Is The US Headed Towards Fascism? 双语:美国正在走向法西斯主义吗?
Is The US Headed Towards Fascism?(双语 bilingual)美国正在走向法西斯主义吗?
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Second Thought May 3, 2024
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Is The US Heading Towards Fascism? – Second Thought
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Memories of Easter egg hunts with my family and now that I have a young
daughter of my own, I'm excited to give her the same experience so imagine my surprise when we go to the neighborhood playground on Easter and there are a handful of adults trying to keep kids from picking up a bunch of eggs seemed a little weird so I asked one of them what was going on and they said better not to look inside so naturally I had to look inside. Here's what I found:
Even for someone who keeps tabs on these freaks for a living, this was a little shocking. We live in a quiet suburb. There's never any trouble and yet here we were standing somewhere designed for children to play picking up Easter eggs with fascist rhetoric inside and if you think about it, this one little Easter egg is indicative of the whole fascist undercurrent in the US. Let's unpack what's going on here. I think we should start with a quick rundown of the the proud boys and the other fascist groups in the US, because the state of official fascist organizations has changed over the last few years. The proud boys are an exclusively male hate group operating in the US and Canada besides their deeply funny no girls allowed rule, these losers are big proponents of the white genocide myth - the idea that white people, a designation that seems to fluctuate whenever convenient, are being replaced by encroaching hordes of nebulously ethnic babies. The group has been described as an alt-right fight Club conservative extremists altl overtly Islamophobic and misogynistic and all too willing to embrace racists anti-Semites and bigots of all kinds they've engaged in political violence attended the January 6th Insurrection and have been banned from pretty much every social media platform. Officially the Canadian arm of the organization was shut down after being rightly labeled a terrorist group.
The Proud boys were established in 2016, spearheaded by Gavin McKinnis, one of the co-founders of Vice over the next few years they went through a handful of leaders, the most recent being this guy - Enrique Tario who in 2023 was sentenced to 22 years in prison for his role in the Insurrection, too is a Miami Cuban which tells you pretty much all you need to know as far as his politics goes, but it came out during his trial that he was also an informant for the feds which led to a Schism in the proud boys who just couldn't believe that one of their own would work for the evil government, got to love how na?ve these people are, when the judge delivered the sentence, Tario begged the court: please show me mercy, I ask that you'd not take my 40s from me that's how quickly the tough guy act crumbles. As of right now, the proud boys seem to be in disarray. They get kicked from every platform they try to organize and a bunch of their members got locked up after January 6th and they seem more than a little spooked that they got infiltrated by the feds. A handful of State branches have said they won't acknowledge any national leadership and they're just kind of doing their own thing so with any luck the organization will die out. That doesn't mean their remaining members aren't dangerous though, so keep that in mind.
Besides the proud boys, we've got the Oath keepers, the three percenters Patriot front and Patriot prayer. The three percenters are the oldest group on the list, the organization was founded in 2008. If you live in Texas like I do you've probably seen 3er bumper stickers - the name comes from the assumption that 3% of a given country's population is enough to overthrow the government. The group was officially dissolved in 2021 after
January 6th, then you'll start notice a trend that there a bunch of its members were thrown in jail and once again Canada labeled them a terrorist group like the proud boys. Local branches of the 3centers still remain active.
The oath keepers are the next oldest founded just one year after the 3percenters. This is another antigovernmental but Pro Constitution group and tellingly its membership is 2/3 former military and police and 10% active duty best guesses as to their numbers hover around 5,000 people but the org itself claims to have a membership of 38,000. These thugs are known for showing up at protests, political rallies, and whatever events they determined to be woke armed with guns and with their faces covered. Once again a number of their high-ups are serving over a decade in prison for seduced conspiracy, though this group seems to have been more resilient than their cowardly counterparts; choosing not to shutter their operation in fact according to a data breach as of 2021, 48 state and local officials and 10 sitting State lawmakers were listed among the group's members. This would suggest a different approach from the other fascist cells, choosing to pursue electoral infiltration as opposed to strictly acts of Terror.
The final two organizations significant enough to mention are Patriot front and Patriot prayer. They all love this Patriot stuff and we'll get to that in a bit. Patriot prayer was founded in 2016, in the suburbs of Washington state suburbs. That's another thing we'll talk about. Their whole stick is to harass liberal and left-wing groups in the Pacific Northwest and to get in street fights with anti-fascists which have often been filmed and upload and to inspire other budding fascists to get involved more physically according to an informant. There are only about 15 of these guys, they've just been really good at making a name for themselves because typically fascists are cowards who will scatter when it looks like a fight is coming. Finally, the youngest org on the list - Patriot front. This is another small organization but I bet you've heard more about them than some of the others, where the rest play koi and beat around the bush, these guys are explicit in their fascism, they've even got the fascine as part of their logo. If I had to guess which group would end up being the most influential in the fascist movement, it would be Patriot front. For a bunch of reactionaries, they're pretty good at branding combining traditional Americana with fascist symbolism in every successful past fascist movement that's been a key element it takes on the flavor of whatever culture it boils up in. You've probably heard the quote when fascism comes to America it'll be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross. Case in point, Patriot front is another group that punch above its weight in terms of membership best estimates put the number at just 200 but they accounted for 82% of all incidents in 2021 that involve the distribution of fascist racist or otherwise bigoted propaganda in the US.
