marine animals are 275 kinds. The vertebrates are about 62% in the medicinal animal species. The invertebrates are 606 kinds.

Because the therapeutic effect of animals’ drug is powerful, so that it can take a significant effect by only a small doses. In addition, their resource is richer, toxicity is lower, and is capable to treat a wide range of diseases. Therefore, as same as the herbs, the medicinal animals are an important component of Chinese medicinals.

Here I’ll take the ants, placenta and earthworm as example to demonstrate their wonderful therapeutic effect.

                                                                                           Back to Top Ants

In China, 3000 years ago has started to use ants. In book< Zhou LI Tian Guan> described that ants was as food for king. Some other TCM books have described ants, includes Compendium of Materia MedicaBen Cao Gang Mu.

In TCM, the ants are used for treating many diseases, such as, kidney inefficiency, rheumatic pain, stroke hemiplegia, hand-foot numbness, dizziness, tinnitus, insomnia, dreamy, impotence, emission, lupus, scleroderma, dermatomyositis, carbuncle, swollen pain and snakebite, etc.

未命名 Bioactive constituents

Ants aldehyde, formic acid, fatty acid, protein, free amino acids, alkaloids, histamine, terpenoids, variety of hormones, variety of enzymes, and ant antibiotic. Vitamin A, C, D, B1, B12, E. There are more than 20 kinds of minerals, Ca, P, Fe, Zn, Se, etc. In particularly the Zn content is prominent, per 1000g ants containing 100-200mg Zn, the Zn content is 8 times than that of soybean, 2 times than that of pig livers. Pharmacological effects.

                                                                                           Back to Top Immunoregulatory: Ants can bi-directional regulate the cellular immune function to the normal level. Immune synergy:  Promote hyperplasia of thymus, spleen and other organs. Increase the number of blood leukocytes, can enhance the activity of macrophage and lymphocyte, and improve antibody cell count and serum antibody levels after antigen stimulation. Inhibit inflammation: Experiments show that ants can significantly inhibit the inflammation induced by xylene and formaldehyde. This provides a reliable theoretical basis for clinical application of ant to treat rheumatic diseases.

                                                                                              Back to Top Rheumatoid arthritis: Ants have immunoregulatory effect, adrenal cortex-like effect and anti-inflammatory effect. Has obvious therapeutic effect on joint swelling, morning stiffness and erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

The preparation of ants and herbs treats rheumatoid arthritis 35 cases,  17 cases cured, 12 cases were marked effect, 5 cases were some effect, 1 case was no effect. The longest treatment course was 15 months, the shortest was 20 days. Asthma: Ants preparation can relieve the bronchial asthma and intestinal spasm induced by ethylene choline. And can relieve the intestinal spasm induced by barium chloride. Sedative effect: Ants preparation can reduce the times of spontaneous activity of mice, showed certain sedative effect. Experiment in mouse acetic acid writhing response showed that ants have very significant effect in relieving throes. The pain threshold was increased 4.347 times. Liver:  Ants preparation can lower down the activity of rat’s serum glutamicpyruvictransaminase enhanced by carbon tetrachloride. Show that ants can inhibit the hepatocyte fatty change. Anti-aging: Ants can increase the content of intracellular DNA and RNA, enhance the phagocytosis capacity of the macrophage, and scavenge free radicals Sex:  Ants are a sexual enhancer to promote the sexual ability by making following improvements: (a) Increase the weight of the testes and ovary. (b) Increase the content of DNA, RNA in leydigscells and spermatocytes of convoluted suminiferous tubule. (c) Promote the cell division. Experiment show that ants can increase the weight of semen capsule prostate and glandulae preputiales of castrated male mice, increase the weight of spermary and epididymis of normal mice markedly and significantly increase the number of sperm. For aged mice increase the weight of testes and thymus.

