


The Old Democracy Has Died 旧民主已死


The Old Democracy Has Died


                                                     Mark Wain 05/31/2023

A "no one is above the law" jury in Manhattan, NY, has reached a verdict in Donald Trump's hush money criminal trial and found him guilty of all 34 felony counts on Thursday, May 30, 2024, six months before the November 5  presidential election. 

Is the jury's verdict fair? Are its members all blue-and-red-color-blinded?

As the NY state is a pure blue state for 50 or more years, it is natural that the jury consists of only Dems, and an accused GOP member would be more likely found guilty than an accused Dem, especially in politically charged cases.

In a similar way, if Joe Biden's corruption-charges case in connection with his son Hunter's laptop content exposure were put to trial in Texas, a red state, the Texas jury would very likely reach a guilty verdict. 

When the judiciary goes political, namely directly or indirectly controlled by the executive branch, it will not engage in honest work. Not only juries but also judges would serve the powers-that-be much more than the grassroots.

We all know that the capitalist ruling-class government is highly political, i.e., all the three branches of government are coordinated to serve the interests of its capitalist lord. 

It's no surprise that Donald Trump complained that "he was doomed from the start — a New York jury would never have acquitted him,"  his campaign's emails described Trump as "a political prisoner,” "JUSTICE IS DEAD IN AMERICA! Our country has fallen!” and posting "VICTORY ON NOVEMBER 5TH. SAVE AMERICA!!!”on his Truth Social account. (https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/30/us/politics/donald-trump-trial-conviction.html?unlocked_article_code=1.wE0.2zni.NSDea9ZF_Drz&smid=url-share)

Indeed, the old democracy has died and the brand new people's democratic revolution will be like a spark that ignites a prairie fire. [Mark Wain 05/31/2024]


Former Vice President Mike Pence, who repeated that he won't be endorsing former President Donald Trump, tells "Face the Nation" on March 18, 2024 that Trump calling people arrested in connection to Jan. 6 as "hostages" is "unacceptable." He said today that Donald Trump is not conservative enough [as he is so pro the working-class?] to belong to the GOP. [Mark Wain 06/01/2024]




                                                Mark Wain 05/31/2023

纽约曼哈顿的一个“无人凌驾于法律之上”的陪审团在唐纳德·特朗普的封口费刑事审判中做出了裁决,并于 2024 年 5 月 30 日星期四(即 11 月 5 日总统大选的六个月前)判定他犯有全部 34 项重罪。


由于纽约州 50 多年来一直是纯蓝州,陪审团自然只由民主党人组成,被指控的共和党成员被判有罪的可能性比被指控的民主党人更大,尤其是在政治色彩浓厚的案件中。




唐纳德·特朗普抱怨说“他从一开始就注定要失败——纽约的陪审团永远不会宣判他无罪”,这并不奇怪,他的竞选邮件将特朗普描述为“政治犯”,“美国的正义已死!我们的国家沦陷了!”并在其Truth Social账户上发布“胜利在11月5日。拯救美国!!!” (https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/30/us/politics/donald-trump-trial-conviction.html?unlocked_article_code=1.wE0.2zni.NSDea9ZF_Drz&smid=url-share)

的确,旧民主已经消亡,全新的人民民主主义革命将如一颗将要点燃燎原大火的星火。[Mark Wain 05/31/2024]


前副总统迈克·彭斯重申他不会支持前总统唐纳德·特朗普,他在 2024 年 3 月 18 日告诉“面对国家”,特朗普称与 1 月 6 日有关的被捕者为“人质”是“不可接受的”。他今天表示,唐纳德·特朗普不够保守 [因为他如此支持工人阶级?], 因此不应隶属于共和党。[Mark Wain 06/01/2024]

  • 当前共有1条评论
  • 天雅

    And "no one bellow the law!"

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