If you zoom out a bit, this is all kind of interesting you've got your fraternity, your militias, your street thugs, and your propagandists that's a pretty well-developed fascist undercurrent, even if for now they seem to be licking their wounds what happens when they start organizing across the different groups.
Speculation aside, the important thing to realize about American fascism is that it's not confined to this handful of explicitly fascist groups, it's become mainstream among the American Right. Let me give you an example. There's an unmilitary business owner, back during peak COVID, but it's not going to be peaceful much longer. Okay and this isn't a threat, I'm not a criminal, I've never been a criminal, but I'm telling you that good citizens are going to turn into real concerned and revolutionary citizens really soon and nobody else is going to say that I'm probably the only person that has a ball to say what I'm saying right now that we're building, we're organizing and we'll work with law enforcement or without law enforcement, but you won't stop us when time comes because our families are starving and if you don't hear the seriousness of my voice, I hope you open your ears and you absolutely listen to what I'm saying, because this is a warning for what's coming. It's not going to be peaceful much longer, it's not going to be Rah Rah, it's not going to be speeches, it's not going to be gathering outside saying Pledge of Allegiance, it's not going to be W from Flags or I require medical assistance. It's going to be real when you've seen the things that I've seen. I went to war for this country. I've seen the ugliest dirtiest part of humanity. I've been in combat and I never want to go back again, but I'm telling you what I will do to save this country, if it has to be against our own citizens, it will happen and there's a million people like me, and you won't stop us. It sounds pretty bad but this is exactly the type of person we saw at the Capital Riot.
All the fascist groups were there at least 700 members of their organizations got arrested but they were a drop in the bucket compared to what most people would call average conservatives. Only around 13.3% of those charged in the capital riots were formal members of militant groups like The Proud boys, the 3percenters, and the oathkeepers. The remaining 87% were a mix of garden-variety Trump supporters and conservatives LARPing (Live Action Role Playing) as revolutionaries, the overwhelming majority of people who
stormed the capital were just average Republicans and you can tell: they didn't look like the typical far-right extremists. They were typically older
with around 2/3 being over 35, they were much less likely to be unemployed, a full 14% of the attendees charged were business owners and 30% were white collar workers, these aren't normal far-right extremist demographics. These are just Republican constituency demographics. That's why fascists target the suburbs, as we mentioned earlier, the aggrieved white middle class is ripe for radicalization, the average American conservative wants to overthrow the government to establish some weird anti-woke theocracy based on a mythologized version of the past. And don't take my word for it. They're literally advocating for it in their magnum opus "project 2025" which we made a video about a while back. Okay. Why is this happening? Conservatives have always been reactionary but what's changed in the last decade or so well there are a few factors.
We'll start with a culture war issue - the white genocide myth - the "Great Replacement Theory" is a classic among fascists. It asserts that there is a plot which really means they think it's a Jewish thing that the white race and white culture, whatever that means, are disappearing because of immigration from majority non-white countries. Fascists believe this will cause some general persecution of white people because of course they can't imagine the world being run without one race subjugating another. This is the theory that motivated the Christ Church shooter Brenton Tarant and the El Paso shooter Patrick Crucius and it's both unfounded and blatantly fascist. You won't be surprised to learn that this theory has a historical trajectory that started in world War II AND ran through the European fascist movements, the American Nazi party and has now found a home among the majority of the Republican electorates.
Here's a clip of Tucker Carlson endorsing the theory on Fox, calling it by name and likening it to Eugenics. Joe Biden just said that to change the racial mix of the country that's the reason to reduce the political power of people whose ancestors lived here and dramatically increase the proportion of Americans newly arrived from the third world and then Biden went further by saying that nonwhite DNA is I quote: "source of our strength," imagine saying that this is the language of eugenics. It's horrifying but there's a reason Biden said it in political terms this policy is called the Great Replacement, the replacement of Legacy Americans with more obedient people from far away countries. They brag about it all the time but if you dare to say it's happening, they will scream at you with maximum hysteria and here do you have Joe Biden confirming his motive on tape with a smile on his face.
This type of racist xenophobia isn't new. Every fascist project in history has needed to create a chosen people and a barbaric enemy to justify their anti-human politics. Even a cursory glance at any history book will make it clear where this trend comes from but why does it start in the first place? Human beings can be awfully distrustful people but just randomly deciding to build an exterminatory worldview out of their bigotry doesn't make much sense. We need to dig a little deeper and look beyond the Culture War to really understand the appeal of fascism.