This kind of sexual enhance is based on the enhancement of the overall physical strength healthily. It will obviously reduce or even avoid the deadly sequelae during enjoy the pleasure of sex by the assist of WM drugs. Such as, 109 'have been killed by Viagra'. Ants have a significant effect in the promotion and protection for the fetal rat growth. And have satisfactory effect on the treatment of infertility of men and women. Such as, azoospermia; oligospermia; non-ejaculation; varicocele; endometriosis; amenorrhea; ovarian cysts; uterine hypoplasia; irregular menstruation; no-ovulation; polycystic ovary syndrome and bilateral tubal barrier.

The United States does have infertility rate-17 percent, and this rate continues going up. However, China have the lowest infertility rate, less that 3 percent. The contribution of lower infertility rate came from the natural Chinese medicinals. can regulate the disorder of endocrine function in vivo, enhance the metabolism of the sugar, protein and fat, and stimulate the cell function. Thus, enhance the activity of insulin and inhibit the generation of insulin antibody. Improve the fatigue phenomenon. In China, more and more patients use ants and herbs compound to treat diabetic syndrome.

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Total 56 out-diabetes patients, 21 males and 35 females, 9 were over 60, 26 were 45-60, and 21 were less than 45. The course of disease was from 6 months to 4 years. All these patients had varying degrees of oral thirst, rapid hungering, polyuria, obesity or emaciation, and generalized lack of strength. Fasting blood glucose was equal to or more than 7 mmol/L (126mg/dL) and glycosuria was +-++++.

Ants 60g and another 19 Chinese herbs ground into fine powder and disinfected. 10 capsules (0.3g/capsules) X 3 times daily, 3 months equaled one course of treatment. After 2-5 such courses, outcomes were assessed.

There were 38 patients (67.9%) were marked effect, 12 patients (21.4%) were some effect, and 6 patients (10.7%) were no effect, for a total amelioration rate of 89.3%. However, these effects were most significant in those with the early stage of disease in asymptomatic. According to the Chinese authors of this study, there were no observable side effects from this protocol.

Note: As a opinion of mine, that the amelioration rate will be over 95% without side effect if the dose doubled especially in the increase the amount of ants. Antibiotics:   Researches indicated that the waxy substance of ants’ secrete contains antibiotics. This "ant antibiotic" may assist the human body to resist variety of pathogenic microorganisms, especially in case of fungal infection and staphylococcus.

Researchers at Princeton and Harvard Universities believe that the discovery of two key proteins guiding one of the two groups of pathogenic bacteria that make up an ant's outer shell could pave the way to the development of new antibiotics.” ”the antibiotics would be particularly effective against gram-negative bacteria, such as E coliand Salmonella, and would destroy these pathogens by disabling the mechanism that produces the ants' protective coating.” Cancer: Radiotherapy and chemotherapy will seriously damage the patients’ immune system. Ants can provide compensation to restore being destructed immune system. At the same time, those increased natural killer cells can kill cancer cells directly.

Here is a miracle recover case of liver cancer.

Beijing Medical University, Yu Guo An, a 75 years old male, suffered multiple liver tumors, was no longer able to carry out removal operation. In which case, he took large dose ants preparations competing for one year. When one year after he went to hospital review, surprisingly found that tumors reduced.

Suppose that Mr. Yu took the conventional treatment with radiotherapy or chemotherapy, he would be died already. Even if alive he would be at counting his remaining survival days or months on bed by bending his finger according to the general experience, because that the liver cancer is a badly malignant one, so that it is being called the king of cancers’.

Indeed, in above case, it was that incurable cancer is cured by animal drug without help of conventional medical means. Obviously no any constituents that can kill cancer cell directly in ant powder. However, it was that the ants killed incurable cancer cell indirectly by enhancing Mr. Yu’s immune ability. Therefore, it is the success of holistic philosophical approach. The fact has provided a powerful evidence to prove the system biology is a prospective philosophical approach and that the nature killer cells kill cancer cell is effective in vivo.

Suppose take the ants regularly as preventatives before, Mr. Yu would not be suffered in cancer.

                                                                                              Back to Top Safety evaluation: In mice model carried out safety evaluation for Ant Powder. The results as following:

Acute toxicity test: LD50>215000mg/kg.