Socialism and fascism are both on the rise and it's pretty easy to see why beneath every movement is an economic catalyst. Fascism is seen as a solution to an economic problem just as socialism is, but the difference is that fascism does not threaten the primacy of capital or the comfortable position of the white liberal, a critical ally of fascist movements throughout history economic hardship, it creates conditions where bitterness, distrust and desperation can thrive making the masses an easy target for charismatic and bombastic fascists. Think back to that town hall video what did the guy say was the spark for their aggression not being able to feed their families and you know what that's a perfectly valid reason to be upset. The problem is the solution he and other fascists land on is to exterminate or deport anyone deemed to be detrimental to white people making money and keeping their privileged position or in their eyes prevent hardworking patriots from losing economic ground because their opportunities are being stolen by the petite bourgeoisie or as I like to call them the roofing class, small business owners, the guys who have a handful of contractors and pay 1,200 bucks a month on an F-150 Raptor that's never been used for any kind of manual labor. But I digress, I really try my best to understand fascist because it's an interesting phenomenon.
What socialism offers in my opinion is a common sense solution to the ills of capitalism economic democracy - the people who do the work have a say in how the work is done and profits can't be siphoned off by unelected corporate tyrants. Fascism, on the other hand, has to create this elaborate fantasy to justify why one particular group of people is destined to inherit the earth and conveniently it's the people in your country and the group you happen to fall into is the same gripe I have with Calvinists. They believe that all humans are predestined to go to either heaven or hell and nothing we do can influence that destiny. I've never met a calvinist who believes they're going to hell. If I try really hard to check my basic human decency at the door, I can see why fascist mythology could be appealing. It lets you off the hook. It justifies the worst cruelties, because you are defending what is good and righteous from Human animals who want to tear down a beautiful civilization. The problem is the civilization that fascists claim to be defending has never existed. It's a myth there is no single white race. Just ask the Irish or the Italians or the Russians or the Ukrainians or the Jews who have all had their white card revoked or granted at some point. There is no period in American history where everything was great for the white working class. Every worker in this country has always been at the mercy of the elite, but not the elite that fascists assume are pulling the strings. It's not a shadowy cabal of woke Jews. It's just the people who own the means of production. They're not shy about it. People like Warren Buffett routinely admit there's a class war being waged and that the capitalist want to make sure that they win it.
The Glorious Fascist Revolution is that what these self-proclaimed Patriots want is not revolutionary at all. It's just turning back the clock to a time where these class antagonisms were less apparent where the capitalist class still had complete control over society. But maybe black people had fewer rights. If that's your vision of Utopia you're a [ __ ] , you are risking decades in prison because you want to make sure the boot stays on your neck, because you like the lies the boot spouts while it's stepping on you. The Republicans love fascist because it's an ideology that maintains the economic status quo. They don't like it when their useful idiots try to lynch them, so people have to go to jail for that.
But on the whole there's a reason the ruling class tolerates Fascism and not socialism. Socialism is genuinely revolutionary whereas fascism is just a cancerous offshoot of capitalism that can in their mind be used as a tool when needed. And this isn't the first time the ruling class has taken advantage of economic precarity. Once upon a time a group of super wealthy capitalists hatched a scheme to try to convince a group of vulnerable Americans to launch an insurrection and overthrow the government at which point the group of oligarchs would establish what amounted to a fascist dictatorship in the service of capital. It sounds a bit like January 6th. Doesn't this attempted coup was called the business plot? And it actually happened way back in 1933. The short version is that a retired General - Smedley Butler was approached by a would be financier who offered him funding and 500,000 men to lead an Insurrection to depose then president FDR. Roosevelt's election and subsequent economic reforms had horrified conservative businessmen who saw him as a socialist so naturally when given the choice between socialism and fascism, they overwhelmingly sided with fascism telling Butler they hoped to install him as an all powerful Secretary of General Affairs while Roosevelt would assume a figurehead role. Unfortunately for the plotters Butler ratted them out. In his later years, General Butler had come to support FDR and was a fairly outspoken critic of capitalism referring to his past self as a high-class muscle-in for Wall Street, the business plot failed.
And it gives us a great example of how economic precarity can be weaponized to fascist ends. The capitalist understood that thousands of First World War veterans were disenchanted with the U.S., having not received their promised benefits and they figured if they could just get a popular willing leader to stoke the discontent into a fascist fervor, they'd have free reign of the country's economy, creating an unholy merger of capital and the state - a cornerstone of fascism. What we are seeing today has the same hallmarks of every other period, where fascism has grown in popularity, economic insecurity, the formation of fascist paramilitaries and a series of charismatic figures trying to tap into the rising tide of far-right populism for personal gain. While it's important to have empathy for people who are struggling economically and looking for answers, once someone chooses to become a fascist they are a threat, but it's also important to realize that these people are by and large losers and cowards. They talk a big game but they run away when faced with anti-fascist resistance, instead of getting up on a soap box like their Idols, they target children with hate speech and lurk online, they wear ridiculous outfits, complete with cardboard shields and, if we're being honest, most of these people don't really match the uber mensch archetype. At the end of the day they're pathetic reactionaries who whine about wokeness and weaponize culture and religion to spread a hateful message with no basis in reality. But that doesn't mean they're not dangerous. Never underestimate your enemy especially when they've convinced themselves that they are the chosen ones and everybody else is subhuman.
So, is the US headed for fascism? Yes and no.
The US is a settler colonial imperialist project, it's primed for fascism by default. Any nation which depends on the exploitation of others is one bad quarter away from going full muscle. That being said, the economic conditions that allow for the growth of fascism also result in the growth of class consciousness which gives socialism a chance to fight back under every single fascist regime in history. The Socialists were the first to be targeted because fascists know that socialism is a threat to capital and that any truly egalitarian system has to get rid of the exploitative system that is capitalism. Fascists don't want revolutionary change, they want violent maintenance of the status quo and they want to turn the violence of the empire usually reserved for foreigners inward suppressing whatever groups they don't like, so yes, fascism is on the rise so is socialism and it's our job to make sure this time fascists don't get their way and that instead we forge a path towards a brighter more humane future.
I mentioned at the beginning of the video that this channel is entirely grassroots funded. Since sponsors don't want to touch videos like these we have to rely on the generous support of viewers like you if you'd like to help keep this channel afloat and get some great perks while you're at it. Consider becoming a patron on patron. All patrons regardless of pledge amount get early access to every video plus access to our patrons only Discord server...
Just How Dangerous Is Europe's Rising Far Right?
Anti-immigration parties with fascist roots — and an uncertain commitment to democracy — are now mainstream.
By Roger Cohen May 5, 2024
2. FASCISM: An In-Depth Explanation
Ryan Chapman Mar 8, 2022 Political Theory & Philosophy
Fascism, explained by way of Mussolini's Italy and Hitler's Germany.
@Thedimka 2 years ago (edited)
Out of all modern regimes, the "Communist" China is the closest to this definition. I am not sure if they are all the way there, but more than others for sure.
@robto 2 years ago replied
They're still not Fascist by the very reasons that they do not define themselves as such, do not, at least verbally, claim any influence from any other Fascist movement, and also, they are very much removed from the historical and political context in which Fascism appeared.
@pierren___ 2 years ago
Fascism is also defined by politics, and China on this matter is less fascist
@Thedimka 2 years ago
@robto True, they don't define themselves as such, but it's not because they do not like the doctrine, but mostly for two reasons, they started as Communists, and Fascist labeling is very unpopular after WWII.
@eduardstefanmalos3685 2 years ago
@robto that doesn't mean china its not fascist
@oxvendivil442 2 years ago
Today's People's Republic of China is a controlled or tempered Fascism/Nationalism-Socialism hence the official descriptive term Socialism with Chinese Characteristics [Chinese Characteristics being a vague term for the very ancient and traditional national character which is basically an analog to Nationalism-Socialism/Fascism which is defined by Han chauvinism or Han supremacy]; Republic of China on the other hand is Nationalist in name but in its core is plain Nationalism-Socialism/Fascism hence its close ties to pre war Germany.
@pierren___ 2 years ago
@oxvendivil442 tell me more about ROC and what Chinese people think of it.
@user-kd3gz1hl1e 2 years ago
Fascists in Europe consider socialism with Chinese characteristics as the closest thing to fascism currently in power, alongside Ba'athism in Syria.
3. On the Theory and Practice of the Metamorphosis from Revisionism to Fascism, Sans-culottes superceded by
See also the most recent edition:
My comment on "Is The US Headed Towards Fascism?"(双语 bilingual)《美国正在走向法西斯主义吗?》
The author has presented a very comprehensive review on the important political question of fascism, especially in the U.S. As both a reader and a video viewer, I felt greatly enhanced in understanding the fascist question in this country and I believe this video has brought benefit to many others as well.
Fascism is a product of capitalism, especially when it enters into its crises-stages of development in a cyclical manner. Usually, anti-capitalist movements such as socialist revolutions break out before the pro-capitalist and fascist movements. Facing such a danger of overthrowing the capitalist system, the fascist counterrevolutionary movements then follow up by entering the stage of history as a counterrevolutionary and anti-socialist savior of capitalism .
Needless to say is that the U.S. hegemony in the post-United-Kingdom-Imperialism era has been free from socialist revolution, in fact free from any anti-capitalist liberation movements, let alone the socialist revolutions...
Its Two-Party Duopoly serve the ruling class well over two hundred years without any antithesis in either theory or reality. The political lackeys of capitals have been so much rewarded that almost all POTUS's became multi-millionaires and their families many times over.
If history is anything worthwhile contribution to mirroring, the U.S. political system will endure even the most dangerous challenges through time without fundamental changes.
Because of lack of chances for socialist revolution, the U.S., to certain extend, will suffer less or even no national calamity brought by fascism. In a nutshell, the socialism phobia syndrome in the main-stream society has served the ruling class well.
As fascism needs ultra-nationalism as one of its basic arms for a sudden violent spontaneous occurrence, the existence of a majority of nationals of same color, ethnicity and historical origin in a state is necessary. This requirement does not hold well in the U.S., even though propagandas such as the Great Replacement Theory and other similar xenophobic undercurrents and outlets had appeared.