Ames test: No findings on cancer mutagenicity in following test. the concentration of Ant powder in 1.0 mg/plate. 2.0 mg/plate 3.0 mg/plate and 4.0 mg/plate orderly were studied with TA97(a), TA98, TA100, TA102 bacterial, at the same time, mutagenic were used as the control groups. The test was repeated under the action of metabolic activated enzyme. The bacterial numbers at every concentration had no significant differences than the control groups.

Micronucleus test: No significant different with control group in bone marrow cytogenetic test: Micronucleus rate at 5000mg/kg, 10000mg/kg, 20000mg/kg and positive were 0.2%, 0.16%, 0.18%, 0.2%, 3.26% respectively.

The sperm shape abnormality test: No significant different with control group in following tests: 5000mg/kg, 10000mg/kg 20000mg/kg and positive were 1.94%, 1.98%, 2.24%, 12.84%.

Thirty days feeding test: All histopathologic and biochemical indexes were in normal after 30 days feeding. Including blood, liver, kidney, stomach, intestines, growth status, all results were negative. The facts indicated that Ant powder is non-toxic.

Following are some studying articles for ants in medicinal practice.

U.N. Conference Promotes Insect-Eating for Everyone From Famine Victims to Astronauts

Colombia's Big-Butt Ants Entice Gourmets

'Big-Butt' Ant Delicacy Goes Global

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New Slant On Ants: Eat Them And Stay Healthy, Chinese Say.

BEIJING - A handful of ants a day keeps the doctor away, according to Chinese scientists.

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Ants May Help Researchers Unlock Mysteries of Human Aging Process

Insects and other arthropods used as drugs in Korean traditional medicine

                                                                                              Back to Top Placenta

Placenta is the unique organ and the initial home for therian mammals.

The medicinal use of placenta started around 2200 years ago. The first Emperor, Qin Shi Huang, the man who made China and tasted the placenta firstly on the purpose of prolonging his life. He felt it did work and ordered to take it as top grade tonic in royal regimen. Thereby the kings in subsequent dynasties of China took placenta as a best tonic, too. They conducted some studying on placenta and used it as a special drug clinically.


In TCM book, the Compendium of Materia Medica has an attractive description: the placenta of human, sheep, pigs, cattle, deer and other mammals’ can be used as drug. They can relieve all the fatigue impair for men and women. Even those in critical condition, take 1 or 2 times, can be survived. Adhering long-term use, can enhance the ability of hearing and seeing, and can restore the color of beard and hair for elderly, benefit to the health and longevity. It is a magical panacea medicine.                      Bioactive constituents: Modern Pharmacological studies indicate that the placenta contains at least 55 kinds of bioactive nutrients that play an important role in human life. There are more than 30 kinds of essential amino acids, multi-vitamins and trace elements. Among all of them, the important one is placental peptide; the peptides are the biological active substances that involved in a variety of cell functions in vivo. Almost all cells are subject to peptide-regulating in multi-aspect, such as, hormones, nerves, immune regulation, tumor, neurohormonal neurotransmitter regulation, cells’ reproduction and differentiation, etc.