Nominally, the two parties would claim opposite political interests - for an example, the Democratic party would like to be called liberal, leftist, progressive, or social-democratic party; the Republic party would prefer the labels such as conservative, rightist, small-government, market-oriented, deregulation of corporations, restrictions on labor unions and GOP (Grand Old Party).
Actually, both of the two parties have been forced to make drastic changes in their nominal labels - both parties tend to move to the center. Political neutrality has become their destination. This change is needed to avoid to offend against public common sense and insights. Almost all of the people who gain knowledge through actively pursuing answers to questions know the two parties are all fake - the Dems are fake leftists and the GOP is a fake rightists group; both parties are false in their hearts and yet they pretend to be different parties. No, they differ in name only; both serve the interests of their capitalist ruling class as private servants. Besides, the government is nothing but the Executive Committee of the ruling class.
Due to the weakness of the left and lack of ultra-nationalism, the US fascism tend to be weaker and less capable of playing a key role in politics. The militia-like organizations such as Oath keepers, the Proud boys, the Three Percenters, Patriot front and Patriot prayer, and others to appear in the future, are not true fascist organizations, because their sizes and political influences are limited. They may wish to be taken seriously as fascists, but they are not, hence they should be called quasi-fascist but not true fascist organizations.
Oddly enough, the war-mongering Dems and GOP, while not fascist parties, but heavily supported by the most reactionary capitalists such as the military industrialists, are nonetheless likely pursuing an irresponsible path for an open-ended hegemony, irrespective of lives and costs, while the Trump-led MAGA group fear wars like fearing calamities. Stopping unjust wars from preparation long before their breaking-outs is as important as anti-fascism movements.
Facing the potential threat from future socialist uprisings and revolutions, the ruling class had chosen a soft defense strategy - the woke ideology. As the woke euphoria hides the scientific doctrine of existence of social classes, the woke-protected bourgeoisie could be considered not much different at all from you and me. Any animosity towards the rich would be considered to be misguided and must be stopped for good, as though the woke democracy or the phony classless and/or transcending-class, rigged, and simply put, the old democracy had reached the zenith of democracy, whereas the class, real and the new democracy had fallen down to the nadir of democracy.
This country needs a new democracy which will be a new-democratic revolution by uniting all revolutionary classes to make a common revolution to replace the old democracy that has been mistakenly hailed for the past two hundred and fifty years as the only genuine democracy. With the new democracy, a new republic will be forthcoming.
All ruling classes have two hands - one hard and one soft. They have to maintain both the soft and hard defense strategies. When the soft one fails to govern the ruled classes, it's about the time to change hands. Executive, legislative and the judicial branches will jointly order the military, both uniformed and political police, militia, intelligence agents of different kinds as well as other "patriots" such as the congressmen and women bought by money, attorneys and judges to protect "Democracy" and "law and order," or repress against the ruled classes - the political "deplorables," of which the majority belong to the working class.
The U.S. ruling class leads the world in colonizing internally the working class, which has become a domestically colonized people, replacing the black slaves who toiled up in the established colonies, one hundred years ago. Meantime, the new waged-slave-masters take advantages of the abundant surplus values created by those low-paid working class in overseas to exploit and suppress their own relatively higher-paid waged slaves.
The internal workings of the U.S. capitalist corporation colony have to face disagreements. On the one hand, fictitious or non-productive capitals such as financial and banking capitals couldn't care less about the wage-level and productivity of their domestic workers and these fictitious capitalists wanted to invest overseas wholeheartedly, actively and extensively. On the other hand, productive capitals have to do the opposite - caring more about their domestic work force than those wage-earners overseas.
The internal conflicts of interests of the ruling classes in the U.S. and elsewhere had led to a dangerous brew of political opposition and conflict, in which typically the Demos and the GOP belong to the camp of the financial and banking capitals and Donald Trump's MAGA group and other so-called Rightists care more about the precariously low-waged working class than the collegiate/white-collar strata of the working class, to which the political establishment of the party-duopoly pays more attention.
The working-class uprising on January 6, 2021 at the Capitol, Washington, D.C. , was to debut the working class as the true "master of the universe" rather than the falsely claimed investment-banksters-capitalist class, regardless of whether there were desperate petty-bourgeoisie-turned quasi-fascist losers participating. Trump's MAGA group being supported by the working class is the only political force, so far, that can lead the country to progress. To him, the GOP serves as a intermediary for seizing the opportunity to participate in progressive and enlightened bourgeois politics. As the world capitalism has struggled hard against perennial crises without success for a longtime, more progressive and enlightened capitalists will follow his path of awakening to the cruel political reality.
Taking the advantages of Donald Trump's newly opened favorable roads on winding cliffs of capitalism, the working class should be able to take control of the more proactive political situation than before. We should support all of the progressive and enlightened factions of the bourgeois politics, hoping first of all to get rid of the domestic-colonial status and then eventually to seize our own political power by means of "a joint dictatorship of all the revolutionary classes and the system of government, democratic centralism--these constitute the politics of New Democracy, the republic of New Democracy." (See Selected Works of Mao Zedong, ON NEW DEMOCRACY, January 1940; )
"The future is bright, but the road is tortuous." (Chairman Mao,1966. )
(Mark Wain 28 May 2024)
Fascist in the disguise of democracy (as now of the US of A) is the worst on earth!
Is The US Going To Fascism?(双语 bilingual)美国正在走向法西斯主义吗?
Second Thought 2024 年 5 月 3 日
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美国正在走向法西斯主义吗? – Second Thought
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即使对于以监视这些怪胎为生的人来说,这也有点令人震惊。我们住在一个安静的郊区。从来没有任何麻烦,然而我们却站在一个专为儿童玩耍而设计的地方,捡起里面有法西斯言论的复活节彩蛋,如果你仔细想想,这个小小的复活节彩蛋就表明了美国整个法西斯暗流。让我们来分析一下这里到底发生了什么。我认为我们应该先快速介绍一下骄傲男孩和美国的其他法西斯团体,因为官方法西斯组织的状况在过去几年中发生了变化。骄傲男孩是一个在美国和加拿大活动的男性仇恨团体,除了他们极其可笑的禁止女孩进入的规定外,这些失败者还是白人种族灭绝神话的忠实支持者——这种观点认为,白人,这个似乎在任何方便的时候都会有所波动的称谓,正在被成群结队的各种少数族裔婴儿所取代。该组织被描述为另类右翼斗争俱乐部的保守极端分子,他们明显仇视伊斯兰教和厌恶女性,非常愿意接纳各种种族主义者、反犹太主义者和偏执者,他们参与了政治暴力,参加了 1 月 6 日的起义,并被几乎所有社交媒体平台取缔。该组织的加拿大分支机构在被正确地贴上恐怖组织的标签后被正式关闭。
骄傲男孩成立于 2016 年,由 Vice 联合创始人之一加文·麦金尼斯 (Gavin McKinnis) 牵头,在接下来的几年里,他们经历了几任领导人,最近的一位是恩里克·塔里奥 (Enrique Tario),他于 2023 年因在暴动中所扮演的角色被判处 22 年监禁,他也是迈阿密古巴人,这几乎告诉了你所有你需要知道的关于他的政治立场的信息,但在审判期间,他被发现也是联邦政府的线人,这导致了骄傲男孩的分裂,他们简直不敢相信他们中的一员会为邪恶的政府工作,不得不爱上这些人的天真,当法官宣判时,塔里奥恳求法庭:请饶恕我,我请求你们不要夺走我的 40 岁,这就是硬汉形象崩溃的速度。截至目前为止,骄傲男孩似乎陷入了混乱。他们被踢出他们试图组织的每个平台,他们的许多成员在 1 月 6 日之后被关起来,他们似乎非常害怕他们被联邦政府渗透。少数州分支机构表示他们不会承认任何国家领导,他们只是在做自己的事情,所以如果幸运的话,该组织将消亡。但这并不意味着他们剩下的成员不危险,所以请记住这一点。
除了骄傲男孩,我们还有誓言守卫者、三个百分点爱国者阵线和爱国者祈祷。三个百分点是名单上最古老的团体,该组织成立于 2008 年。如果你像我一样住在德克萨斯州,你可能见过 3er 保险杠贴纸——这个名字来自于一个假设,即一个国家 3% 的人口就足以推翻政府。该组织于 2021 年 1 月 6 日后正式解散,然后你会开始注意到一个趋势:即它的许多成员被关进了监狱,加拿大再次将他们列为像骄傲男孩一样的恐怖组织。3centers 的地方分支机构仍然活跃。
誓言守卫者是第二古老的组织,成立于 3percenters 之后仅一年。这是另一个反政府但支持宪法的组织,值得注意的是,其成员中有 2/3 是前军人和警察,10% 是现役军人,对其人数的最佳猜测摇摆于 5,000 人左右,但该组织本身声称拥有 38,000 名成员。这些暴徒以出现在抗议、政治集会以及他们认为是觉醒(woke)的任何活动中而闻名,他们手持枪支并蒙着脸。再次,他们的一些高层因引诱阴谋而入狱服刑十多年,尽管这个组织似乎比他们懦弱的同行更坚韧;事实上,根据 2021 年的数据泄露,该组织成员中包括 48 名州和地方官员以及 10 名现任州议员。这表明他们采取了与其他法西斯组织不同的方法,他们选择进行选举渗透,而不是严格意义上的恐怖行为。