                                                                                              Back to Top Pharmacological effects Immunoregulatory: Placental Immunoregulatory peptide can significantly promote the growth, maturation and differentiation for human T lymphocytes and B lymphocyte. It can significantly improve the immune function of mice in radiotherapy and chemotherapy. For the mice that are in immunosuppressive state, the placental peptide can restore the immune ability by increasing the number of neutrophils, the index of body weight, spleen weight and lymphocyte stimulation, etc. After 10 days administration of sheep placenta peptide on puppies, found that many physiological indicators were significantly increased. Such as, total number of blood leukocytes, peripheral blood T cells, serum globulin levels, serum lysozyme activity, etc. Fatigue and hypoxia: In mice model, placental preparation can enhance the capacity of anti-fatigue and anti-hypoxia. It can significantly increase the time of load swimming. Experiments show that the blend preparation of deer placenta with herbs can extend the sustained swimming time in mice and hypoxic survival time of rats. Increase the human muscle endurance, so that after exercise the body's blood pressure, heart rate were all reduced, and in serum those related to energy metabolic enzymes and energy supply substance can be all increased. Anti-aging: Placental preparation can take an anti-aging effect through scavenging the free radicals by enhancing the activity of superoxide dismutase. Experiments show it can significantly reduce the lipofuscin content in the tissue of mice brain, thus reducing the damage of brain tissue and slowing down the development of aging. Cell: Placental preparations can promote the proliferation and metabolism of the cells. With the experiment of DMEM cultured epidermal basal cell of neonatal mouse, confirmed that the extract of placental tissue have the effect of the nutrition and growth factor. Now it is used to make cosmetics due to its capacity of removing wrinkles and enhancing skin elasticity. Intellect: Placental preparations can improve the learning ability. Experiments proved that the Placental Immunoregulatory Factor (PIF) can improve the learning ability of mental retarded children. In rat’s Alzheimer's disease model, in placental group, the score of learning and memory test was superior to the control group. Eyes: Placenta preparations can induce the generation of the cells melanin to take the therapeutic effect for retinal malnutrition of myopia and age-related. Gynecological: Placental preparations can treat some gynecological problems. Such as, uterus’ hypogenesis, follicle presenility and serious early amenorrhea, etc. The effect is significant better than that of WM hormone treatment. Live: Treats hepatitis-C 115 cases by placental peptide, there 91 cases were cured clinically. The cure rate reached 79.1%. Show that the placenta peptides have the effect of anti-hepatitis virus in vivo. The mechanism maybe is that regulate the cellular immune function. Respiratory: Placental peptides have significant therapeutic effect on respiratory diseases. Such as, chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma, etc. For instance, treat chronic bronchitis by single placenta; the total effective rate was 64%. After integrated with WM drugs, the total effective rate reached 84%, were significantly higher than 53% in single WM drug group. Cancer: As adjuvant treatment of chemotherapy for tumor bearing mice, show that placental peptides can increase the total WBC number of peripheral blood, thereby regulate the physiological function, repair the damaged tissue and cells. Placental peptide can inhibit the growth of S180 tumor cell and colon tumor cell, the inhibition rate was 48% and 57%. After the treatment by radiotherapy integrating placental Immunoregulatory factor for nasopharyngeal cancer patients, the level of CD4, CD4/CD8 and the activity of NK cells’ were significantly increased. Graft-versus-host:  Placental immunoglobulin can effectively inhibit early differentiation of T lymphocytes, induce the immune deviation of the T cells; take the effect in preventing mice graft-versus-host disease. Tuberculosis: Human placental lipopolysaccharide has adjuvant therapeutic effect on tuberculosis. massive crowd efficacy testing, found that the sheep placental preparations can improve the sleep quality. Digestion: In mice model, intraperitoneal injection of Sheep’s Placental Living Cell Extract, found that the level of gastrointestinal impel reached 64.57% ± 10.81%, is significantly higher than that of 56.12% ± 12.48% of control group. The result indicates that the Sheep Placental Living Cell Extract can enhance gastric peristalsis, therefore improve the digestion. Beauty: Placental preparations can make the human skin beautiful and extend the adolescence by regulating the endocrine, dissolving the aged rough skin and repairing the injured skin tissue. diseases: Placenta-related preparations also demonstrated good clinical results on various diseases. Such as, malnutrition, rhinitis, psoriasis, leucoderma, chickenpox, chronic gastritis, pelvic inflammation, nervous headache, stroke sequelae, acute leukemia, some eye diseases, etc. Poison: Do not find the report on LD50 for placenta currently. As a kind of meat that placenta should be safe in any dose obviously.

Following are some articles on placenta.

Researchers find blood stem cells originate and are nurtured in the placenta

Tumor-suppressor gene is critical for placenta development

Key to early diagnosis of autism may be in the placenta

Discarded placentas deliver researchers promising cells similar to embryonic stem cells

Placenta Is A Rich Source Of Blood Stem Cells

Cure for Postpartum Depression

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