最后两个值得一提的重要组织是爱国者阵线和爱国者祈祷。他们都喜欢爱国者这种蠢话,我们稍后会讲到。爱国者祈祷成立于 2016 年,位于华盛顿州郊区。这是我们要讨论的另一件事。据一位线人称,他们的全部工作就是骚扰太平洋西北地区的自由派和左翼团体,与反法西斯分子进行街头斗殴,这些斗殴经常被拍摄和上传,并鼓励其他新兴法西斯分子更多地参与其中。这些人只有大约 15 人,他们非常善于为自己树立名声,因为法西斯分子通常是胆小鬼,当战斗即将来临时,他们就会四散奔逃。最后,名单上最年轻的组织——爱国者阵线。这是另一个小组织,但我敢打赌,你听说过的关于他们的信息比其他一些组织多,其他组织都在躲躲闪闪和拐弯抹角,这些人的法西斯主义非常明显,他们甚至将法西斯作为标志的一部分。如果我不得不猜测哪个组织最终会成为法西斯运动中最具影响力的组织,那就是爱国者阵线。对于一群反动派来说,他们非常擅长将传统的美国文化与法西斯象征相结合,在过去的每一次成功的法西斯运动中,这都是它所具有的文化风味的关键元素。你可能听过这句话,当法西斯主义来到美国时,它会裹着国旗,背着十字架。举个例子,爱国者阵线是另一个在成员数量上超乎寻常的组织,据最佳估计,该组织的成员人数只有 200 人,但他们占了 2021 年美国涉及传播法西斯种族主义或其他偏执宣传的所有事件的 82%。
抛开猜测,关于美国法西斯主义,重要的是要意识到它并不局限于这少数几个明确的法西斯主义团体,它已经成为美国右翼的主流。让我给你举个例子。在疫情高峰期,有一位退役了的军人企业主,但企业不会再和平太久了。好吧,这不是威胁,我不是罪犯,我从来都不是罪犯,但我要告诉你,好公民很快就会变成真正关心和革命的公民,没有人会说,我可能是唯一一个有胆量说出我现在所说的话的人,我们正在建设,我们正在组织,我们会与执法部门合作,或者没有执法部门,但到时候你不会阻止我们,因为我们的家人正在挨饿,如果你听不到我声音的严肃性,我希望你竖起耳朵,认真听我说的话,因为这是即将到来的警告。和平不会持续太久,不会是欢呼雀跃,不会有演讲,不会在外面集会宣誓效忠,不会是 W from Flags 也就是船上挂起W(威士忌)旗子——我需要医疗援助。当你看到我所看到的事情时,这将是真实的。我为这个国家而战。我见过人类最丑陋、最肮脏的一面。我参加过战斗,我再也不想回去了,但我告诉你,为了拯救这个国家,我会尽我所能,如果必须针对我们自己的公民,那就会发生,有上百万人像我一样,你不会阻止我们。听起来很糟糕,但这正是我们在首都暴动中看到的那种人。所有法西斯团体都在那里,至少有 700 名组织成员被捕,但与大多数人所说的普通保守派相比,他们只是杯水车薪。在首都骚乱中被指控的人中,只有大约 13.3% 是骄傲男孩、3percenters 和誓言守卫者等激进组织的正式成员。其余 87% 是普通的特朗普支持者和扮演革命者的保守派 LARPing(真人角色扮演)的混合体,绝大多数冲进首都的人只是普通的共和党人,你可以看出:他们看起来不像典型的极右翼极端分子。他们通常年龄较大,大约 2/3 的人年龄超过 35 岁,他们失业的可能性要小得多,被指控的与会者中有 14% 是企业主,30% 是白领工人,这些不是正常的极右翼极端分子人口统计数据。这些只是共和党选民的人口统计数据。这就是为什么法西斯分子瞄准郊区,正如我们之前提到的,受害的白人中产阶级已经成熟,容易被激进化,普通的美国保守派希望推翻政府,建立一些基于神话化过去的奇怪反觉醒(anti-woke)神权政治。不要相信我的话。他们实际上是在他们的巨著“2025 项目”中提倡这一点,我们不久前制作了一个关于这个项目的视频。好吧。为什么会这样?保守派一直都是反动的,但在过去十年左右发生了变化,有几个因素。
这是塔克·卡尔森在福克斯上认可这一理论的片段,他直呼其名,并将其比作优生学。乔·拜登刚刚说,要改变这个国家的种族结构,这就是减少祖先生活在这里的人的政治权力,大幅增加新从第三世界移民的美国人比例的原因,然后拜登进一步说,非白人 DNA 是(且让我引用他的话说):“我们的力量之源”,想象一下的话,这就是优生学的语言。这令人震惊,但拜登在政治上说这个政策是有原因的,这项政策被称为“大替换”,用来自遥远国家的更顺从的人取代传统美国人。他们一直在吹嘘这件事,但如果你敢说这正在发生,他们则会歇斯底里地对你大喊大叫,而乔·拜登在录音带上面带微笑地证实了他的动机。
社会主义和法西斯主义都在崛起,很容易看出为什么每个运动背后都有经济催化剂。法西斯主义被视为解决经济问题的方法,就像社会主义一样,但不同之处在于,法西斯主义不会威胁资本的首要地位或白人自由主义者的舒适地位,白人自由主义者是历史上法西斯运动的关键盟友。经济困难,它创造了痛苦、不信任和绝望的条件,使群众成为魅力十足、夸夸其谈的法西斯分子的攻击目标。回想一下那个市政厅视频,那个人说他们侵略的导火索是什么,无法养家糊口,你知道这是一个完全合理的理由让人感到不安。问题是,他和其他法西斯分子的解决方案是消灭或驱逐任何被认为对白人赚钱和保持特权地位有害的人,或者在他们眼中防止勤劳的爱国者失去经济基础,因为他们的机会被小资产阶级夺走,或者因为我喜欢称他们为屋顶工阶级、小企业主,这些人拥有少数承包商,每月花 1,200 美元购买一辆从未用于任何体力劳动的 F-150 Raptor。但我离题了,我真的尽力去理解法西斯,因为这是一个有趣的现象。
但总的来说,统治阶级容忍法西斯主义而不容忍社会主义是有原因的。社会主义是真正的革命,而法西斯主义只是资本主义的毒瘤,在他们看来,在需要的时候可以当作工具使用。这也不是统治阶级第一次利用经济不稳定。从前,一群超级富有的资本家策划了一个阴谋,试图说服一群弱势的美国人发动起义,推翻政府,然后这群寡头将建立一个为资本服务的法西斯独裁政权。听起来有点像 1 月 6 日。这次未遂政变不就是所谓的商业阴谋吗?它实际上发生在 1933 年。简而言之,一位退休将军 - 斯梅德利·巴特勒被一位准金融家接触,后者向他提供资金和 50 万人,让他领导一场起义,推翻当时的总统罗斯福。罗斯福的当选和随后的经济改革让保守派商人感到震惊,他们认为罗斯福是社会主义者,因此,当罗斯福在社会主义和法西斯主义之间做出选择时,他们自然而然地压倒性地站在了法西斯主义一边,并告诉巴特勒,他们希望将他任命为全能的总务部长,而罗斯福将扮演一个傀儡角色。不幸的是,对于密谋者来说,巴特勒出卖了他们。在晚年,巴特勒将军开始支持罗斯福,并直言不讳地批评资本主义,称自己过去是为华尔街的上流社会分子们谋取利益,想分享其成,结果这个商业阴谋失败了。
我在视频开头提到,这个频道完全由草根资助。由于赞助商不想碰这样的视频,如果您想帮助这个频道维持下去并在其中获得一些很棒的福利,我们必须依靠像您这样的观众的慷慨支持。考虑成为 patreon 的赞助人。所有赞助人,无论承诺金额多少,都可以提前访问每个视频,还可以访问我们仅对赞助人开放的 Discord 服务器……
1. 新闻分析
作者:Roger Cohen 2024 年 5 月 5 日
2. 法西斯主义:深入解释
Ryan Chapman 2022 年 3 月 8 日 政治理论与哲学
@Thedimka 2 年前(已编辑)
@robto 2 年前回复
@pierren___ 2 年前回复
@Thedimka 2 年前回复
@robto 没错,他们没有将自己定义为法西斯主义者,但这并不是因为他们不喜欢这个学说,而主要是出于两个原因,他们最初是共产党员,而二战后法西斯主义的标签非常不受欢迎。
@eduardstefanmalos3685 2 年前回复
@robto 这并不意味着中国不是法西斯主义
@oxvendivil442 2 年前回复
@pierren___ 2 年前回复
@oxvendivil442 请告诉我更多关于中华民国以及中国人对它的看法。
@user-kd3gz1hl1e 2 年前回复
3. 关于蜕变的理论与实践从修正主义到法西斯主义,无套裤汉
On the Theory and Practice of the Metamorphosis from Revisionism to Fascism, Sans-culottes
法西斯主义需要极端民族主义作为其突发暴力事件的基本武器之一,因此一个国家必须有大多数同肤色、同民族、同历史根源的国民。这一要求在美国并不成立,尽管出现了“大取代论”等类似的排外主义暗流和宣泄。按:大取代(法语:Grand Remplacement),抑或称取代理论,是白人民族主义者提倡的极右阴谋论,由法国作家雷诺·加缪提出。 该理论认为,通过与“取代派”精英合谋或合作(pouvoir/élite remplaciste),欧洲的白人正在人口及文化层面逐渐被非白人(特别是穆斯林)取代。美国大取代论也就不足为奇了。
2021 年 1 月 6 日在华盛顿特区国会大厦举行的工人阶级起义,旨在将真正的“宇宙主宰”首次展示为工人阶级,而不再虚假地视为投资银行家等资本家阶级,无论是否有绝望的小资产阶级变成的准法西斯失败者们参与起义。特朗普的“让美国再次伟大”组织得到了工人阶级的支持,是迄今为止唯一能够带领国家进步的政治力量。对他来说,共和党是抓住机会参与进步和开明的资产阶级政治的中间势力。当世界资本主义长期在危机中苦苦挣扎却无功而返时,更多进步开明的资本家将追随他,走上觉醒于残酷政治现实的道路上。
借助唐纳德·特朗普在资本主义悬崖峭壁上新开辟的有利道路,工人阶级应该能够掌握比以前更积极的政治局面。我们应该支持资产阶级政治中一切进步开明的派系,希望首先摆脱国内殖民地位,最终通过“各革命阶级联合专政、民主集中制——这就是新民主主义的政治、新民主主义的共和国”,夺取自己的政权。 (见《毛泽东选集·新民主主义论》,1940 年 1 月;
“前途是光明的,道路是曲折的。”(毛主席,1966 年。)